I can see the script of life

Chapter 13 I planted a seed

Chapter 13 I Planted a Seed

"Brother Xu, what are we doing here?"

Niu Yingjun rubbed his head and followed Xu Cheng and Wei Chengnian's buttocks.

"Wait until it gets dark and catch the murderer." Xu Cheng said without turning his head.

Niu Yingjun didn't quite understand the connection between catching the murderer and the sky, but he didn't ask. He knew Xu Cheng very early and knew that Xu Cheng had a bright mind.

Just when Xu Cheng was about to take the two of them to Yunji Restaurant for a big meal, a Qingpi ran over from a distance.

"Brother Xu."

It was Du Jianghe. Thinking of the things he had agreed with Du Jianghe before, Xu Cheng's expression lifted. It seems that the Wild Wolf Gang is about to take action!

He had been looking forward to Du Jianghe's foundation-building fetish for a long time.

Said to Wei Chengnian and Niu Yingjun, "This is one of my brothers, Du Jianghe, let's have a meal together, and it happens that Jianghe will have a credit here."

In the year of Weicheng, the two of them had nothing to do.

Upstairs in Yunji, Du Jianghe looked at the two of Wei Chengnian, Xu Cheng laughed and cursed, "Let's just say it, you came in later, everyone is a colleague."

Hearing what Xu Cheng said, Du Jianghe didn't hesitate, and said, "There is a letter from the Wild Wolf Gang. I will be selected for the next operation, and the time is set in three days."

"Estimate, when will you come back, so that I can lead someone to catch you together." Xu Cheng's words made sense.

The faces of the people present became weird instantly, so that I can lead someone to catch you...

What a...talent!
Du Jianghe said, "Leave around midnight and help the Cao Gang transport the salt to the pier. There will be someone waiting at the pier, and they will be busy until Yinshi."

Xu Cheng nodded, "Okay, you can be an undercover agent at ease, when the time comes, I'll bring someone over there and take your wild wolf gang away."

After eating, Du Jianghe left.

Xu Cheng and the others walked towards the city.


Li House.

Li Dan was sitting on a chair, holding a cup of tea in his hand, imitating the posture of Fu Yin Liu Yu, constantly rubbing the rim of the cup with the lid, he was thinking.

The situation in Qingshan Mansion is changing, Liu Yu is about to leave office, and Fan Zheng, the new governor, is already on his way here.

Fan Zheng knew something about him. He had read the scriptures well, was suave and unrestrained, hated evil like a vengeful, cold and harsh, and powerful in the court.The Cabinet Youge, who previously worked in the Tianxia Power Center, did not know why he was in Kyoto, and now he is exiled to Qingshan Mansion.

"Go and call the young master." Li Dan put down his contemplation and said to the long servant beside him.

After a while, a slender young man in the uniform of the Department of Internal Medicine came in from the outside, "Father, are you looking for me?"

"You should know the imperial court's arrangement for Qingshan Mansion, right?" Li Dan closed his eyes slightly, and the teacup in his hand shook unconsciously, but no drop of tea fell.

Li Xiao thought for a moment, and then asked tentatively, "Dad is talking about the fact that Fan Zheng, a scholar of the Youge University, came to Qingshan?"

Li Dan nodded, "Recently, you should stay away from those cronies of yours, and deal more with officials. Once Mr. Liu leaves, the situation of our Li family is not good, so don't make too much publicity."

"My child understands."

Li Xiao left his father's study, he lowered his head and thought about Li Dan's deep meaning.

At this moment, the voice of the chief servant came from outside, "Master, some members of the yamen patrol department want to see you."

"Patrol Division?" Li Xiao asked back, then said, "What's the matter?"

The chief servant lowered his head and thought for a while, then said, "The leader of the patrol said it's about your hat."

"Let them in."

Xu Cheng and others followed the long servant, passed through the three courtyards of Li's house, and finally saw Li Xiao.

As soon as he saw Li Xiao, Xu Cheng complained with a smile on the corner of his mouth, "Brother Li's family is indeed a wealthy family. Look at this small courtyard, it is bigger than the three of ours."

Li Xiao looked at Xu Cheng, "Xu Cheng, what are you doing here? I haven't messed with you recently."

Wei Chengnian gave Xu Cheng a strange look, and Niu Yingjun whispered in Wei Chengnian's ear, "Li Xiao offended Brother Xu before, and was beaten up by Brother Xu."

The longer Wei Chengnian spent with Xu Cheng, the more he understood that the reason Xu Cheng could be so "rampant" in Qingshan Mansion was not his father who was the chief arrester of the four yamen, but the fact that he claimed to be all over Taizhou. The sect's communication, of course, the deep-seated reason for these communication is that these so-called decent people have taken a fancy to Xu Cheng's true sister who is ranked fourth in the Glazed Sect.

Wei Chengnian had naturally heard of Xu Xin's name from the Liuli School, but he never thought that Xu Cheng was actually Xu Xin's younger brother.

As soon as Niu Yingjun said, Weicheng understood in seconds. This Li Xiao probably said bad things about Xu Xin when he was young, and Xu Cheng told those Xu Xin's licking dogs.

Xu Cheng smiled lightly, "Brother Li, why are you so on guard, I just came to ask you something."

"what's up?"

"I heard that brother Li likes wives?"

As soon as Xu Cheng said this, the courtyard fell silent, and Li Xiao's face turned red instantly.

"Xu! Cheng! What are you talking about?"

Xu Cheng waved his hand indifferently, "Do you have a younger brother named Qian who gave you a woman, saying that she is his stepmother?"

Li Xiao's face turned rosy, and the previous anger turned into embarrassment in an instant. "What... are you trying to say?"

Xu Cheng looked around, pretending to keep Li Xiao a secret, walked up to him, and said quietly, "That woman has an adulterer, we're going to catch the adulterer tonight, do you want to go and see together?"

Li Xiao seemed to be moved, Xu Cheng glanced at him calmly, knowing that his goal had been achieved.

The reason why he wanted to deal with Li Xiao was because of Li Xiao's script.

【Name】: Li Xiao
[Life level]: short-lived species

[Talent]: Martial arts talent★★★

[Destiny Script]: The protagonist of "The Green Robber" (blue)
[Playing script]: Supporting role in "Elimination of Evil" (unopened), supporting role in "Sunset" (unopened)
[Current main thread]: Li Xiao has always liked to make friends with sects in the rivers and lakes, and has a close relationship with the young masters of gangs such as the Black Water Gang...

The blue script, and looking at the name, is to make Li Xiao a green forest robber. In Xu Cheng's opinion, although the level of this script is blue, it is quite simple to operate.

After all, Li Xiao himself has such a will, and the only difficulty lies in Li Zhupu, but don't forget, after a while, it will be the time when the imperial court sends a new governor.

At that time, Li Dan, as the confidant of the former governor, will be excluded by the Fanzheng Group.

Without Li Dan's obstruction at that time, the speed at which Li Xiao will become a bandit in the forest will definitely be accelerated a bit.

After leaving Li Xiao's house, Xu Cheng looked at his current script.

He has now joined "The Richest Man", "The Great Dutiful Son" and the upcoming "Green Robber".

In fact, the development of this script is like growing vegetables, becoming a supporting role, quietly waiting for the development of the plot, and then harvesting destiny points.

Then use the destiny point to slowly become stronger.

Xu Cheng connected the joints, and took steps that his relatives would not recognize, "I planted a seed, and finally it grew fruit..."

(End of this chapter)

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