I can see the script of life

Chapter 28 The Way of Size

Chapter 28 The Way of Size

Xu Cheng smiled without saying a word, looked at Master Kuchan, and as expected asked again, stretched out his right foot, and stomped heavily on the ground, a wave of air was set off, and Xu Cheng couldn't help but backed away, "The benefactor, why do my feet look like Donkey feet?"

The sisters of the Yu family stared at Xu Cheng intently. They were expecting Xu Cheng to solve the problem of Master Kuchan in their hearts, and some did not believe that this little policeman could solve the Zen tricks of the world-renowned Master Kuchan.

Xu Cheng stood still, and he vaguely understood the root of Master Kuchan's questions. After a long time, he said, "Senior's meditation skills are amazing. In the eyes of this junior, the three questions actually want to express one thing. The three questions have far-reaching intentions. Based on oneself, based on where you were born, first seek to "break", then use bergamot as the base to seek "establishment", and finally take the foot like a donkey's foot, knowing that the body is not perfect, and embark on the road of seeking perfection , for the sake of 'going out', to persuade the younger generation to let go of their obsessions and establish an empty view of Buddhism."

"But the seniors have not traveled for a long time, but they don't know the sufferings of the people in the world. If they want to come to the pure land of Buddhism, the disciples have no worries about food and clothing, so the seniors naturally don't know. But the younger generation is different. The younger generation is an official of the court, and the people pay taxes to support them. How dare you Escape from the empty door to avoid it?"

Xu Cheng said that Wei Chengnian and Niu Yingjun were short of breath.

The eyes of the Yu family sisters in the distance shone brightly, and even the vulgar guards looked at Xu Cheng, and there was something different in their eyes.

Master Kuchan's face moved, and he took two steps forward, "My Buddhist school has always taken the mission of subduing demons and demons, and the Great Buddha Mountain is a holy place for Buddhism, so it is naturally the same. You can still investigate cases and protect the people when you go down the mountain. Your current cultivation level is not enough to protect the people."

Cold sweat dripped down Xu Cheng's forehead. Dafoshan is a sacred place of Buddhism. He is a holy son of the devil sect, so he must not go there.

He took two steps forward, with his back straight, under the blessing of [Heroic], with an inexplicable temperament, Yu Hongyi muttered to himself, "Sister, this little catcher seems quite handsome."

Yu Baixia pinched her, then looked into the field.

She was also extremely curious about the capabilities of this little catcher who was valued by Master Kuchan. If she only relied on those few skills, the younger sister would be a little high.

Xu Cheng said lightly, "Senior's three questions are far-reaching, and this junior also wants to ask senior one question, what is Buddha?"

Master Kuchan replied softly, "Buddhism is in the heart, and the Buddha is naturally in the heart. If there is a Buddha in the heart, one can become a Buddha."

"What is the realm of Buddha?" Xu Cheng asked immediately.

"Buddha helps the world and saves people, hearing wisdom, thinking wisdom, and cultivating wisdom, reaching the realm of no cultivation, no certificate, no life, no death. Those who are confused are sentient beings, and those who are enlightened are Buddhas. The awareness will not increase, and the confusion will not decrease. All saints are only in " Between "mystery" and "enlightenment." Master Kuchan's answer is still the classic riddle physique.

Xu Cheng didn't pay any attention, he took a few steps and stood still, "This is Xiao Daoer, since the Buddha is in his heart, why seek enlightenment?"

As soon as this remark came out, everyone's expression changed. In Buddhist temples such as Mingde Temple, questioning the Buddhist principles of the seniors in Dafoshan was a small way, and it was a public slap in the face.

But Master Kuchan's realm was extremely high, and his state of mind was extremely deep. He looked at Xu Cheng with a smile on his face, showing interest.

