I can see the script of life

Chapter 124 Senior, can this person be killed?

Chapter 124 Senior, can this person be killed?
As Xu Cheng fell to the ground, everyone present was shocked. Fan Zheng and Tang Weiming frowned, and looked at the burly giant who isolated themselves with some unbelievable expressions.

Surprised expressions appeared on everyone's faces, Xiao Chuchu muttered to himself, "Who is this person, whose aura is so frightening, it seems to be... Immortal?"

Xu Xin had a strange expression and was slightly silent.

The ghost girl in the distance looked at Xu Cheng's burly immortal figure, and suddenly showed a fascinated look on her face. She wanted to get closer but remembered something, and stopped, "I...I like it so much."

Xu Cheng landed on the ground, the wind was light and the clouds were calm, the relics flew out from the back of his head, and the endless source energy morphed out, softly chanting, "Move the mountain!"

Boom! ! !
As the words fell, a [-]-meter-high giant peak rose from the ground in the distance, and Xu Cheng dragged it with one hand, as if lifting the mountain.

Then he revealed his divine light and looked at the crowd.

"I was the real Wuyin 8 years ago, and I was the real Wuyin 5 years ago. The immortal way was broken and the deity lived alone for the seventh time. Today, who would not want to pick lotus?"

Everyone present gasped.

An antique from 13 years ago, a giant of magic in the Dachang era of Xiandao.

As Xu Cheng revealed each of the identities of the old monk, everyone present felt like a sledgehammer had hit their hearts.

So amazing.

Only Qi Daosi in Xu Cheng's spiritual thoughts looked gloomy. He didn't expect Xu Cheng to know all his reincarnation identities, and to tell them all in front of so many people.

An extremely huge demonic thought mixed with killing intent slowly emerged, just as Qi Daosi said, he is a demon.

Now that it is known, then... kill everyone!

"Little friend, still don't do it?"

Xu Cheng didn't pay attention to him, but his movement was towards the mountain peak with nine lotuses of destiny. With a movement of his body, the relic pushed out infinite source energy, pushing Xu Cheng to that side.

There were dozens of people standing on the mountain peak, and one of the old men looked fanatical and didn't care about Xu Cheng's arrival at all. Instead, when he realized that Xu Cheng was going to take Yunlian away by force, he shouted behind him.

"Stop him all for me!"

Yanxueji was startled by Xu Cheng's momentum, and left quietly. She is not a member of Tiansheng Sect, and this trip can only be regarded as seeing the world.

The rest of the Tiansheng believers glanced at Wu Gan first.

Wu Gan also seemed to want to test Xu Cheng's strength, so he nodded to these people.


Suddenly, everyone in Tianshengjiao moved in unison and shouted angrily at Xu Cheng.

A murderous intent flashed across Xu Cheng's face...

Sorry, I want to break the robbery, the only way is to kill...

Summoning the relics, countless sources of energy surged, forming an ancient bronze-colored coffin in the sky, filled with endless wailing.

"Those who stand in my way... die!"

The ancient coffin was opened, and countless phantoms surged out of it. These were the people Qi Daosi slaughtered when he practiced the way of magic.

A thought blooms.

The phantoms are like a tide, in a hurry.

After the howling of ghosts and wolves, everything returned to normal.

In the meantime, Xu Cheng's script was densely written.

[The script "The Crowd of the Demon Cult" (blue) is completed, the participation rate is 10%, and 100 destiny points are obtained. 】

[The script "The Crowd of the Demon Cult" (blue) is completed, the participation rate is 10%, and 100 destiny points are obtained. 】


[The script "A Thousand Years of Evil Formation" (red) is completed, the participation rate is 10%, and 1000 destiny points are obtained. 】

Only the script "A Thousand Years of Evil Formation" moved Xu Cheng slightly. This should be the script of the little old man who was overwhelmed but gave him a sense of danger.

These days, the Holy Cult is considered an elite, basically everyone is the protagonist of the blue script, and the forced killing will directly get 10% participation.

