Chapter 59

As soon as Yu Zaiyin's words came out, everyone was in an uproar, but seeing the cold Yu Zaiyin, they didn't speak.

The envoy in charge is Yu Zaiyin's current position, the supreme commander of the envoy to eliminate evil, once Wei Chengnian agrees, he will reach the sky in one step.

Wei Chengnian's tone was dry, and he said with a hint of disbelief, "Commander, is this inappropriate?"

"Call me master. As a disciple of this seat, I can still sit in the position of commander." Yu Zaiyin's words became much more difficult, but there was no doubt in his tone, and everyone could still hear it.

The mentality of Cheng Xiao and the others is a bit broken, what the hell is going on.

How did Wei Chengnian's old farmer's face fall in love with Yu Zaiyin?
"Master, I have met Master in Weichengnian!" Weichengnian has the heart of a child, not the heart of a fool.

Yu Zaiyin was willing to accept him as a disciple, so he was naturally willing, but the second sentence made Yu Zaiyin frown.

"The disciple bears a bloody enmity, and is willing to treat the master with respect, but to outsiders, he must not reveal his relationship with the master, so as not to hurt the master in the future."

"Do you think that I can't even protect my apprentice?" Yu Zaiyin's words seemed to be extremely cold, and Cheng Xiao and others shuddered unconsciously.

Wei Chengnian hurriedly said, "I dare not hurt Master." Yu Zaiyin is the second most powerful person he has ever met. Apart from Master Kuchan, who he met with Xu Cheng, he belongs to Jaeyin's strongest, and he really wants to learn from his teacher. Art, after finishing his studies, stay away from Yu Zaiyin, and after he has avenged his grievances, he will do his filial piety to Yu Zaiyin.

Yu Zaiyin said lightly, "Since you worship me as your teacher, and you will travel the world in the future, you can report my name."

There was confidence in his tone.

Wei Chengnian was silent, he didn't know whether to name his enemies.

"Okay, take me to find Xu Cheng, Fan Gong asked me to find him for something." Seeing Wei Chengnian's silence, Yu Zaiyin knew that his enemy's identity was probably sensitive, and he didn't want to speak out in this public place, so he changed the subject.

Wei Chengnian looked around, and said bravely, "Dare to ask Master if you have anything to do with him?"

Yu Zaiyin gave him a cold look, "I don't like being questioned. This is the first time that his parents died in battle on Yongjiang. Mr. Fan sent me to tell him."


There were voices of astonishment one after another.

Before Fan Zheng took office, Xu Zheng's title as the number one expert in the Qingshan Mansion was well deserved. Whether it was military exploits or duels, he rarely lost, so how could he suddenly die in battle.

Cheng Xiao and other old people had a deeper relationship with Xu Zheng, and when they heard this, they stepped forward and knelt down, "How did the chief arrester die?"

Yu Zaiyin frowned more times today than he combined in a month.

But there were too many of these people, and the emotion in their eyes was real, so he said lightly, "I met Wu Gan, the leader of the Demon Sect, and was killed on the spot."

A look of sadness appeared on the faces of Cheng Xiao and the others.

Although Xu Zheng's identity is fake, but as the chief arrester of the Fourth Yamen, he has a bold style and is considerate of his opponents, so he has a very high reputation in the Fourth Yamen of Qingshan Mansion.

Yu Zaiyin gradually became restless. When these people heard the news of Xu Zheng's death, they didn't want to tell Xu Cheng why they were crying here.

"Where is Xu Cheng?"

The coldness in his voice became heavier, forcibly interrupting the sorrow of Cheng Xiao and others.

Several people knew that this matter could no longer be concealed, so they had no choice but to speak.

"Xu Cheng killed the county magistrate of Qingshan without permission, left Feng Ziling behind, and left alone..."

"He ran away?" Yu Zaiyin seemed to be annoyed and laughed, with a strange look on his face.

"Where did you go?"

"do not know."


