Chapter 109 Chaos
This is a woman that has never been seen before, and doubts arose in the hearts of everyone present at the same time.

Xu Cheng's heart skipped a beat.


【Name】: Li En
[Life level]: short-lived species

[Talent]: Martial Arts★★★

【Script of Destiny】: The Protagonist of "The Traitor - Li En" (Blue)
[Playing script]: Supporting role in "A Journey of Food and Grass" (blue), supporting role in "The Rebellion of Three Kings" (blue), supporting role in "The Richest Man" (red)
[Current plot]: Li En was loyal to the "Wolf Lord" and was sent by him to follow Liu Yu. Liu Yu handed over the goods from the Cao Gang and fought with people on the Yongjiang River. Li En was seriously injured and survived, but he lost his memory completely. Rescued by Du Jianghe, who was patrolled by Qingshan Mansion...

Xu Cheng was stunned for a moment. The name of this woman's Destiny script is quite good, but is it really good to use such a name for a blue script?

However, after seeing the current plot, Xu Cheng was a little speechless.

Du Jianghe is really God's own son, he doesn't have to do anything, and the amnesiac woman with cultivation resources, court connections, and strength are all directly delivered to his lips.

Li En didn't walk onto the deck alone, and there were several people in black behind him.

These people are not as bloody as Li En, but they are at least good at forging bones and even exchanging blood.

And it can be seen at a glance that these are the same group, because their destiny scripts are all..."Troublemaker"!
These people are all Liu Yu's people, or the mysterious wolf lord's people.

Xu Cheng didn't delay either, he was also very curious about what kind of materials would allow Liu Yu to kill the people with the six doors.

Gu Zizhong saw that Li En was in a state of strength, and arranged for Zhang Xing and Xu Cheng to act together.

On the way to follow Li En to the cabin, Xu Cheng tentatively said to Zhang Xing.

"Brother Xing, you can stay with us later."

Zhang Xing was not very old, he looked no more than 30 years old at most, and looked at Xu Cheng with a hint of contempt in his eyes, "Are all the officials in your place so afraid of death? I really don't know what Fan Gong likes about you?"

From his point of view, Xu Cheng and Wei Cheng were only at the Bone Forging stage, and letting him be with them was nothing more than seeking the protection of himself, a master of strength.

Xu Cheng frowned.

It's really hard to persuade the goddamn devil.

With this mouth, even if this person survived this time by luck in the Acropolis Year, he will be killed because of this mouth in the future.

Thinking of this, Xu Cheng felt a little lost.

Whatever it is, let whoever dies die, and save the years of Acropolis.

However, these Beijing officials are really pushy, and the EQ of the local patrols can be separated from them. I don't know if it is the six doors or all the Beijing officials.

Li En stopped and watched the conversation between Zhang Xing and Xu Cheng with great interest.

Xu Cheng didn't bother to talk to Zhang Xing, and said to Li En, "Miss, please lead the way."

Li En giggled, "The cabin is below, you can just do what you want."

There was a sense of ignorance in her eyes.

Xu Cheng didn't care, after all, she was the woman of his good brother Du Jianghe, and he was still worrying about when Du Jianghe would have another chance.

After thinking about saving Li En, Du Jianghe should go out and wander.


The ship is big, and so is the cabin.

As soon as he got out of the cabin, his eyes were full of sacks. Xu Cheng tore open a sack casually, and golden wheat fell down.

no problem?

It shouldn't be. According to the script, these things are very important. If it's just food, is it so important?

At this moment, Wei Chengnian, who was standing by a wall, suddenly called out.

"Xu Cheng, come here."

Xu Cheng walked over, "What's wrong?"

Without waiting for Wei Chengnian to explain, he knew what was going on. There was an extremely strong stench mixed with a strange fragrance. The two of them had smelled this smell in Qingshan County before.

This is... the smell of fairy soil!
"Xu Cheng, you're right." Wei Chengnian said in a low voice.

"Go and see first!"

Looking back at Li En, she just folded her arms flawlessly and looked at the few people quietly.

