Chapter 75 Change (Happy New Year everyone!)
Holding Mingbao in her arms, Wei Qing asked suspiciously after seeing Xu Cheng not speaking for a long time. "Xu Cheng, what are you thinking?"

"It's nothing." Xu Cheng said casually.

Di Xun, who was pretending to be cool, said suddenly, "Xu Cheng, have you thought of Shihao?"

Xu Cheng has already figured out this person's character, he is very strong but not in the right place, but he has an inexplicable obsession with appearing before others. As the true master of Yujing, he doesn't think about how to become the first teacher every day.

"While playing, I'm not interested in writing poems for you."

Zhai Xun stopped talking, looked at Xu Cheng who was walking aside with Wei Qing, and silently vowed in his heart that he must let Xu Cheng create a poem of his own.

He refused to leave, but it was Wei Qing who stayed for a while and then left. When he went out, he saw three colleagues, and they hurried out of the city together.


Wei Qing hurriedly walked, and asked as if rushing, "Huo Ran, are you sure there is fairy land at the pier?"

Huo Ran nodded. Although he was only on patrol, he was valued by Wei Chengnian because of his cleverness before. He took him to see the Immortal Land and asked him to monitor the pier outside the city. "Last night, Li Zeng and I were guarding outside the city. I smelled the Immortal Soil when it was about [-]:[-], and Li Zeng caught a crew member at dawn, and he was just outside the city, and Li Zeng was asking which ship contained the Immortal Soil."

Wei Qing stopped in her tracks, "Have you notified the Yamen yet?"

"Having sent people to the Beiya to report to Lord Wei."

Wei Qing nodded, and walked out of the city with Huo Ran and others.

After all, she is an emissary to eliminate evil, and she has a strong personality, so she didn't think too much at the moment.

It's just that she didn't notice that there was something wrong with the expression on Huo Ran's face, and there was a flash of struggle and entanglement on his face.


At the moment, on the pier outside Qingshan Mansion.

The sky is high and the clouds are wide.

Standing by the river, Li Dan looked at the turbulent river, and all the floating things on the water were swept down by the turbulent waves.

Hu Xian, Liu Xian's guard, folded his arms and asked with some doubts, "Why didn't Li Zhupu directly invite Weicheng Nian over? Why bother so much?"

Li Dan stared at the river, and his voice came to Hu Xian's ears along with the turbulent river, "Wei Chengnian, as the Commander, has a high position and authority. If a policeman reports to him, he will definitely go to war."

"Then with this woman named Wei Qing, can Wei Chengnian be brought out alone?" Hu Xian asked suspiciously.

"Before Acropolis Nian became the envoy, he and Wei Qing belonged to Feng Zi Ling. If we can persuade Wei Qing, we can indeed bring out Acropolis Nian alone." Li Dan said lightly.

Now Feng Ziling is on duty in Qingshan County, only Xu Cheng and Wei Qing are in the Fucheng, Xu Cheng will not come out as a filial piety, Wei Qing has entered the sight of the two.

After hearing this, Hu Xian suddenly realized, with a sullen smile on his face, it could be seen that this 'persuasion' was not peaceful.


Qingshan Wharf seemed a little empty this morning.

Wei Qing was not suspicious, and followed the two evil emissaries beside him to a large warehouse in the distance.

"It's here." Huo Ran pointed to the warehouse door.

Wei Qing responded, and was about to go in with two colleagues from the Patrol Section.

Huo Ran stopped her suddenly, "Sister Wei, be careful about..."

Wei Qing gave him a strange look, but didn't pay attention to it. At the moment, the clues about the Immortal Soil in the warehouse attracted her.

"I'm sorry, Miss Wei." Huo Ran's voice was very low.


This is a standard wharf grain warehouse, extremely spacious, surrounded by high ladders, which is convenient for stacking tall goods.

Most of the warehouses were filled with grain bags covered in thick dust. There was also dust on the ground, but there were countless messy footprints.

