Chapter 176

Only members of the third rank and above are eligible to participate in the Great Zhou Dynasty Conference, once every ten days.

Yuanfeng's first court meeting in 94 started amidst turmoil.

As if his grandson was assassinated, Chu Nantian's confession was just a boring farce.

During the period, although countless officials played to Emperor Yuanfeng and started the court meeting in advance, Emperor Yuanfeng didn't care at all.

Three days after Taisun was assassinated, the first court meeting finally arrived.

Apocalypse Palace court meeting.

Fan Zheng walked forward, he was always alone, especially when he entered the court again, he seldom discussed matters with other officials in his spare time.

"Fan Jun wait a moment." Duan Rui's voice came from behind.

Fan Zheng stopped. "Lieutenant Duan Ting, is there something wrong?"

Tingwei is another name for Dali Siqing.

Duan Rui's face was cold. "Fan Jun, what do you think of the events outside the city a few days ago?"

Fan Zheng was expressionless, "In just half a year, Kyoto is a lot stranger."

Some of the answers were irrelevant, but Duan Rui seemed to understand.

"When someone leaves, someone comes. It's normal to become a stranger."

The two chatted, and did not shy away from the rest. The leader of the Soviet Party was named Su Jin, who was from Xuzhou. Seeing the two people's emotions, he opened his mouth and said.

"Under the leadership of Emperor Yuanfeng of my Great Zhou, it is thriving day by day. The two of you are still thinking about the autumn cold. Why don't you think about how to make Great Zhou more prosperous and powerful, and how the people can live a better life."

It could be seen that Fan Zheng and Duan Rui didn't like this person very much. As soon as Su Jin opened his mouth, the two stopped talking and just walked forward in silence.

Su Jin's expression darkened slightly.

Su Dang was in decline. In his opinion, Fan Zheng was the Wei Party, and Duan Rui was the leader of the Qingliu Party. They needed to unite to resist the increasingly powerful Gong Party, Chu Party and the Inner Party.

Unexpectedly, neither of them would give him a chance to speak.

The atmosphere of today's court meeting is very strange.

It was still the prince who read out the major events that had happened in the Great Zhou in recent days, and the ministers expressed their opinions.

But today, when the prince asked about the strategy, none of the officials who were always active spoke up today, as if the decisions the prince made were all correct.

Emperor Yuanfeng, who sat firmly on the high platform, smiled and said, "Do you have a big event to announce?"

Li Xun'an, the leader of the Gong Party, was the first to speak, "I impeach Cao Sheng, the commander of the Yazi army. The grandson was assassinated. Cao Sheng personally led the Yazi army, but he failed to win in three days. I impeach Cao Sheng for negligence of duty!"

The ministers had different expressions on their faces. Obviously, Li Xun'an had kicked off the incident outside the city a few days ago.

Cao Sheng didn't change his face, he stood there calmly, Gong Dang was already dissatisfied with him, he knew in his heart that Li Xun'an's impeachment of him was just throwing stones to ask for directions.

After Li Xun'an finished speaking, Cao Sheng walked out, "Your Majesty, please punish the crime of dereliction of duty!"

The hall was silent for a moment.

Emperor Yuanfeng said, "Yes! Cao Sheng is unfavorable in his affairs, and he will be fined for half a year."

Li Xun'an's impeachment of Cao Sheng was just the beginning, and it was to follow.

Fan Zheng, the Xuntian Supervisor offering wine, walked out of the crowd, "The impeachment of Taisun Heng is lawless, and the words are useless, causing chaos outside the city and ruining the emperor's morality. However, Taisun Heng is young and bewitched by traitors. Please investigate this matter thoroughly! "

This statement came out.

There was a thud in everyone's heart.

Taisun Heng was young, and Emperor Yuanfeng had not yet arranged for him a teacher, and he had been supervised by eunuchs from the inner party.

The courtiers are well aware of this matter, the most important thing now is the crown prince's opinion on it.

The crown prince has been in power for 63 years, and it is almost certain that he will inherit the throne in the future. Fan Zheng's remarks are beyond everyone's expectations. They all look at His Royal Highness sitting in front of the emperor and listening to the government behind the curtain, wanting to know the crown prince How will His Highness respond?

After all, it was rumored that the inner party had been working for the prince before.

Li Xun'an, the leader of the Gong Party, lowered his head and remained silent. He just glanced at Wang Ren, the chief executive standing beside the emperor, from the corner of his eye.

