I can see the script of life

Chapter 163 Seed of Blood Flame, Moon Worship Hall

Chapter 163 Seed of Blood Flame, Moon Worship Hall

Same scene.

Standing on the bank, Zhu Yulong frowned at the 'revived' corpse on the Shentong River.

The body gradually grew bigger, and then suddenly let out a roar, like the roar of a bull, like the roar of a dragon.

The water of the Shentong River diverged strangely to both sides, sweeping the corpses on the river.

Zhu Yulong smiled triumphantly, and Shi Shi ran forward.

Marquis of Dingyuan, good at controlling water.


Lei Ziying stepped into the water, and the corpses in the water began to revive.

He frowned, then stepped heavily on the water, walking leisurely on the water.

But at the place he passed by, corpses exploded with a bang, and streaks of purple lightning faintly lingered on the corpses, even in the water, they lasted for a long time.


Those who enter the secret realm of Fuyue Shentong Mountain are all descendants of aristocratic families, even those from poor families have their own means.

Of the 32 people, none of them was stopped by the Shentong River, and each showed their means to pass through the river.

The scene after crossing the river is also different.

Someone saw a deep forest in front of them, eerie and eerie.

Some people see a foggy mountain road in front of them, treacherous and dangerous.


In front of Xu Cheng was a stone forest. He was vigilant and kept looking around.

The uneven stone pillars were about the thickness of a human arm and about five meters high, which did not make Xu Cheng vigilant.

What made him vigilant was the bones on the ground, as if there was a terrifying life in this stone forest, and it devoured all the people who came to this stone forest.


Walking in the stone forest, it is inevitable to step on the corpses on the ground. These corpses have been weathered for an unknown amount of time, and when they step on them, they make a crisp sound.

With composure, he moved on, fully alert, but without stopping.

Suddenly, he frowned.

The strange roar sounded again, and Xu Cheng was sure that he had heard correctly.

That voice...

From underground!

When he realized something was wrong, he had already jumped up and stood on a stone pillar.

Only then did he discover that there was a strange hole in the stone pillar.

Then, a scene that made his scalp tingle appeared.

Countless crimson ants crawled up from the ground as if their tails were burning with flames.

Xu Cheng also understood the source of the strange roaring sound before.

Thousands of weird ants rubbed their tails against each other, making the flames more vigorous, accompanied by weird roars.

Alien beast?

Xu Cheng frowned. These ants were of different sizes. The smaller ones were only about the size of a thumb, and the larger ones were more than the size of a palm. However, the psychological pressure on Xu Cheng was enormous!

The qi and blood condense, and he draws the sword casually and swings it out, but the qi and blood can't come out completely through the body like the strength.

But Xu Cheng had coagulated blood nine times and changed blood eight times, so his blood was too abundant.


After the sword energy was swung out, these weird ants were not damaged at all.

While Xu Cheng was dumbfounded, the qi and blood seemed delicious, and those ants actually gathered into a ball, devouring his qi and blood completely!

Xu Cheng's complexion changed drastically, his figure retreated violently, and he stepped out of dozens of stone pillars in a row. What made his face ugly was that strange flame ants began to gather under each stone pillar.


[Extraordinary Beast]: The Ninth Grade Alien Beast, Flame Blood Ant, feeds on the energy and blood of warriors. After evolution, it can devour strength. The natural enemy of warriors, Flame Blood Ants, will completely corrode a piece of land and lay on it. Build a stone forest and devour all flesh and blood life passing through it.There is an ancient saying: The place where Yanxue lives is a stone forest of white bones, and there is a treasure in it called Xueyan. If you swallow it, you can get the blood-phagocytic ability of the Yanxue Ant.

Warrior nemesis.

A veritable nemesis of warriors, the lowest-level flame-blood ants can devour qi and blood, and those that have evolved once can even devour energy.

And that palm-sized flame blood ant has evolved once, and this kind of flame blood ant is not rare!
No wonder there are so many bones here. Didn't it mean that although Fuyue Shentong Mountain was dangerous in previous years, more than half of the people left alive each time?

If every crisis is like this bone stone forest, how many people can say that they are sure to get out?

Xu Cheng stopped and turned to look at the sea of ​​red ants that made one's scalp tingle.

Since the martial artist's means are not good.


Xu Cheng quickly rushed towards the outskirts of the stone forest. There was a dense forest with countless vines and ancient trees. It was a completely different world from this stone forest.

The Spiritual Foundation of Wood, the Spiritual Foundation of Thunder.

Green snake vines, purple sky thunder, colliding with each other endlessly, Xu Cheng showed the charm of 'Mage' to his heart's content.

If it is a normal opponent, the power of the spirit foundation is very small, but for the flame blood ant...

This thunder cannot be stopped!
No matter how weak his lightning power was, it was at least equivalent to a normal exchange of blood. These flame blood ants of the ninth and eighth ranks, because of their incomparably weird blood devouring, warriors could not pose a threat to them at all.

But at the moment.

Smells of burning smell began to spread, and the fireworks on the flame blood ant's tail were like flammable objects, and they were bombarded by the sky thunder and began to spread.

Xu Cheng stood in the air with the help of blue spirit snakes.

The blood-flaming ants were burned, especially with the spread of the sky thunder, which seemed to interfere with the communication between them.

One by one is really ants on a hot pan.

Go round and round.

hold head high!
A high-pitched voice resounded from the stone forest. One was several meters in size, with an extremely round abdomen, and the blood flames at the tail were more vivid. Just seeing the fireworks, Xu Cheng felt his blood began to agitate, ready to move. Blood flames attract.

Thinking of the identification of the flame blood ant, is this the opportunity contained in the flame blood ant colony - blood flame?

But how to kill this thing?

