Chapter 92 Take it all down
The Purple Cloud Whale flew all the way to where the Spirit Crystal Mine was located. Since the Spirit Crystal Mine was close to the jungle, many flying monsters coveted Monster Island.

However, most of the monsters were relatively weak and did not dare to approach them.

Occasionally, silver-level flying monsters flew over, and after seeing Jiang Heng release the blood-devouring vine, they did not dare to attack rashly.

About an hour later, Jiang Heng saw the location of the Spirit Crystal Mine from a distance. He could see that the kobolds were still mining, and everyone else was working normally, so there should be no news about the invasion.

"Ziyun, let's stop here first."

Jiang Heng patted Ziyun Whale on the head, turned around and returned to Ziyun World.

At this moment, Bai Yueping and the goblins were still sorting out supplies, Jiang Heng found the kobold he met by chance.

"I have now arrived at the Spirit Crystal Mine, and the other kobolds of your tribe are also here. Are you sure you can convince them?"

Jiang Heng looked at the kobold and asked.

The kobold looked a little excited when he heard the news.

"Yes, I can definitely convince them. If Lord Lord, you are willing to let me take a weapon made of dragon bronze, I believe they will trust me even more."

The kobold nodded and said affirmatively.

"Okay, I'll put you down later, and you can talk to them.

But don't worry, I will guarantee your safety. "

Jiang Heng rubbed the head of the Kobold, nodded.

"Thank you Lord Lord!"

The kobold nodded.

After solving the kobold problem, Jiang Heng redesigned the attack plan.

The Spirit Crystal Mine is not suitable for falling directly from the sky. This place is surrounded by barren mountains and wild mountains. If you fall from the sky, these people are scared to drill into the mountains, but they can't find it at all.

The reason why the trading market was able to fall from the sky before was because it was surrounded by wasteland, and there was no place for people to hide.

After thinking up the attack plan, Jiang Heng called the goblin chiefs Blue and Bai Yueping.

"We are divided into three parts, Bruce, you bring the goblins, you take the kobolds, Bai Yueping, you take the hunting team, and we will surround the mine from three directions.

I will ask Ziyun Whale to put you in a suitable position first, and then we can agree on a time to launch an attack directly. What do you think of this plan? "

"It's perfect, master!" Bruce shouted.

"I also think there's nothing wrong with it." Bai Yueping nodded.

Jiang Heng: "Okay, I'll arrange it now. We will take down the mine before dark."

After arranging everything, he successively dropped people into different positions of the mine, and then flew towards the mine with the Purple Cloud Whale.

It was afternoon at this time, the sun was still very high in the sky, the ground was so scorched that it could not stand on the ground, and the leaves were all wilted.

Summer in this world is hotter than on Earth.

As the Ziyun Whale approached, some people in the mine discovered the huge monster in the sky.

"What kind of monster is that? It's so huge, isn't it a gold-level horror monster?"

The person in charge of the mine also felt his scalp tingling when he saw the purple cloud whale in the sky.

It was the first time they had seen such a huge monster, and they immediately called out all their monsters and launched defenses.

After Jiang Heng flew close, he raised his hand and opened a vortex gate. Kobolds in leather armor ran out of the space gate, and they surrounded the mine with weapons in their hands.

"who are you?"

The person in charge of the mine looked up at Jiang Heng. They thought it was a huge monster, but after knowing Jiang Heng's movements, they realized that this flying thing was actually a monster island they had never seen before.

It is also a silver-ranked powerful monster island.

"Surrender, don't make unnecessary struggles, you are already surrounded."

Jiang Heng looked at the people in the mine and said.

After all, he threw out the bloodthirsty vine.

"Surrender to the great lord, you are surrounded!"

On the other side, Bruce and the goblins also surrounded him.

At the same time, there was also a hunting team led by Bai Yueping.

Surrounding all the people in the mine in three directions, several powerful silver-level breaths erupted at once, and there were only two monsters that had just reached the silver level in the mine.

Seeing this situation, the people in the mine instantly lost the desire to resist. In this case, resisting is the same as sending to death.

"Don't worry, I don't need slaves, even if you surrender, you still have basic freedom."

Jiang Heng knew that their defenses had collapsed, so he made some promises.

"We surrender!"

The person in charge of the mine thought for a moment and raised his hands.

Everyone else followed suit, and no one dared to do anything.

"The monster that controls you comes over, and let the bloodthirsty vine inject him with paralyzing poison to restrict his movements."

After Jiang Heng said something, he sent people to start taking the prisoners.

And the kobold with the mission only entered the mine and persuaded the kobolds to go.

In the mouth of this kobold, he himself became a hero, went through untold hardships, and finally met Jiang Heng.

Under his touch and prayer, Jiang Heng finally decided to come to the rescue, but the request was that the kobolds would help him dig mines after they regained their freedom, but it was not mandatory, it was paid.

This is just under the exaggeration of the kobolds, Jiang Heng's action this time has become to save the kobolds.

The kobolds who had suffered a long time ago burst into tears and let out a whimper.

In the end, under the leadership of the kobold, they arrived in front of Jiang Heng neatly, and then they all knelt down with a plop.

"Thank you Lord Lord for saving your life, long live Lord Lord, woof woof woof!"

exclaimed the kobolds, that was a real thank you.

"Everyone rise up, I am an upright and peaceful person, see this exploitation and oppression but will not sit idly by, you are all tired, go to my world and have a good rest, I have prepared exquisite food for you, comfortable residence."

Jiang Heng looked at the kobolds with handsome and sweet smiles, as if they were angels.

"Thank you, my lord, long live my lord, woof woof!"

The kobolds cheered and happily entered Ziyun World.

Jiang Heng is naturally very satisfied with solving the problem of the kobolds so cheerfully, and he is also very satisfied with that kobold, knowing that it is a talent to create.

Within half an hour, these human captives were all imprisoned in Ziyun World.

"How? How many spirit crystals are there?"

Jiang Heng looked at Bai Yueping and asked.

"A total of 200 yuan, one hundred ordinary spirit crystals, eighty attribute spirit crystals, and twenty rule spirit crystals."

Bai Yueping said.

Jiang Heng couldn't believe it: "So few?"

"According to the person in charge of the mine, in fact, there are almost no spirit crystals in this spirit crystal mine, but the higher authorities keep digging, and they dare not stop. The kobolds are exhausted for forty or fifty years."

Bai Yueping responded.

"In that case, let's go to the limestone mine."

Jiang Heng nodded.

The speed of capturing the Spirit Crystal Mine was much faster than expected, and there is still time to go to the Limestone Mine.

In the evening, when the sun was setting to the west, the limestone mine was surrounded by Jiang Heng's people. The person in charge of the mine invested, and the people in the mine who were regarded as mining slaves cheered because Jiang Heng promised them freedom.

So far, all the staff Du Zhe left to work outside have been taken over by Jiang Heng, and now Du Zhe has become a loner, isolated and helpless.

(End of this chapter)

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