Chapter 37 Change
Xu Cheng raised his head and saw that it had been a night of refining Taiming's blood, dogs barking could be heard from several nearby houses, and roosters crowed from time to time in the distance.

He stood up from the tripod, and the movement woke up Du Jianghe beside him.

"Okay, go back to sleep." Without waiting for him to speak, Xu Cheng said directly, and then said to Wang Daming on the roof. "Brother Wang, are you still going back?"

Xu Cheng walked into the room, put on his clothes, and came out. Wang Daming was still knocking on the sunflower seeds, "You boy didn't tell me if you had an epiphany yesterday? If you really stew it, you will have an epiphany, and I will stew it every day from now on."

"No, it's just that my father helped me find a pair of medicinal materials a while ago, saying that it would allow me to open up the meridians and gain the talent for martial arts." Xu Cheng explained casually.

Wang Daming showed joy on his face, "Your father is really capable." He was really happy for Xu Cheng.

Xu Cheng's heart warmed, and he asked, "By the way, Brother Wang, do you know where the governor of Liu Yufu went to work after he left Qingshan Mansion?"

He didn't forget that Mr. Liu Yu, Liu Xian told the remnants of the Gray Wolf Gang about himself.

Wang Daming said casually, "I heard that the King of Tai has operated a lot, and now he is the head of the governor's office in Taizhou City, so it's considered flat."

Xu Cheng nodded to show that he knew.

The governor of Taizhou is the highest local official in Taizhou. He is a second-rank official.

But in fact, the long history from a local emperor to a governor's mansion, to Liu Yu, can only be regarded as an overt and understated derogation.

He will seek revenge on that Liu Xian.

"Fu Yin Liu has already left for Taizhou?" Xu Cheng asked immediately.

Wang Daming thought for a while, and then said, "Probably not, the imperial court ordered Liu Yu to go to Taizhou before September [-]st, and now it's only August [-]th, so he should still be in Qingshan Mansion."

Counting the time, Fan Zheng's script is about to start.

Xu Cheng is looking forward to "Eliminate Evil"...

Because they had just solved the case, Xu Cheng, Wang Daming and others made great achievements in solving the case, and got a few days of rest, Xu Cheng walked out of the city alone.

Looking at Lin Hai in the distance, in a trance, Xu Cheng seemed to hear something. He walked to a big tree that needed to be surrounded by one person, and gently covered it with his hands.

One after another pictures flashed like lightning, that is the memory of this tree!
Xu Cheng raised his head and triggered the mysterious energy in his heart. The vines slowly fell off the tree as if obeying his orders, and began to circle around him.

At this moment, he seemed to be the son of nature.

After a long time, the energy in his heart was completely exhausted, and Xu Cheng dispersed the surrounding vines.

Is this the five-star talent Wood Spirit Foundation?

It's just that the energy recovery is too slow, right?

According to this recovery speed, almost every time the energy is exhausted, it will take three days to fully recover.

Xu Cheng was silent for a long time, an extremely bold thought rose in his heart, he turned and left.


The next day, Xu Cheng took Feng She's body out of the prison as a family member, and he, Wei Chengnian and others sent it to the Mingde Temple pagoda.

"You are also seeking benevolence and deserving benevolence, but you are relaxed."

"If I look back and see that Fuliu Mansion Governor is still alive, I will avenge you."

He strode away.


On the third day, after Fan Zheng sorted out all the government affairs, he summoned the Secretary of the Siya Mansion and opened the Qingshan Mansion Meeting. After the mansion meeting, the news spread that Fan Zheng wanted to build an envoy to eliminate evil. Xu Cheng knew that the script "Elimination of Evil" was about to start ...

Eliminate Qingshan officials, and wipe out all the treacherous and criminals in Qingshan Mansion.

Sure enough, on the second day of the government meeting, Li Zhupu mobilized the four yamen to patrol and arrest, and wanted to select emissaries from them.

Not surprisingly, Xu Cheng's team and Wang Daming were among them.

But all this has not been made public, so naturally it has nothing to do with Xu Cheng.

Gathering building.

Xu Cheng, Wang Daming and others are eating.

After all, he had just solved the private salt case and the extermination case, which was considered a great achievement, and he had to have a big meal with several colleagues no matter what.

Niu Yingjun blushed, stood up with a glass of wine, "Brother Xu, I am a rough man, not many people admire me, so you count this." He gave Xu Cheng a thumbs up, and then put the glass Drink up the wine in one gulp.

