I can see the script of life

Chapter 49 Qingshan County Magistrate

Chapter 49 Qingshan County Magistrate
Wei Qing handed Xu Cheng a bandage with a scent on it, which was used for her leggings.

Seeing Xu Cheng's surprised eyes, she turned around.

Xu Cheng didn't hesitate, and hung the wooden plank on his chest with a bandage, acting like a one-armed hero.

"What's the matter, Brother Nian?"

Wei Chengnian said with a gloomy expression, "Someone fed these two black spots! They used... people!"

As soon as these words came out, Xu Cheng's eyes suddenly turned cold, and he got up and went to the dense forest to check.

In the dense forest, near the mountain wall, there was a cave about two meters high, and a stench came from it.

Xu Cheng walked in to check, and was instantly nauseated by the scene in the cave.

I saw that in this cave, there were severed corpses everywhere, some bloodshot bones, which made the two black spots look very rich.

Soon, he saw why Wei Chengnian said that the two black spots were fed by people. In the depths of the cave, the traces on some fresh severed corpses did not seem to be caused by black spots. The wound marks, It was clearly caused by a knife wound.

It was as if someone chopped a human into several pieces and fed them to these two strange beasts!
Xu Cheng stood still and watched for a moment. He couldn't figure out that in human hearts, there is so much malice towards the same kind.

"Let's go, we should be able to reach Qingshan County by tonight." Xu Cheng gave an order, and everyone got on their horses one after another. Two horses were killed by black spots before, so everyone prepared well before going out, and the number of horses was also surplus.

It was the resentment on Wei Qing's face that made Xu Cheng baffled.

After crossing the Qingshan Bridge, half of the journey was over, and the rest of the road was safe and sound, and everyone quickly passed through the long mountain road.

It was Qingshan County in front of me, and after looking at the sky, it was not too late.

Niu Yingjun stepped forward to communicate with the soldiers defending the city, and soon, everyone entered the city.

The magistrate of Qingshan County is an ordinary-looking middle-aged man, Xu Cheng is puzzled, and the great Zhou Dynasty pays attention to "judging bravery with words and letters".

As for appearance, people with mediocre appearance are not allowed to be officials, words are words and deeds, calligraphy is calligraphy, judgment is judgment, and bravery is martial arts.

Perhaps the magistrates put more emphasis on 'judgment of bravery'.

Xu Cheng thought to himself, and casually glanced at the attributes of the Qingshan magistrate.

[Name]: Zhao Ji
[Life level]: short-lived species

【Talent】: Speech, Martial Arts★★

【Script of Destiny】: The protagonist of "The Corruptor" (Blue)
[Playing script]: Supporting role in "The Mask of Kindness" (blue), supporting role in "The Journey of Food and Grass" (unopened)
[Current main line]: As the magistrate of Qingshan County, Zhao Ji is backed by his uncle Zhao Jie, the doctor of Guanglu in the dynasty. He never forgot, and donated all his savings from being an official for many years to Mrs. Qi, just for a night of spring breeze...

Unexpectedly, this county magistrate is still a wonderful person. The corrupt officials are so corrupt that they donate all of them to charity. It's really interesting.

The county magistrate is the sixth grade, Xu Cheng's current official position is the imperial envoy, and Fan Zheng's is the ninth grade, the official position is more than one head lower than Zhao Ji.

"Xu Cheng, the Imperial Commander of Feng Zi Ling, has met Mr. Zhao!" After Xu Cheng saw Zhao Ji's attributes, he didn't even bother to get off the horse, because he was injured with one hand hanging on his chest, and the other hand arched casually, "Xu Cheng is injured and cannot fully salute, but I still hope Mr. Zhao will forgive you."

Zhao Ji's complexion remained unchanged, as if he hadn't noticed Xu Cheng's rudeness at all, the smile on his face remained unchanged, and he cupped his hands and said to Xu Cheng, "Emissary Xu Ling is injured, so naturally there is no need to be bound by etiquette. Evil messengers, please follow me into the city!"

Without changing his face, Xu Cheng followed Zhao Ji's yamen people into the city.

