Douluo: Sword God of Seven Kills

Chapter 94 Where's My Sausage?

Chapter 94 Where's My Sausage?
As soon as Oscar saw Dai Mubai, he immediately showed a bitter face, "Boss Dai, do you want some sausage?"

"Go to hell." Dai Mubai glared at him angrily, "You are really embarrassing to the academy, I seem to have warned you more than once, not to sell sausages in the academy. Do you want everyone to vomit? Tang San , this sausage can’t be eaten.”

Tang San asked suspiciously: "Why?"

The expression on Dai Mubai's face became a little weird, "Xiao Ao, get a new sausage."

Oscar's expression suddenly became awkward, "Boss Dai, don't worry about it. After all, we've been classmates for a few years, so you will make the new elementary school boy feel resentful towards me."

Dai Mubai snorted coldly, and said: "I'm just reminding Tang San, Tang San is my brother, he can't be fooled by you. Hurry up, don't let me do it."

Oscar obviously couldn't afford to offend Dai Mubai, he stretched out his right hand in desperation, and yelled in his soft voice, "I have a big sausage!"

Yellow light suddenly condensed in his palm, two yellow halos rose from Oscar's feet, and then, a sausage exactly the same as Tang San's hand appeared in his palm.

"Uh..." Tang San froze when he heard Oscar's words, "I have."This sentence is too ambiguous.Let's not talk about the quality of this sausage, whether it is edible.

He didn't dare to eat Oscar's words alone.In particular, this sausage was bought for Xiao Wu.

Feeling Tang San's angry gaze, Oscar quickly explained: "I can't do anything about it. When using a food-type martial spirit, if you want to change the food, you must match it with a different soul curse. Words are mantras, not something I want to shout. Also, there is absolutely nothing wrong with the quality of my sausages."

A monster, indeed a monster.Tang San didn't know whether to laugh or cry, luckily he didn't eat the sausage, otherwise his face would be embarrassing.

Zhu Zhuqing just glanced at Oscar coldly, then walked towards the queue.

Oscar shrugged innocently to Tang San, "It's pity that no one eats such a delicious sausage. Hey."

Dai Mubai glared at him, "Be careful, sell sausages outside the academy. Tang San, I'll take you to pass the exam."

The two returned to the queue, Xiao Wu looked at Tang San's empty hands, "Where's my sausage?"

Tang San and Dai Mubai looked at each other, couldn't help it anymore, the two immediately burst into laughter.

Zhu Zhuqing was standing behind Xiao Wu.Hearing this, a smile flashed in his eyes, and he said in a low voice, "boring."

Xiao Wu was baffled by their laughter, "What's going on? Could it be that the sausage doesn't taste good?"

Tang San covered Xiao Wu's mouth, pulled her to his side, and whispered what happened before in her ear.

After hearing Tang San's words, Xiao Wu's pretty face suddenly turned red, "You boys are really dead. How could you have such a strange spirit."

Dai Mubai smiled and said: "We are the Monster Academy here, so the Wuhun is naturally full of strange things."

After a pause, Dai Mubai went on to say: "However, this guy Oscar is also considered a strange flower in the academy. His martial spirit doesn't have any offensive power, but among the food-type martial spirits, it is the best. After all, he Meat is served."

Oscar's martial spirit is also considered top-notch in the food system, even stronger.

"It's just that when this guy made sausages, those spells were really disgusting. People who knew him would never eat the sausages he made. I don't know if it's because of the food Martial Soul, his hair is thicker than the Ordinary people are more lush, and their beards will look like this if they don't shave for a day, so he also has the nickname of Uncle Sausage in the college. But he himself calls himself a sausage monopoly."

Obviously, even for Dai Mubai who is very familiar with Oscar, Oscar's soul curse is difficult to accept.

This time, even Xiao Wu couldn't help laughing, "Uncle Big Sausage, what a fun spirit."

Dai Mubai patted Tang San on the shoulder, said: "Let's go, I'll take you to pass the exam. No need to queue up."

Tang San said: "This is not good."

Dai Mubai said: "Don't worry, I'm not doing favoritism, this is the treatment you deserve."

