I can see the script of life

Chapter 115 The End of the 1st Disaster and the True Realm of the Yin Ruins

Chapter 115 The End of the First Disaster and the True Realm of the Yin Ruins (Subscribe)

"Let's go, what are you waiting for?"

Hearing that the magic circle had no killing power, Xu Cheng knew that he had no chance of killing Duan Ming, so he asked Di Xun to take him away quickly, as Di Xun said that it would trap Duan Ming for a lifetime.

Um... Just listen to it.

Before Zhai Xun could show himself in front of Duan Ming, he was dragged away by Xu Cheng and had no choice but to leave with him.

In fact, Zhai Xun is not completely bragging, his cultivation as a rank-[-] formation master, and the formation of such a magic circle that is extremely focused on 'trapping', can indeed trap a rank-[-] strength warrior for as long as he wants.

After staying away from Duan Ming, the contents of Xu Cheng's panel appeared.

[The first disaster of the "Three Disasters and Dragons" script has passed, the current script level is - red, the participation rate is 100%, the branch line participation rate is 10%, and 11000 destiny points have been obtained]

Xu Cheng, who was the protagonist for the first time, was a little surprised. He didn't expect that the script of "Three Disasters and Dragons" would still liquidate the destiny points after each catastrophe. Is this the treatment of the protagonist?

What surprised him even more was the more than 1 destiny points. This was the first time he had accumulated tens of thousands of destiny points.

After the surprise, Xu Cheng seemed a little preoccupied.

In addition to worrying about the safety of Weicheng Nian, Xu Cheng also had huge doubts about Fan Zheng and Yu Zaiyin's absence today.

At this moment, the part of the arm that represented the tattoo of the symbol of the underworld slowly became hot, and Xu Cheng had a thought, and the tattoo emerged.

I was immersed in the Token of Good and Evil, but found that at some point, something similar to a group chat panel in the Token of Good and Evil had exploded!

Xu Cheng opened it.

Emperor Song: A rebellion broke out in Pingzhou, and the demon army occupied Qianyang Mansion.

His words, like a depth bomb, woke up all the divers, and he continued to speak quickly.

City King: What's the situation?
King Chuguan: Every time Chu Huangtian, the Great Zhou Kingdom moves, there are already countless forces ready to move, wanting to divide the Great Zhou's luck and extend its clan. This has been going on for thousands of years, and no one has succeeded yet. This demon god army is probably the same.

King Chujiang: Emperor Song, are you in Qianyang Mansion?

Emperor Song did not respond to Xu Xin's question.

The underworld is a secret organization, no matter it is the management of the forces, or the cohesion of the people under it, there is no requirement at all, it is more similar to a platform than a force.

Xu Xin chatted privately with Xu Cheng.

King Chujiang: Xiaocheng, you have seen the news in the Order of Good and Evil, right? Taizhou's luck will change, and all major forces will be involved. You'd better not go to Mount Tai for a while.

Equality King: Sister, what is the use of luck?

Xu Xin told Xu Cheng about Zhou Taizu's strong gathering of luck in the world, and then said to Xu Cheng.

"The use of luck lies in its continuity. Although it is a bit illusory, whether it is martial arts practice or immortal practice, or even all the cultivation paths in the world, there is a price for any strange power involved. To a certain extent, luck can be exempted from this." This is a price, so you can see that there are far more masters of the three ways and one Buddha and the imperial court than the masters of other sects. '

Xu Cheng suddenly became cheerful in his heart!
For Fan Zheng, what is more important than tracking down the prince's rebellion, the most likely thing is to protect the national destiny of the Great Zhou!

Xu Cheng's brain was running fast, and Pingzhou's demon army rebelled, but Pingzhou was close to Taizhou. Once Pingzhou was unable to resist, Taizhou would naturally become the main force to resist the demon army next.

At a deeper level, the army of demon gods rebelled, shaking the Great Zhou's national fortune, and Liu Yu and Wu Gan joined forces to defeat the Great Zhou's national fortune.

All of this, is it because some old undead warriors who are not sure of their own breakthroughs are fueling the flames behind the scenes.

All of these are more important than investigating the things on this ship today.

It's just that the script of "The Rebellion of the Three Kings" will appear. Was it because the fate of the Great Zhou Dynasty was cut off later?
Understanding everything in an instant, Xu Cheng felt a little dreamy.

Today Chu Huangtian is too extraordinary.

Some people are willing to take the risk of death to forcibly kill the Great Zhou Guoyun in order to break through.

The cruelty of the path of cultivation was finally revealed to him at this moment.

Use the common people as pawns to lay out the overall situation and seek luck.

As for what Xu Xin said to keep him away from Mount Tai, he naturally wouldn't bite the bullet and go there, since that's the case...

Xu Cheng strolled and asked earnestly, "By the way, brother Zhai, why are you here?"

Zhai Xun turned around, turned his back to Xu Cheng, borrowing the source energy from the mountains, he felt ethereal, with the appearance of an outsider, "This real person can go wherever he wants, and he will always appear where he should appear. Like saving you now."

Xu Cheng's tone froze.

This dog thing can really pretend.

If it weren't for the fact that it was more useful than that, I would just step up by myself, although it is very likely that I will be stalked.

"Is it because Yang Fu has been overshadowed by chasing Yang Fu?" Xu Cheng said with a half-smile on his face.

Zhai Xun stopped talking.

After a while, Xu Cheng asked Di Xun tentatively. "Brother Zhai, have you heard of 'Another World'?"

