I can see the script of life

Chapter 155 Summary of Wuyin Tea and Martial Arts

Chapter 155 Summary of Wuyin Tea and Martial Arts
Zhu Yulong looked at Wei Chengnian, "Xiao Nian...Brother Xu..."

Wei Chengnian shook his head, he cooperated tacitly with Xu Cheng, it was natural to see that Xu Cheng wanted to use Lei Zixiong to show his prestige, especially after Lei Zixiong unscrupulously hurt Xu Cheng's people, this kind of conflict has already is inevitable.

No matter whether he stopped him or not, Xu Cheng's temperament determined that it was impossible for him to pretend nothing happened.

"Don't worry, Lei Zixiong is not his opponent."

Looking at the calm Weicheng Nian, Zhu Yulong was speechless for a moment. Was he worried about Lei Zixiong?Lei Zixiong's brother is the most difficult one, right?
"Go down and have a look."

The two got up and went down with Xu Cheng.


On the street, a figure suddenly fell, and then Xu Cheng chased it out.

Yu Chixin yelled, "Dongying is chasing and killing the wanted criminal, the idlers wait and get out of the way!"

Xu Cheng chased after Lei Zixiong, full of murderous aura.

But at this moment, it suddenly stopped.

Lei Zixiong didn't know when a figure appeared in front of him, he raised his brows, "New East Gate Commander? That's the end of this matter, how about it?"

Xu Cheng looked at him, his face slowly became serious, and then walked to Yu Chixin's side, "Let him apologize."

Lei Zixiong leaned up and looked at Xu Cheng with a ferocious face, "You!"

The mysterious man stared at Xu Cheng, and said in a high-pitched voice, "I told you, this is the end of this matter!"

An eunuch in the Divine Palace Realm, a member of the inner party?

The old eunuch took a deep look at Xu Cheng, and threw out a bottle of elixir in his hand, "This matter has nothing to do with Xu Lingjun, this is a sixth-grade elixir-Minggan Dan, I hope Xu Lingjun doesn't care about it."

Xu Cheng thought to himself, as Fan Zheng's disciple, he was naturally on the opposite side of the eunuchs, no matter what he did, it was irreversible.

The old eunuch's behavior at this moment was just that he didn't want himself, or that Fan Zheng was interfering in their plan for the Marquis of Dingyuan.

Thinking of this, Xu Cheng said to the old eunuch, "The first day I first entered the capital was an eye-opener for Mr. Xu. As for the pill, Mr. Xu would naturally not accept it."

He smiled grimly, "Everyone loves you so much, Xu has a deep feeling, and there will be rewards in the future!"

Since he is not the old eunuch's opponent, let's stop here, Lei Zixiong will not be able to kill him...

But he didn't intend to kill Lei Zixiong, so it's not a pity.

Zhu Yulong looked at the old eunuch, he knew this person, Li Sanxiao, the chief eunuch of the Palm Printing Department.

"Eunuch Li is really outspoken about showing up today, it's a pity that Duke Wei is gone."

When Wei You was mentioned, Li Sanxiao was furious, "Zhu Yulong, respect the Zhu family of Hou Dingyuan, and call you Mr. Zhu. If you insist on seeking death, our family will fulfill you today!"

Zhu Yulong went up to meet him, and glanced at Lei Zixiong, "Mr. Lei, Mr. Li, you... dare to kill me?"

The few people stopped talking, Wei Chengnian put his arm around Zhu Yulong's shoulders, and looked at Lei Zixiong coldly, "I heard that the Lei family started with martial arts, Mr. Lei is injured today, so it is inconvenient to ask for advice. I will definitely come to visit, and I hope Mr. Lei will not refuse."

Lei Zixiong stood up with difficulty, with a gloomy expression, "It's a good time to come to the door, isn't it Weicheng Nian? I'm waiting for you! I didn't expect Fatty Zhu's friend to be so kind, and I have seen it today."

Wei Chengnian didn't bother to respond to this defeated dog's words, so he glanced at Li Sanxiao, turned around and went upstairs with Zhu Yulong.

The street was empty at the moment, and Lei Zixiong looked ugly under countless gazes, and the feeling of being treated as a joke was not good.

The old eunuch turned his head and glanced at him, thinking of Lei Zixiong's elder brother, he retracted the reprimand he was about to spit out, "Go back."


Xu Cheng, Zhu Yulong, and Wei Chengnian went upstairs again, losing interest in drinking.

