I can see the script of life

Chapter 133 Coagulation, Haven

Chapter 133 Coagulation, Haven

Xu Cheng didn't kill Haiwei. Judging from Haiyuan's script, he should be planning to deprive him of the benefits in this counter-insurgency. Perhaps because he was afraid of some people in the capital, Fan Zheng was somewhat passive.

But with Haiwei, maybe we can raise some conditions...

Xu Cheng thought to himself.

He didn't use the spirit base of wood for treatment, so he took out a few tentacles of Ziyu Taisui, stuffed them into Haiwei's mouth, sewed Haiwei's stomach up with a needle and thread, and went to the yamen tomorrow, maybe he could offer some conditions.

Xu Cheng thought to himself.

After dawn.

Xu Cheng woke Haiwei up with a smile on his face, "By the way, I forgot to ask your identity, who are you?"

The feeling of the rest of Haiwei's life after the catastrophe floated in his heart, and he was speechless for a while looking at Xu Cheng's face.

You finally thought of asking our family's identity, not because he didn't want to say it last night, but every time he said something that Xu Cheng didn't want to know, he was interrupted by Xu Cheng. At this moment, he couldn't help but feel the urge to cry, and said in a hoarse voice, "Si Eunuch Haiwei, the young envoy of the ceremonial supervisor, Hai Yuan, the chief supervisor of the ceremonial supervisor, is my godfather." His tone was bitter and arrogant.

"It turned out to be Eunuch Hai who came from the palace. I didn't know it was Eunuch Hai last night. I offended you so much. I hope you will forgive me." Xu Cheng clasped his fists to salute Haiwei with a look of sudden realization.

This is obviously fake, after all, Haiwei didn't change his clothes when he came out, he was wearing the eunuch's uniform in the palace.

Xu Cheng smiled all over his face, and then said, "Last night, I didn't know that it was Eunuch Hai who made Eunuch Hai suffer. For the sake of Eunuch Hai's reputation, I publicized that there was a problem with Eunuch Hai's exercises, so I was lucky enough to catch Eunuch Hai. Eunuch Hai will understand." Do I mean?"

Seeing Xu Cheng's smile, Haiwei felt a chill in his heart.

He still wants me to help him conceal his strength...

But does he have a choice?

Haiyuan valued him because of his strength in martial arts, not only his resilience, but also his willingness to cultivate both internally and externally. If Haiyuan knew that he was defeated by Xu Cheng, who hadn't clotted his blood yet, would his status still be like this?
"Okay, our family understands, and I hope Mr. Xu will not let his mouth slip." Haiwei wanted to save face for the last time, but when he saw the smile on Xu Cheng's face, he quickly replied.

Xu Cheng nodded in satisfaction, and scooped up a ladle from the bucket on the ground, "Come, father-in-law, drink water."

Zhengqi building.

"Yesterday Haiyuan's godson attacked you?" Fan Zheng had a strange expression on his face.

Xu Cheng nodded, "For the sake of the jade bones clearing the blood of the tiger, he ambushed the students yesterday and managed to beat him with great effort."

"Interesting, leave the person to me, and I'll go find Haiyuan." Fan Zheng said.

"He is in the strength realm. In order to prevent accidents, the students are a bit ruthless." Xu Cheng said shyly.

Fan Zheng said indifferently. "It's okay, since he did it first, as long as he doesn't die, everything will be fine."

If Haiwei dies, maybe Haiyuan will turn his back on him. Since he is still alive, he is willing to pay some price to come to Haiyuan.

"I plan to go to Pingzhou in three days. At that time, you will lead the death camp and attack Yue County in Qianyang Prefecture." After a pause, Fan Zheng said, "It looks dangerous over there, but in fact, after Tang Weiming's death, It's already empty there, and Zai Yin will go there with you at that time."

Yue County is the place where the Demon God Army first came out, and it is considered the base camp of the Pingzhou Demon God Army. After Tang Weiming died, there must be emptiness there, and Yu Zaiyin followed him, which is considered a military exploit for nothing.

As for the death row camps, not all of them are death row prisoners. There are also some other prisoners who voluntarily enter the death row camps in order to win military merits and obtain forgiveness. Generally, those who can enter the death row camps are not bad in strength, but they are a bit aggressive...

Xu Cheng felt happy for a while, is this the benefit of having someone in court?
Fan Zheng looked at Xu Cheng and said again, "You took back the Lotus of Destiny, but you can't report this matter to the imperial court, it's your protection, otherwise unless you show your original martial arts, otherwise, it will be unexplainable. Attacking Yue County will be regarded as your compensation."