Xu Cheng and Wei Qing were walking on the road, and Wei Qing was bored looking at Xu Cheng who was constantly roaring with energy and blood on his horseback.

"Xu Cheng, do you practice like this every day? Are you bored?"

The chants of qi and blood gradually disappeared, and Xu Cheng opened his eyes, "I am not good at practicing martial arts. If I don't practice like this in the wind and rain, when will I become a strong man?"

Wei Qing curled her lips, and muttered in a low voice, "Pretentious."

"By the way, I heard that after the blood change, some changes will occur in the human body. The blood-changing beast my father found for me is a seventh-grade beast skylark, which conforms to my "Thousand Feathers Infinite Code". Do you think I will change by then? Ugly?"

Xu Cheng glanced at her speechlessly. The exchange of blood to build a foundation is related to the foundation of a warrior. Usually, he doesn't show it to others at all. He doesn't know if this girl is short-hearted or trusts him too much.

"I don't know if your technique will become ugly or not. I only know that it will become heartless."

Wei Qing rolled his eyes at him, then looked at the wood carving on Xu Cheng's chest, "Your fiancee is so pretty."

"Are you looking for something to say?" Xu Cheng replied.

Wei Qing turned her head angrily.

Gradually walking into the depths of the dense forest, the trail here was too narrow, so Xu Cheng got off his horse helplessly, swiped with a long knife, cleared the weeds and branches on both sides of the road, and made way for the two horses.

Wei Qing didn't get off the horse, but jolted on the horse, watching Xu Cheng cut trees there.

"It's your turn. You are here to open the road. You have to ride a horse on this road. You really don't mind being in a hurry." Xu Cheng said in a puzzled manner.

Wei Qing dismounted neatly, her long and slender legs were tightly bound by bandages, aroused by the instinct of looking at legs in a man's bones, Xu Cheng turned his head away.

Who can stand this.

At this moment, the sound of heavy footsteps came from the dense forest, causing the ground to tremble slightly.

"There's a big guy..." Xu Cheng didn't finish.

Then Wei Qing hugged her arm, "I'm so scared, a strange beast is coming."

Xu Cheng broke free speechlessly, "Can you be normal?"

With a shy look on Wei Qing's face, Jia Ziyin said, "Brother Cheng, is your fiancee like this? You men should like this kind of thing, right?"

The sound of 'Brother Cheng' almost sent Xu Cheng there.

Pulling away Wei Qing with a black thread, "Get out of here."

After speaking, he walked to the edge of a tree, and tried to see what kind of strange beast it was with the help of the wood spirit base.

Soon, he breathed a sigh of relief. From the 'eyes' of the surrounding trees, he saw that the skin was black and white, tall and tall, with antlers on his head. It should be a deer-like beast.

The deer beasts are all terrifying in size, but their actual levels are not that scary, and their general personalities are relatively docile.

Xu Cheng can be regarded as someone who has read "The Collection of Strange Beasts" in this world. Although the images from the trees are full of mosaics, Xu Cheng can still tell that this should be a Yin-Yang deer, a sixth-grade alien beast.

Turning around and walking to Wei Qing, "The highest-level alien beast in Qingshan is the sixth rank, right?"

Wei Qing shook her head, "I don't know, it's just that the highest level of alien beasts discovered so far is the sixth grade. As for whether there are higher ones, who knows?"

"That big guy passing by should be a rank-[-] Yin-Yang deer."

Wei Qing's eyes lit up, "Let's go and have a look. The Yin-Yang Deer has a docile personality. It's not the kind of beast that goes crazy when it sees people. It's even naturally close to humans. Moreover, this kind of beast likes to hide treasures. Maybe you can find them." What baby?"

Xu Cheng was speechless, Wei Qing in front of him was really bold.

Rank-[-] alien beasts are already able to transform the qi and blood of their bodies into strength similar to that of human fighters. With such an existence, maybe the two of them will have to kneel when the body's abnormal force is released, and they will follow to see.

"Let's go." Seeing Xu Cheng's hesitation, Wei Qing urged.

(End of this chapter)

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