Lord of the People: Start a monster island

Chapter 140 The Elven Queen【4000 words】

Chapter 140 The Elven Queen【4000 words】

After getting rid of the pursuers from behind, Jiang Heng continued to wander in this dead forest. The recovery of this elf fruit tree has no rules, it is completely random, and it may appear in front of you, or it may be far away.

Trying not to conflict with others, Jiang Heng quickly collected [-] spirit fruits, but as time went by, the birth of spirit fruits became slower and slower, so many people started to fight for it.

And Jiang Heng found that something was wrong after approaching the big tree in the center. The big tree in the middle of the forest was actually an ancient elf tree, so what kind of tree was the one that was destroyed in the canyon outside?

The most important thing is that the panel also shows that this is an ancient elf tree, and no other hints are given.

When he came near the ancient tree, Jiang Heng noticed that there was a natural space door on the tree, and many lords got into it.

After thinking for a while, he walked to a place where there was no one around, made a formula with both hands, and recited an ancient spell in his mouth, and soon a small vortex gate appeared on the branch.

"It really works!" Jiang Heng showed surprise.

What he just cast was the special spell and incantation of the forest elves, which can open the inner space of the ancient elf tree. Naturally, the ancient elf tree is not an ordinary tree. There is a large space inside, and the forest elves live in it.

"Go to the periphery and continue to look for the elf fruit, pay attention to safety, I will go in alone."

Jiang Heng said that the door of space he opened cannot bring other people.

"Yes!" The goblin and the shadow werewolf quickly left, and Jiang Heng also turned and entered the space gate.

Entering the door of space is like passing through a curtain, without any discomfort.

"It's still the same hut as before."

Jiang Heng looked at this sunny room, which he lived in for three years in his illusory memory, but now there is nothing in it.

Jiang Heng tried it, and he could walk out of the room without any restrictions outside.

The interior of the Elf Ancient Tree is also like a small world, with flowers and grass, and the aura is more abundant than the outside, and there are pavilions and palaces in the distance.

But that was all in the past, and now the inside is full of broken walls and ruins, completely destroyed, and some traces left by rotting corpses can be seen on the ground, and there is a musty smell in the air that can't dissipate for a long time.

This is the palace of the elves. It was also destroyed by those demons in that ancient war, and there is almost nothing left.

Jiang Heng knew that he looked at the direction of the entrance, and he could indeed see some aura restrictions over there. Those who came in from the main entrance are still breaking through, but the ancient elf tree is dead, and these enchantment restrictions are not strong. It is easy to break through.

In fact, there are no valuable things in the palace. All kinds of weapons and supplies have been exhausted in that ancient war, just like the room he just walked out of.

Even if there are, there are only a few bits and pieces.

The real good things are only those fundamental treasures that symbolize the elves of the forest in the queen's palace, such as the real elf bow, queen's scepter, elf crown and other treasures.

Jiang Heng is very familiar with this place, so he went to the arsenal to have a look first, and as expected, there was nothing left.

Then he no longer hesitated, gave up all other options, and ran directly to the queen's palace.

The queen's palace is at the end, and there are many barriers in between, but none of them can stop him. He knows how to pass from that memory.

Soon he came to the queen's palace. In the memory he experienced, the queen's palace was made of a kind of white wood. It looked solemn and holy, and he could feel the majesty of the queen just by looking at it.

But it is no longer the case, the palace has collapsed, and half of the gate is rotten.

But the amazing thing is that even if it rots like this, the enchantment is still there, which makes Jiang Heng a little strange, these enchantments should also be broken.

But the barrier couldn't stop him, and he passed through it quickly.

Entering the main hall, Jiang Heng found that the inside was a bit too clean, as if it hadn't been contaminated by a single drop of dust for countless years.

What surprised him even more, or rather frightened him, was the elf queen on the throne in the center of the hall.

The elf queen actually sat on the throne alive, her appearance was exactly the same as in ancient times, without any change.

"No, it seems that the body has not rotted?" Jiang Heng quickly came to his senses and found that his guess was not wrong. The queen was indeed dead, but for some reason the body did not rot.

