I can see the script of life

Chapter 169 Blood Exchange Dzogchen, The Choice of Strength

Chapter 169 Blood Exchange Dzogchen, The Choice of Strength
Xu Cheng didn't believe Li Yinglian's words.

Li Yinglian is too mysterious. This Fuyue Shentong Mountain prohibits entry above the Martial Dao Strength Realm, but I don't know how she bypassed this condition.

Also, practice has a price.

Relying on the forces behind him, the official path is in danger of being reversed by fate, and still needs to be driven by others.

What about Kamiji?Is there really no price at all?
Xu Cheng and Li Yinglian separated and passed through the Yuehua Palace. The Yuehua Palace was very large, and its level of luxury was no less than that of the Moon Worship Palace.

However, the Moon Worship Palace increased Xu Cheng's knowledge of treasures. Facing the extremely luxurious Yuehua Palace, he did not lose his composure, but was calm. In the Yuehua Palace, the precious treasure that can be seen everywhere is blood coral. Money is hard to come by.

In Dazhou, only the North Sea can be produced, but because of the Sea Clan, it is extremely difficult to obtain. It can bless the Qi and blood during martial arts practice, making the Qi and blood flow more smoothly every time you practice.

However, the blood coral in Yuehua Palace, Xu Cheng sensed it, did not have the miraculous effect of blessing blood at all.

After passing through three or four halls and corridors in a row, Xu Cheng finally saw the back door of Yuehua Palace.

A long corridor appeared in front of Xu Cheng's eyes. Passing through the corridor, Xu Cheng finally saw what the so-called Wanshou Peak looked like.

What appeared in front of him was an extremely wide round platform with a stone bottom, looking around.

I saw a mysterious and treacherous mountain, let's call it a mountain, it is only a few hundred meters high, but there is a huge cave on the mountainside.

A stone step laid from the bottom of the peak leads straight to the black cave.

With a vigilant look on his face, Xu Cheng walked up the steps in the mountain.

The Ten Thousand Beast Cave was extremely dark, Xu Cheng hesitated for a moment, since this is a place of chance, there should be no danger.

step in.

Unexpectedly, the cave is not dark.

Although the light is still dim, it can still see clearly.

The cave is neither deep nor large.

There was only one lonely stone platform with a futon and a...fishing rod on it.

This is the Ten Thousand Beasts Cave?

What about the beast?

'The rod of ten thousand beasts, fishing for different blood. '

When the inexplicable message came, Xu Cheng understood what to do in an instant. He walked up to the stone platform in a daze, and sat down slowly.

Looks like he's going to be a fisherman?

The moment his right hand touched the fishing rod, an indescribable breath emerged from his body, and then spread throughout the entire Beast Cave.

'With the moon worship order, you can fish once! '

Suddenly, countless images of strange beasts flashed through Xu Cheng's mind. He had a feeling that as long as he selected a strange beast, he could fish it out.

Xu Cheng concentrated, and quickly determined the target he had already locked.

Giant cetaceans.

A series of images flashed across Xu Cheng's mind quickly.

Rank [-] Strange Beast - Nightmare Whale...

Rank [-] Strange Beast - White Wave Whale...

Four grades of exotic beasts - Taicang Whale


After patrolling for a long time, Xu Cheng did not find anything that satisfied him.

"Giant Whale Swallowing Chapter" occupies an extremely important position in Xu Cheng's martial arts, second only to Ming Bao's blood, and even surpasses Ming Bao in some respects, he doesn't want to let it go.

At this moment, a gigantic shadow flashed across his mind.

The fourth-rank alien beast - Xu Kun, lives in the real world of the Yin Ruins, feeds on the mist of the real world, has an extraordinary resistance to origin energy, can resist alienation, is huge in size, and has infinite strength. It is generally crushed by body and strength. Overwhelms everything, possesses the supernatural ability [Return to the Market], and can rot everything.

Xu Cheng's breathing became short of breath.

Although the name makes people complain, but for people in this world, this name is no problem.

Xu Kun, no matter in terms of body size, specialties, or even supernatural powers, was the same as Xu Cheng's requirements.

It's him!
Xu Kun.