Zhu Yulong's face was awkward, and he didn't have the boldness when he threatened Lei Zixiong before, "Brother Xu, I'm sorry, you were involved in today's incident, don't worry, if Lei Zixiong troubles you in the future, Zhu will definitely not allow it."

Xu Cheng took a serious look at him and saw the sincerity in Fatty Zhu's eyes, "Brother Zhu misunderstood, my teacher Fan Zheng and that eunuch are incompatible with each other, even without you, the eunuch would probably trouble me, What happened today was just a coincidence."

Zhu Yulong had something else to say.

Xu Cheng stopped him.

Wei Chengnian asked, "Brother Zhu, what are you going to do?"

Zhu Yulong got up and lowered the door curtain gently.

This private room is obviously much better than the one we found in Weicheng Nian. The decoration of the room is extremely exquisite, and even the walls are engraved with patterns, which is enough to prevent prying eyes.

Obviously, when today's incident spread, Zhu Yulong probably has no way to retreat. If he wants to completely defeat his cousin, he needs to hurry up, preferably with a thunderous blow.

"I was concerned about the brotherhood and wanted to give him one last chance...Since this is the case...then I have to let go of the little brotherhood in my heart." Zhu Yulong said alone, as if he was telling himself.

He didn't expect that Zhu Jianshen was so unscrupulous that he would let Lei Zixiong break into his restaurant openly. If the matter was left alone, it would not only embarrass himself, but also Dingyuanhou's mansion.

Wei Chengnian asked, "What do I need to do?"

Xu Cheng glanced at Weicheng Nian, since Brother Nian decided to help, then he would help, "If there is anything I can do, you can tell me." His posture was calm and his expression was unrestrained.

Zhu Yulong glanced at the two gratefully, "Thank you two brothers, Brother Xu didn't dare to trouble you when he first arrived in the capital, but he just needs Xiaonian to accompany me to the Xinglong Chamber of Commerce."

The two nodded.

clap clap!

Zhu Yulong clapped his hands, and a servant came in from outside, holding a plate with a jade bottle in his hand.

"I heard from Xiaonian that brother Xu is special in martial arts and needs a lot of different blood. This is the blood of the seven-star knife mantis. Please accept it. There will be other blood of different beasts in the future. I will send someone to send it to brother Xu." .”

Xu Cheng took a deep look at Zhu Yulong and didn't say much.

This person can make friends, but I didn't expect Brother Nian to be so young, and he is also a sweetheart.

Seeing Xu Cheng take the jade bottle, Zhu Yulong was deeply relieved.

In his life, he hated to owe favors to others the most, but Xu Cheng's helping hand today was far more than a bottle of alien blood could repay.

There is ample time.


The people are separated.

Yu Chixin took Xu Cheng to the outer city. As the order of the East Gate, he naturally had a house allocated by the imperial court. Although it was in the outer city, it was possible to give him a thousand-square-meter apartment in a place where every inch of land in Kyoto was worth a thousand square meters. The courtyard can also be regarded as a symbol of the great responsibility of Dongmen Ling.

Wei Chengnian followed in.

"Brother Nian, what happened today is what the teacher meant?" Xu Cheng was not surprised and asked softly.

Before Yu Chixin left, Xu Cheng threw a bag of tea and asked him to make tea.

Wei Chengnian nodded, and then said, "The position of Marquis Dingyuan is too important, and many people don't want it to fall into the hands of the eunuchs."

Xu Chengran, Marquis Dingyuan has been in charge of the Kyoto Habayashi Guard since the founding of the country, and this has been the case for the nineteenth generation of Marquis Dingyuan.

Yu Chixin put the teapot on the table, saluted and left.

In the scent of tea, Xu Cheng's face was faintly visible, and his voice was a bit ethereal with the tea mist, "That Lei Zixiong has a deep background?"

Wei Chengnian nodded slightly, "The concubine's surname is Lei, and the Lei family is very popular."

"Who is the big brother that Lei Zixiong is talking about?" Xu Cheng had seen Lei Zixiong's panel, and the blue script was thrown in the capital. It was not outstanding, and even looked a bit shabby.

But he kept talking about his elder brother, which showed that this elder brother of the Lei family was a remarkable figure.

"His elder brother, Lei Ziying, is known as the number one strength in the Great Zhou Dynasty. He has cultivated the seven levels of strength, all of which have reached full strength, and in the realm of strength, he has already come into contact with supernatural powers. A few days ago, he went to the North Sea to suppress the Haizu. Count the time, Coming back soon too."