After a little probing, Jiang Heng walked up the steps and came in front of the queen. This elf queen is so beautiful, not only her figure and face are perfect, but also her ethereal and pure temperament, just like Jiang Heng. Heng first watched Liu Yifei's version of Zhao Linger and Xiaolongnv on TV.

It's so perfect that people dare not get close, but they can't help but want to kiss Fangze.

No trace of death can be seen even if viewed from a ridiculously close distance, the skin is still tight and white, and it seems that it can be broken by blowing a bullet.

She was wearing a green dress, a crown on her head, a scepter in her hand, and an elf bow beside her. As for the very important heart of the ancient elf tree, it disappeared.

Jiang Heng knew that the thing was destroyed. In order for the ancient elf tree to launch the final blow to destroy the demon, he had to use the heart of the ancient elf tree.

Although it failed in the end, Shuxin still got in.

"excuse me!"

Because he judged that the elf queen was dead, Jiang Heng became more courageous and raised his hand to get the crown and scepter.

Just when he touched the scepter, an inexplicable force attracted him, and then a soul entered his mind and went straight to his spiritual sea.

"Huh? What kind of tree is this? Why isn't it an ancient thorn tree?"

Soon, a voice rang in Jiang Heng's mind. This ethereal voice was full of doubts and puzzles, but it quickly turned into fear.

Feeling the intrusion of this foreign soul, the small sapling in Jiang Heng's spiritual sea stretched out a branch to suck the soul in, bound it to the root of the tree and could not move.

"No! What kind of tree is this? Why have I never seen it?"

The soul of the captured elf queen let out an unbelievable cry. She was a little confused. As an elf of the forest, there were trees in this world that she had never seen or recognized.

"Did you let me in on purpose?" Jiang Heng looked at the elf queen who had been subdued by the little sapling and asked, her soul was not as pure as it looked.

"What kind of tree are you, why have I never seen it before?" The Elf Queen looked at Jiang Heng, "Don't get me wrong, I just feel the special ancient tree breath on you, and I just want to borrow it to restore the ancient Elf tree, and No other meaning."

"You entered my spiritual world without malice?" Jiang Heng sneered, and sure enough, pretty women are dangerous.

"I am not a soul, but a fragment of a soul. All I did was execute the last order before the soul died. The purpose was to revive the ancient elf tree. Can you stop this tree? It is absorbing my energy" Elf Queen said.

Jiang Heng noticed that the little sapling was indeed absorbing the elf queen, and she was slowly turning into light spots and melting into the tree body.

"That's what you deserve. You forced your way in, and I can't control it." Jiang Heng glanced at the elf queen and knew that she really didn't live long.

"That's right. This ancient tree that I don't even know must have a terrifying history. It is indeed beyond your control. It seems that the goal of resurrecting the ancient elf tree cannot be accomplished."

The elf queen's soul grew darker and darker.

She opened the ancient elf tree, and made it absorb a large amount of vitality and spiritual power to produce elf fruit, all in preparation for the revival of the ancient tree.

And the premise of all this is that the ancient tree in Jiang Heng's body can be deprived. If it is an ancient tree she knows, she can use the ability of the forest elves to transform it into a new elf ancient tree and revive the forest elves. .

But not this tree, this tree is hostile and controlling towards her.

"Before you die, you might as well tell me everything you know. Maybe I can help you continue the elves of the forest." Jiang Heng looked at her and said.

After making sure she wasn't threatening, Jiang Heng naturally had to find a way to get some benefits.

The elf queen glanced at Jiang Heng, and said softly: "We forest elves are a peace-loving race. I have no malice towards you. Even if I take away your ancient tree, I will give you the elf bow, and I am willing to give you the elf bow." Signing a guardianship contract with you will not only protect you but also allow you to live longer, you will not suffer, only we forest elves can make good use of these ancient trees."

"I believe it, then how can I help you." Jiang Heng nodded.

"Take back those elf fruits. I don't want the elves of the forest to fall into the hands of others. Those elf fruits can hatch the elves of the forest." The elf queen said.