Xu Cheng's mind was immersed in the Ten Thousand Beasts Pole, and in a trance, he seemed to have turned into a fishhook.

When the fishhook was thrown down, layers of ripples appeared in the space, and then it broke through the air and left.

In a place filled with pink mist, a huge Xu Kun is breathing out the mist.

Its size is frighteningly large, comparable to an aircraft carrier. On its oval black body, there are two pairs of fins like mountains, and the black tentacles float naturally without wind.


A fishhook came through the air, but Xu Kun didn't respond at all, and swallowed the fishhook and mist together.

Immediately afterwards, the giant beast realized something was wrong, and suddenly became manic.

Two pairs of giant mountain-like fish fins were photographed, and the pink mist burst into mournful sound.

I don't know if it was an illusion, but Xu Cheng heard the woman's delicate laughter in the mist, which was weird and penetrating.

Amidst those laughter, Xu Cheng actually felt a sense of sinking.

Fortunately, his mind has turned into a fishhook at this moment, although it is affected, it is not a serious problem.

The fishhook passed through Xu Kun's throat and went straight to Xu Kun's heart.


Xu Kun stopped tumbling, and the painstaking effort taken by the fishhook could hardly be felt by such a huge Xu Kun.

If it wasn't for the slight pain that the fishhook pierced into the body before, it would even be indifferent.

After the fishhook finished taking blood, it flew away through the air.

Xu Cheng looked at the fog below.

The hook flew through pink mist, blue mist, and... gray mist.

Especially the gray mist gave Xu Cheng an extremely familiar feeling.

This is... the Yin Ruins Realm!
When the fishhook passed through the pink mist area, a figure suddenly raised his head, "I felt the breath of that kid..."

After another trance, Xu Cheng returned to his mind.

He was still sitting on the Ten Thousand Beasts fishing platform, even his posture hadn't changed at all, but behind the fishing rod, there was still a bottle of pink liquid.

This is the blood of Xu Kun!

After he picked up Xu Kun's blood, the moon worship order on his forehead collapsed inch by inch.

Everyone has only one chance, even if you steal someone else's moon worship token, you can't use it.

That's why Xu Chengcai didn't snatch other people's moon worship orders.

He is not Lei Ziying, Lei Ziying has a domineering personality, and picking the moonlight has little to do with strength, so he is so domineering and asks everyone to hand over the moon worship order, just to deprive others of the right to go in.

Xu Cheng looked at it for a moment, then sat on the spot and practiced.

According to the past practice, the opening time of this secret realm is three days, and this is less than one day.

Enough for him to change blood nine times, and even break through his strength!

Skillfully modify the plot.

I don't know if it's because the blood exchange is more difficult this time. The blood exchange is successful in two days, and the charging standard is [-] life points.

Xu Cheng's spiritual thoughts were immersed in the meridians, and the last shapeless clotting blood in the meridians began to change its shape.

He soon understood why Xu Kun was so expensive to change blood. Xu Kun was too big, and his clotted blood was far from enough to completely transform his body.

Like a greedy big mouth, it frantically devoured the blood in his body.

The blood after the plot modification kept pouring into it.


Acropolis Nian lowered his head and looked towards the sky. This is an extremely magnificent world, and the scattered moonlight is everywhere, shining silver and very charming.

The so-called moonlight is an extremely special existence in these moonlights.

The light of the moonlight can illuminate the shrine.

Every warrior, as long as he is a human, has [-] acupuncture points in his body, each of which has the potential to turn into a shrine, but manpower is sometimes poor, so how can he build [-] shrines in one body.

Most people mainly focus on a few of the acupoints, and finally arrange and combine the [-] acupoints.

And this kind of shrine realm, according to the number of core shrines, is divided into Liangyi, Sancai, Sixiang, Five Elements, Liuhe, Seven Stars, Eight Diagrams, Nine Palaces, and Ten Directions.

There is no distinction between superior and inferior, but from his name, it can be known that he possesses several kinds of supernatural powers.

As for the core shrine, the shrine that illuminates the supernatural powers is generally used.

Ordinary people will spend a long time in the Divine Palace Realm, just wanting to obtain as many magical powers as possible.

