Chapter 15 Poor?

Li Rou and Zhuo Du wronged each other, and Li Xiao tortured each other.

Zhang Fusi slapped the gavel angrily again, and said loudly, "How did the two of you kill Qian Fugui, so you did it!"

Li Rou trembled in fright, and her long eyelashes trembled, causing the officials around Xu Cheng to show a little emotion.

Zhuo Du performed exaggeratedly and said loudly, "I have never killed anyone, how do I invite it?"

Zhang Fusi looked at Li Xiao with dissatisfaction. Li Xiao clearly told him that the case was closed, but he didn't expect that there was no evidence at all. What a brat, Li Dan is such a smart person, how could he give birth to such a stupid son.

Li Xiao touched Xu Cheng's side, "Brother Xu, if you have any evidence, please show it. I owe you a favor."

Xu Cheng didn't say much. After all, this case is where he got the credit, so he stepped forward.

"Sir Rong of the Zhang Mansion reported that Xu Cheng from the Patrol Division has something to say."


Xu Cheng walked up to Li Rou, "Mr. Qian Li, let me ask you, why didn't you sleep with Master Qian when the incident happened?"

A trace of panic flashed in Li Rou's eyes, she pretended to be calm and said, "My master is not in good health, and we have not had sex for a long time."

"How long?"

"Almost a year."

Xu Cheng nodded, "It's been almost a year..." He pointed to Zhuo Du beside him and said, "Then what's the relationship between this one and you?"

Li Rou didn't know how to do it, she denied it flatly, "I don't know him!"

Xu Cheng smiled brightly.

He said to Niu Yingjun who was behind him, "Handsome, I asked you to go to the Rong County Yamen to get the murderer's shoe print drawing paper, can you get it?"

Niu Yingjun walked out from behind, and took out a piece of white paper from his arms with a pair of shoe prints drawn on it, "My brother sent it over last night!"

Xu Cheng glanced at it, and said to Niu Yingjun, "Compared with the shoes on this young man's feet, this pattern is not common."

Zhuo Du's expression changed.

A few minutes later, Niu Yingjun said to Zhang Fusi in the hall, "My lord, Zhuo Du's shoe print is the same as the shoe print left by the murderer in the Qian family's ancestral house that day. I can be sure that this is Zhuo Du's shoe print." .”

Xu Cheng took two steps forward, and suddenly shouted, "Zhuo Du, now that the evidence is solid, what else can you say?"

Pointing at Li Rou, "And you Qian Lishi, you said you don't know Zhuo Du, then we saw you with Zhuo Du at night with our own eyes yesterday, what can you say?"

Li Xiao had a smile on his face, and Qian Duo's face was also full of gratitude. As for Wei Chengnian, he knew Xu Cheng's arrangement and knew that he had another killer move.

Xu Cheng got up, "Do you still want to say that we are all planted to frame you? Don't worry, we still have witnesses!"

"Come here, invite Dr. Wang here."

Hearing this name, Li Rou and Zhuo Du's complexion became obviously very bad.

A skinny little old man with a goatee came in, "Caomin Wang has met Zhang Fusi, and all the adults!"

Zhang Fusi asked calmly, "What evidence do you have?"

"This madam is pregnant, and she once took birth control pills from the villain. It was this young master who accompanied this madam at that time!"

Xu Cheng took over the conversation, "Li Rou, you just said that you haven't had sex with Qian Yuanwai for more than a year, so whose child is in your stomach? Why is Zhuo Du accompanying you to buy medicine?"

Before Xu Cheng could finish speaking, Li Rou began to cry.

All the facts of the case became clear, and the moment the case reached Dr. Wang's appearance, it was almost revealed.

Before Li Rou was taken away by a group of officials, she gave Qian Duo a cold look, "Both of you father and son are worthless!"

This sentence has a huge amount of information.

Xu Cheng naturally understood that this Li Rou was born lascivious and could seduce so many men, so how could Qian Duo, who is the future helm of the Qian family, never seduce?

Thinking about it, Qian Duo knew that his stepmother was flirtatious at that time, so he gave her to Li Xiao to train her after giving birth to curry favor with Li Xiao.

Just after Zhang Fusi sentenced Zhuo Du to beheaded and Li Rou was exiled, the crowd gradually receded.

It's just the sighs and regrets in the crowd, which seem to be telling something.

Is seeing such a beautiful woman imprisoned, the ray of good things being destroyed in people's hearts, satisfying some perverted feelings in the bottom of my heart that cannot be expressed with outsiders?

Xu Cheng didn't know.


In the distance, a gray-haired old man was drinking tea with Qingshan Mansion Governor Liu Yu, a middle-aged man walked in behind him, and whispered a few words behind the old man's back.

The old man raised his head, revealing the face of a handsome old man about 30 years old, with a smile on his mouth, "Interesting."

Liu Yu clapped his hands and asked the maid outside to serve tea for the gray-haired old man, "What good thing happened to Mr. Fan? So happy?"

"Hahaha, this Qingshan Mansion is very interesting, and there are indeed a lot of talents under Liu Fu Yin's command."

This gray-haired but youthful-faced man is exactly Fan Zheng, who is feared by countless people and loved by countless people. He is about to take office as Governor of Qingshan Mansion!


At this time, Niu Yingjun came from outside, "Brother Xu, that Li Rou wants to see you."

It was the first time for Xu Cheng to enter the Yamen prison. It was similar to the ones shown in TV dramas. In the dark dungeon, there were torches on both sides. Each cell was surrounded by wooden fences and filled with hay. This is where the prisoners place to rest.

Xu Cheng followed his colleagues from the Prison Division to Li Rou's cell and asked. "You want to see me?"

Li Rou looked at Xu Cheng quietly with her eyes blank. After a long time, she said softly, "My family has been very poor since I was a child. When I was 15 years old, my father paid me 15 taels of silver. Married to Qian Fugui, do you know what it feels like for a 15-year-old girl to marry a 50-year-old man?"

Xu Cheng felt a little strange in his heart, this Li Rou called her here to complain?

"He couldn't give birth to a child, so he beat and scolded me frequently. I went to Qian Duo for help, but who knew that instead of helping, he even told Qian Fugui that I seduced him... Since he said so, then do it..." Li The soft voice gradually became sharper.

Hearing Li Rou's true feelings, Xu Cheng felt a strange feeling in his heart.

Is this woman in front of you pitiful?

No doubt, on her own terms, sympathetic.

But this is the way of the world!
Everyone has their own destiny and their own life script.

[Listen to the true feelings of the protagonist of "The Great Dutiful Son", which will have an impact on the ending and get 10 destiny points. 】

Xu Cheng was taken aback for a moment, and he walked out of the prison slowly.

After Li Rou finished talking to him, he didn't know what feeling he felt in his heart, was it sympathy?

Xu Cheng let go of the thoughts in his heart. Now that he is still in danger, his own identity is like a time bomb, which will explode at some point.

Before the time bomb of identity detonates, one's own strength is the only one to rely on.

Xu Cheng returned home, began to practice, and began to look forward to the treasure he was about to get from Du Jianghe.

I don't know what a good thing it is that can make Du Jianghe the foundation of martial arts.

(End of this chapter)

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