Xu Cheng continued, "From the perspective of the younger generation, all living beings can be Buddhas, and Buddhas can save the world, so why not all living beings become Buddhas? If everyone in the world becomes a Buddha, the ideal land of Buddhism will be realized in an instant. If everyone in the world becomes a Buddha, there will be war and chaos." Everyone rests, the door is not closed at night, and the road is not picked up. It is a coward's performance to escape into Buddhism. In the eyes of the younger generation, the Buddha came from all living beings and stayed away from all living beings. How can he be called a Buddha?
Seeking perfection for oneself is actually a Buddha of the small way, and only with the great wish of crossing sentient beings can one become the Buddha of the great way! "

As soon as this remark came out, the whole world was shocked. All the Buddhist disciples looked at Xu Cheng with piercing eyes.

Master Kuchan's slender eyes flashed brightly, and Xu Cheng's Zen spirit made him a little shocked, but his face remained calm and he stood up.

"Do you know that today's words, if spread, will be the enemy of Buddhism in the world?"

"Some children's words will only make the world laugh."

He was surrounded by golden light, and every word he said was carried with an extremely powerful aura. Xu Cheng only felt that a golden ancient Buddha appeared in front of him, and he was questioning him deafeningly.

"Your cultivation base is so low, if you encounter injustice, how will you end up?"

"The strength is mediocre, how to protect the people of one side, it is better to follow me into the empty door as soon as possible."

"What would you do if a big case happened before your eyes and you were left alone to face it?"

Under the illumination of the golden Buddha, Xu Cheng could only feel his muscles trembling. His whole body was involuntarily running the "Imperishable Gold and Jade Seal", and his golden skin slowly emerged.

But he didn't notice any changes in himself, he could only feel the overwhelming pressure that was almost suffocating, and the endless fear as the Buddha approached, making his whole body and mind howl involuntarily.

At this moment, he forgot his identity, abandoned the holy son of Tianshengjiao, and gave up the patrolling of the Beiya in Qingshan Mansion...

The Buddha's light seemed to completely strip away the darkness in his heart, leaving only the words of those great people in his previous life, and the person Xu Cheng wanted to be in his previous life...

He straightened his back, and the coercion of the Buddha pushed his body down an inch, and the ground sank.

"My name is Xu Cheng, and I am Xu Cheng.

If you encounter injustice, you will cut the injustice. If the matter happened before, I would like to use my three-footed life to wipe out the injustice.

With the brilliance of my own fire, I will shine through the ages for those who come after me.

If there is no one to cheer for Yongye, I would like to be the first torch to break through Yongye! "

Xu Cheng raised his head suddenly, his eyes completely turned black, this is the one of the four heavenly sages... Extreme eyes!
The moment his eyes turned black, the pressure around him disappeared instantly, and all the storms subsided.

As the pressure suddenly disappeared, Xu Cheng sat down on the ground.

Everything around is quiet.

The sisters of the Yu family were silent. Although they didn't care much about the imperial court, they actually had compassion for the common people.

Xu Cheng's deafening voice seemed to still echo in their ears, making their hearts unable to calm down for a long time.

Yu Hongyi looked at Xu Cheng with brilliant eyes, she never thought that one day, as the true heir of the Misty Sect, she would be emotionally excited for a small catcher in a small place.

The reason why a strong man is called a strong man is not only his own strength, but also his fearlessness.

Wei Chengnian gazed through layers of time and space, he seemed to see that stalwart figure, and muttered to himself, "Father, is this what you have been pursuing all your life?"

Niu Yingjun just felt so angry that he wished he could become a master and wipe out all the evil gangs and evil forces in Qingshan Mansion. Xu Cheng's words made him feel like he was a master in place.

The great monk Fan Xing was holding the Buddhist ceremony, his face was neither sad nor happy, only the rosary in his hand turned faster and faster, which showed that he was not calm at the moment, and he was the only one present who knew that Master Ku Chan had just revealed his dharma body and questioned him with his Buddhist martial arts supernatural powers. Xu Cheng...

All the onlookers saw Kuchan transformed into a golden Buddha, oppressing Xu Cheng. At that moment, they somehow knew that what Xu Cheng said was true and came from the bottom of his heart.