It's a pity that the shrine locks the fog, and the gods don't pass through.

The process of exploring the shrine is extremely dangerous. Every time the divine mind enters the shrine, it is an adventure of alienation, confusion, and loss.

If the aptitude and luck are extremely poor, after exploring the shrine several times in a row, they may have lost their way.

Yuehua is something that can make people see the shrine. With this thing, one can see whether there is a supernatural power in the shrine without the need for spiritual thoughts to enter the shrine.

According to the historical records of the Great Zhou Dynasty, the one who saw the most shrines with a single moonlight was Jiang Wu, the great ancestor of the Great Zhou Dynasty in the past. He was able to see [-] shrines, which can be said to have used the moonlight to the limit.

Below it, the highest record is only [-] palaces.

In Yuehua Palace, there is no rule that each person can only get one Yuehua, but after getting the first Yuehua, there will be rejection in this place of Yuehua.

This kind of repulsion, ordinary Jinli Realm fighters are powerless to resist.

Closer to home.

Acropolis Nian wandered in the empty and magnificent silver world, bathed in the cold moonlight like rain, completely unreal.


Zhu Yulong lingered, fighting wits and courage with the air.

Staring closely at the beam of moonlight in front of him, he felt that this beam of light was the moonlight!

Zhu Yulong sat on the ground with a big butt, then got up cursing and continued to move forward.


The moonlight is cold, and the moonlight is ethereal.

How can it be easily removed?

Xu Cheng's eyes opened, and the thick energy and blood rushed him up. His current physical condition could hardly suppress the irritable energy and blood.

The muscles all over his body swelled and enlarged, and the bones made a crisp sound when they stretched.

Slowly stand up from the high platform.

This small Ten Thousand Beasts' Cave was a bit too big to accommodate him.

Xu Cheng sighed, the clavicle methods included in the exercises could no longer transform him into a normal form.

Qi and blood are too tyrannical.

After the blood exchange is complete, because of too much qi and blood, some qualitative changes will naturally occur during the period. This spontaneous qualitative change is actually the prototype of strength.

Ming Jin is the prototype of Ming Sensing Strength, which is endowed with attributes by means of cultivation techniques, and transforms all Qi and blood into strength.

This process is Ming Jinjing!

In fact, Xu Cheng had already sensed the changes in his blood qi and blood. After all, his qi and blood were more than ten times different than that of ordinary people, and it was easier to perceive the prototype of the natural strength.

This is also the reason why he can often exchange blood to resist strength in battle.

For him, this process is a matter of course.

With the acceleration of the plot modification, he will soon be able to become Ming Jinjing.

It's just... If you want perfect strength with special attributes, you need a complete inheritance. "The Four Classics of Heavenly Sages", this is Xu Cheng's most complete set of exercises.

Do you want to use "The Four Classics of Heavenly Sages" as a method of turning blood into strength?

Xu Cheng hesitated.

The "Four Sutras of Heavenly Sages" is very famous. Once you practice it yourself, you will definitely be discovered. Now that the holy religion is still listed as a demon religion by the imperial court, if you use the power of heavenly sages in the future, you will definitely be impeached.

Stop breaking through now, and look for cultivation techniques again after leaving the secret realm?
Xu Cheng hesitated in his heart. The inheritance of exercises is extremely important. In every sect, there are extremely strict regulations. The exercises that Xu Xin gave Xu Cheng are also incomplete. As for Ming Jin's subsequent skills, they are incomplete.

This is also the bottom line of the current surviving sect.

The good seedlings in the rivers and lakes are selected by the three foundation building realms. In order to practice the next exercises, they must go to the Zongmen to worship the mountains.

After hesitating again and again, Xu Cheng still didn't practice and break through Ming Jin at this moment.

Turn to practicing "Extreme Heart Jue" in "Tian Sheng Si Jue Jing".

If you are extremely determined, you can achieve what you want.

Of course it's an exaggeration, but Xu Cheng learned from Xu Xin that [Ji Xin Jue] is the most powerful martial art of the Tian Sheng Sect.

At least, from Xu Cheng's point of view, it is possible to help him reduce his size and reach the state of bone shrinkage.

