Chapter 78 Clues (Please follow up, please recommend tickets!)
Xu Buwu was sitting boldly on the chair in Qingshan Hall, facing a younger brother with low eyebrows and pleasing eyes.

The young master did not return, so he was sent back to investigate the cause of Liu Xian's death. Hu Xian communicated with him several times, but found nothing.

And he unexpectedly found his best brother, Zhu Kou, the former master of the Qingshan Hall, who failed to break through, so he didn't bother to investigate the cause of Liu Xian's death. generational.

Yes, people like Liu Xian are the second generation of dandies in his heart.

Suddenly, when he moved his ears, he heard someone shouting outside.

"Xu Cheng, the evil emissary of the Qingshan Mansion, investigates the case of Liu Xian's assassination, please cooperate with the Cao Gang!"

Xu Buwu frowned slightly, and the person in front of him hurriedly stepped forward and said, "The evil emissary was formed by the new government governor selecting outstanding patrols from the four yamen. Will Hall Master Xu come forward?"

"Go get rid of it."


When his subordinates left Xu Buwu's room, he breathed a long sigh of relief. If he hadn't said anything, no one would have thought that the person with such a low eyebrow and pleasing eyes in front of Xu Buwu would be He Xi, the deputy head of the Qingshan Hall of the Cao Gang!

Xu Cheng looked at a middle-aged man with a dignified breath, a calm gait, and strong lower limbs.

[Name]: He Xi
[Life level]: short-lived species

[Talent]: Martial Arts★★
[Script of Destiny]: The protagonist of "Cao Gang Qing Shan Tang" (blue)
[Playing script]: Supporting role in "A Journey of Grain and Grass" (blue), supporting role in "Sunshine West Mountain" (blue)
[Current plot]: He Xi was originally the deputy of Zhu Kou, the master of the Qingshan Hall of the Cao Gang, but Zhu Kou broke through and exchanged blood, and his whole body was alienated. With the support of Xu Buwu, Qingshan Hall finally made a breakthrough and became the new head of Qingshan Hall. Later, entrusted by Li Dan, he sent his son Li Xiao out of Qingshan Mansion...

Xu Cheng frowned, and there was no plot about Wei Qing.

However, Zhu Kou, the master of the Qingshan Hall, was injured more seriously, and his original insanity had turned into alienation.

There is almost no cure for transfusion alienation.

He Xi looked at Xu Cheng, and suddenly remembered the portrait from Qingshan Mansion before, with a smile on his face, "This must be Xu Lingshi, right? He Xi, the deputy head of Qingshan Hall. Xu Lingshi's prestige, but The Qingshan Mansion is so famous, I don’t know if you come to my Qingshan Hall, what’s your business?”

Xu Cheng was expressionless, and said lightly, "Come to investigate the case about Liu Xian."

"Oh? The case of Liu Xian, the son of Liu Yu, the former governor?" He Xi was stunned for a moment, and then said, "Didn't the murderer claim to be the Holy Son of the Demon Sect? What does it have to do with my Cao Gang?"

Xu Cheng sneered, "Does Master He believe it?"

He Xi stopped talking, of course he didn't believe it, after all, everyone in the Devil's Cult shouted and beat him, and the murderer claimed to be the Holy Son of the Devil's Cult, which was naturally an attempt to confuse the public.

Xu Cheng went on to say, "Wei Qing, an envoy of evil, personally investigated Liu Xian's murder, but disappeared at Qingshan Wharf for no reason. I don't know if Master He has seen it before?"

As soon as he finished speaking, he stared closely at He Xi's facial expression.

He Xi showed confusion on his face, and then he showed thought, shook his head affirmatively, "I have distinguished guests in Qingshan Hall, and I haven't seen all the masters of the evil emissary in the past few days."

Xu Cheng looked at him for a while, and it seemed that the Cao Gang had nothing to do with Wei Qing's disappearance.

"If that's the case, let's bother Hall Master He and leave."

After speaking, he took Xue Mi and others, and left without looking back.


Just after taking a few steps, I saw the Year of the Acropolis.

Wei Chengnian first took a look at Xu Cheng, and was relieved to see Xu Cheng walk out safely. For some reason, he was a little afraid that Xu Cheng would enter the situation of not caring again.

"Brother Nian, do you have any clues?"

Wei Chengnian shook his head.

Xu Cheng didn't say anything.

At this moment, a person in a patrol uniform came running in a panic from a distance, and when he saw the two of them, he bowed his head respectfully, and then said in a deep voice, "Wei Lingshi, Xu Lingshi, I'll be waiting in Yongjiang Heaven." Nu Ya, found a dead body, after I identified it, it was...Wei Qing!"

