Chapter 80
Thai palace.

Princess Yiyang hugged her father's arm, "Father, why don't you let me go to Qingshan Mansion, I haven't been out for a long time."

The king of Thailand is now nearly sixty years old, but the royal family has good luck, martial arts is not low, and he is pampered and pampered on weekdays, so he doesn't look old at this time.

Seeing himself, the most favored young girl, Taizhou smiled slightly, "Why does Wei'er think of going to Qingshan Mansion so well?"

Princess Yiyang thought that when Bai Jixin was in Taizhou, he had been scolded several times by the king of Taizhou. If he said that he was going to Qingshan Mansion to repay Bai Lang's favor, his father would probably be troublesome, and his eyes rolled around. Then what did he think of? , "I heard that the newly appointed governor of Qingshan Mansion is a bachelor, I went to ask for advice and study."

King Tai looked at her, and then said, "Qingshan Mansion is a good place, so Wei'er can go there if she wants to, but Wei'er is the princess, and her dignity is indispensable. Let my father arrange it for you."

Princess Yiyang's eyes lit up, "I want to leave today."

"Tomorrow, so that Qingshan Mansion can get ready," Taizhou said lightly.

Princess Yiyang's mouth pouted, her expression a little downcast, but she knew that since her father had made a decision, she couldn't change it, so she had to turn around and leave.

Watching his daughter leave, King Tai said lightly, "Has the identity of that Bai Jixin been found yet?"

Obviously, the King of Thailand knew everything.

Fortunately, Xu Xin had already prepared for this, and unexpectedly found out the real relationship between 'Bai Jixin' and Xu Cheng. As long as Xu Cheng is smart enough, according to what she said, then everything is real and there are traces to follow...

A voice came from the shadows, "This subordinate is incompetent."

"What is the relationship between that Xu Cheng and Bai Jixin?"

"Xu Cheng's identity is clear. The arrest of Xu Zheng's son by the former Chief of the Fourth Yamen of Qingshan Mansion should have nothing to do with Bai Jixin, but he has an older sister named Xu Xin."

"Oh? Xu Xin's younger brother?" He knew Xu Xin. After all, Xu Xin also came to Taizhou City in the past and did something...

As for why there is no doubt that Bai Jixin is Xu Xin, because Bai Jixin and Xu Xin appeared at the same time that day, and Xu Xin's temperament is so outstanding that no one can connect with Bai Jixin at all.

Taizhou was expressionless, not knowing what he was thinking.

Above the blue sky, Fan Zheng and Lord Shang Yang sat facing each other on the sky cloud as a seat.

"How does Shanggong see this?"

Lord Shang Yang observed carefully, and said for a long time, "This qi is not source qi, it seems to come from people?"

"After the great prosperity of the Immortal Dao, the heaven and the earth proclaimed that all kinds of origin qi originated from the famous mountain Cangyuan. If the origin qi does not exist, if something happens to the immortal dao, it will naturally not be the origin qi." Fan Zheng responded, affirming Shang Yanggong's meaning between words.

"Interesting, can human thoughts give birth to something similar to origin qi?" Duke Shang Yang stroked his beard.

"In that case, let's start your plan."

Fan Zheng was overjoyed, he got up and bowed, "I think if the Confucianism and Taoism Academy is built, scholars all over the world will definitely remember Shang Gong's love today."

Xu Cheng and Wei Chengnian looked at Zhai Xun speechlessly.

This person saw that Xu Cheng was going to the Yamen, because he was afraid of Jae Yin and Fan Zheng, so he didn't follow him.

At this time, they actually set up a stall on the street.

He closed his eyes and meditated, with several ingots of silver taels placed in front of him, and a sign on it, "With me as the theme, write a poem, if successful, a hundred taels of silver."

One hundred taels of silver is still very attractive. At this time, Zhai Xun's stall is already surrounded by a circle of people, all holding folding fans, self-proclaimed romantic cultural people...

Xu Cheng and Wei Chengnian looked at each other, bowed their heads tacitly and prepared to leave directly.

Unexpectedly, Zhai Xun suddenly opened his eyes.

"Brother Xu, Brother Wei! How about coming to see my stall?"

Seeing the people around him looking at him and Wei Chengnian warily, Xu Cheng smiled dryly, wishing he could kick the bastard to death, "It's pretty's something Brother Zhai can do..."

Wei Chengnian looked like a stranger, which made the people around Zhai Xun's stall relax their vigilance. After all, two reckless men in flying eagle suits who looked like yamen warriors, how could they compose poems?

Di Xun worked hard, and took out a poem that he had written, "Brother Xu, after reading this poem, how does it compare to your level?"

Xu Cheng poked his head slightly.

"There is a handsome guy in the world, his name is Zhai Xun, master Zhai Xun Zhai, the No. 1 array master."

"As soon as Da Zhai makes a move, the famous mountains and rivers obey orders. The real people are real people, and Zhai Xun is a real person."


"Brother Zhai is very brave and very capable. If this poem is recited in front of your master, Taoist Master Qingming, it will be even more wonderful. The two of us still have a big case, see you later!"

Xu Cheng dragged Wei Chengnian and ran away, showing him this poem almost made him laugh.

The two came to Li's house, followed the chief servant to report, and Li Dan agreed to meet them.

"Xu Cheng, why are we here at Li's house? Didn't we just see Li Xiao?" Wei Chengnian was a little puzzled.

Xu Cheng didn't speak, all the truth, if you want to meet Li Dan and see his script, then the truth will come to light.

Li Dan rarely wore his maroon red Canghe official robe, but a plain white robe. When he saw Xu Cheng and Wei Chengnian, he had a smile on his face, "Nephew Xu Xian, I haven't seen you for a long time, Mr. Xu passed away I have something to do, but I have delayed my condolences."