Immortal state is too frightening.

The practice of [Extreme Heart Jue] went very smoothly, but what made Xu Cheng a little puzzled was that the thing he cultivated seemed to be different from the [Extreme Heart Jue] that Xu Xin said.

The extreme heart he cultivated, besides being able to shrink his bones, has only this kind of idealism for strength.

For example - 'Fist, double strength. '

Xu Cheng could clearly feel that the strength of his two fists was rapidly expanding.

It is completely different from the omniscient and omnipotent that Xu Xin said.

That's all, it's all caused by too much qi and blood in my body.

After going out, he asked Fan Zheng for strength exercises, as long as the attribute was good, he would use it as his main skill.

Xu Cheng expected in his heart, what kind of attributes would his strength show under so many exercises?

Everyone's strength, because of differences in skills, physique and many other aspects, will also reflect a relatively variety of strength attributes.

And Xu Cheng practiced too many and complicated exercises, and he was a little confused about what his strength would look like.

But for now, because most of the kung fu methods are based on vigorous horizontal kung fu, it will have a great impact on the attribute of strength.

Da da da.

There was a sound of footsteps.

She was an extremely beautiful woman with a high bun and a very dignified face. She was wearing a black loose Taoist robe that could not conceal her proud figure.

"Fellow Daoist Xu, we meet again."

Xu Cheng pretended to be puzzled, "You are?"

"The poor Taoist Li Yinglian is also Sun Ping." The female priest saluted and said very politely.

Xu Cheng suddenly realized, "I didn't expect the senior to be so beautiful. It is rumored that the monks of the Immortal Dao have outstanding temperament and unfailing appearance. The ancients did not deceive me."

Li Yinglian smiled, "Fellow Daoist has made another breakthrough?"

Xu Cheng knew that he had just broken through, and his aura would inevitably leak a little bit, so he didn't deny it, and admitted it very generously, "I don't know why the Taoist chief is looking for me?"

Even though she knew that there was no one here, Li Yinglian still lowered her voice and said, "Pindao has found the priest I told you about before, please help me once, and I would like to listen to you."

As if to express her determination, she emphasized her tone and continued, "You can order anything."

Beauty plan?
Xu Cheng remained calm, "The Taoist priest has also seen it. I am low in cultivation, so I am afraid I won't be able to help too much. The Taoist priest might as well go to Lei Ziying. His martial arts is overbearing. In my opinion, he is already comparable to a baby." god."

Seeing himself revealing his true face, the immortal cultivator has outstanding aura. In this great week, no one with a more charming aura than her was still rejected by Xu Cheng.

Li Yinglian put away the smile on her face, "This is busy, but fellow Taoist must help."

I saw the endless ice field appearing, and a huge ice city emerged above Xu Cheng's head.

Xu Cheng sighed, this girl is going to die...

He took a step forward and said righteously.

"Since the Taoist priest is so sincere, and I have always been loyal and warm-hearted, then I will help the Taoist priest once."

Li Yinglian had a strange expression on her face, but she still nodded in satisfaction, "If that's the case, then I invite fellow Taoists to walk with me."


In this secret realm of Fuyue Shentong Mountain.

There is an unnamed place, where no one seems to have ever entered.

Not even a trace of living organisms.

This is a black mountain peak, the whole body is pitch black, and the moonlight is already lonely in that pitch black color, especially this black mountain peak.

When Li Yinglian brought Xu Cheng here, a sense of loneliness and desolation suddenly came to mind.

This feeling is indescribable and unspeakable. I only know that when I come here, there is only loneliness.

Xu Cheng had a flat expression on his face, as if he was not affected by the surrounding environment at all, and asked lightly, "This place doesn't seem to be Fuyue Shentong Mountain anymore."

Li Yinglian looked surprised, then gave him a glance full of appreciation, and then said, "Yes, this is no longer in a secret realm."

"Fuyue Shentong Mountain, built on the basis of the Yinxu Realm, was used by the ancients...to land on the moon!"

Xu Cheng's tone was a little dry, and he pointed to the black mountain in the distance, "So... this is the moon?"

(End of this chapter)

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