"I can't help you right now, because I'm too weak. I came here this time just to get some forest elves to help me manage the world. If I become stronger, I will definitely be willing to help." Jiang Heng spread his hands.

"Although I can't command this tree now, I may not be able to in the future. Maybe I will let the elves of the forest live on this tree." Jiang Heng said again.

"Indeed, this ancient tree is extremely terrifying. As long as the elves of the forest want to gain its approval and borrow its power." Queen Jiang Heng looked at the sapling in shock.

The roots of the tree absorb the most violent and terrifying power of destruction, but the trunk and branches are full of vitality and rich in the law of life. If this kind of tree recognizes the elves of the forest, the power that can be obtained from it is terrifying.

The source of power of the forest elves is the ancient elf tree, and the power that different types of ancient elf trees bring to the forest elves is completely different.

"Without the ancient elf tree, these newly born forest elves are not strong and have no affiliation, similar to wild forest elves. I can't help you, but you can get what the forest elves left behind, these Stuff is of great value.

Take it and leave as soon as possible. Those barriers are just intentionally set up by me, and they will be broken soon. "The elf queen's soul grew darker.

"Who is the enemy of the Great War of the Ancients, and what's the matter with the devil?" Hui Hui was unwilling to let go of this opportunity and continued to ask.

"I said that I am a soul fragment, so I don't have those memories. I don't even know why I can live until now, but I can tell you that the place I came in is not real. When my soul is shattered, The world will be destroyed, and you can see the crack and jump out and leave."

The Elf Queen shook her head and looked at Jiang Heng with a charming smile: "Goodbye humans, I'm sorry to have caused you so much trouble."

As soon as the Queen's voice fell, the soul was completely absorbed by the sapling, and then it grew a new leaf.

Jiang Heng was a little speechless, he had a lot of things he wanted to know clearly, such as why the devil didn't take away the things after destroying this place, and kept everything intact?

and many other issues.

After the death of the spirit queen's soul, Jiang Heng's consciousness quickly turned from the spiritual sea. The fairy queen in front of him was still lifelike. Jiang Heng reached out and pinched her face, which was actually easier to touch than the average girl's face.

Then he took off the queen's crown and scepter, and naturally the elf bow was not let go. After confirming that there were no other treasures around, Jiang Heng hugged the elf queen again.

Of course, I didn’t take advantage of the heat, but just picked it up and ran away. Although I don’t know what the Queen’s body is for, I definitely can’t just put it here to make others feel better. Take it back and study it carefully, maybe there are some new discoveries. indefinite.

With the queen's body on his back, Jiang Heng directly chanted the spell, and made a formula in his hand, and appeared in the forest outside the ancient elf tree not long after.

As the body of the elf queen was taken away, the whole world began to shatter. Even the forest outside the ancient elf tree was the same. The world was crumbling, and it seemed that it would soon be destroyed.


Outside the ancient tree, a wolf moon waiting here to meet Jiang Heng showed his figure and greeted him when he saw Jiang Heng exposed.

"Help me carry this on my back, let's meet the goblins." Jiang Heng said.

"Yes!" Langyue nodded, a little shocked by the beauty of the elf queen, she had never seen such a perfect woman, and her aura also made her feel faintly afraid.

Led by Langyue, Jiang Heng quickly found the big brother Brin and the others.

"How's the harvest?" Jiang Heng asked when he saw them.

"We picked ten elf fruit trees, and there were almost no trees to bear fruit after that. However, someone wanted to rob us, and we robbed 35 elf fruit trees instead."

Big brother Brin standing in front of Jiang Heng replied.

"So much?" Jiang Heng was a little shocked, "Are you sure you didn't take the initiative to rob?"

"No, someone else took the initiative to rob us." Big Brother Brin said, "We spread out to look for the elf fruit. Someone ran over to rob us, so we did it. We also used two dragon magic arrows."

"Okay, let's leave now."

Jiang Heng didn't bother to inquire about the specifics. He took a look at the world that was about to be broken, rode on the white wolf, and ran westward with the goblins.

Soon came to a huge space crack.

"Let's go, let's go out." Jiang Heng rode the white wolf and rushed out first.

(End of this chapter)

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