Xu Cheng didn't say much, and directly drank the wine in the glass with Niu Yingjun.

At this time, Wang Daming said, "Ah Cheng, the batch of private salt that you seized a while ago... belonged to the Cao Gang?"

Xu Cheng nodded.

Wang Daming thought for a while, and said with a hint of persuasion, "The Cao Gang is powerful. Fan Gong wants to form an envoy to eliminate evil, and he will inevitably conflict with the Cao Gang. If it is not necessary in the future, try not to provoke people from the Cao Gang."

Xu Cheng did not speak, and Wang Daming was helpless when he saw this. Xu Cheng was too young to know how powerful the Cao Gang was. A few years ago, there were rumors in the rivers and lakes that the former governor of Taizhou wanted to clean up the power of the Cao Gang in Taizhou. The Cao Gang even recruited troops , wanting to confront the imperial court.

Although I don't know why it didn't stop, everyone in the Taizhou Jianghu understood the strength of the Cao Gang.

Even if the Heavenly Sacred Sect ravaged Qingshan Mansion in the past, it would not interfere with the well water of the Cao Gang.

Xu Cheng changed the subject, he was not a fool, he naturally knew that the Cao Gang was powerful, at the moment Wang Daming dissuaded him, he also nodded along with the trend, and he would not target the Cao Gang if it was not necessary in the future.

But according to the changes in Fan Zheng's script, it will be a matter of time before he confronts the Cao Gang.

"Let's not talk about that. Recently, the gangs in the city are about to move around. Mr. Fan formed an emissary to wipe out the forces in the city, and clear out all the green skins and gangs in the city. Do you think there is any difficulty in this?"

Niu Yingjun's face was flushed, "If you want me to say, it's time to clear them out long ago. These gangs will bully men and women and make a mess in the city. Liu Yu has been governor for five or six years. It's not as good as Fan Gong took office for three days..."

Wang Daming didn't speak. He knew that these forces in the city were deeply intertwined, and the complexity was beyond imagination.

"The several big families in Qingshan Mansion are inextricably linked with these gangs in the city. I guess it's not easy to do this job."

Xu Cheng didn't speak, and listened to Wang Daming talking about the forces in the Qingshan Mansion, and occasionally responded to show that he was not distracted.

After a few words, Xu Cheng's eyes suddenly narrowed, and he saw a few acquaintances.

Li Xiao, the son of Li Zhupu and Li Dan, Liu Xian, the son of the former governor of Qingshan Mansion, and a few people they didn't know were chatting and laughing, and came in from outside.

Xu Cheng and his box happened to be at the entrance of the stairs. Xu Cheng saw a few people going upstairs through the hollowed-out wooden door.

The murderous intent in his heart boiled all of a sudden, he hadn't settled the account of Liu Xian's killing with a knife, and he also told these people the news about Shen Lingsu, forcing him to send Shen Lingsu to Dafo Mountain.

Seeing several people walking into the next room talking and laughing, Xu Cheng suppressed the killing intent in his heart.

But at this moment, Li Xiao didn't know what to do when he was going out, so he happened to see him. Because of the script of "The Great Dutiful Son", Xu Cheng had dealt with him before, his eyes lit up, and he said to Xu Cheng, " Xu Cheng? What a coincidence, you're here too."

Then I greeted Wang Daming and others.

Xu Cheng smiled, and glanced at Li Xiao's panel attributes, the script of "Green Bandit" has been changed.

【Name】: Li Xiao
[Current main line]: With the appointment of the new governor, Fan Zheng, Li Dan has already felt the distrust of him by the new governor, and he has some vigilance in his heart, and is going to send his son Li Xiao to join the Cao Gang. The Cao Gang made contact with Qingshantang, and seemed to be preparing to leave the imperial court...

Once the emperor and courtier, Li Dan, as Liu Yu's confidant, could not gain Fan Zheng's trust no matter what, and the best way was to retreat bravely.

Xu Cheng and Li Xiao exchanged pleasantries, "How is Brother Li?"

"Just mess around like that. By the way, Brother Xu, come with me and introduce you to some friends." Li Xiao has a kind of heroism in his bones. He likes to make friends and also likes to stand out for them.

Xu Cheng smiled, and he had the same intention, so he talked to Wang Daming and others, and followed Li Xiao.

(End of this chapter)

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