Chapter 55
Now that Xu Cheng had captured Qi Xiaoqian, Cheng Xiao and the others had no choice but to summon the children from the small courtyard of Qi's family.

"Who can tell me, what is Immortal Soil?" Xu Cheng walked out slowly, the water stains all over his body still showing red.

A group of children did not speak, they are not adults, the three views of normal people have not yet been developed, and they have no fear of officials. What's more, they don't know what Mrs. Qi has done, and these children look blank.

Mrs. Qi's limbs were cut off by Xu Cheng, and the wounds were treated briefly by two evil emissaries. Xu Cheng walked over, "What is the Immortal Soil?"

"Hehe, kill me, Yang Lang will avenge me." Madam Qi sneered.

Xu Cheng was not angry, and pointed to the bodies of those burly guards in the distance, "They all became like this because they ate the so-called fairy soil."


"I don't know what Yang Fu told you, but how do you confirm that he is not another Zhao Zhicheng? He was born in Lao Jundao, one of the three great sects in the world. Even if he is an abandoned disciple, do you think he is sincere to you? ?”

"Think about it carefully, why didn't you notify him before he left when he was hunted down by us?"

Madam Qi raised her head suddenly, she had never mentioned the name Zhao Zhicheng to anyone, how did Xu Cheng know about it, and her relationship with Yang Fu, Qi Xiaoqian felt chills in her heart, Xu Cheng seemed to know more than she imagined.

"Are you wondering how I know Zhao Zhicheng?" Xu Cheng seemed to see her thoughts, and said lightly.

"Although I don't know your past, do you really think it's right for you to raise these lonely children like this for profit? Although I don't know what your so-called fairy land is, everything in the world Everything has advantages and disadvantages, and this kind of thing has a lot of side effects, right?"

"Zhao Zhicheng is certainly hateful, but what you have done now, who do you think is more hateful than Zhao Zhicheng?"

With every word Xu Cheng said, he was gradually approaching the bottom line in Qi Xiaoqian's heart.

After all, she was just a woman from a brothel family, and it was only because of Yang Fu that she embarked on this road of raising dead men.

"I was originally a famous actress in Taizhou, but I am here today. I cry out in sorrow and sigh."

Xu Cheng said, "Now tell me, what is Immortal Soil, and who is Yang Fu working for? I will bury you and your child together afterwards."

Perhaps, dying with her own child was the last thought in Qi Xiaoqian's mind. After a long silence, she finally spoke. She looked at Sun Jue who was being held by Wei Qing, "She is luckier than me. Someone rescued her when she was desperate."

"Yang Fu created his own sect, named Shenmiaozong. By chance, he discovered and made Immortal Soil. This is a kind of... an extremely vicious thing. Once eaten, he will lose his sanity, but he will gain absolute strength. Powerful, and highly addictive. As for who Yang Fu is working for, I don't know, I only know that after I feed the children to the Immortal Soil and become addicted, he will take him away."

As soon as this remark came out, everyone present was astonished, and Wei Qing was even more unbelievable.

She couldn't believe that this well-known good person in Taizhou was actually such a vicious femme fatale.

He was about to step forward, but was stopped by Cheng Xiao, who shook his head.

"Do you know the raw materials of Immortal Soil?" Xu Cheng ignored Wei Qing and asked immediately.

Madam Qi shook her head.

In the beginning, she really adopted those children with a kind heart. Yang Fu approached her a long time ago, but she rejected them all. The last straw.

It was also that year that she fell in love with Yang Fu again.

Madam Qi's love is sick and distorted, but also pure and fiery.

"Kill me, I've had enough of being played with all my life." Madam Qi said suddenly.

Xu Cheng glanced at her and knew that this was her sincere words at this time, but Qi Xiaoqian did a lot of evil, he didn't want her to die so happily...

"Don't forget your promise!"

Xu Cheng turned around and was about to leave, but Qi Xiaoqian suddenly hit his head on the ground while everyone was in a trance.

The extremely hard bluestone slab was even knocked out of a small hole, her brain burst, and Qi Xiaoqian died on the spot with a look of relief on her face.

[The script "The Mask of Kindness" is completed, participate in 20% of the main plot, 10% of the side plot, and get 300 destiny points. 】

Xu Cheng's face was ugly.


in the courtyard.

Xu Cheng took the order and handed it to Cheng Xiao, "Uncle Cheng, I probably won't be able to do this job, so please take this token back to Qingshan Mansion and give it to Duke Fan."

Cheng Xiao shook his head, "You did the right thing, these people have no conscience, and they deserve to die."

