Chapter 17
Everyone on the school grounds watched Xu Cheng beat Li Xiao in shock.

Many of them are familiar with Xu Cheng, and know that Xu Cheng has no martial arts talent, and this horizontal training is just beginning to practice, but they can beat Li Xiao who has three skin training levels.

"As expected, he is indeed Xu Xin's younger brother."

"It's still not as good as Xu Xin. Xu Xin practiced martial arts at the age of 15, forged bones at the age of 16, and exchanged blood at the age of 17. His current state probably surpassed Mr. Xu's arrest."

"He is the true heir of the Liuli Sect, so it's not normal to have such a level?"


Xu Cheng pushed through the crowd, walked to Wei Chengnian, and said with a smile, "Brother Nian looked at me twice, how do you feel?"

A strange smile flashed across Weicheng's aged face, "Are you sure you want me to talk?"

Xu Cheng recalled it for a while, and smiled complacently, "Then you can evaluate my response just now." He thought he had achieved the ultimate, almost all of Li Xiao's moves, dodging what he could dodge, and what he couldn't dodge, They were all overwhelmed.

Wei Chengnian said with a smile, "Your boxing just now is a very typical first time fighting with someone. Every move you make is too deadly. It can be seen that you should have seen your father or you before. My sister practiced martial arts, so you summed up your own fighting style.

But these things are not routines, there is no constant environment and situation, do you know why you took those punches for nothing? "

Xu Cheng thought of Li Xiao's combination of fiction and reality, "I couldn't judge Li Xiao's fiction and reality at the first time."

"That's right, my father once told me that practicing martial arts is important practice, but in addition to practicing well, you also have to see well. Think about it, if you had amazing eyesight just now, you only need to blink If you can see Li Xiao's ins and outs, then it means that Li Xiao is naturally at a disadvantage, and you don't have to take those punches." Wei Chengnian talked eloquently.

Xu Cheng was thoughtful.

"Ah Cheng, don't listen to him making blind comparisons. Eyesight is trained in actual combat. If you can see through other people's flaws with a single glance, then your gestures will be full of flaws. If you want to reach the state he said, you Challenge all the people on the school field, experience all kinds of boxing and kicking, and see many moves, so you can naturally see the reality of the opponent." Wang Daming happened to hear what Wei Chengnian said to Xu Cheng, and refuted it mercilessly road.

He walked up to Xu Cheng and patted Xu Cheng's shoulder, "And the so-called eyesight is only useful in the three realms of foundation building in martial arts. In the future, qi and blood will be transformed into strength, and warriors will use qi."

"Qi machine?" Xu Cheng couldn't help raising his eyebrows, why did this start to develop in the direction of fantasy.

"Yes, it sounds absurd, but to put it bluntly, it is the momentum and flaws between the two of them." Wang Daming smiled, and pointed to the saber in his hand, "For example, at this moment, I hold the saber in my hand, don't you? Naturally, I was a little afraid in my heart? Another example, when you fight Li Xiao, Li Xiao brings dozens of crossbowmen to point at you from a distance, how about your momentum? When you fight Li Xiao, you are full of flaws. How much will it reveal inadvertently?"

Li Xiao shouted from the side, "Wang Tou, don't talk nonsense, don't use me as an example."

Xu Cheng nodded, he understood what Wei Chengnian and Wang Daming said.

What the two of them said was so mysterious, in fact, in the final analysis, it was a kind of thing, a strong aura or some of their own advantages, which made the opponent throw a mouse, so that the opponent could not exert its full strength.

Xu Cheng lowered his head and thought, and looked at his talent of heroism thoughtfully. He wondered how much the aura brought by his talent of heroism helped him to win the battle when he fought Li Xiao before?

Xu Cheng paid more attention to his heroic talent. Perhaps, in addition to the advantage of training his whole body, the fighting aura brought by this heroic talent will become another point for him to defeat the strong with the weak.

"Thank you Uncle Wang for your guidance." Xu Cheng bowed to Wang Daming sincerely.

Wang Daming waved his hand, "Although I don't quite agree with what that kid said, eyesight is also an extremely important factor in battle, as long as you have time to practice."

Wei Chengnian stepped forward and said, "Bringing an ax in front of Uncle Wang almost caused Brother Xu to go astray. I'm really sorry."

"You guys should have heard these things from your family when you were very young, right? Although you can't be wrong, they are not suitable for warriors at your stage. I will teach you when I have time in the future." Wang Daming said As he spoke, he took out a handful of melon seeds from his pocket, and said while spitting out the skin of the melon seeds.

As Wang Daming left, a group of students who were looting classes began to disperse, and Xu Chenggang came to the corner, ready to practice weapons.

Li Xiao walked up to Xu Cheng, quietly grabbed him and said, "I'll bring more money to your house tonight, do you want money or what?"

Xu Cheng suddenly remembered that Qian Duo had said before that he would pay him to thank him for avenging Qian Fugui. After thinking about it, he seemed to have nothing to lack, so he said, "Can I get the meat of a different animal?"

Li Xiao chuckled, "You really are a chicken thief. A few days ago, an acquaintance of mine got some snake meat from the Caobang. I asked the money to buy you ten catties more."

Xu Cheng waved his hand, "Let's split it in half."

"It's not necessary. Although it's precious, it's only a dozen or so taels a catty. What's the matter with me? It's out of stock to make it look precious. I'll send it to you at night." Li Xiao's face was serious, and he refused Xu Cheng's words.


When Xu Cheng returned home, he looked at the Destiny Point, and after enjoying the open-ended training, he became more and more unaccustomed to the slow training brought about by his two-star talent.

Helplessly poor, after training his whole body, he still has 38 destiny points left, but he can still practice the second training of one part.

Tuk Tuk Tuk!
There was a knock on the door, and Xu Cheng opened the latch. It was Li Xiao and Qian Duo.

Qian Duo glanced at Xu Cheng coyly, then bowed and said, "I didn't know Xu Shaowei's name before, I'm really sorry." Then he took out a bunch of black meat that I had prepared, "I asked Li Shao to buy this from Caobang." I hope Young Master Xu will not dislike the meat of the ninth-grade exotic beast Thorn Snake."

When Xu Cheng took the meat, Qian Duo was obviously relieved.

He really didn't want to have a relationship with someone like Xu Cheng. After all, Xu Cheng was too terrifying. He knew about his stepmother Li Rou's private affairs after just a few questions, and even knew that his concubine was related to Li Shao. It feels like there is no secret at all in front of Xu Cheng.

Seeing Xu Cheng accepting the 'thank you gift', Li Xiao knew what his little brother was thinking, so he didn't stay any longer, and left with a lot of money.

Xu Cheng looked at Li Xiao's back and shook his head for a while, no wonder he would become the boss of the green forest in the future, such an emotional intelligence.

I have to say that Li Xiao can deal with him, as long as he ignores his reckless habit of not leaving behind...

Xu Cheng happily held the 'thorny snake meat', plus the ten catties of meat, which he had received for his parents in the Yamen, now he has no shortage of exotic animal meat, and he has completely achieved the cultivation of a big dog who only eats exotic animal meat way of practice.

He looked at the sky, did nothing else, and was about to go to bed. After all, today is the day when Du Jianghe goes out to work, and the Wild Wolf Gang will bring back the foundation-building artifact.

Just when he had just finished practicing and was about to go to bed, there was another knock on the door.

Xu Cheng got up helplessly, it was really lively tonight.

(End of this chapter)

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