Xu Cheng glanced slightly, 4300 destiny points, follow-up self-help, not enough!

Turning his gaze to the distance, the miscellaneous fish's script is a bit stretched, and they still need to find these strong men...

Wu Gan trembled all over, he could feel the killing intent from Xu Cheng's eyes.

Xu Cheng punched loudly, and the source energy pervaded it, accompanied by countless ghosts crying and howling, and finally condensed into a white evil spirit that almost covered the sky and attacked Wu Gan.

There is no skill at all, and what the old monk said is 3000 years of cultivation and 3000 years of magic thoughts!
"God Envoy Tang, save me!"

In just a moment, Wu Gan was almost scared out of his wits by the appearance of the evil spirit.

"Blood river congealing body, demon god Botian!" '

An invisible scarlet horse swept out from behind Tang Weiming.

The evil ghost and the blood river emitted an incomparably bright light in the air, and then disappeared.

It's Tang Weiming!

The power of heaven and man can't beat the master?
Xu Cheng directly wanted to scold his mother, this old monk was a bit unreliable, but it was also because he did not have a higher level of command to the relic, but it was exactly what Xu Cheng wanted.

"Senior, can this person be killed?"

Killing intent arose everywhere, filled with Xu Cheng's spiritual thoughts.

The old monk laughed out loud. He was looking forward to Xu Cheng's physical body more and more. Such bloodthirsty nature was simply the most wonderful thing prepared for him by the heavens. Xu Cheng's body.

Perhaps... It's not impossible to reappear the majestic style of the little Tianzun of the Taoist sect in the past.

Although Xu Cheng was a little annoyed and confused when he revealed his identity, but at this moment, his big plan was about to come true, and he couldn't control it.

Xu Cheng's murderous intent was rampant at this moment. In his opinion, Xu Cheng was completely lost. As long as Xu Cheng's last wish was fulfilled and Xu Cheng's body was taken away, the degree of compatibility would surpass everything before.

The reason why he called out his name before was probably to embolden himself to kill people, right?

"Of course it can be killed! Pindao will let go of his control over this demon Buddha relic, and pass on to you the "Miluo Beheading People, Exterminating Immortals, Exterminating Ghosts, Deceiving Gods, and the Supreme Foundation-Building Secret Method". The Grand Master of the Ghost Buddha Temple won the bet, and found another way, not using the spiritual foundation, which is enough to make my little friend control my relic and release the real power of the Three Tribulations!"

Xu Cheng's heart moved, his face was full of killing intent, but his heart was extremely calm, and he said hoarsely, "Then thank you, Master!"

An incomparably mysterious scripture filled Xu Cheng's spiritual thoughts.

In just a moment, Xu Cheng learned the secret.

This exercise is indeed as the old monk said, and it has infinite uses. The most interesting thing is that it proposes not to cultivate the spiritual base, but to use the body as the spiritual base. It has some similarities with Xu Cheng's Yuan Wu Dao at the moment, but it is different. even worse.

After all, it is a method of cultivating the devil way, and it pays attention to taking human life as the merit, accepting the flesh body as the spiritual foundation, and finally achieving the magic foundation.

In addition to allowing Xu Cheng to have a deeper control over the relics of the Demon Buddha, this technique also has a more magical effect for Xu Cheng...

"Xu Cheng practiced "Mi Luo Slays People, Exterminates Immortals, Absolutely Ghosts, Deceives Gods, The Supreme Foundation-Building Secret Method" and achieved it extremely quickly! '

[During the plot judgment, if the plot judgment succeeds, 2000 destiny points will be consumed! 】

"Hahaha, let's go, little friend. This trip is only to follow my heart. I have seen your killing intent."

Xu Cheng ignored it and looked at Tang Weiming intently. He wanted to try and kill this official!