【Name】: Li Dan
[Life level]: short-lived species

[Talent]: Smart Tongue★★★, Martial Arts★
[Script of Destiny]: The protagonist of "Sunshine" (blue)
[Playing script]: Supporting role in "Eliminate Evil" (Blue)
[Current Main Line]: Li Dan, talented and intelligent, came back from Taizhou Academy at the age of 20. He was favored by Liu Yu, then magistrate of Rong County, Qingshan Prefecture, and promoted step by step. During this period, Liu Yu went to Taizhou to be an official for several years, However, Li Dan stayed in Qingshan Mansion all the time, and served successively as Pu, the head of the three yamen in the southeast and north, but because of his mediocre martial arts aptitude, he had no intention of being promoted. It happened that Liu Yu came to Qingshan Mansion to be the governor of the mansion. Li Dan decided to rely on his old boss, Liu Yu He left office again, and his only son died tragically. Suspecting that Yu Zaiyin's disciple Wei Chengnian did it, he ordered Li Dan and Hu Xian to kill Wei Chengnian. The two decided to use Wei Qing as a guide to lead Wei Chengnian out of the city alone, but Unexpectedly, because of Liu Xian's death, Hu Xian was reckless and irritable, and killed Wei Qing. Li Dan deeply felt that something was wrong...

Is it really him?
Everything became clear, Liu Yu suspected that Wei Chengnian had killed Liu Xian, intending to kidnap Wei Qing and lead Wei Chengnian out of the city, but Hu Xian killed Wei Qing on the spot for some reasons...

Although he didn't know why he put the suspicion on Wei Chengnian, Xu Cheng didn't want to know so much at the moment.

Xu Cheng said in a blunt tone, "But I dare not bother Li Zhupu. I came today to investigate the case. I wonder if Li Zhupu remembers Wei Qing?"

Without a doubt, Li Dan was someone Xu Cheng had met, who had mastered official speech skills to the extreme. When he heard Xu Cheng's words, he froze for a moment. He never expected Xu Cheng to be so direct.

After a moment of silence, Li Dan spoke slightly, as if answering the wrong question, and said, "Nephew Xu Xian, I am going to sue my old age and return to my hometown. I originally planned to go to Fan Fu Yin to sue my old age and return to my hometown in a few days. It is better to hit the sun instead of choosing a date." .”

Xu Cheng laughed. He somehow understood the meaning of Li Dan's words. Li Dan really knew how to speak in official circles.

A taste of language art seems to be over, and it seems that the lingering sound is still long.

The unspoken meaning is to say, "Whether this matter is related to me or not, I am about to retire, and even if I are found, it will stop here." '

Xu Cheng put away the smile on his face, "Fan Gongjian once said in the eradication of evil envoys that when he killed the evil envoys in Qingshan Mansion, he was accomplice to treason, the main culprit was cut in half, and the three clans were exiled. The emperor listened to it and granted the imperial power."

"Li Zhupu should know, right?"

The smile on Li Dan's face also disappeared. He didn't know whether Xu Cheng really didn't understand or pretended not to understand, but he only knew that Xu Cheng had already begun to doubt himself. His years of bureaucratic career changed him instantly. Face, "Oh? Xu Lingshi suspects that I killed Wei Qing, the evil emissary?"

The title of Xu Cheng has also changed.

Xu Cheng's face was still indifferent, but his white hand holding the knife too tightly told Wei Chengnian beside him that Xu Cheng was not at peace in his heart.

He turned around, stared straight at Li Dan, and said word by word, "Li Zhupu just thinks that I have not caught Hu Xian and there is no evidence, so let me go and get Hu Xian, as for you ..."

"Brother Nian, summon the evil envoys and the various departments of the four government yamen. From now on, the Li family will go up and down, don't let a fly go, as long as I, Xu Cheng, don't lose power for a day, then surround me for a day, and if anything happens I, Xu Cheng, will take care of it!"

The calmness on Li Dan's face was gone, he got up angrily, slapped the table with his left hand, and the tea on the table rolled to the ground, but he ignored it.

"Xu Cheng, do you want to offend the next?"

"It's you who want to commit the following crime!"

Xu Cheng raised his voice an octave, and a token appeared in his hand, and he raised it high with his left hand, "Princess Yiyang's order, if the princess comes in person, is this order enough?"

"If I were Li Zhupu, I would try to be as quiet as possible. The sword used to eliminate evil envoys is still very powerful..." Wei Chengnian, who had not spoken from the beginning to the end, spoke the first sentence, and slowly pressed down on Xu Cheng and pulled it out. Half of the long knife.

He had already seen Xu Cheng's killing intent. If Li Dan disrespected the princess's order in the slightest, Xu Cheng would draw his sword on the spot.

Xu Cheng's character, he has seen it before, if he said draw the sword, he really drew the sword...

Li Dan naturally knew Wei Chengnian, his eyes were wide open, and he stared at the two of them.

"You are not the first!"

Xu Cheng let Wei Chengnian hold down his saber, turned around and flung his cloak, and walked away.

He is going to chase Hu Xian, this time, he is no longer reckless, he wants to make everything into an iron case, he wants to use Hu Xian and Li Dan to find out everyone behind him, one by one... one by one !

When passing Weicheng Nian, Xu Cheng whispered, "Brother Nian, find me a helper."

Wei Chengnian nodded.

Li Dan looked at Wei Chengnian's back, and the idea of ​​a sneak attack arose in his heart, but it disappeared in a flash, it was impossible...

(End of this chapter)

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