I can see the script of life

Chapter 20 Dividing the spoils

Chapter 20 Dividing the spoils
The people from the Patrol Division came prepared, and they were well prepared for this operation.

The most important thing is that there are too many people in the patrol department.

Almost every member of the Wild Wolf Gang faced more than three arrests at the same time.

In just a quarter of an hour, a group of members of the Wild Wolf Gang fell sideways, and the patrolmen took out the prepared ropes, like strings, and tied up the group of gang members.

"Brother Xu, there's salt in it, three loads of salt!"

In the distance, Niu Yingjun shouted and rushed over, his face excited.

A ship transported at least [-] catties of salt, [-] catties of salt, this is a major case of extermination.

As soon as these words came out, some policemen who were dealing with gang members couldn't help but increase their strength.

The seizure of [-] catties of illegal salt was a great achievement no matter where it was located.

With a smile on Xu Cheng's face, he picked up the discarded Miao Dao from the ground, and walked to Uncle Ping, "How about it, Uncle Ping, isn't this credit enough?"

As he said that, he stood up and walked to the flagpole platform beside him. He bent his legs slightly, and his thigh muscles suddenly exerted force, and he jumped onto the platform instantly like a spring.

"Tonight's operation is perfect. Colleagues, let's escort the things to the Yamen first. Tomorrow afternoon, I will invite everyone to have a big meal at Yunji Building!"

"That's what makes you likable, kid."

"Big enough, with your father's demeanor."



Xu Cheng walked to the side of the reed marsh and asked softly, "Which ship is the ship of the Gray Snake Gang?"

Tonight, the Wild Wolf Gang met the rival gang, the Gray Snake Gang. In addition to the private salt, there was also the Gray Snake Gang's boat. According to Du Jianghe's plot, the foundation-building artifact was on the Gray Snake Gang's boat.


A face appeared on the surface of the water, pointing to a big gray boat in the distance, "Brother Xu, that's the boat of the Gray Snake Gang."

Xu Cheng nodded, "You are lurking for a few days. After a few days, the new governor will take office, and I will introduce you to the Yamen."

"Thank you Brother Xu."


"Brother Ping, why did Ah Cheng go? When shall we share things?"

Xu Cheng had promised before that this time the stolen goods would be shared with everyone except the private salt, but when the brothers were about to share the things, they were stopped by Wei Chengnian, saying that they would wait for Xu Cheng to come over before dividing up.

If it weren't for Uncle Ping's own bone forging realm and the highest prestige on weekdays, this group of people would all be ready to board the boat to share things.

Uncle Ping looked at this person and frowned, "This action was planned by Ah Cheng, and it should be Ah Cheng's people. The credit has already been shared by everyone. After dividing things, Ah Cheng can't help it?"

The man stopped talking, but judging from his face, it seemed that he had begun to feel dissatisfied with Xu Cheng.

At this time, Xu Cheng came from a distance, and Niu Yingjun talked in Xu Cheng's ear about the situation after he left just now. Xu Cheng frowned, and looked at the few people who had questioned him before.

In the bottom of my heart, I have already determined the label of not being close friends for several people.

All of them are so short-sighted, even this is no longer a short-sighted issue. I just went out and turned around, and these people have already developed other thoughts.

Xu Cheng's false father, Xu Zheng, was right. Everyone has their own thoughts, and in the face of all interests, it is enough to screen out a large number of faces that are usually invisible.

Xu Cheng stepped forward, his face became serious, "Since everyone is eager to share the loot, let's start to share. But we are not a gang, after all, we are official posts. We will go in and select one by one according to the degree of contribution. Do you have any objections?"

The officials did not speak. Xu Cheng looked at the good and bad officials, and felt a sense in his heart. This is an elite officer and soldier who has just experienced the disaster. It is conceivable that other places have no sense of crisis. There should be so many small thoughts in the hearts of the officials.

The Great Zhou has been established for thousands of years, and the decay has penetrated into the bone marrow.

Xu Cheng sighed inwardly.

Seeing that no one objected, he spoke again, "This operation was jointly planned by Brother Nian and Yingjun. The three of us were the first to enter. Uncle Ping captured the leader of the Gray Wolf Gang alive, and the second group entered..."


Xu Cheng, Wei Chengnian, and Niu Yingjun boarded the big boat of the Gray Snake Gang.

"Brother Nian, how do you feel about what you saw just now?"

A trace of disdain flashed across Weicheng's aged face, "A bunch of mobs."

Xu Cheng sighed, "That's right, the mob, the water transport of the Yongjiang River, is controlled by a Jianghu sect, this Great Zhou has already rotted to the bone."

Niu Yingjun didn't have so many small thoughts in his heart, so he said, "Brother Xu, do you think the new governor will be a good official?"

"I don't know, but judging from the reviews, he should be considered a good official." Xu Cheng thought for a while, thinking of Wang Daming's introduction to Fan Zheng earlier.

Wei Chengnian patted Xu Cheng on the shoulder, "The one who thinks so much in the whole world can be everyone, but you should be the last one. Think about your sister, if your sister becomes the head teacher of the Glazed Sect, you will be the world's leader." As the younger brother of the first three sect heads, the worse Da Zhou is, the more powerful your sister will be?"

"Hahaha, yes, relying on my old sister, I can't do too badly."

Following the casual conversation of several people, they have already entered the cabin of the Gray Snake Gang's big ship.

There are a few large boxes, walk in and have a look.

As Xu Cheng had imagined, most of them were ironware, gold and silver, and other than that, there were some weird things.

The fetish was ignored by the Gray Snake Gang, but picked up by Du Jianghe.

It shows that it is very inconspicuous, and even ordinary people look down on this thing.

Xu Cheng jumped over the boxes containing silver taels, and went straight to the last two boxes where sundries were piled up.

There are strange stones, porcelain from an unknown era, and even a broken sword stained with blood.

Xu Cheng picked up a stone and frowned. There were too many and complicated things, which made him feel like every one of them was a fetish.

Try the script panel?

As soon as this idea came out, Xu Cheng directly used the script panel to check it.

[Can be identified, identification requires 1 destiny point! 】

It was true, Xu Cheng was shocked. Although it cost money, he finally discovered a new function of the script panel.

[Can be identified, identification requires 2 destiny point! 】

Xu Cheng chose no one by one. After all, according to Xu Cheng's estimate, the item was described by the panel as a 'divine object', and even if it was appraised, it would cost a lot of Mandate Points.

He was patient and took out the items in the box one by one to see how much the appraisal fee would be.

[Identified, 5000 points are required for identification! 】

Xu Cheng's eyes were bright, and he looked at the unknown 'stone' in his hand. This stone looked like ordinary bluestone. The difference from bluestone was that it had white patterns on it, as if moldy.

This appearance is really bad.

Xu Cheng put the stone into his bosom, and took dozens of taels of silver from the side and some rare things that were appraised just now, exceeding the appraisal fee of 1 destiny point.

"Okay, that's all."

Wei Chengnian and the two also finished their selection and walked out.

"Uncle Ping, there's a total of 1 taels of silver in it, and it's a hundred taels of silver per person. My Neiying brother also needs to get some. The three of us took 400 taels in total. You can share the rest."

(End of this chapter)

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