"It's different. Zhao Ji was killed without the slightest evidence. The officialdom can't tolerate people like me."

Wei Qing retorted, "Then Zhao Ji governed Qingshan County in such a miserable way, let's search carefully, and we will definitely find evidence of his crimes..."

Xu Cheng shook his head, "It doesn't matter if you find it. The county magistrate is a sixth-rank official. I offend my subordinates and kill my superiors without permission. Nowhere will I be tolerated."

"With your father here, you will be fine. If you leave like this, your parents will be hurt." Cheng Xiao still persuaded.

Thinking of what his sister Xu Xin said a few days ago, the news that the fake parents were about to die in battle made Xu Cheng feel sad.

On that day, Yu Zaiyin suddenly asked his father Xu Zheng's realm, and he didn't know what it meant. Even if he didn't realize the problem of the false parents, when the news of the death of the false parents came...

Maybe Fan Zhenghui would pardon Xu Cheng for killing the court officials because of the death of his fake parents, but Xu Cheng is a very determined person, he doesn't want his own life to be controlled by other people's illusory pity.

Changing into a flying eagle suit, Xu Chengcheng wanted to leave directly, but compassion appeared in his heart, he picked up Sun Jue and handed it to Weicheng Nian, "Brother Nian, I may be on the run, Sun Jue!" Life is miserable, you can't control his life, you'd better find a powerful force to protect him in the future."

"Don't worry, leave it to me." Wei Chengnian said in a deep voice. Perhaps only he understood Xu Cheng's behavior today, after all, he had encountered it before.

All the evil emissaries were silent, knowing that Xu Cheng had made up his mind, and today's case was not a trivial matter.

The crime of killing a county magistrate without authorization is really serious.

A trace of hesitation appeared on Wei Qing's face, looking at Xu Cheng's back.

Xu Cheng walked out slowly, walking out with a knife in his hand.

However, he didn't know that Yu Zaiyin was rushing to Qingshan County at high speed.


In the mountains and forests outside Qingshan County.

Zhai Xun's face was full of helplessness. He managed to find Yang Fu's whereabouts. He had already set up half of the huge Fengshui formation in Qingshan County, but Yang Fu somehow noticed him. Yang Fu rushed into the deep mountains and dense forests, lost traced.

Putting down the compass in his hand, he glanced at the surrounding trees, took out a carving knife from his waist, climbed up the tree and started pruning.

Diligent like a gardener.

Cursing while doing things, "Don't let me know, whoever told Yang Fu about my whereabouts will definitely let you see what Fengshui, heaven and earth, all have the same power."

Now that Yang Fu's whereabouts have been lost, but according to his observations in the past few days, Yang Fu stayed in Qingshan County for a long time, and left in a hurry, everything was very hidden, and he will definitely come back. A large feng shui formation was set up on the road, and Yang Fu was sure to catch him.

After trying to understand the joints, Zhai Xun showed excitement on his face, "No wonder the master said that I am the smartest person in Lao Jundao. Just ask any brother who wants to get it with this method." He praised himself happily.

Zhai Xun began to work hard.

Unbeknownst to Xu Cheng, he had already gotten into trouble with a 'big boss' by mistake.


Outside Qingshan County, Xu Cheng was carrying a big package full of black spot meat on his back, and was walking on the official road with a bamboo hat on his horse.

He began to think about his own martial arts. After all, he still had a three-year contract with Master Kuchan, and it would be as difficult as reaching the third rank within three years.

In fact, according to his current level of six skin trainings, it is enough to break through the bone forging level, but the third level of foundation building is to pursue the limit and lay a solid foundation. also to achieve.

All the accumulation of the three foundation building realms is for greater qualitative changes in the realm of exchanging blood.

Only at the sixth-grade strength realm, warriors will usher in a real transformation!

After hesitating for a moment, [-] destiny points are enough to upgrade talent.

"The Immortal Gold and Jade Chapter" is heavily practiced, Xu Cheng didn't hesitate, and directly clicked to upgrade his talent.

【Horizontal training★★upgrade to horizontal training★★★】

This was the first time Xu Cheng had upgraded his talent. A warm current completely different from Qi and blood slowly flowed through his body. It seemed that his body had changed, but when he felt it carefully, he found nothing.

You can only look inside when you change blood, but now you can't find any difference from before.

Since the imperial court couldn't tolerate it anymore, they would go to Xu Xin and become the leader of the Demon Cult as soon as possible, and there would be no shortage of scripts.


(End of this chapter)

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