Chapter 9
The grades of exercises are divided into five levels of classic chapters, which Xu Cheng already knew.

However, according to the inside and outside meaning of Weicheng Nian's words, in the first three realms of martial arts, there is not much difference between the skills?
Wei Chengnian said, "That's right, the reason why there are grades of exercises is that apart from the great distance ahead, they are the three realms of foundation building. In terms of strength, there is no gap between low-level exercises and low-level exercises. Note that what is mentioned here is the same foundation. Otherwise, low-level exercises can only practice skin for 4 times, and most of the scriptures are nine-turn skin training, which is simply incomparable. .”

Xu Cheng nodded approvingly, "Brother Wei is really knowledgeable, and I will definitely discuss it with Brother Wei if I have the opportunity."

After drinking to his heart's content, Xu Cheng bid farewell to Wei Chengnian.

As a result, he met Wang Daming on the road. Xu Cheng knew that this good brother was looking for him, but what was a little strange was that this guy lowered his head and didn't know what he was looking for?
Just when he was about to say hello to Wang Daming, the sole of his foot hurt, and he raised his foot slightly, and it was a piece of broken silver.

The previously arranged plot took effect.

He glanced to the side furtively, and quickly lowered down to pick up the silver while no one was looking.

"Brother Wang! What are you looking for?"

When Wang Daming saw Xu Cheng, he stopped his movements and complained to Xu Cheng, "Who are the little thieves near your house who dare to steal my money."

"How much silver?"

Wang Daming slowly stretched out a finger and pointed it firmly, "One or two!"

Xu Cheng panicked, no way, the money he picked up for the plot arrangement belonged to Wang Daming?

He stepped forward and pulled Wang Daming's arm, "It's just a tael of silver, let's go, go home and drink tea first."

In the courtyard of the Xu family.

Wang Daming was nibbling melon seeds, and mysteriously took out a package from his arms and threw it to Xu Cheng, "I've practiced my skin, here's something good for you."

Xu Cheng was not polite, and directly opened it to check. It was a lump of black meat, and said with a look of disgust, "What is this?"

"Don't let me take the meat of the ninth-grade alien beast Qingtu." Wang Daming said lazily.

"Alien meat?"

It was Wang Daming's turn to be surprised, "You don't know anything, so you don't feel it. Now that your appetite has increased, can ordinary food not satisfy your consumption?"

"With the improvement of martial arts cultivation, ordinary food will inevitably not be able to supply the whole body, and even higher-level warriors, sitting still every day, consume energy that is difficult to measure, let alone continue to practice. The meat of exotic animals is even more advanced. food.

You can understand it as the exclusive food for warriors. The green rabbit is a unique animal in our Qingshan Mansion. The yamen has a special animal farm. After you take office, you can also get it every ten days. This piece of meat is almost enough for your consumption these days up. "

Xu Cheng understood in an instant. He was still curious about what high-level warriors used to satisfy their own energy consumption. If they used ordinary food, they would have to eat non-stop for twelve hours a day. It turned out that there were special foods for warriors to eat and cultivate. ah.

Wang Daming put down the meat and stood up, "You have just practiced the skin now, and the ninth-grade exotic animal meat is also very beneficial to your cultivation. You will know when you try it yourself later."

Xu Cheng tore off a small piece of rabbit meat, and in less than a couple of days, he felt a sense of fullness that he hadn't felt for a long time, and a warm current emerged from his stomach continuously, supplying his lower body continuously.

It's a pity that Xu Cheng currently has too few destiny points, otherwise, he can try skin training three times.

And besides that, Xu Cheng still had another problem to solve, and that was the problem of exercises.

Old man Wang's "Iron Leg Skill" is too low-level, and he can only practice the skin three times at most. There is no doubt that Xu Cheng is dissatisfied.

It's a pity that although Xu Cheng is the holy son of the devil's religion, he has no inheritance from the devil's religion at all. Otherwise, he would be very interested in the famous "Four Classics of the Heavenly Sage" that day.

But he will take office tomorrow, no accident, Wang Daming should have arranged for him to be in the Patrol Division, and with official status, he can enter Qingshan Arsenal to choose martial arts.

I hope that when the time comes, I will find someone who can practice martial arts nine times, preferably with leg skills. Trouble...

At this moment, a flash of spiritual light suddenly flashed through Xu Cheng's mind.

'People's energy is limited, and most people practice skinning, and they all specialize in one area...'

He remembered what old man Wang said.

To a certain extent, human energy can be understood as insufficient time, and it takes too long to train the whole body.

But he is different, he can completely speed up the plot.

In this case, can he use several exercises, speed up all of them, and train his whole body together!
A full-body martial artist with no weaknesses!
Thinking of this possibility, Xu Cheng couldn't help breathing fast.

An impulse rose in his heart, and now he went to Qingshan Arsenal to choose exercises.

It's a pity that strictly speaking, he is not yet a member of the government. If he goes to Qingshan Arsenal now, he will probably be arrested directly and sent to prison.

I didn't think too much about it, I'll wait until I find a new martial art tomorrow and save enough destiny points.

He got up and started today's practice.

Because of eating the meat of different animals, Xu Cheng obviously felt that he had more warmth during his training today, and his skin training speed was also a little faster.

Early the next morning, Xu Cheng dressed up and came to the Beiya school grounds.

The Beiya school field is very large, according to Xu Cheng's visual inspection, it is at least as large as several football fields. On the right side of the school field stands a flagpole tens of meters long, with the words "Beiya" hung high in black and red. day flag.

The chess pieces on the high place swayed in the wind, hunting, and as they rolled, they seemed to roll down the clouds in the sky.

As soon as he entered the door, he met Weicheng Nian, a five-star martial artist.

"Brother Wei, good morning."

"Morning, Brother Xu." Wei Chengnian nodded in response.

The two greeted each other and started to line up with the crowd.

The owner of the Northern Yamen, Pu Li Dan, followed by Wang Daming and other military commanders, came leisurely from a distance.

Li Dan took out a thick roster in his hand, "My official name is Li Dan, and Tim is the head of the Bei Yamen, Pu. Now I will assign duties to everyone."

Wang Daming winked at Xu Cheng, indicating that everything is going well.

Xu Cheng felt relieved when he heard Li Dan read his name.

"Patch Division: Xu Cheng, Wei Chengnian, Niu Yingjun, Shen Cong..."

"Punishment Division: Li Xiao, Ji Jiu, Lin Yueguo, Gu Qingshan..."


"The Murder Division..."

"Xianan Branch..."

"Exorcism Division..."


"The rest who haven't been named belong to the Fubing. Everyone will enter the barracks to report in the future, and the general of the army will arrange for everyone."

There are a total of more than a dozen departments in the Beiya, and almost every department has newcomers.

"Has everyone heard where they are going?"

Li Dan's questioning came from the school grounds.

Accompanied by the rumors of hunting, hundreds of officials who became yamen responded loudly.

"My subordinate understands!"

Li Dan nodded in satisfaction. This year's military training is really good. Compared with previous years, his energy is much better. Martial arts can be cultivated to become stronger, but the energy in his heart is innate. The expression on Li Dan's face softened a bit , "Then everyone went to the clothing department to get their uniforms. I wish you all good fortune in martial arts, the green hills will always be there, and the Great Zhou will last forever!"

"The green mountains are always there, and the Great Zhou is forever!"

(End of this chapter)

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