I can see the script of life

Chapter 11 Water Depth in Qingshan Mansion

Chapter 11 Water Depth in Qingshan Mansion

"Ah Cheng, are you here to choose the exercises?" Old man Xu, who was guarding the arsenal and missing half of his front teeth, grinned. "Can you practice?"

Xu Cheng nodded, "A while ago, my father helped me find a genius doctor, and now I can practice some horizontal exercises. By the way, Uncle Xu, where are the exercises that my father confiscated before?"

Old man Xu grinned, his smile with half of his front teeth missing looked a bit ugly, but Xu Cheng didn't dare to underestimate it in the slightest.

After all, this is a super old silver coin with hidden four-star talent.

[Name]: Xu Department
[Life level]: short-lived species

[Talent]: Concealment★★★★, martial arts★★★
[Destiny Script]: The protagonist of "Revival" (unopened)
[Playing script]: Supporting role in "The Tathagata Sutra of Reality" (purple)
[Current Main Thread]: Xu Xi has been hiding in the Qingshan Mansion since he failed to obtain the "Real Tathagata Sutra" from the Cangjing Pavilion of Dafoshan, and seems to be plotting something...

Xu Cheng roared angrily in his heart, is there any undercover agent in this majestic Qingshan Mansion Yamen!

Why does it feel like the holy son of the Demon Cult, in this yamen of Qingshan Mansion, is as pure as a little white flower.

But u1s1, the realm of this old thing is estimated to be terrifyingly high.

It is outrageous that the strongest master who dared to go to the Cangjing Pavilion of Dafoshan to steal others was not beaten to death and escaped.

For more than a year, Xu Cheng has also learned something about the world's Jianghu forces.

When it comes to Buddhism, there is no doubt that Dafo Mountain is a Buddhist holy place that cannot be avoided no matter what. If you want to find a metaphor, it is the position of Daleiyin Temple in Lingshan in Journey to the West!

Being able to escape from that kind of place alive, Xu Cheng couldn't help but think, this old thing can't be a grand master, right?

"You are Mr. Xu's son, so you can naturally choose from his confiscated trophies. After entering, turn left and walk to the third shelf at the end." Old man Xu said.

Xu Chengdao thanked him, and then walked inside. He now feels terrified around this old monster.

I am still happy when there is no script panel. I think back then, I played chess with the old man every day.

Walking into the arsenal, the inside is like a bookstore. Huge shelves are filled with books. The martial arts secret books, which are regarded as treasures by ordinary people, are randomly placed like sundries.

The officials of the Arsenal Division stood in the distance, staring at everyone who entered the Arsenal to select exercises.

Xu Cheng is not familiar with the people in the arsenal department. After all, their workplaces are inside the arsenal, and they are not brought out on weekdays.

Come to a bookshelf with the word 'Xu' written on it.

A black-faced man in a uniform with the word 'library' written on his chest stopped him, "Who are you? If you want to choose the books on this shelf, you need the consent of Mr. Xu."

Xu Cheng smiled and said, "I am his son."

"Please show Mr. Xu's consent certificate." The black-faced man looked businesslike.

The Qingshan Arsenal was built by a famous soldier who fought all the people in the rivers and lakes to win the spoils. At that time, in order to encourage everyone to fight the enemy bravely and completely defeat the evil disaster in Qingshan, in addition to the rewards from the imperial court, there was also the favor of the Qingshan Mansion. If you pay enough spoils, your descendants will be able to choose freely among them in the future.

Others do not have their own orders, and cannot choose the exercises on the bookshelf with their names written on them.

Xu Cheng was amused, but he still said patiently, "My father is going to Beijing to report on his work, how can I prove it to you?"

"If you don't have a certificate, please go to another bookshelf to choose, this bookshelf needs a certificate!"

Xu Cheng took a deep look at the black-faced man, and saw that although his face was serious, his expression had undergone extremely subtle changes, and his eyes were always looking at Father Xu's bookshelf intentionally or unintentionally.