Xu Cheng understood what Fan Zheng meant, and felt a little regretful that he couldn't be directly promoted to the third rank. However, if he went to Yue County to gain military meritorious service, with his golden fingers, he might get more...

"It's all up to the teacher."

"Well, you go down and get ready."


After Xu Cheng left, Fan Zheng went to find Haiyuan with a somewhat ambiguous expression.

I think the benefits of coming to the Xinglong Chamber of Commerce this time will be cut off. After all, the people of Pingzhou are already suffering enough, and the eunuchs who made war fortunes are naturally not seen by Fan Zheng.

But because Wei You offended the eunuch party too much, Fan Zheng had no choice but to fight the eunuch party hypocritically.

An hour later.

No one knew what Fan Zheng and Hai Yuan had said. They only knew that when Hai Yuan came out, his face was gloomy, and his face, which was usually full of smiles, seemed a little stiff.

Of course, none of this has anything to do with Xu Cheng.

At this time, he had already returned home.

After feeding Ming Bao and sending him away, Xu Cheng took out the jade box given to him by Fan Zheng, which contained the jade bones and blood of the tiger.

Jade Bone Qinghu, a fifth-rank alien beast, has unparalleled hard bones, is good at running, and is extremely fast. Its supernatural power is named [Tiger Roar]. Although the name is not good, its power is not weak. The hunting method, with a roar, anyone whose rank is lower than the Jade Bone Qinghu will be terrified, and even weaker ones will fall into the trap.

In the jade box, there was a jade bottle about the size of a Coke bottle. The jade bottle was made of unknown material, but it was somewhat transparent. When the cork was pulled out, a burst of fragrant air rushed towards him.

This kind of strange animal blood is not an ordinary red color, in the bright red, there is a trace of jade color wandering around.

The blood from the apex of the heart is generally used in the blood of different animals, but Xu Cheng raises Mingbao and uses the ordinary blood of Mingbao to condense the apex of the apex of the blood, which is still not enough at the moment.

The original owner of the Jade Bone Clearing Tiger's Blood should have good talent, at least according to Xu Cheng's identified bugs, at least four stars or above.

So Xu Cheng planned to coagulate the blood for the first time, so he used the blood of the jade bone clearing the tiger.

Three days is enough time for his first blood coagulation and the first blood exchange.

With a slight movement in Xu Cheng's heart, he called up the panel and skillfully modified the plot.

The training in the blood exchange stage is more expensive than he imagined, perhaps because his foundation is too solid, and it takes a full [-] points to complete a blood coagulation.

Expensive is a bit expensive, but Xu Cheng didn't care about it. He mobilized the whole body's blood and condensed strand by strand according to a specific route.

Before the blood coagulates, most people will select the different blood, and will condense the blood into the appearance of a strange beast, so that they can better swallow the different blood.

What Xu Cheng had to do was to condense his qi and blood into the appearance of a tiger with jade bones.

Tiangui Pavilion.

Haiyuan looked at Haiwei, who was given high hopes by him, and raised his hand to slap, and the clear voice resounded throughout the room, "Who told you to find disciple Fan Zheng on your own?"

There was anger in his heart, he had tried his best to help Haiwei get the tiger's blood from jade bones, but he never thought that after learning that Fan Zheng had given it to his disciple Xu Cheng, Haiwei went to ask Xu Cheng privately for it.

It's fine if you get it, but I didn't expect to fail, and even got ripped off by Fan Zheng.

If it weren't for Haiwei's good martial arts aptitude, one of the few available talents in his hands, he would never have saved Haiwei this time.

The more he thought about it, the angrier he became, he raised his hand and slapped him again.

"It's all right if you succeed, and you were defeated and captured by a blood-changing realm. It's a shame. Your family's face has been lost by you today!"

Haiwei lowered his head, suppressed the pain in his abdomen, quickly knelt on the ground, and flatteringly kissed Haiyuan's boots, "Godfather atones, son knows he was wrong."

His gesture finally moved Haiyuan.

The eunuch lacked something, and his emotions were always weird. Haiyuan's face showed a kindness, and he touched the face he had just slapped, "Does it hurt?"

"If you go back to godfather, it hurts, but the son only hurts physically, and the son knows that godfather hurts even more." Haiwei said with his head down.

Haiyuan seemed quite satisfied with this answer, and touched the palm print on Haiwei's face, "Don't blame your godfather, this is also to improve your memory. As for the jade bones and tiger blood, I will help you get it." arrive."

As he spoke, he called out, "Wen'er."

A young eunuch who looked somewhat similar to Haiwei, but was a little thin walked in from the outside, knelt down and said. "Godfather, my son is here."