Wang Ren looked at his nose with his eyes, and his heart with his nose, like a statue, as if he couldn't detect the waves in Fan Zheng's words at all.

Emperor Yuanfeng said slowly, "What Fan Qing said is that Heng has really gone too far recently. After all, the crown prince is taking care of everything every day. Wang Ren, you are negligent."

Everyone looked at Wang Ren one after another, and from Emperor Yuanfeng's mouth, they heard the defense of Wang Ren, the leader of the inner party.

Wang Ren, the chief executive and the leader of the inner party, bowed and said respectfully, "The minister deserves death for dereliction of duty. Please appease your majesty."

Emperor Yuanfeng said directly, "Punish you not to leave the palace for half a year, and train the people in the palace well."

"Thank you, Your Majesty."

The prince's faint voice came from behind the curtain, "After I return, I will discipline Heng Yan and guide him on the right path. However, I am really busy recently. The imperial sister recommended someone to me yesterday. My son wants to ask father to agree."

Emperor Yuanfeng was very interested, "Oh? Who is the sage?"

"It is Fan Jun's disciple, East Gate Order Xu Cheng, this person is not very old, and Yu Heng is also considered a generation."

Emperor Yuanfeng glanced at Fan Zheng, "If that's the case, let Xu become a military officer in Taisun's residence and teach him the basics of martial arts."

Fan Zheng looked calm, turned around and returned to his place.

In fact, things have come to this moment, the court is still calm, until...

Duan Rui walked out suddenly and knelt down on the ground, "Chen Wu Dao is too poor to take up the post of Minister of Dali Temple, please beg for the bones."

Everyone knew that the real storm was about to begin.

The smile on Emperor Yuanfeng's face slowly disappeared.

Wang Ren's complexion gradually turned cold.

The smile on the corner of Li Xun'an's mouth was even bigger.

"Lieutenant Duan Ting feels that the Great Zhou court owes you?"

Emperor Yuanfeng's tone was a bit cold. He had already punished Wang Ren before, and he was explaining to the courtiers that the matter ended here. Unexpectedly, there were still people who wanted to blame Chu Nantian for everything.

But how could he know how unfair it is to Chu Nantian to confine Wang Ren for half a year, and Duan Rui couldn't bear it even more.

"I dare not!" Duan Rui lowered his head even deeper.

"Then you should talk about it. It was that incident that made you feel that you were not good enough to be the Minister of Dali Temple."

Duanrui raised his head slightly and looked directly at Emperor Yuanfeng, "Your Majesty once said that the main duty of the Dali Temple Minister is to review cases, redress unjust prisons, and participate in the Three Laws Conference to reopen major cases. However, today there are serious cases that the officials dare not review. There is an injustice case that the officials dare not settle, and Yu Tingwei is deeply worried."

No one would not know what Duan Rui was talking about.

Emperor Yuanfeng knew the same, so he seemed to intend to remain silent.

Unexpectedly, it was the crown prince who said, "Father, Lord Duan has always been loved by the people for the sake of the country and the people. I don't know why the serious case of injustice made Lord Duan so sad?"

Duan Rui said nothing.

The emperor was silent.

Fan Zheng spoke again, with an admonishing expression, "That's right, Lord Duan, why should you do this? Tell the truth. If it is an unjust case, His Majesty and His Royal Highness will never tolerate it."

After he spoke, it was like a signal.

Immediately afterwards, some people spoke one after another.

"Fan Jun is right. If Mr. Duan tells the case, my six sects will definitely cooperate."

"My Great Zhou Taizu once said that serious and injustice cases can't be let go easily, Lord Duan said it's okay."


Duan Rui wept bitterly, then looked up at the ministers, "Please settle the case of Chu Nantian's injustice!"


An indescribable silence.

If Xu Cheng were here, he would be suffocated by the oppressive atmosphere.

After a long time, Emperor Yuanfeng spoke.

But the tone was already very cold, "Duanqing said that Chu Nantian was wronged? But I heard that he has confessed the crime himself. Could it be that Duanqing knows better than him?"

"Mr. Chu's death is extremely strange. When the grandson was assassinated that day, Cao Shuai once said that there was a magic weapon of the immortal way. Even if the magic weapon is a monk of the immortal way, it must be a first-rank power to be qualified to be refined. It must be an old man who survived in ancient times. monster."

