I can see the script of life

Chapter 47: Crossing the Bridge

Chapter 47: Crossing the Bridge
Early the next morning, Xu Cheng led all the people under his command to get rid of the evil envoy 'Feng' and rushed to Qingshan County.

Except for Xu Cheng's "wind" order, the other three orders of earth, fire and water also went to other counties. Yu Zaiyin sits in Qingshan Mansion, which can be said to be as solid as gold.

If those forces don't want to rebel and oppose the imperial court, they won't be like the Heavenly Sacred Sect, wantonly messing around in Qingshan Prefecture.

The distance between Qingshan County and Qingshan Mansion is not too far, but there are many mountains in Qingshan Mansion, and there is a whole mountain separating them.

Yu Zaiyin took good care of Xu Cheng. Every time the county magistrate came to Fucheng to report on his work, Qingshan County had the least problems. The task was relatively simple, and it was considered an invisible benefit that Fan Gong valued Xu Cheng.

Xu Cheng led his people to set off early in the morning, and as soon as he went out, he met the young head of the Linmen Escort Bureau who had been released earlier.

"Xu Lingshi, are you going out?" Lin Jiu looked very respectful towards Xu Cheng. He had seen Xu Cheng's cold side with his own eyes.

Both Wang Feng and Wang Feng were killed without interrogation, but Xu Cheng produced evidence when his boss asked him to be held accountable.

Lin Jiu was a little afraid of Xu Cheng's methods. The Linmen Escort Bureau was a serious businessman. They were law-abiding, so they naturally tended to build good relations with officials.

Without waiting for Xu Cheng to speak, Niu Yingjun glared at him, took a step forward, and pretended to be a tiger, "Who are you? Why do you want to ask the evil emissary to do things?"

Xu Cheng didn't say a word, and let Niu Yingjun do his best. After all, what Niu Yingjun said had some truth. They went to the government's violent institutions to get rid of evil, so they naturally needed the restraint of the government.

Lin Jiu smiled awkwardly, stepped back a few steps, "I'm sorry to bother you all."

This episode did not affect the actions of Xu Cheng and others.

Everyone has a horse, with a long knife with a sheath hanging from their waists, and wearing a flying eagle robe to eliminate evil.

Xu Cheng took the lead, and Niu Yingjun was holding a flying eagle flag with the word 'wind' written on it.

Finally, led by Weicheng Nian, the three of them escorted a carriage pulled by two horses. The carriage contained the future supplies of the people, most of which were mainly weapons and exotic animal meat.

Riding a horse was not easy, but Xu Cheng felt that if he felt insecure and his feet were off the ground, his already somewhat vain body would be full of discomfort.

The team didn't stop at all along the way, because the carriage was dragged and mostly mountain roads, the speed was not too fast, and they only walked about fifteen miles in the morning.

Some abandoned buildings in the forest are looming, blurred under the fog in the deep mountains.

Cheng Xiao is an old policeman, born in Beiya, he is Xu Cheng's close elder, he has forged bones.

He is the most experienced senior among Feng Zi Ling.

He untied the water bottle on his horse and took a sip, then looked at the deep mountains and dense forests and said, "This place is about [-] miles away from Qingshan County, but this deep mountain is also called ten miles and one place, which means that the deep mountains and dense forests are full of dangers. Strange beasts, bandits and thieves, as well as the demon cult monsters hidden in the deep mountains, will encounter some accidents every ten miles, so we have to slow down a bit."

Xu Cheng is not a person who can't listen to words, he nodded slightly when he heard the words, "Okay, then we will listen to Uncle Cheng, everyone pay attention to your surroundings."

"Are there a lot of thieves in this deep mountain?" Xu Cheng asked. He only remembered that he had gone out of the city with his fake father to play in the deep mountain, but he didn't meet any thieves.

"Hey", Cheng Xiao sighed slightly, "The evil disaster has been raging for three years. As an important prefecture, Qingshan Mansion was naturally the first to receive the protection of the imperial court. There are many. In the dense forest ahead, there is the well-known Heifeng Village, the leader is Heida, and even if they passed by on patrol before, they had to pay tolls."

