Chapter 752 Late Night
"Get up, get up, get up!" Heath was having a wedding with Sirona in his dream, but he didn't expect that Heath was shaken awake when he just arrived at the part of exchanging rings. When he opened his eyes, he saw the dreamy That big face, let alone, seeing Mengmeng’s face at such a dark time at such a late hour is still quite scary. Heath was so frightened that he trembled all over, so he didn’t punch Mengmeng. Hiss reacted instantly, he sat up blankly, rubbed his eyes, and touched his phone to take a look.

03:30 am in the middle of the night.

"Dream, why did you wake me up so late?" Heath yawned, looked at Dream sleepily and asked, he had some thoughts that couldn't understand Dream, today was his rare day of natural sleep, Instead of resorting to meditation to pass the evening time, the result was not expected to be interrupted by dreams.

Now Heath has two sleep modes. The first one is very normal sleep, lying on the bed and sleeping soundly. The advantage of this is that you can sleep well. Both can understand Heath's thoughts, and the other is to use meditation directly, and then use meditation to complete sleep. The advantage of this is that Heath can sleep directly until dawn, and then restore his spirit, without being too long or sleepy. Too short leads to headaches, each has its own advantages.

"Heath, I just saw a strange thing!" Dream pulled Heath, Heath got up helplessly, and then glanced at Zoroark who was sleeping soundly on his bed. She's quite familiar. Heath originally thought that Zoroark might still be playing games now. After all, this guy stayed up all night before, and Heath deliberately deducted her salary for this. This is what made Zoroark A lot of honesty.

"What?" Heath yawned again, but he thought it was normal, anyone who was woken up at 03:30 in the middle of the night would look like this, it was normal, there was nothing weird about it.

Under the guidance of Dream, Heath followed Dream out of the bedroom, and then came to the living room, and then Dream pointed to the French window in the living room.

This floor-to-ceiling window appeared after the upgrade. You can't see the inside from the outside, but you can see the outside from the inside. It is one-way. When Heath saw it, people's expressions were very strange, especially where Zoroark ran to lie down. Then when he deliberately separated his legs, Heath's expression became even weirder, so Heath directly made the one-way floor-to-ceiling window look like the original wall, and this button was next to it. It was opened, which made Heath couldn't help but glanced at Mengmeng. He was very worried that Mengmeng would also run to that place, and then spread his legs, imitating Zoroark, a shameless little guy.

Fortunately, Dream didn't do this kind of thing, it just pointed at a location excitedly, Heath looked along, and then saw a strange figure at the exhaust pipe behind his dining car, Heath blinked , rubbed it again, and finally got used to the brightness of the night, and then Heath could see the little thing clearly.

With a round figure, small eyes, and even smaller stature, Heath immediately recognized the identity of this Pokémon, Mu Muxiao.

"Mu Muxiao? Why did this Pokémon appear here?" Heath was a little shocked. Mu Muxiao naturally knew that he was one of the three royal families in the Alola region, and he was as unique as his brother Guihu. At the beginning, their initial forms were all cute, but when they evolved to their final forms, they became strange. On the contrary, the water cue ball sea lions did not look very good at the beginning, but after they evolved, they became The very cute and beautiful Xi Shi Hairen can be said to have a particularly large contrast.

But Mu Muxiao is one of the three imperial families in the Alola area after all, so it is naturally a relatively precious Pokémon, but looking at Mu Muxiao, Heath thinks it is not incomprehensible, sometimes there will always be some The phenomenon of discarding Pokémon was news at the beginning, but now it is no longer news. People are used to it, although condemnation will definitely be condemned.

"I guess it's because I'm afraid of the cold." Heath looked at this small figure with a complex expression. Because Heath's dining car has the function of a caravan, or a house, so there is no problem with the exhaust. , and the exhaust pipe of Heath’s dining car will always emit hot air. At first, Heath considered whether to install a filter device to prevent any environmental pollution problems, but later Heath found out that he was thinking too much , The exhaust pipes of Heath's dining car are all purified. The only problem is that it is relatively hot. I didn't expect it to become an advantage now.

The Kanto area is a plain area, although there are some mountains, but the overall altitude is not high, and anyone who has not fully returned the knowledge to the geography teacher knows that every time the poster rises 100 meters, the temperature will drop by zero Six degrees, but this is not absolute, there will be some changes according to the climate and terrain of each place, and Jinhuang City is in a daytime when the sun rises and gets hot quickly, but when the sun sets, it will be cold at night A very fast type, so Jinhuang City at night is still quite cold.

And Mu Muxiao obviously couldn't stand the low temperature, so he ran to Heath and hid in Heath's exhaust pipe to keep warm.

"Are you afraid of the cold?" Meng Meng blinked, and then Meng Meng's eyes lit up. The next second, a purple halo appeared beside Mu Muxiao, and then Meng Meng opened the window, and she was terrified when she found something wrong. The struggling Mu Muxiao was dragged in, Heath was stunned for a while, and when Mu Muxiao shrank back in the corner with a frightened face, Heath realized what Mengmeng had done.

I have to say that after being woken up at night, Heath's brain is still in a semi-sleep state, and he still hasn't completed the work of waking up. The current Heath is the sleepy type.

"Forget it." Heath yawned and shook his head. Mengmeng can do whatever he wants, and he doesn't really care about it anyway. Besides, it is a good thing for Mengmeng to help Mu Muxiao. Heath likes a humane dream , not a cold-blooded dream.

"What are you doing to bring me in? I'm just a little bird with nothing!" With a sharp voice, Heath froze for a moment, then looked at Mu Muxiao, yes, he forgot, Mu Mu Owl is a Grass-type Pokémon.

(End of this chapter)

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