"Huo Ran, where's the person?" Wei Qing asked suddenly.

She had faintly sensed that something was wrong. It was too quiet here. It seemed that no one had been to this warehouse for a long time. It could be seen from the clearly visible footprints on the ground. Many people had entered before her.

The two old policemen next to him also noticed something was wrong, and turned their heads to ask Huo Ran questioningly, "Huo Ran, what's going on?"

Huo Ran stood at the gate of the warehouse, letting the light outside the door shine on his back, his body cast a long shadow, more than a dozen long, as if he was about to turn into a monster at this moment.

Seeing that Huo Ran didn't answer for a long time, Wei Qing made a decisive decision, kicked her feet forward, and rushed towards Huo Ran.

A solid, muscular arm suddenly stretched out from behind Huo Ran, blocking Wei Qing's kick from above his head.

Wei Qing's face changed, someone stopped her, her figure didn't tremble at all, and she didn't lift the weight at all.

Hu Xian grinned grimly, "Miss Wei is being polite, I'm going to Hu Xian."

Following Hu Xian's opening, the originally quiet warehouse suddenly heard the sound of heavy objects falling to the ground.

Wei Qing looked back, her face darkened.

These are all people who have ambushed in advance!

Bad visitor...

"Huo Ran, won't you explain to me?" Wei Qing looked at Huo Ran who was standing behind Hu Xian, and asked in a cold voice.

Huo Ran raised his head, his eyes were red, "I'm sorry."

"Miss Wei, don't blame Huo Ran, after all, he is one of us." Hu Xian put on a smile on his face, and then continued, "Actually, this is the way to invite Miss Wei to come over, because there is something that needs Miss Wei's help. , make an appointment for us."

Wei Qing sneered, "What if I don't want to?"

"Miss Wei, don't be angry, you can listen to our conditions. Miss Wei's uncle is a wealthy businessman in Taizhou, and her father is Pu, the owner of Dongya. Naturally, he is not short of money, but it is hard to get a blood pill, and the girl does not have it. Now Just ask the girl to help me invite someone alone, and I will give the girl a bottle of good blood-changing pills."

Hu Xian said, when he talked about a bottle of blood-changing pills, his face obviously flashed with pain. Although he did not make this pill, he is also in the realm of blood-changing, and he is also very coveted for blood-changing pills.

Wei Qing's eyes became colder, "I want to know who in the yamen is so valuable that he can get so many benefits just by inviting him."

"As Miss Wei, this person's invitation is very simple, and that person is the new command envoy of your Evil Eliminating Envoy - Weicheng Nian."

Wei Qing's expression turned cold, "I'm not interested."

"Hehe", Hu Xian laughed, and then his face suddenly turned cold, "I can't help the girl."

A black worm appeared in his hand, covered with black tentacles, which looked particularly terrifying, so he heard Hu Xian say, "This is specially prepared for the cooperation of Miss Wei. You can't ask for death."

Behind Wei Qing, a middle-aged patrolman walked up to Wei Qing, and said in a low voice, "I have heard that the Liu family's unique martial art is called Black Jade Bone. Is there any relationship between the two?"

The voice was very low, but Hu Xian, who couldn't avoid the extremely sensitive five senses, frowned. He didn't expect that an ordinary yamen patrolman would have heard of Liu's unique skills.

Wei Qing narrowed her eyes. If it really mattered, it meant that the man in front of her had no intention of letting her go, no matter whether she agreed or not...

"Are you from the Liu family?"

Hu Xian's face turned cold, and the smile that remained unchanged on his face disappeared since he appeared.

Sure enough?
Wei Qing's heart was cold, she made a decisive decision, "Uncle Shen, do it!"

The Patrol Division is best at training unity and cooperation. Once an order is issued, it will be prohibited.

The movements of the three were in unison, and they rushed towards the people behind them in an instant. They could all see that Hu Xian's strength was not something they could compete with. Before that, Wei Qing saw that there was another door at the other end of the warehouse!

(End of this chapter)

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