"Heifengzhai?" It was the first time Xu Cheng heard the name of this rotten street.

"Although the name is not very good, but the strength of this village is very strong. If we can clean up the Black Wind Village, half of our mission for this trip will be completed."

"What is Hei Da's strength?" Xu Cheng asked.

"I don't know, but three years ago when I became a bandit, I was already a bone-forging practitioner."


After walking ten miles again, the dense forest is even more gloomy, and the twisted mountain road is even narrower, almost only allowing a horse to walk together.

Xu Cheng simply let everyone get off their horses and led the horses for a walk.

In case some strange beast rushes out of the deep mountain, disturbing the horses and causing panic.

Although it was two o'clock in the afternoon at this time, it should be the sunniest time of the day, but because the forest was too dense, the sunlight could only penetrate the leaves and sprinkle sparsely on the ground.

The weeds on both sides of the mountain road are as tall as a person.

Because of Cheng Xiao's words, Xu Cheng's nerves were tense all the time.

At four o'clock in the afternoon, when he was finally close to walking out of the dense forest, Xu Cheng heaved a sigh of relief.

The journey was smooth, with no surprises.

Looking at the bridge in front of him that had been built for many years, Xu Cheng stepped forward and touched the stone tablet in front of the bridge, which read.

"Qingshan Bridge, built by Zhou Zhou, the prefect of Qingshan, in the ninth year of Yongkang. '

Yongkang is the year name of the last emperor. At that time, the government had not yet been reformed, and the governor was still called the prefect. The history of this bridge is more than a hundred years.

The big stone bridge stretches for hundreds of meters, and there is a guard house on each side of the bridge head. It can be seen that this bridge must have cost a lot of money at that time.

But no matter how splendid the building is, it cannot stand the beating of time.

The bridge is full of dilapidated, large and small potholes, and almost all the guardrails have disappeared.

The guardhouses on both sides are intact, and there are traces of bonfires in front of the house. It seems that people often board in the guardhouses in the mountains.

The stone bridge was too broken, Xu Cheng glanced at the pits, hesitated for a moment, and carried his maroon horse on his back.

Everyone was speechless, and followed Xu Cheng's footsteps, carrying their horses on their backs one after another.

They are all warriors, and ordinary horses only weigh a few hundred catties, which is acceptable for everyone.

"Xu Cheng, are you poisonous? You treat horses better than me." Wei Qing casually 'passed by' Xu Cheng and said in a low voice.

Xu Cheng glanced at her, speechless.

He can't say that the horse will let you ride, but you won't let him ride?
Just as Xu Cheng walked across the bridge, he put down the horse.

Suddenly, a gust of wind whizzed past in the deep mountain opposite.

There was the sound of huge footsteps.

Xu Cheng's expression changed, it was a strange beast!
"Everyone obey orders, speed up!"

Wei Qing's white steed neighed for a while, then screamed, and stomped desperately on the ground with its front hooves.

But to no avail, the huge black unknown creature quickly dragged the horse away, and the cry disappeared in a blink of an eye, and then stopped abruptly.

All is quiet again.

A group of evil emissaries rushed to Xu Cheng's side without caring about the horses.

At this moment, the fighting qualities of the evil emissaries composed of the best patrols in Qingshan Mansion were fully displayed.

Xu Cheng shouted loudly, "Set up the formation!"

Everyone moved one after another, handing over their backs to their colleagues with complete peace of mind, and looked at the mysterious creature in the dense forest.

Cheng Xiao walked out of the team, knelt down on the ground to check, grabbed the trace left by the mysterious creature with his hand, put it on his nose and sniffed it.

Then he got up and returned to the team, his face was cold and serious, his eyes were serious.

"This is Black Spot! Eighth-Rank Alien Beast! Be careful, everyone."

Before he could finish speaking, there was another scream of a horse from another direction.

Xu Cheng heard Cheng Xiao curse, "Damn it, there are two of them!"

ps: Ask for a recommendation ticket. Although I don’t know what it’s useful for, it’s a free ticket. Don’t be stingy, don’t be afraid that my sister can’t stand it, I can stand it!
(End of this chapter)

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