Could it be possible to use hole cards?
The power of the blood flame made Xu Cheng's eyes greedy, so naturally he would not let it go.

Without waiting for Xu Cheng to think too much, the mouthparts of the huge flame blood ant were ferocious, and quickly closed, and a ball of crimson fireworks attacked Xu Cheng.

Xu Cheng's hair stood on end.

This fireworks, if you resist...you will die!
He retreated violently, and countless stone pillars were burned by blood flames.

Xu Cheng frantically summoned the vines, the source energy could not be restrained by the blood flame, but the giant flame blood ant was at the sixth rank, and the vines summoned by Xu Cheng's spirit foundation were not enough to resist.

Finally, under Xu Cheng's uninterrupted vines, the fireworks were finally annihilated.

Just when he was about to breathe a sigh of relief, another firework, like a naughty little beast in the air, attacked him with a fiery red airflow.

Three times in a row, Xu Cheng almost exhausted the power of the spirit base in his body.

The fireworks seemed to consume a lot of energy for the giant flame-blood ant. After three fireworks, they finally stopped. Xu Cheng stood outside the stone forest and observed that the giant ant was about to move.

A rustling sound came from the tentacles above its head.

Ants can communicate by relying on their tentacles, so... it is calling its companions!

Xu Cheng's face changed drastically, and he saw several stone pillars start to shake, and then several huge flame blood ants slowly crawled out.

I don't want this blood flame anymore!
Xu Cheng prepared to leave without looking back.

But at this moment, there was a clear whistle, full of joy.

Those giant ants turned around one after another and crawled towards the place where the howling sound sounded.

"Hahaha, I didn't expect to get the legendary blood flame seed when I first entered Fuyue Shentong Mountain."

Finally, the man showed his face, gathered colorful clothes in an extremely flamboyant manner, and was tied with a long white ribbon.

Xu Cheng recognized this person, Han Jun Han Yang, the one who had previously clashed with Zhu Yulong's friend Zhong Wang at the Observatory.

The colorful flying shuttle is like a dancing butterfly. He Shi Shiran stood on it with a proud face, "I didn't expect you to exchange blood and have immortal means, but I underestimated you, but I still have to thank you for being able to get the blood flame seed." you."


Xu Cheng squinted at his pride, thinking about something.

That Han Yang was extremely flamboyant, and he was sure that Xu Cheng couldn't stop him. The speed of the flying shuttle flew by in an instant, which was no less than that of a master of the Divine Palace Realm.

A streak of colored smoke streaked across the sky, and Han Yang disappeared without a trace.

Xu Cheng stood in place until the ant colony in the stone forest in the distance began to stir, as if they wanted to vent their annoyance of losing the blood flame seed on Xu Cheng.

He turned around decisively and walked through the dense forest.

Han Yang...

After leaving the stone forest, there was no obstacle along the way.

About another ten miles or so, there is already a step at the foot, the step is golden, as if it is made of pure gold.

The golden stone steps spread all the way up, with no end in sight, as if leading to a place of opportunity.

Xu Cheng sensed that the positions of Wei Chengnian and Zhu Yulong seemed to be above his head.

Is it already up?
Xu Cheng stepped up the steps without hesitation.

The crisis along the way made Xu Cheng whole body on guard, and his footsteps fell on the stone steps with almost no sound.

I don't know how far I went, the golden stone steps came to an end.

When he looked back, he could no longer see the way he had come, and was completely engulfed in fog.

At the end of the golden stone steps is a huge bronze door, carved with gold and jade, which seems to be a long picture scroll. He can no longer distinguish the specific things, and can only vaguely guess.

It seems to be the scene when the ancients worshiped the moon.

From the sacrificial ceremony to the banquet of the last group of nobles dressed in cumbersome clothes and decorated with orbs.

He tried to touch the orb, but couldn't remove it...

open the door.

The sound is huge.

A faintly audible, but unidentifiable voice sounded in his mind.

'Eternal Moon Worship Hall...'

The hall is extremely luxurious, with a half-person-high bamboo carved from jade, placed along the two sides.

Each Yuzhu has different shapes and postures, Xu Cheng has to admire the art of ancient carvings.

This technique is completely different from the carving skills that Feng She gave him.

Behind the polygonatum, there are objects protruding out one by one, like horns, used for lighting.

But that light source came from the night pearl.

Even the support pillar, which is extremely thick, seems to be carved out of crystal, with dragons and phoenixes on it.

Perhaps these mundane things are nothing, but the statues placed at the end of the main hall made Xu Cheng gasp.

The statue is nine feet high, in a sitting position, with four arms, holding a crescent moon in one hand, a long sword in the other, twisting gauze with the other, and the last hand on top of the head, showing a strange gesture, with the head of a wolf, But there is full of divinity, indifferent and ruthless.

The material used for the whole body is a rare item of the fourth rank - Yexue Nan!
The blood-colored strange wood is an excellent wonder for refining arrows.

For example, when the Great Zhou Taizu was in the Dharma Body Realm in the past, he used this object as an arrow to shoot through this world!
As for the weapons, pendants, and eyes placed on the statue, they are all excellent materials for refining magic weapons and treasures in the era of Immortal Dao Dachang.

Xu Cheng even recognized the hazy gauze draped on the statue, it was Taiyi smoked gauze!

In the Dachang era of Immortal Dao, this object was crazy for all the fairy cultivators. There were once immortal practitioners, so this object triggered the battle of the two cities.

It is no exaggeration to say that there are millions of dead bodies!

The whole Hall of Worshiping the Moon is full of auspicious aura, completely unlike the world.

He forcibly looked away, these...

If it can be taken out, it will not appear in front of his eyes at this moment. Perhaps the seniors have already told them with the dead body that the things in the hall should not be touched.

He looked up at the side hall behind the statue.

(End of this chapter)

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