Chapter 133 I Admire
The temporary trading market is still under construction. Many lords have come to the primeval forest these days, and each lord has a large number of subordinates.

Naturally, there was no way to hide this kind of thing, and many uninitiated pet masters who had discovered the lord's movements also followed, and there were more voices in the originally quiet and uninhabited virgin forest.

The Purple Cloud Whale is located near the northeast corner of the primeval forest. The billowing smoke emitted by the giant charcoal kiln is easy to be noticed as long as it flies into the sky. Naturally, it cannot be hidden. Many royal pet masters approach this place after discovering it .

Originally, Jiang Heng wanted Bruce and Parker to distribute business cards, but later found that there was no need for them. People came to inquire one after another before the trading market opened.

It can be seen that people's desire for material exchange will inevitably get valuable things that they don't need in the forest. It is very inconvenient for many people to exchange without a platform.

Jiang Heng only needs to put up some wooden signs and make some marks in the forest, and other people will know that there is a trading market here.

Five days have passed in a blink of an eye, and the trading market has basically been completed, and now it is moving materials and preparing to open.

Jiang Heng also came to the trading market to check the situation. A street was built here with a length of 600 meters. There are more than 100 simple wooden houses on both sides of the street. More are still under construction. It is estimated that [-] houses will be enough.

Most of the wooden houses were dismantled from Ziyun World and assembled directly.

There are ordinary kobolds patrolling outside the street, as well as some members of the hunting team. The Big Goblin Knights and the Dragon Lizards are all aces, and they cannot be used for this kind of work.

But for the sake of safety, Jiang Heng didn't let them go too far, and trained in the nearby forest, and he could call them over if something happened.

Of course, Liu Dong and Zhao Shan are also here. They both have silver-level monsters and are very powerful. They are mainly responsible for the internal order of the trading market.

The mine has been suspended, and the 1000 tons of iron ore and more than [-] tons of crystal mines dug out have been transported back to Ziyun World.

This is what Jiang Heng found a moonless night and let Ziyun Whale fly there directly.

This afternoon, Jiang Heng is patrolling the street. He is thinking about finding some water monsters to create a dark cloud in the sky here to cover the sun. Let a few wind-type and ice-type monsters make a monster air conditioner to keep the whole street at a cool temperature.

"Lord, two or three silver-level lords have come outside, bringing many monsters with them, saying they are looking for you."

Jiang Heng was walking around when his subordinates suddenly ran over to report.

"Looking for me?" Jiang Heng frowned slightly.


"Okay, take me there." Jiang Heng thought for a second, nodded and said.

Soon, Jiang Heng came to the entrance of the trading market. From a distance, he saw people standing outside Maju. There were more than 30 people in total. In addition, there were three groups of [-] monsters each. There are ten silver-rank monsters in it.

These are three silver-level lords, but judging from this configuration, they are very weak, at least far behind Feng Ming before.

Before Feng Mingguang's army of monsters, there were only [-] monsters, [-] silver-level goblins, and [-] pet masters accompanying him, all of which had silver-level monsters.

And these three lords are a little bit stronger than Feng Ming together, and they are not enough to fight against Feng Ming alone. This is why Feng Ming dares to be arrogant. His strength is not weak among silver-level lords. .

It's a pity that I didn't expect to meet such a freak as Jiang Heng, and taught him a lesson directly.

"What's the matter with you?"

Jiang Heng looked at them blankly. He could probably guess what these people were going to do.

These three silver-level lords are all middle-aged men, two are relatively thin, and the leader is very fat. It seems that even spiritual power tempering can't improve his obesity.

"Little brother, your trading market is very good. It is well established, but there is one thing you don't understand. If you don't understand it, even if the trading market is well established, it may not last long. "

The leading middle-aged fat man said with a smile.

"Yeah, it's not easy for you to start such a big business at such a young age, and we can't bear to see it ruined like this."

Another middle-aged man also said with a smile.

"What's the matter?" Jiang Heng asked unhurriedly, as if he really didn't know.

The last tall and thin man also didn't fall behind, and said with a smile: "Do you know why the No. [-] and No. [-] Trading City can be opened, and so many people can go there, and everyone is at ease about safety issues?"

"Why?" Jiang Heng asked pretending to be puzzled.

"Actually, the problem you ignore is that the trading market cannot be opened by one person. In this way, you are the only one in the market, and everyone is worried about their own safety.

You need to find a few more forces to open together and make guarantees, so as to be safe. "

The middle-aged fat man smiled.

"Smart people don't talk dark words, little brother, a weak silver-level lord like you is neither capable nor qualified to open a trading market by himself.

Look at your trading market, the patrolling monsters are all black iron level, which is too bad.

Let's cooperate. The three of us will provide you with security and help you. You only need to divide the delivery between us. What do you think? "

The tall and thin middle-aged man finally cut to the chase.

Hearing this, Jiang Heng couldn't help laughing: "Liucheng, you really dare to say it."

"You have to know that without us, your trading market can't go on at all, and even we have the ability to destroy it at any time."

Another lord with a square face said with a sneer, to put it bluntly, they were here to rob, and they were the ones who forced Jiang Heng to submit.

"Then what if I disagree?" Jiang Heng looked at them and smiled: "Are you really going to destroy my trading market domineeringly?"

The middle-aged fat man stopped smiling, and looked at Jiang Heng with a pair of mung bean eyes, full of greed and coldness: "What do you think? There are no laws and morals in this world."

"I think you'd better leave, otherwise the consequences will be serious." Jiang Heng sighed and glanced at him calmly.

"Boy, you really don't cry when you see the coffin. You are sincerely looking for death. It's time to show you some color. Give me all of them and catch this kid."

The lord with a square face next to him sneered even more, and gave the order directly.

"Well, I can understand that people make money and birds die for food, but you are always so unafraid of death, which is what I admire."

Jiang Heng sighed, the Big Brother Brin Knights and the Dragon Lizards all appeared behind these people and surrounded them firmly.

At the same time, some people only felt a pain in the back of their head, then lost consciousness and fell to the ground with a bang.

(End of this chapter)

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