【Name】: Black Three
[Life level]: short-lived species

【Talent】: Martial Arts
[Script of Destiny]: The protagonist of "The Life of an Official" (green)
[playing script]: none

[Current Main Storyline]: Hei San is a guard of the Armory Section. During a patrol, he accidentally discovered a copy of the "Indestructible Gold and Jade Badge" exercise, so he developed selfishness until he clashed with Xu Zheng's son Xu Cheng...

Xu Cheng frowned.

It turned out to be something that wanted to black labor.

Xu Cheng took a deep look at Hei San, "Give me the "Immortal Gold and Jade Seal", otherwise..."

"What are you talking about? I act according to the yamen system. As a colleague, what are you doing to make things difficult for me?" The seemingly stupid Hei San was surprisingly articulate.

Xu Cheng nodded, and a jade ruyi suddenly appeared in his hand, with the word Xu written on it.

"I don't care who is behind you who wants to swallow my father's things, you can ask him if he can take over the Liulizong!"

When Hei San saw the small Yu Ruyi, his expression changed suddenly. The Glazed Tile Sect had appeared before when the Demon Sect ravaged Qingshan, and it also let the people of Qingshan know how powerful the Glazed Tile Sect is.

The martial arts in the world come out of Daoist sects, Daoist sects are three points, and Daluoshan Liulizong is one of them.

Its momentum is so great that it only dispatched several true biography back then, and wiped out several big demons who were rampant in the demonic disaster for a while.

Liuliyu Ruyi is also famous in Qingshan Mansion!
Hei San looked at Xu Cheng, his face was green and red, and after a while, he seemed to relax all over, and said to Xu Cheng, "Young Master Xu wait a moment, I'll go and get the exercises for Young Master Xu."

Xu Cheng laughed, as expected, he was bullying and fearing the hard in his bones. Although he didn't know who Hei San was working for, Xu Cheng didn't want to know, especially after seeing old man Xu at the gate of the arsenal, he knew that the water in Qingshan Mansion was very Shen, before his fake parents or sister come back, he has to keep a low profile.

Hei San turned around and walked towards the bookshelf at the back. After a while, he took out a golden book and handed it to Xu Cheng with both hands, "Young Master Xu, this is "The Immortal Gold and Jade Chapter."

Xu Cheng accepted the exercises with satisfaction, but didn't say anything.

After bidding farewell to Wei Chengnian who had also selected the exercises, Xu Cheng returned home alone.

Back home, Xu Cheng's desire for strength became more and more urgent because of what happened today.

The fake parents were not there, so before leaving, he reported to the yamen that he was going to the capital to report on his work, otherwise Xu Cheng didn't know how to prevaricate when he was away for nearly a month.

He stood in the courtyard, the moonlight shone on him, illuminating his slender body like a god.

I don't know if the fake parents rescued my sister, if something happened to my sister...

Xu Cheng clenched his fist, then he would slaughter the Taizhou King's Mansion!
He can't forget that the king of Thailand once coveted the devil's saint in a public speech!

Suddenly, he was startled, how could he be so murderous.

He clenched his fists, perhaps because martial arts finally had a way, and his long-suppressed mentality changed. I have to say that he was very envious of those warriors before.

The ancients said that with a sharp blade in your body, you will kill yourself.

This expansion is not necessary...

Take out the "Immortal Gold and Jade Badge" that he had given high hopes for.

As expected, this exercise book, as Wei Chengnian said, possesses the Foundation Establishment Martial Arts of all positions in the body.

"Eternal Gold and Jade Chapter" divides each person into five parts, which are fist, feet, body, head and abdomen!

The flow of qi and blood in "Iron Leg Skill" and "Imperishable Gold and Jade Chapter" is not the same, but it is not difficult to transform it.

In just one night, Xu Cheng transformed his "Iron Leg Kung Fu" which he practiced for the second time into the "Imperishable Gold and Jade Seal" kung fu.

Looking at the five Mandate Points that had grown naturally in the past few days, Xu Cheng didn't try to skin the rest of the body.

Thinking of the official start of work tomorrow, he couldn't help but look forward to it, hoping to see some simple scripts tomorrow and earn some destiny points by then.

The script needs a role, and the role needs an identity. This is why Xu Cheng is only ready to join the script after he officially became a police officer.

After all, the police are always easier to trust.

It is also more convenient to join other people's scripts.

(End of this chapter)

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