Lord of the People: Start a monster island

Chapter 76 The True Power of the Magic Power of the Dragon

Chapter 76 The True Power of the Magic Power of the Dragon

The speed of material handling was very fast, and all the goblins shot together, which can be said to be digging three feet, and no good things were left behind.

Even the wooden house on the dry land snapping turtle monster island was torn down and moved back.

As the materials were gradually moved away, the origin of the world was also taken away. This monster island accelerated its demise, and soon completely merged into the ground and ceased to exist.

As if it had never appeared before, there is no longer any trace on this land.

This is the first time Jiang Heng has witnessed the complete destruction of a monster island.

Soon he is not paying attention, because this will not be the last one.

If everyone runs their own monster island quietly, there will be no wars and disputes at all.

But restraint, this is doomed to be impossible, where plundering and killing come faster in self-management.

This is the truth that people can't be rich without external wealth, and horses can't be fat without night grass.

"Ziyun, go to Xiangdong's Monster Island."

Jiang Heng pointed in a direction and sat on top of Ziyun Whale.

About thirty to forty minutes later, a monster island of cracking soil lizard appeared in Jiang Heng's sight, and Jiang Heng saw the flames in the monster island from a distance. The situation here is a bit different. .

"Fly over, let's see the situation first." Jiang Heng said, so far away, he couldn't tell what the situation was.

The Purple Cloud Whale quickly approached, and since the protective barrier of the monster island had completely disappeared, Jiang Heng could see the situation inside the monster island from the sky.

The fire just now came from a middle-aged man on the island. His monster is of the fire element, forming a circle of fire around it to prevent the parasitic pastures from getting in.

Outside the circle of fire, those who have been parasitized by the parasitic pasture surrounded the circle of fire, and the parasitic pasture kept picking opportunities to drill in, trying to parasitize this person.

Moreover, other parts of Monster Island are already covered with this kind of parasitic herbage. The most terrifying thing is the central origin. Next to the spar, there is a girl formed from parasitic grass.

[The parasitic queen in formation is using the origin of the monster island to grow rapidly. 】

Jiang Heng looked at this weird thing. Its feet had turned into the snow-white skin of a human girl, but from the feet up it was still made of hair-like pasture. It only had a human shape without human skin.

"It seems that this is indeed the source of parasitic pastures. Where did this thing come from?"

Jiang Heng was very puzzled.

This parasitic pasture looks like a ball of hair, but it is more like a group of long strips of worms, because it will continue to wriggle, so that everything it forms is disgusting, and it is almost a crime.

shhhhh! !
Immediately, Jiang Heng threw five consecutive wind blades, trying to kill the parasitic queen.

But before the wind blade arrived, the parasitic herbage squirmed quickly, forming a huge herbage carapace to protect the parasitic queen underneath.

"Help, help, you saved me, I am willing to give you the monster island, my monster island is black iron level."

The middle-aged man below saw Jiang Heng and hurriedly called for help.

"Where did you come from?"

Jiang Heng glanced at the middle-aged man. This guy seemed to know him, and he didn't call for help at the first moment. He only opened his mouth when he saw him attacking the parasitic queen.

Although he didn't know him, he was sure that this guy was a lord.

Thinking about it this way, there is a high probability that he is one of the five great lords in the south. Through the previous interrogation, he already knew the reason for the whole incident. He knew that Zhang Minghui called the alliance of southern lords to attack him together.

At the beginning, he only killed five people, besides Zhang Minghui and Xiang Dong, there were also three lords in the south, just two less.

There is a high probability that this person is one of them. He wanted to come and attack Xiang Dong's monster island, but who knew that this place gave him a big surprise and trapped him here.

"I'm Zhao Dong, a lord from the west, accidentally trapped here."

The middle-aged man raised his head and said that Jiang Heng's public appearance meant that Qin Yan was probably dead. Naturally, he dared not say that he and Qin Yan were in the same group.

"Then you continue to be trapped."

Jiang Heng glanced at him, then turned around and released Bruce and the little white snake from Ziyun World.

Jiang Heng looked at Bru and said, "Bru, condense the fire element to burn that parasitic queen."

Bruce nodded and activated his mental power to condense the fire elements in the air, but he stopped soon.

"Master, the power of law there is too strong, and the fire element cannot be condensed."

"If you can't condense, forget it."

Jiang Heng waved his hand, then patted the little white snake: "Take a couple of breaths to try."

The little white snake twisted its neck, and opened its mouth to spit out two mouthfuls of vitality bullets, but as before, these vitality bullets were blocked by ordinary parasitic pastures, and could not harm the parasitic queen at all.

"He's meow, there's really nothing we can do about him!"

Jiang Heng was very irritable.

"Master, maybe you can use dragon bronze to kill that parasitic queen. I recently learned a magic pattern that can guide the dragon's magic power to form a lethal force."

Bruce spoke from the side.


"It's no problem. Even if the magic power of the dragon is weak, it is extremely powerful. The bronze spears or shields we made before did not guide it, and those magic powers only play a passive role.

Once guided by the magic pattern, the magic power of the dragon explodes, and ordinary monsters cannot hold it back.

However, after the magic pattern is guided out, the dragon's magic power is exhausted, and the dragon's bronze is useless. "

Bruce explained.

"How long does it take to paint one?"

Jiang Heng is interested, and it doesn't matter if the Dragon Bronze is consumed.

Blue: "I've practiced it so many times that it can be done in half an hour at most."

"Then do it, there is nothing to say, go get the bronze spear."

Jiang Heng nodded.

Bruce quickly brought a bronze spear, and then he bit his finger to attract blood, and the spiritual force guided the blood to start depicting.

Soon, magic lines full of mystery were drawn, and as the magic lines were gradually perfected, a palpitating power was guided from the bronze spear, and the moment this power appeared, people couldn't help but feel frightened.

In the end, with the completion of the magic pattern drawing, these magic powers actually condensed into a blue dragon shadow and wrapped around the spear.

This is just the magic power of a toothpick-thick dragon, but Jiang Heng feels more terrifying than a scarecrow.

"Master, just aim at the parasitic queen, no one can resist the magic power of the dragon."

Bruce handed the bronze spear to Jiang Heng respectfully.

Jiang Heng nodded, and took it over. Feeling the erupting magic power of the dragon, he trembled all over, as if he was holding a world-destroying weapon.

This is the power of the creature at the pinnacle of mythology. Just a trace of it gives people a feeling that it can destroy the world. When it appears, it seems that the world revolves around it.

Jiang Heng exercised his whole body's strength, stimulating both spiritual and physical strength at the same time, aiming at the parasitic queen, and piercing it with a spear.

This time, there was no power to stop it. The grass shield formed by the parasitic pasture was nothing compared to the magic power of the dragon. It was pierced in an instant, and the bronze that contained the magic power of the dragon directly plunged into the unformed body of the parasitic queen. .


The parasitic queen let out a miserable roar, her entire chest exploded instantly, and then her whole body was destroyed by the magic power of the dragon.

But the magic power of the dragon didn't just disappear. After it spread, all the parasitic pastures within a hundred meters nearby were shattered.

"Damn it, the magic power of this dragon is really powerful and terrifying!"

Jiang Heng was shocked. The parasitic queen who couldn't be wiped out just now had no scum left when she encountered the magic power of the dragon.

As expected of the power of a dragon.

 Ask for a monthly ticket, brothers.

(End of this chapter)

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