[Name]: Tang Weiming

[Life Level]: Longevity species

[Talent]: Bai Ling Yaodao★★★★★

[Script of Destiny]: The protagonist of "The Demon Army" (Purple)
[Playing script]: Supporting role in "The Resurrection of Yin Shen Cult" (black)
[Current plot]: Tang Wei is a man who comes from outside the territory and believes in the demon god of Bailing. The demon god of Bailing consumes divine power to turn his demon way into martial arts, making his "law" feasible in the Beidou world. Tang Wei is named by the mysterious organization Emperor Song and the wolf master Bewitched, the first to set off a frenzy of rebellion in the Great Zhou Dynasty, wanted to unite with the rest of the demon god believers, reopen the world, lead the gods back, and make their origin energy reappear in the world...

The reward for the purple script should be 10 points, killing Tang Weiming, even if it is only [-]%, still has a full [-] points.

But Xu Cheng has already been attracted by the level behind the Yinshenjiao script, the black level script...

Is the script level of a million life points?It's just that Tang Weiming is not the main character, is there someone else who attracts God?
Without thinking about these, Xu Cheng's use of Mofo's relics has surpassed before.

He clasped his hands together, and the relic was like a big sun, forming a halo from the back of his head, and an extremely domineering and cruel devilish energy suddenly gushed out.

The relic turned into an illusion, and an extremely tall Demon Buddha, holding a scorching sun and stepping on a dragon, appeared in the eyes of everyone.

When Mo Buddha raised his hand, the magic dragon lingered in the black scorching sun and attacked Tang Weiming.

Tang Weiming's complexion changed, he stepped back, frowned at Xu Cheng, showing a pensive look, and then said, "It turned out to be the Taoist Little Heavenly Venerable 13 years ago, hehe, are you reincarnated and stupid? How dare you control me?" Something about demons and gods?"

As his voice sounded, it became more and more treacherous, until the last yell, almost like another person.

His tone was flat, but there was a sudden change on his face, two fangs grew high, as if he was a different person.

"Senior, can this person really be killed?" Seeing that the changes in Tang Weiming's body were getting more and more terrifying, Xu Cheng asked Qi Daosi with some uncertainty.


The old monk squatted quietly in Xu Cheng's mind, and slowly spit out a word with clangs in his mouth.


Fan Zheng stood on the gate of heaven, a little at a loss. He never expected that something unexpected happened, and an old antique who claimed to be 13 years ago appeared, and Li Song beside him looked anxious.

"Brother Fan, the Lotus of Destiny must not fall into the hands of others..."

Fan Zheng moved his eyes to him, "Of course I know this, but I'm very curious now, who exactly is Brother Li here for?"

Li Yousong looked hesitant, knowing that with his own strength, he could not keep the Lotus of Destiny at all, so he slowly raised his head to look at the sky, "The tallest one."

Fan Zheng's face darkened a bit.

"Hehe, I had some guesses, but I didn't expect that it was really him."

Li Yousong said quickly, "Brother Fan, be careful with your words."

Fan Zheng raised his hands horizontally, the sky gate opened wide behind him, and there were endless stars lingering inside, as if it was another world.

Tianmen moves, he will end!
But at this moment, the situation in the field changed suddenly.

I saw the demon Buddha controlling the demon dragon, fighting against the alienated Tang Weiming in the sea of ​​blood with the black sun in his hand.

Suddenly, the Demon Buddha disappeared, and the relic with an extremely bright black light manifested.

Then drifted leisurely into the sea of ​​blood.

Tang Weiming's complexion changed, and Fan Zheng's complexion changed at the same time. Destiny closed inward instantly, except for Yu Zaiyin and Li Yousong, with a heartbeat, they also protected Xu Xin and Xiao Chuchu beside him.

Immediately afterwards, Xu Cheng, who was in the immortal state, heard a strange sound of magic sound mixed with several tones, "How dare you!"

In the immortal state, Xu Cheng's face was expressionless, and the killing intent on his face was gone.

Looking at Tang Weiming under the blood river.

A word slowly spit out from the mouth.


(End of this chapter)

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