Chapter 577 Sad Wind?

It was only then that Heath discovered that the Sinnoh region that had formulated similar regulations was actually the Sinnoh region. Relevant regulations were made, but the specific details were not disclosed, which made Heath a little curious, so Heath decided to ask Sirona.

Sirona didn't know what she was doing, so she quickly replied to Heath's message, and Heath couldn't help touching her nose when she saw it. This world is so crazy.

According to Sirona, there used to be a dark organization that was popular in the Sinnoh region, and it was called [Sorrowful Wind Team]. Originally, this organization only specialized in doing things that dark organizations should do, such as robbing other people's Pokémon, or Deliberate sabotage or money-making or something, but later the boss of this organization was found to be a weird guy, he seemed to have a very strong feeling for Pokémon of the opposite sex.

As a result, this incident spread from the upper level for some unknown reason, and finally the entire Sadwind team became abnormal. They declared that they and Pokémon were really in love with each other, and then often held some organized parties or something, so that the people in the Shenao area The alliance was furious, and even wiped out this dark organization directly, and the "Regulations on X Harassment of Pokémon in the Sinnoh Region" was formulated under such a background, which can be said to be a regulation made by current events.

Heath is a bit dumbfounded, no wonder the Sinnoh area is like this, and I really want to thank that there is such a thing as reproductive isolation in this world, otherwise Heath feels that according to the hobbies and habits of some people, These people may add a few new races to the world every year, and it is not certain.

After sending away the perverted man, Heath's dining car returned to a relatively normal situation, and Heath also found that his passenger flow would usher in the highest peak at meal times, but this kind of thing is not surprising, after all, If you are in the restaurant business, if there are more customers at other times, you need to reflect on whether you have not integrated into the life time of the local people.

The living time of people in each place is different, just like the gap between Quartz Union and Zhenxin Town. In Quartz Union, Quartz Union is already very lively at [-]:[-], and people start to get up for work and get up Exercise or something, and there are more people who set up stalls to sell breakfast, but in Zhenxin Town, there are really no ghosts at [-]:[-], and the whole Zhenxin Town is still asleep, and you have to wait until late Then someone starts getting up and going to work or something.

"But my watch. Doesn't seem very accurate?" Heath looked at his mobile phone, and he found that there seemed to be some problems with his mobile phone time. It was clearly already seven o'clock in the evening, but it was still dusk outside the dining car. This made Heath a little distressed, but fortunately, this problem is easy to solve. You only need to adjust the time of your phone to the time in the Sinnoh area. After synchronizing the time, Heath found that the current time is unexpectedly It was half past five in the afternoon.

The corner of Heath’s mouth twitched. He felt like an idiot. There was such a long distance between the Kanto region and the Sinnoh region, so it must be normal for there to be a jet lag. Heath shook his head helplessly. Next time I go back to the Kanto area, I have to adjust my time.

In fact, the problem that Heath did not notice is that if Heath entered the Sinnoh area through normal channels, then the stewardess in the Sinnoh area would kindly remind Heath to change the time zone, otherwise it would be very troublesome. The Pokémon League does not have an absolute standard time. After all, even when the sun rises, the time when each place is illuminated is different.

"Boss, do you still have this fried shrimp skewer? Then bring me a bottle of beer~" A man's voice interrupted Heath's contemplation, Heath stood up with a smile, and continued to entertain his own guest.

This busy work lasted until [-]:[-] in the evening, and at this time, Heath's dining car slowly quieted down. Heath looked at the ingredients and closed the door. A closed sign was hung to prevent some guests from accidentally breaking in.

"Today's business is good." Heath yawned. He is still more used to the biological clock in Kanto, but when he suddenly came to Sinnoh, which is a few time zones away from Kanto, Heath really had a problem. Some people are not used to it. According to the time in the Kanto area, it should be ten o'clock in the evening now.

But it was only [-]:[-] in the evening in the Sinnoh area, and the nightlife had just begun. Heath rubbed his hands and decided to go out for a walk. After all, it was hard to come to EMI. It would be a pity not to take a walk in this place. .

Thinking of this, Heath changed his clothes. He didn't cook too many dishes today, so Heath's body smelled very little, but out of habit, Heath took a bath and changed his clothes along the way. , After all, there is a strange smell on my body.

Once everything was cleaned up, Heath sprayed on a little more Tank Skunk spray and headed out.

Tank Skunk is a brand in the Pokémon League that specializes in men's body spray. Although Heath doesn't quite understand why the other party uses a unique Pokémon like Tank Skunk as their brand, but I have to say this brand It's very easy to use, and Heath won't sweat too much after using it, and it also has a faint mint fragrance.

"Trainer, is this EMI City? It looks similar to Ziyuan Town." Zoroark curiously followed Heath, who was walking with Lalulas in his arms.

There is nothing wrong with the onion ducks. After all, these guys are very strong, but the problem is that Lalu Lasi can't do it. In order to prevent this little guy from exhausting himself, Heath simply hugged each other in his arms.

The different-colored Lalulas attracted the attention of many people in Heath's arms, but Heath didn't care about these people's eyes. After all, seeing a different-colored Pokémon is indeed a very surprising thing .

"Yes, a city full of relics." Heath looked around. It is said that EMI City was built on a large relic, and now it looks very old, which surprised Heath.

After all, this place looks so beautiful, with a sense of historical solemnity.

(End of this chapter)

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