"I think that this person has evil intentions, and he took advantage of Chu Jun's heart to serve the country with his fists, and threatened Chu Jun to confess his crimes with great Zhou!"

"Mr. Chu used to be an official in the capital, how many respected people in the world, how could he be corrupt because of his patriotism and love for the people?"

Emperor Yuanfeng said, "That Duanqing thinks, what is that man going to do by taking advantage of Chu Nantian's death?"

"I don't know, but I know that he has evil intentions. Since he wants Chu Jun to plead guilty, then I will reverse the case for Chu Jun!"

"What's more, Mr. Chu was wronged. If he was really corrupt, how could he have been begging for decades."

Duan Rui bowed his head and said in a deep voice, he was kneeling from the beginning to the end.

Begging for decades suddenly hit the hesitation in Emperor Yuanfeng's heart, he pondered for a moment, and opened his mouth slowly.

"Duan Qing is right. Since there is a cultivator from the Immortal Dao who wants to mess with me, then we should thoroughly investigate that cultivator. Cao Sheng, you continue to investigate."

"Since Duanqing thinks that Chu Nantian was wronged in the past, then you should go and investigate. I don't want to wrong a good person."

Duan Rui touched his head to the ground, said deeply, tears streaming down his face. "Thank you, Your Majesty."

From the beginning to the end, Wang Ren remained motionless, not even turning his eyeballs, as if what Duan Rui said had nothing to do with him.


What happened in Tianqi Palace spread quickly.

Xu Cheng was meeting guests at home, including Wei Chengnian, Zhu Yulong, and Bai Chong.

The most important person is Lu Xi, the chairman of the Taiping Chamber of Commerce.

This person is over eighty years old, with snowy beard and hair, but a loose robe is very extravagant.

"Xu Lingjun is really supernatural, and he became a grandson military officer in one leap. It is really enviable. An old man is at Lingjun's age, and he is still running a business. Xu Lingjun is really a young talent."

He was well-informed, Xu Cheng was conferred the title of Taisun military officer by the emperor this morning, the position is not high, but the position is really important.

The Taiping Chamber of Commerce is one of the three major chambers of commerce alongside the Xinglong Chamber of Commerce. To be able to do such a business, it naturally has a background. It is backed by the Gong Party and has a good relationship with the Chu Party.

Xu Cheng and the Xinglong Chamber of Commerce had an enmity, and it was not a secret news. The inner party was on the verge of collapse, and the Xinglong Chamber of Commerce was naturally having a hard time. The purpose of his trip was to request cooperation with Xu Cheng to carve up the Xinglong Chamber of Commerce.

Xu Cheng picked up the wine with a calm face, before he had time to say anything.

"It's a coincidence that it's better to come sooner than later. Xu Lingjun's mansion is full of guests today, and I came to disturb you."

When Du Mingyuan entered Xu Cheng's house, he was just like his own house now, with a calm demeanor and no appearance of imminent disaster. He greeted everyone he knew at the scene and walked in front of Xu Cheng.

However, the court meeting in Tianqi Palace has just ended, and the inner party has been attacked by many parties, and they are overwhelmed. Everyone present knows it well.

Du Mingyuan came to the door at this moment, which is the proof of doing well.

But when it was Lu Xi's turn, he smiled kindly, "President Xiao Du is here?"

He was naturally happy to see Du Mingyuan, who was also the president of the three major chambers of commerce, humiliating in front of him. Given his age and seniority, it was no problem to call Du Mingyuan "Little Du".

Xu Cheng said with a smile, "Gai Ying, add two chairs for President Du and President Li."

Gai Ying was diligent and obedient to Xu Cheng's words. He moved the two chairs and placed them beside Du Mingyuan and Li Yueru.

His mind was active, and he could see that the later President Du Mingyuan didn't seem to be very popular with Xu Lingjun. After putting down his chair, he hurried back to Xu Cheng's side and stood respectfully.

Du Mingyuan raised the corner of his robe, sat down in an extremely chic manner, and smiled at Lu Xi.

Li Yueru, on the other hand, put on an air of affectation, "Oh, Xu Lingjun, how could my sister have the nerve to sit down?"

She is here today in full dress, and the years have brought her a different kind of charm, with every frown and smile full of charm.

Everyone present didn't respond, except Gai Ying's father, who was a little crazy, and was slapped by Ge's mother.

