Chapter 1 Earth Destruction
This was an extremely ordinary and peaceful day, and people were running around for their lives as always.

But suddenly, a broadcast resounding all over the world appeared out of thin air: "The earth will be destroyed in 1 minute, and all human beings will usher in a new destiny."

At the same time, huge countdowns appeared in the sky, 59, 58...

After experiencing a daze for about ten seconds, almost all human beings became crazy.

"What? The earth is going to be destroyed? No, I just became a director, and I haven't enjoyed it yet!"

"Hahahaha, the damned earth is finally going to be destroyed, and a new era is finally coming!!"

"Great, this society should have been destroyed a long time ago, princes and generals, it's better to be kind!!"

"Is it really going to be destroyed? Why is there no sign!!"

Some people are carnival, some people are sad. In just a short moment, all kinds of human emotions and desires exploded.

When the huge countdown reflected the sky, everyone panicked.

Some people went crazy and molested others in the street, even if they died, they wanted to enjoy it.

However, most of them are staring at the countdown in the sky in a daze, not knowing what they are going to do.

"Is the earth really going to be destroyed?"

After Jiang Heng stared at the countdown in the sky for two seconds, he felt something was wrong again, "The voice just said that the earth would be destroyed, it didn't say that human beings would definitely die, but a new destiny, and there is still one minute left time!"

Jiang Heng, who often reads online novels, seems to have a big heart. He thinks that maybe this minute is a chance to change his destiny.

He looked around. Today is the Ching Ming Festival holiday. As a sophomore, he is on his way to dinner.

Glancing around, he found that the closest to him was a shop selling crop seeds.

"If humans can survive, then food must be the most important thing!"

Seeing that there were only 30 seconds left in the countdown, Jiang Heng walked into the seed shop without saying a word.

It was spring at this time, and there were many kinds of seeds in the seed shop. Jiang Heng directly grabbed the rice and corn seeds and three packets of vegetable seeds placed in the most conspicuous places.

"Boss, I bought it!"

Jiang Heng said loudly, he noticed that there were people rushing over to buy seeds like him.

Before Jiang Heng finished speaking, the earth turned into countless energy powders, and everyone was protected by a transparent energy shield that appeared out of thin air.

Then an invisible mighty force appeared, and everyone's eyes were darkened, and it reappeared on an unfamiliar land.

A voice sounded again in the sky: "This is a brand new world, with dragons, phoenixes, golden crows, trolls, undead, goblins and other miraculous and extraordinary creatures, there are endless wonderful things.

Each of you humans has awakened extraordinary power and has the ability to become a lord.

Now all human beings have randomly descended on the islands of the new world, looking for a monster contract that you think is suitable, it will become your initial monster island, which is the foundation for your survival in this world. "

As the voice in the sky disappeared, Jiang Heng stared blankly at everything around him.

He came to a completely unfamiliar place, and there were actually ten huge phantom moons of different colors in the sky, which even the golden sun couldn't cover up.

"It seems that this is really a whole new world!"

Jiang Heng said with emotion, in just a few minutes, the earth was destroyed, and all human beings came to such an unknown place, what a great power it is,

At this time, he had nothing else on him except two packets of seeds and a mobile phone.

"Extraordinary power, lord, look for the monster contract!"

Jiang Heng recalled the meaning conveyed by the voice just now

Feeling the changes in his body carefully, he found that there was a black ocean in the depths of his mind, and a silver aura flashed above the ocean.

He quickly understood spontaneously that the so-called contract monster was to mobilize this aura to sign a contract with the monster, so as to obtain his own initial monster island.

As for what kind of monster to choose, it should depend on everyone's own ability.

"Chiu Mi!"

However, at this moment, a sharp bird cry came, and a huge cyan bird flew in the sky.

The wings of this big bird are more than 30 meters wide, and its body is nearly 50 meters long. It is surrounded by blue air currents, and just flying over its head, the strong sense of oppression makes Jiang Heng breathless, let alone the contract. up.

However, Jiang Heng found that with the appearance of the giant blue bird, lines of fireflies appeared in front of his eyes:

【Name】: Blue Wind Bird

[race]: monster
[Attributes]: wind element, water element,

[Level]: Silver-level upper rank (from low to high, they are Bronze, Black Iron, Silver, and Gold)

[Potential]: One star

[Characteristics]: Wind (Passive feature, the flying speed is doubled in windy weather.)
[Skills]: Wind Feather, Wind Blade, Fengshen Thorn
[Evolution]: Variation evolution plan 100: Blue Wind Bird + 30 catties of Firestone + 95 catties of Clear Fire Grass = Flaming Blue Wind Bird ([-]% success rate, detailed steps...)
Variation evolution plan two:...

[Introduction]: A mature wind monster with a low IQ. It only likes to eat red-striped longmouth fish. Its feathers, bones and crystal nuclei have wind laws and are very light, suitable for making tools.

"Is this a cheat or a panel that every human being has?"

Jiang Heng looked in surprise at the lines of small firefly characters that suddenly appeared in front of him.

It would be great if he owned it alone, but if everyone had it, there was nothing he could do about it.

The giant cyan bird in the sky flew away without stopping at all, obviously not considering him as prey. Compared with the giant bird, he was too small and was not included in its diet at all.

"No matter what, we have to use this panel to find a suitable monster to complete the contract first!"

Seeing the giant blue bird fly away, Jiang Heng took a deep breath and stopped thinking about these messes.

However, he still felt in his heart that there was a high probability that this panel was unique to him.

After calming down, Jiang Heng took a closer look at his surroundings. He was currently in a low bush, not far from the seaside.

Looking further away, it is easy to see isolated islands lurking on the blue sea, but they are all far away.

"The message from the will of the world says that the arrival is random, that is to say, there is a high probability that there are other people on this island. Now the old rules have completely disappeared, and morality and law do not exist. Be very careful about other people, especially those in my hands. There are also several packets of precious seeds.

Corn, rice, and these three vegetables, as long as there are suitable conditions for sowing, there is no need to worry about food. "

Jiang Heng said to himself.

In order to ensure your own safety, you should find a suitable monster contract as early as possible.

Jiang Heng guessed that as long as the monster is contracted, there is a high probability that it will have extraordinary power.

If there is no transparent panel, he will most likely find a monster contract at random. Now that there is a panel, he will naturally find a monster with good potential.

Looking at the five packets of seeds in his hand, 2.5 kilograms each of rice and corn, Jiang Heng wrapped them in his coat and began to explore.

Now is the time to race against the clock, and it is important to get the upper hand.




ps: The new book sets sail, I hope everyone will support it, now that the rules of the starting point have changed, the follow-up reading of the new book issue is very, very important, I hope everyone can turn to the latest chapters every day, and the monthly ticket recommendation ticket will be watered, thank you.

(End of this chapter)

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