After entering the city, Zhao Ji glanced at Xu Cheng who was on the horse, and said calmly. "I still have important matters to do in my office, so I will arrange residences for you, and I will deal with political affairs first."

Xu Cheng didn't seem to notice Zhao Ji's anger towards him at all, his expression was flat, and he said the same lightly, "Master Zhao is as he wants."

There is only one yamen in Qingshan County, so naturally there is only one head arrester named Li Jian.

Xu Cheng had seen the panel, but there was nothing wrong with the script, and he didn't look like someone who was in the same league as Zhao Ji.

The reason why he dealt with Zhao Ji like that was because the purpose of their trip was to wipe out the villains in Qingshan Mansion. The county magistrate was like this, so he was naturally considered a villain.

The power to eliminate evil envoys is greater than Xu Cheng imagined.

Of course, if we want to investigate and deal with it, we need to think long-term and search for evidence.

Li Jian brought everyone to a courtyard in the city, and said to Xu Cheng, "Xu Lingshi, are you satisfied with this courtyard? There are 19 people in total in this courtyard, which is more than enough to live in."

Xu Cheng smiled, "Thank you Catcher Li. Catcher Li hasn't eaten yet, right? Let's eat together. We just got two black spots today. Catcher Li is lucky."

Naturally, Li Jian had already seen the body of Black Spot on the only carriage of Xu Cheng and others, and now he heard Xu Cheng's invitation, and readily agreed.

Unexpectedly, Niu Yingjun, who wanted to cook, was chased away by Wei Qing, and Xu Cheng was thought to be wasting the meat of a rare beast like black spot, but Wei Qing's cooking was unexpectedly delicious.

Xu Cheng couldn't help but gave a thumbs up, "There are two things."

Wei Qing smiled and narrowed her eyes.

"Captain Li, come eat, this meat is really good, it's great tonic." Xu Cheng beckoned Li Jian to sit down.

This is how men eat, good wine and good meat, everyone talks casually.

Li Jian's face turned red from drinking, the flesh of the black spots was too nourishing, and the wine was drunk to the fullest, Li Jian also hesitated and whispered to Xu Cheng, "Xu Lingshi, you offended Mr. Zhao today, we This lord has a very small mind, you have to be careful in the future."

The play is here.

Xu Cheng came to his spirits, but his face was calm, and he said with disdain, "Oh? Is there something special about it? I am injured and can't fully salute, and I should be blamed for this? What's more, a county magistrate, isn't he What can our immediate superior who eliminates the evil envoys do to us?"

Li Jian seemed to be more careful, and whispered in Xu Cheng's ear, "Even Master Dongchang, he disappeared inexplicably in my Qingshan County before..."

Although he didn't say what the reason was, it was unavoidably related to Zhao Ji.

"What did Lord Zhao do?"

Li Jian shook his head, "That's not sure, Qingshan County is close to a big mountain, and the water is very deep."

Xu Cheng knew that this was the limit of what Li Jian could say. After all, they were newcomers, and they were able to make Li Jian speak because of the black-spotted meat of the eighth-rank exotic beast.

After Li Jian left, Xu Cheng sat on the table and meditated.

If what Li Jian said is true, then Master Zhao is obviously much more courageous than he imagined.

Before the reform in the past, the East and West factories had not been abolished, and their powers and duties were to monitor the world.

The power of the two departments can be seen, but in this small Qingshan County, the Dongchang people died, and there was no disturbance. That doctor Guanglu is very capable...

Cheng Xiao came over and said, "Ah Cheng, let's share this meat. We discussed it. The two black spots weigh 900 catties in total. You take 400 catties, and the rest will be shared among the brothers."

Xu Cheng didn't object, since the place was backed by the green hills, he didn't expect to be short of food.

He was still a bit puzzled when he came. Although Qingshan County was far away, but in Fucheng, Qingshan County had the least problems before when the county magistrate reported his duties. Only when he came to Qingshan County did he find that the problem was far more serious than he imagined.

But after seeing Zhao Ji, he seemed to understand something.

Then, let's start with Zhao Ji's dream lover, and meet this well-known benevolent person in Qingshan Mansion - Mrs. Qi.

(End of this chapter)

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