Xu Cheng just smiled.

Li Yueru continued, "It's Yueru who said it was wrong. I was in a bad mood that day, and my words provoked Xu Lingjun, which made Lingjun feel unhappy and offended Mr. Lingjun."

She has a lovely and pitiful posture.

But Xu Cheng's heart was rock-solid, and he just watched his performance, and after she finished speaking, he raised his wine glass, "The visitor is a guest, please sit down quickly, and I will toast you both."

Du Mingyuan's face remained unchanged, he raised his glass and drank it, his heart trembled slightly.

This Xu Cheng is a bit difficult to deal with, the two sides have torn their faces apart, even the old thief Lu Xi of the Taiping Chamber of Commerce invited over, with an attitude of wanting to kill the Xinglong Chamber of Commerce.

When he got the news, he rushed there quickly, but when they met face to face, Xu Cheng didn't say a word of cruelty.

Du Mingyuan sighed from the bottom of his heart, this Xu Cheng is not very old, his thoughts are so gloomy.

He had to admit that he underestimated Xu Cheng.

"Xu Lingjun, our President Li really wants to apologize this time." Du Mingyuan should say no, he likes tea and has a refined face, more like a scholar than a businessman.

Li Yueru stood by the table with a sincere expression, as if she was the only one who offended Xu Cheng that day, with sincere eyes, "Xu Lingjun, there is a way that a gentleman does not count the faults of a villain, and my sister really knows that she is wrong."

Xu Cheng looked indifferent, Ming Bao lay on his lap and let him masturbate.

"President Li really likes to joke. You and I have only met once. How can you offend me? It's just that the business has not been negotiated."

What else did Li Yueru say.

Xu Cheng knew that this woman was just a buffer, so he didn't bother to talk to her, "President Li needs to take care of himself, his face is already wrinkled, and it's a bit pretentious to act like a little girl."

As soon as this remark came out, everyone present smiled.

Zhu Yulong said directly, "That's right, Aunt Li, Brother Xu won't care about older women."

Everyone laughed even more.

Li Yueru was a little embarrassed.

Du Mingyuan took the initiative to pick up the wine glass and pour wine for everyone on the table one by one, "It's really a trivial matter that the business has not been negotiated, but I don't know if Xu Lingjun is still interested, so continue talking?"

He stood up, walked towards Xu Cheng with great grace, and wanted to refill Xu Cheng's wine.

Xu Cheng got up quickly, "How dare you bother President Du to pour wine. I think back in Pingzhou in the past, how well your Guild of Commerce cooperated with my teacher, and the suppression of the rebellion went so smoothly, thanks to the Xinglong Chamber of Commerce."

Du Mingyuan smiled, "I didn't expect Xu Lingjun to be so nostalgic."

He took out a stack of deed papers from his arms, "I have sorted out the business of the Xinglong Chamber of Commerce in Dongcheng here, so please ask Xu Lingjun to deal with it."

"Please take a look at Xu Lingjun."

Xu Cheng was at the head seat, Zhu Yulong and Wei Chengnian sat on his left, Bai Chong and Lu Xi sat on the right, and Du Mingyuan was on the opposite side.

But at this moment, Du Mingyuan was pouring wine for Xu Cheng, and he was already standing beside Xu Cheng, as long as he stretched out his hand, he could take the stack of deed papers.

Chu Nantian was killed immediately, and the inner party was grounded, which is irreparable.

He, Du Mingyuan, has been in business for decades, and the word business is about profit and loss. Since he has lost money, then he, Du Mingyuan, will admit it.

He is willing to pay, and he can afford to pay.

Now he paid the price, just in exchange for Xu Cheng's promise, a promise not to make trouble for the Xinglong Chamber of Commerce.

The Xinglong Chamber of Commerce has always been domineering in its business, and it has offended many people. If Xu Cheng is the first to make a move, then there will be many people involved.

But if Xu Cheng, who is the most unlikely to reconcile, is resolved, then everything can be restored.

This is the sincerity of his visit.

Now, as long as Xu Cheng is willing to reach out, then everything is easy to talk about.

Xu Cheng smiled, put the Mingbao on the ground, and turned slightly sideways, revealing the weapon rack behind him, "Xu is a military officer, he is used to being rough, and he still likes real guns and knives, let's forget it."

(End of this chapter)

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