"Your brother is a bit reckless, so you go to find that Xu Cheng, and help Wei'er get that jade bone clearing tiger's blood."

"Son obeys."

On Haiwei's face, which had been lowered all the time, there was a hint of insidiousness.


In the Xu family's secret room, Xu Cheng slowly opened his eyes, and a trace of emotion flashed in Ru Mo's eyes.

This blood coagulation is far more difficult than he imagined, no wonder it is said that the most difficult thing is to exchange blood.

In addition to the difficulty, this simple blood coagulation is not a simple job.

Tuk Tuk Tuk!
Ming Bao, who was guarding outside, knocked on the door with his bear's paw, yelling something.

"Come on, stop calling."

When he went out, he casually stuffed a bunch of tentacles into Ming Bao’s mouth. When he came back yesterday, Xu Cheng taught Ming Bao the modified version of "The Immortal Gold and Jade Seal". The meridians of humans and beasts are completely different. The meridian is very familiar.

After all, when this guy was very young, he was in Xu Cheng's home. For a while, Xu Cheng had practiced "Extreme Eyes" to the second level, but he could see through the essence and understand the meridians of Mingbao.

The last time he got enlightened, he modified a set for this little guy incidentally, but he could only practice the skin, after all, Xu Cheng's knowledge at that time was only so little.

"Hungry so quickly? I don't eat as much as you do in my cultivation."

He thought Ming Bao was hungry, so he knocked on the door, but Ming Bao spat out the tentacles in his mouth, and yelled again.

When Xu Cheng walked into the courtyard, he saw a man standing at the door, well-dressed, with a white face and beardless, similar to Hai Wei in appearance, but a little thinner.

"But Xu Lingshi? It's not easy to see you. I've been guarding you since morning." Haiwen said to Xu Cheng who came out of the secret room with a smile on his face.

This person is polite. Xu Cheng is a polite person. When others treat him politely, he will not be cold-faced, and said with a smile, "Oh? I don't know why this father-in-law is looking for Xu?"

Hai Wen smiled lightly, "I heard that there was some misunderstanding between Xu Lingshi and my elder brother Hai Wei yesterday, and the little one came here for this."

Xu Cheng continued to smile, but narrowed his eyes, "Oh?"

"Xu Lingshi, please don't get me wrong, I'm here to inquire specifically at the order of my godfather, and..." He took out a small jade bottle from his bosom as he spoke, "The blood of the jade bone clearing the tiger is very important to the little one. Elder brother is extremely important, and my godfather specially ordered me to exchange it with you for Zhuque Pill."

With a smile on his face, he introduced, "This Suzaku Pill is a fifth-grade elixir, and it has miraculous effects on blood exchange. Taking it during the blood exchange stage is equivalent to using the exotic animal Suzaku to exchange blood, and it is safer. Xu Lingshi is willing exchange?"

Xu Cheng pursed his lips, Suzaku Pill... is also what he needs, if he can get it...

However, this kind of pill exchange also has disadvantages. The potential of pills is fixed. According to Xu Cheng's estimation, most of them are equivalent to three stars, so far.

Xu Cheng said, "No need, the jade bone clears the blood of the tiger, which is of great use to me, but I can't give it to my father-in-law."

Haiwen was taken aback for a moment, and soon a smile appeared on his face again, "If that's the case, then I'll bother Xu Lingshi."

It was Xu Cheng's turn to be surprised that this person turned around and left after being rejected by him.

Standing where he was, he touched his chin. This person is a bit interesting.

[Name]: Hai Wen
[Life level]: short-lived species

[Talent]: Martial Arts★★★, Wisdom Forbearance★★

【Destiny Script】: The protagonist of "Xiyuan Zhigong" (red)
[Playing script]: "Under One Man" supporting role (purple), "The Eunuch Party" supporting role (purple)...

[Current plot]: Haiwen's talent is not good, but after entering the palace, he got a chance to get the treasure of the blood ancestor in the past, and practiced the martial arts "Blood Red Golden Code". Yuan entrusts him with a heavy responsibility to contact Tan Ze, the governor of Pingzhou. Tan Ze has an affair with the Demon God Army, and he tries to rely on Haiyuan to escape the crime...

Xu Cheng rubbed his chin, this man cannot be killed, he is a big fish, the Demon Army is a big fish, and Pingzhou governor Tan Ze is also a big fish.

It's all credit.

Because of the fate point, Xu Cheng is quite a bit of an official fan now.

There is no plot about Xu Cheng written in the script, and it is presumed that this person intends to slowly grind the jade bones in Xu Cheng's hands to clear the blood of the tiger after the expedition.

It's a pity that Xu Cheng didn't plan to change this thing at all.

(End of this chapter)

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