Xu Cheng suddenly opened his eyes, but the people present didn't react at all, so he grabbed the man by the collar, paused every word, and said through gritted teeth, "Take me there!"

The Yongjiang River is always so choppy, especially in the mountainous area of ​​Qingshanfu, the river course is full of twists and turns, and the waves are surging.

A river flows eastward, sending away so many things in the world.

Xu Cheng looked at Wei Qing's corpse on the ground with a livid face. The energy in the Wood Spirit Foundation rushed towards her body as if it didn't want money, but Wei Qing didn't respond at all.

A group of patrolling arresters, evil envoys, gangsters, etc., except Weicheng Nian, all stayed away from Xu Cheng.

After all, Xu Cheng's murderous aura at the too heavy!

The murderous aura that spread boundlessly, accompanied by the aura brought by the heroic posture, seemed to suppress the turbulent water of the Yongjiang River.

The best Wuzuo Ma Wuzuo of Beiya Wuzuo took a step forward and said, "We have confirmed the identity of the deceased. He is Wei Qing, the emissary who got rid of evil. He was stabbed thirteen times in the body and fatally wounded at the waist. He died." The time can be confirmed as around Chenshi..."

Xu Cheng interrupted him unceremoniously, "What is the nature of the injury? Can you tell what kind of exercise it is caused by?"

Ma Fuzuo bowed his head, the son of the Xu family had only been envoy for a few days at that time, how could he have such a strong aura.

"Returning to Xu Lingshi, the Yongjiang River is turbulent. After several huge waves, many traces have been destroyed. But judging from Wei Qing's injuries, it is certain that she was besieged by many people, resulting in exhaustion and constant injuries. In the end, she should I was forced to jump into the Yongjiang River. As for the traces of the exercises... forgive me for my incompetence."

When he said the last sentence, Ma Wuzuo lowered his head even more.

Although Qingshan Mansion is large, it is only one mansion, and the martial artists here don't have much knowledge, so how can they distinguish the martial arts of the whole world.

What's more, Hu Xian didn't attack Wei Qing, and didn't leave behind the obvious characteristics of black jade bones.

Wei Chengnian let Xu Cheng do his best, although Wei Qing's relationship with him was not as close as Xu Cheng's, but he was still a colleague. Facing Wei Qing's death, his face was also full of sadness.

"Why is there only Wei Qing's corpse, and the others? Didn't you say that there were three people traveling with her?" Xu Cheng's deep voice sounded.

Everyone was speechless.

Ma Fuzuo cursed in a low voice, and it was himself again, "Wei Qing's body was seen by fishermen, and only Wei Qing's body was found."

"Then go find it! If you live, you want to see people, if you want to die, you want to see corpses!"

"Yes!" Everyone present shuddered, and then said respectfully.

Xu Cheng's voice was too cold.

Xue Mi groaned in his heart, so the leader took in the wrong disciple, right? Xu Cheng should be the disciple?
This momentum is too similar.

And who said that Xu Cheng relies on wisdom, the force hidden under this momentum is probably higher than that of Acropolis Nian, right?

Following Xu Cheng's order, these people scattered away.

Xu Cheng stood where he was, looking at Wei Qing's swollen corpse, which was soaked in water, and he didn't have the lively and cheerful look of the girl in the past.

In just one month, he had experienced too much. The previous few investigations and killings were more like a little man who had gained power for the first time, relying on force unscrupulously.

Now Wei Qing's death, the water behind it is too deep, if he continues to be so unscrupulous, maybe even Fan Zheng can't protect him.

That being the case, then make everything into ironclad evidence, no matter who is behind it, he wants to see what kind of mouse is playing tricks under the great power of the court!
Suddenly, he remembered something.

When I met He Xi before, there was a seemingly irrelevant thing in He Xi's current plot.

That is, Pu Li Dan, the owner of the North Yam, is about to ask He Xi to send his only son Li Xiao out of Qingshan Mansion...

Li Dan used to belong to Liu Yu, the former governor of the government, but after Fan Zheng took office, he seemed to have no intention of dealing with him, so what made him feel a sense of crisis and wanted to send Li Xiao out of the city?

At this sensitive moment, Xu Cheng noticed something was wrong.

According to the analysis of He Xi's script panel, since Li Dan's fate script of "Sunshine and the Western Mountains" has been opened, let's go to Li's mansion to have a look...

Xu Cheng turned around, and Wei Chengnian hurriedly followed.

(End of this chapter)

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