Without hesitation, Xu Cheng cut the big sword towards the wall.

boom! ! !
The loud noise even shook the cabin for a moment.

The scene inside terrified Xu Cheng and Wei Chengnian.

In a huge space, the corpses of huge beasts were hung on it like ordinary pork, with blood and flesh mixed with fur and bones, dripping on the ground.

The puddles of flesh and blood on the ground seemed to be alive, still wriggling slowly, as if they were about to be resurrected from the dead.

Xu Cheng had already guessed what was on the other boat.

That wolf mainly formed an army mainly composed of strong people who were going to exchange blood, and the Immortal Soil was on this ship, so the other ship would be more important...people.

War is cruel. Even in modern society, the use of biological and chemical weapons in war is not uncommon, let alone in this feudal fantasy world!

In this world, population is, to some extent, a consumable resource.

A huge roar sounded.

Li En, who had been quietly watching Xu Cheng and the others with folded arms, suddenly said with emotion, "The boat is sailing."

Xu Cheng turned to look at Li En, "Yes, the boat is sailing."

on the deck.

Watching the boat gradually leave the shore and continue sailing, Gu Zizhong looked at Liu Yu, "Master Liu still can't hold back, it seems that the secrets hidden on this boat are not small."

He was just talking, and didn't stop him. He also wanted to see what Liu Yu was up to.

The speed of the boat was very fast, and within a quarter of an hour, the pier was no longer visible.

At this time, Liu Yu had made up his mind to kill everyone who searched for the boat today, and nodded calmly, "I am older, but I am not as calm as I was when I was young."

"Aren't you afraid of Duke Fan and Lord Yu?"

Liu Yu suddenly smiled, he is a smart man, and smiled brightly at Gu Zizhong, "They should be playing chess at this time."

"Play chess?"

Without waiting for Gu Zizhong to continue asking, Liu Yu suddenly made a move.

Jinli is a mysterious existence, it has attributes and specialties.

For example, Liu Yu's black jade energy, which pays attention to decaying everything, once the black jade energy invades the body, the blood will wither and die, and the back of death is like black jade.

The black force was like wild weeds spreading wildly, hitting Gu Zizhong's face.

The sharp blade in Gu Zizhong's hand was out of its sheath, and the blade contained exuberant to fiery qi and blood power. The blood-red power was like a poisonous snake spitting out a letter, smashing Liu Yu's black jade power in a flash.

The powerful collisions annihilated each other in the air, bursting out with brilliant brilliance, strange and beautiful.

The air wave shook the entire deck, countless objects fell to the ground, and even the two powerful masters behind Gu Zizhong faintly felt that the ground seemed to sink a little!
Gu Zizhong held the sword in his right hand, the sword stretched out three feet, and there was strength hovering on it, the sword light was white.

Liu Yu swung his palms out, layer upon layer of black power surged all over his body, and the palms even formed two twisted and highly compressed power streams because of too much power gathered.

The powerful airflow hit Gu Zizhong's back like a substance.

"Master Liu is very powerful, but he deceived everyone." Gu Zizhong stood still, holding the sword in his right hand, but made a gesture of about to withdraw the sword.

But Liu Yu's face was as if he was facing a big enemy. He couldn't believe that Gu Zizhong wanted to let him go, and he only withdrew his sword to make a better sword. "You guys underestimated me too much."

At this moment on the deck, due to the previous collision of the two, it was already extremely chaotic at this moment, and it was even a little invisible because of the dust raised by the sundries.

"Compared to Master Liu's strength, what I underestimate is Master Liu's courage. Do you want to kill me?"

Gu Zizhong paused every word, "Since that's the case...those who attack and kill the six doors can be killed on the spot, Mr. Liu is not to blame."

His left and right hands suddenly switched to hold the sword, and his left hand, which had been hidden in the left loose robe, was finally exposed.

Liu Yu's face showed horror, it was a hideous, skinny hand covered with red speckled scales!

"Alienation is a kind of improvement in terms of strength. Controllable alienation will represent stronger strength at the same level. Master Liu, please enlighten me!"

(End of this chapter)

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