"The entire Lei family regards Lei Ziying as the future of the family, and even changed the purple in the taboo name to Zi to show Lei Ziying's unique status."

All-out peak...

It's a little tricky, Xu Cheng thought to himself.

"Zhu Fatty is a trustworthy person, you will know later."

Xu Cheng nodded. His character can be seen from his behavior. Fatty Zhu is very good both in the front panel and after the accident.

The two chatted for a while, Xu Cheng traveled around Yunzhou, Weicheng also wandered in several states when he was young, and they forgot the time when they chatted.

In the middle, we inevitably talked about the situation of the imperial court, and also about the death of Liu Zhi, the son of the head of Daluo Mountain, in Yunzhou.

"Mostly, the imperial court will make a fuss about the massacres in Yunzhou. Coupled with Kunlun's pressure, the price that Da Luoshan has to pay is inevitable." Wei Chengnian was a little emotional.

Xu Cheng was silent. Killing Liu Zhi himself made a big commotion, but he didn't know if it would affect Xu Xin.

Most likely nothing happened, after all, the whole matter has nothing to do with Xu Xin.

Wei Chengnian looked at Xu Cheng and couldn't help but wonder.

Lei Zixiong was not Xu Cheng's opponent, he knew it in his heart, but Lei Zixiong didn't even catch a punch, Wei Chengnian really didn't expect it.

Xu Cheng is destined to be dazzling in the future.

"Let's not talk about that, now I'm curious about what kind of beauty that Chuyi person is, who can take my brother Nian's soul away."

As soon as this sentence came out, Wei Chengnian's face turned red, he took out something from his arms and threw it on the table, and abruptly changed the topic, "Your tea is tasteless. Before Fan Gong said that you are difficult in martial arts, this is Zhu Fatty." Er and the Wuyin tea I found for you can help you, okay, I'll go first."

Xu Cheng didn't even look at the wooden box on the table, and quickly stopped Wei Chengnian, "Hey, brother Nian, tell me about Miss Chu!"

Wei Chengnian turned his head, and looked at Xu Cheng 'fiercely', "If you ask again, I will go to the Thai Palace and tell the princess that you are back."

Xu Cheng quickly surrendered, "All right, all right, I won't ask any more."

Seeing that Wei Chengnian was about to walk to the door, Xu Cheng spoke again.

"Brother Nian, thank you!"

Wei Chengnian waved his hand and left.

As it was getting late, Xu Cheng walked into the courtyard.

Release Mingbao from the Wenjie Mirror. This little thing was terrified before, and jumped into Xu Cheng's arms after it came out. If Xu Cheng's body was not strong, this guy would probably be thrown to the ground by Xu Cheng.

"You are getting heavier and heavier, do you know you are afraid? Hurry up and practice martial arts well, and you will not be afraid of anything in the future."

Xu Cheng raised his head, looked at the sunset glow in the sky, felt a little calm in his heart, and felt really good without the restraint of Bai Linggushen.

It's a pity that this quietness has to be based on strength.

He put Mingbao down, went back to his room and began to practice.

He is almost at the end of the blood-changing realm, and he only needs to find three more different bloods before he can start to break through.

It's a pity that he still has no idea about the abnormal blood of the giant cetacean until now. Even if it is the abnormal blood of the dire whale, he still finds it extremely difficult.

Also, he was about to break through his strength in Yuan Martial Dao, and he was a little at a loss as to how to break through the spirit foundation.

in the secret room.

Wisps of mist flowed slowly, even in this room, because of Xu Cheng's blood that was as hot as an oven, it emitted countless heat.

Gently took a sip of the Wuyin tea sent by Weicheng Nian. This tea is also called Wuyin tea. It is regarded as a fifth-grade spiritual material. It is said that drinking it can improve one's comprehension.

After all, the visualization of the dharmakaya may be successful at the moment of a flash of inspiration.

This tea is indeed a peerless tea.

Brewed with qi and blood, the tea mist is lingering like fairy spirit, which outlines the image of a heavenly palace.

Before entering the mouth, I already feel the lips and teeth are full of fluid, and the fragrance of tea is refreshing.

Ming Bao, who was striding aside, tried his best to sniff his nose, and kept sneaking glances.

Xu Cheng smiled, "Come here, little thing, and have a drink with me."

Wuyin tea is brewed with qi and blood, its color is blood red, and the tea leaves have already been integrated into it.

Xu Cheng shook lightly, and the tea mist disappeared, as if being swallowed by that cup of tea.