As he spoke, he led the two of them towards the front of the team.

The person in charge of the second round of exams was also an elderly teacher, because before going to buy sausages, Tang San hadn't had time to see what the exams were about.

Dai Mubai walked up to that teacher, whispered a few words in his ear, then pointed to Tang San and Xiao Wu.

The teacher nodded and said, "Okay, you can take them to the fourth level directly. If they pass, they will be admitted."

Dai Mubai returned to Tang San and Xiao Wu, and was about to lead the two towards the interior of the academy.But the candidates who lined up quit.

A male examinee said: "Teacher, what's going on? Why can they enter the fourth test without taking the test. But we have to pass all the tests?"

The elder teacher said indifferently: "If your soul power is also above level 25, then you can go directly to the fourth level test without wasting time with me. But the soul power you tested is only level 21, then , it must be passed one by one.”

The male examinee asked suspiciously: "Their soul power is above level 25? This is impossible. We are only 12 years old, how could there be such a high soul power?"

Those who can stand here are all teenagers with soul power over level 21 and under the age of 13. In the original junior academy, existences like them are undoubtedly the roles of the stars in the academy.

But when he came to Shrek Academy, he hit a wall again and again, and his mood would inevitably change.

Dai Mubai snorted coldly, "If you can't do it yourself, don't think that others can't do it either. When I entered the academy, my spirit power was level 25."

"Tang San, show them your spirit power." While speaking, he picked up a white crystal from the table and threw it to Tang San.

The color of the test crystal is different according to the level. This kind of white crystal is used to test the spirit power below level [-]. If the spirit power exceeds level [-], then the crystal will explode directly.

Only then did Tang San understand why Dai Mubai said that passing this test was the treatment they deserved. Obviously, this test was responsible for testing the exact amount of soul power of the candidates.

At the moment, he didn't open his mouth, took the white crystal, and directly poured his inner power of Xuantian Kung into it
In an instant, Tang San's hands saw white light shining brightly, the white crystal became as bright as a diamond, every corner of the crystal was filled with intense light, this was clearly a symbol of reaching level [-] soon.

A playful smile appeared on the face of the teacher in charge of the test, "It seems that our Shrek Academy is going to welcome another good little monster this year."

With a smile on his face, Tang San handed the crystal in his hand to Xiao Wu, he didn't want others to gossip about Xiao Wu, he had absolute confidence in Xiao Wu.

The same white light flashed again, completely blocking the mouths of the other candidates, and the eyes looking at Tang San and Xiao Wu suddenly became weird.

Level 29, reaching level 12 soul power at the age of 29, how is this possible?

However, the title of monster didn't just appear on Tang San and Xiao Wu.

A crisp voice sounded, "Teacher, I think I should also be exempted from the second and third tests."

It was Ning Rongrong who spoke.

If Zhu Zhuqing is an iceberg, then Ning Rongrong is a warm spring breeze, with a soft smile that infects everyone around her.

But this is just Ning Rongrong's side, as for her real little witch-like personality, others don't know about it.

Ning Rongrong walked up to Xiao Wu with a smile, and nodded to her.Xiao Wu subconsciously handed the crystal to her.

The bright white light reappeared, although not as strong as Tang San and Xiao Wu, but definitely surpassed level 25 spirit power, around level 26.

Just when she was about to ask the test teacher if she could go directly to the fourth level, she suddenly found that the crystal in her hand had disappeared, and another figure had quietly appeared beside her, and then, a bright white light shone again .

The light is a bit stronger than when she injected her soul power, which is exactly the level of 27 soul power.

The one who appeared suddenly was naturally Zhu Zhuqing. .

The test teacher had an unconcealable surprise on his face, "There are monsters every year, especially this year. Four at a time. Okay, okay, it seems that I have hope for a salary increase. Mubai, you take them for four Let's go to the fourth level together."

"Yes." Dai Mubai respectfully agreed, his evil eyes gave Zhu Zhuqing a somewhat complicated look, then turned around and walked towards the interior of the academy.

This time, no student raised any objection, because their strength has proved everything.

(End of this chapter)

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