Whether it was "Extreme Eye" or Xu Cheng's golden skin, no one saw it, and it seemed that it was blocked by Kuchan with an unbelievable power.

In the eyes of outsiders, Xu Cheng's performance was nothing more than resisting the pressure of Master Kuchan and saying something.

A sentence that shocked everyone and even spread widely.

Master Kuchan smiled, it seemed that the conversation with Xu Cheng just now made him very happy, and the smile on his face became more and more natural, ignoring the wrinkled old yellow face, it was a bit cute.

He nodded slightly, as if he was happy that Xu Cheng could say that.

As the head of the Bodhidharma Academy in Dafoshan, a Buddhist holy place, he has seen countless people's hearts. He questioned Xu Cheng with the true voice of Buddhism, and got a satisfactory answer.

"The benefactor really lives in Zen, does this statement have a name?"

Xu Cheng shook his head. Now that he has regained consciousness, he has already noticed his own state. Under the oppression of Master Kuchan just now, he has practiced the skin three times all over his body, which can be said to have greatly increased his strength.

Those words were the kind of person he wanted to be most in his previous life, that is, the appearance of a saint in his mind.

After all, he has been influenced by his previous life and knows what a saint is.

If he did it by himself, he probably wouldn't be able to do it. After all, he is just a little person, and he is not stingy with the righteous little person in his heart when necessary...

Kuchan took three steps forward, "Fan Xing, spread the order of the great Buddha, and spread the answer of Master Xu to the world. It is called 'Four Sentences of Ming De'! Tell the world, what is a Buddha!"

Xu Cheng's face showed a look of flattery, for Master Kuchan who helped him improve his realm in an unimaginable way, Xu Cheng clasped his hands together and repaid the Buddhist ceremony, "The master praised me absurdly, and the junior's answer was just a random answer, which made the seniors laugh." , I think, the seniors asked three times, it is deafening, there should be a name, why not just call it 'Three Passes of Suffering Zen'?"

A group of pilgrims witnessed all this and said in succession.

"This young official has such insights at such a young age. Master Kuchan is worthy of being an eminent monk in the Great Buddha Mountain. The debate between the two today should be cited as a good story."

"That's right, I hope that this pagoda debate will be sung for scholars all over the world one day in the future."


Master Kuchan stepped forward with a bright smile, and his yellow face full of ravines was full of Buddha's spirit. He put his hands together, but not close together, "Amitabha, the benefactor has reached the Buddha's realm."

Xu Cheng was taken aback for a moment, thoughtful.

Looking up, Master Kuchan had drifted away, and saw that he had boarded the pagoda.

"This little brother, your name is Xu Cheng?" Seeing Master Kuchan leaving, Yu Hongyi walked through the crowd and came to Xu Cheng's side.

Xu Cheng nodded, and when Niu Yingjun saw the beautiful woman, he immediately said, "Our Cheng brother is not married this year, he is still a virgin, and he never goes to the fence on weekdays. If the girl is interested, she must hurry up."

Xu Cheng wished he could kick this man away, and quickly said, "Miss, don't listen to this kid's nonsense, I'm already married, but I'm not married yet."

Yu Hongyi looked at Xu Cheng with bright eyes, as if she didn't care about Niu Yingjun's words, she stepped forward and asked. "Who taught you those words?"

"It's all what I think in my heart, and fate will say it."

Yu Hongyi was thoughtful.

Yu Baixia, who was dressed in white, wore a veil on his face, "Have you ever regretted it? Master Kuchan intentionally accepted you as a disciple. You must know that Master Kuchan became a master 30 years ago, and maybe he has already ascended to heaven and man now." Also unknown."

Xu Cheng looked indifferent, "What I ask, Buddhism can't give."

Yubaixia looked Xu Cheng up and down, "Interesting, Qingshan Mansion Bei Yamen patrolled Xu Cheng, I remember you."

After speaking, he pulled Yu Hongyi and led a group of guards to leave.

After the two women left, there was another burst of praise from the pilgrims.

(End of this chapter)

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