Take a sip, the taste of tea lingers around your teeth, your brain is empty, you just feel wonderful!

In an instant, Xu Cheng felt countless inspirations welling up in his heart. As for Ming Bao, who was beside him, he seemed to be drunk, sometimes lying on the ground, sometimes standing up...

Xu Cheng didn't care about these, he frantically absorbed these inspirations, in order to bring himself any progress in Yuan Wu Dao.

He originally thought of using the physical body to generate energy, and the physical body is the spirit foundation, but he ignored that the immortality itself is in the alchemy realm, and the spirit foundation is used to transform the pill.

Therefore, it is completely inadvisable to become a pill in the flesh.

Qi and blood, physical body, strength, origin qi, spiritual foundation...

The five are Xu Cheng's current strength.

Can Jinli become a pill?
When this thought surfaced in Xu Cheng's mind, it kept lingering.

He had guessed before that origin qi was some kind of terrifying life that used immortal cultivators to raise Gu, and strength was the symbol of warriors, and each kind of strength was something unique to warriors themselves.

Is it possible to suppress or kill the 'creatures' in the source gas with force?

He thought to himself.

Suddenly, he thought of something,
The immortal cultivation method he borrowed before "Haotian Jinque Supreme Supreme Natural Mirao Taishang Immortal Code" is named Haoda. According to this method, the peak of cultivation can prove Mirao, but unfortunately the method is not complete.

Xu Cheng was flipping through this cultivation technique for cultivating immortals. When he was practicing before, he had little knowledge about the path of cultivation. Now that he was flipping through it again, he did have a new understanding.

Even though immortal cultivators cultivate Genesis Qi and prove their own spiritual foundation with the wonder of Genesis Qi, if Genesis Qi is compared to a living thing, then immortal cultivators are essentially thieves!
Dao thief parasitic on the origin qi.

Xu Cheng got up slowly, and summoned the blood coagulation seal from his meridians. This was the one that was fused with the jade bone and clear tiger. He held his breath and concentrated on it, using his control over the blood coagulation seal to turn it into a sapling...


The sapling turned into a tiger shape again.


But Xu Cheng's complexion didn't change at all, one failure can't decide anything, at least he now has a new idea...

Can the seal of blood coagulation become a substitute for the spirit base transformation pill?
[Tian Zong Yan Wu] and Wuyin tea endowed him with unparalleled creativity, and he has a deep understanding of his own future.

Although these are just conjectures, as long as there is enough time, it is inevitable to prove the conjecture.

The eighth blood coagulation seal slowly took shape.

Xu Cheng took out the blood that Fatty Zhu gave him today. He had already identified it. The original owner of the blood was talented and met his requirements.

The different blood that he has now, Jade Bone Qinghu and Yinyue Desert Wolf were all given by Fan Zheng, Huajiao and Blazing Falcon were all prepared by Xu Xin, and Mingbao's blood and Nine-eyed Ghost Rhinoceros were prepared by himself.

These six different bloods have all successfully obtained the secret technique, as long as they practice step by step, turn into supernatural power seeds and plant them in the shrine.

Swallowing the blood of the Seven Star Saber Mantis in one gulp, the seventh blood coagulation seal slowly blended with it.

In the end, it completely turned into a miniature praying mantis-like creature.

Comprehend the secret method - [Blade Strength].

Not too rare a secret method, the attack has the effect of adding strength like a knife.

In terms of the rarity and power of the secret technique, in the ranking of the secret techniques obtained by Xu Cheng, [Food Iron] ranked first, and devouring metal can bless one's own body, which is terrifying.

The second is [Nine Eyes]. Once it is used, the things in front of it will disappear. If the strength is enough, even the heavens and the earth can be eliminated.

The third is Huajiao's [Mysterious Blood]. The dragon fights in the wild. Its blood is black and yellow. The biggest effect of the mysterious blood is to enhance Xu Cheng's fighting talent. Although it is invisible, it is very beneficial to Xu Cheng's combat power. important.

The following [Blood Violence], [Moon War], and [Tiger Roar] all have their own disadvantages.

Xu Cheng was thinking about his method. When he was in full strength, it was still time to activate the immortal state, but he killed Liu Zhi with his body. In order not to leave traces, it was best not to expose the immortal state to the public in the future.

Then it is necessary to learn some other methods.

You need to work hard on the moves, but fortunately, the move of Killing Intent doesn't count as learning from scratch.

Xu Cheng was thinking in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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