Zhai Xun was taken aback for a moment, instinctively looked around vigilantly, and said in a low voice, "How do you know?"

what do you know?
Xu Cheng pretended to have understood it long ago, "Not only do I know, but I also know that the other side of the world is related to the alienation of warriors."

Di Xun pondered for a long time, and finally said, "Since Brother Xu, you already know the real world of the Yin Ruins, then I won't hide it from you. Chu Huang Tianshan has supernatural powers, and this is the day when he is most likely to find the real world of the Yin Ruins. I also want to try my luck." , try to find it."

Yin Ruins real world?

Xu Cheng asked, "What's in the real world of Yin Ruins? Why do you want to go in?"

Zhai Xun had an obsessed look on his face. This was the first time Xu Cheng saw this expression on his face other than pretending.

"Brother Xu, you should know that the practice of immortality depends on origin qi, but do you know where origin qi comes from? Heaven and earth cannot produce origin qi by themselves. Regarding the source of origin qi, there is a saying that it comes from outside the sky, and there is another saying that it is It came from the real world of Yin Ruins, but the real world of Yin Ruins did not appear later."

Xu Cheng asked suspiciously, "You are not a cultivator of immortality. Is this Yin Ruins the source of Genesis Qi? What does it have to do with you?"

Di Xun gave Xu Cheng a look of disdain, "I thought you knew a lot, but you don't know anything."

After finishing speaking, a look of pride and complacency appeared on his face, "Those who enter the real world of Yin Ruins for the first time have a very high probability of enlightenment, whether they are warriors or formation masters!"

Xu Cheng raised his head suddenly. At this moment, like Zhai Xun, he was full of longing for the real world of Yin Ruins.

"How to get in, brother Zhai has a way?"

Zhai Xun looked him up and down, "Do you really want to go in? Then you'd better prepare some martial arts skills, as well as other kinds of skills, so that if you have an epiphany, it will be of great benefit to sorting out your own martial arts. "

Zhai Xun said these words very seriously, and Xu Cheng listened very seriously.

"Is there any price for that?" Xu Cheng was a little bit unconvinced that there were only benefits but no price.

Zhai Xun shook his head, "I don't know, I only know the benefits, the price...shouldn't be very big." He added in an uncertain tone, "After all, the former immortal cultivators would all enter into it when they cultivated to a certain stage. .”

Xu Cheng pondered, it sounds pretty good, then you can go in and have a look, but you need to prepare more martial arts skills...

But I don't have one, so find the backstage!

Xu Cheng is a man with a background, so he immediately clicked on the order of good and evil.

"Sister, give me some exercises, any kind of exercise."

King Chu Jiang: Martial arts should not be too ambitious, you have not yet completed the three realms of body building, too much practice is not good.

It can be seen that Xu Xin is also worried about Xu Cheng, his younger brother.

But Xu Cheng knew the benefits of entering the real world of Yin Ruins, so he said it directly to Xu Xin.

King Equality: I want to enter the real world of Yin Ruins!

Xu Xin, who was on her way, suddenly stopped, and Xiao Chuchu, a senior sister of the Liuli Sect, asked suspiciously, "Xu Xin, what's the matter?"


Xiao Chuchu looked at the green hills in the distance, her face flushed a little, "Xu...Xu Xin, have you told your brother yet?"

Xu Xin had an extraordinary temperament, and glanced at Qing Yunying at his feet, "Don't worry, my brother will agree."

"That's good…"

At a place that Xiao Chuchu couldn't see, Xu Xin hurriedly sent a message, "How do you know the real world of the Yin Ruins? Also, do you have a way to enter the real world of the Yin Ruins?"


Xu Cheng finally felt at ease.

He finally saw his peerless sister show such a tone when talking with him for the first time.

Equality King: Of course there is another chance.

After a long time, Xu Xin didn't reply.

Xu Cheng was a little surprised, what's going on, could it be that Xu Xin was provoked by himself to have a problem?

The arm was hot for a while, one was as warm as jade, and there was a faint fragrance on it.

King Chu Jiang: I just imprinted all the exercises I know on this jade with gods. After you enter the real world of Yin Ruins, you can open it after you feel the gods. Three hundred exercises should be enough for you. Well, don't waste this opportunity.

Xu Cheng:? ? ?
He was stunned for a moment, remembering three hundred exercises at any time, what kind of level is this...

It was installed again.

After a while, Xu Xin suddenly sent another jade.

King Chu Jiang: I don't study much of the Immortal Dao Kungfu, there are only nine kinds, and I will give it to you together, maybe it will have a huge effect on sorting out your martial arts.

King of Equality: Is there... your kung fu technique that can clone your body?
According to the news from the little princess, Xu Cheng had confirmed that Xu Xin had a body technique, so he asked tentatively at this moment.

King Chujiang: Don't look at the exercises, there are too many disadvantages.

Xu Xin didn't lie, that exercise was created by her, so she naturally knew the disadvantages of this exercise.

Using the secret method of Taoism's one qi to transform the three cleanses to draw the clone, the demon sect "Ji Xin Jue" endows the clone with wisdom and great power, but if you are a little careless, the clone will get out of control.

Xu Cheng had just practiced martial arts, and contacting this secret method that was almost destined to become her second supernatural power would only do more harm than good.

As for why she can control...

Just because her name is Xu Xin!
Xu Cheng looked at the two pieces of jade in his hands, his face excited. This time, he had enough destiny points and skills, and entered the real world of Yin Ruins, and he had to fight hard when he came out!
Zhai Xun, who was dragged aside, said with a high-spirited face, "Lead the way, Brother Di, let's enter the real world of Yin Ruins."

(End of this chapter)

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