I can see the script of life

Chapter 90 Duke Shang Yang's Script Panel

Chapter 90 Duke Shang Yang's Script Panel
The fourth day of September, sunny!

Fan Zheng discussed with Lord Shang Yang for three days, and today he finally left the customs. The first thing he did after he left the customs was to summon Xu Cheng.

When he came to the seventh floor of Zhengqi Building for the third time, Xu Cheng originally thought that he had lost his restraint, but after seeing Fan Zheng and the white-haired old man beside him, he still felt an unspeakable restraint in his heart.

[Name]: Lord Shang Yang

[Life level]: short-lived species

[Talent]: Martial Arts★★★★
[Script of Destiny]: The protagonist of "Datong" (purple), the protagonist of "Confucian Master" (black)
[Playing script]: "Jing Nan" supporting role (purple), "Three Kings Rebellion" supporting role (purple)
[Current plot]: Lord Shangyang successively served as two emperors, Zhenqing and Yuanfeng. Emperor Yuanfeng went to the wild, and since then he stayed at home with leisurely writing. Under the guidance of Fan Zheng's letter, he came to Qingshan Mansion to discuss the establishment of Confucianism and Taoism Academy. The prince of Ning Sanzhou...

Xu Cheng's head was slightly lowered, but it was lowered even further, and his thighs were thicker than Fan Zheng's.

Qinzhou Shang family, he has heard of it, is not well-known in Qingshan Mansion. After all, most of the chambers of commerce in Qingshan Mansion have withdrawn after three years of disaster.

But in places other than Qingshan Mansion, the Shang Chamber of Commerce is almost all over the entire Great Zhou, and they are known as the richest people in the world.

"This is the junior you mentioned, Fan Zheng?"

Fan Zheng smiled slightly, gathered up his loose robe with one hand, and poured water into the teacup in front of Duke Shang Yang gracefully with the other hand, "Yes, his name is Xu Cheng, a very nice young man."

Xu Cheng raised his head slightly, and clasped his fists together, "Fan Gong misunderstood, this junior is ashamed."

Fan Zheng stopped Xu Cheng's words with a weak hand, "What case did you find?"

Xu Cheng hesitated for a moment, and then said, "There are thieves in Da Zhou who want to steal the country!"

I thought that such an earth-shattering word would make the two big bosses in front of me change their colors and ask questions, but they didn't expect their expressions to be normal.

Mr. Shang Yang said lightly, "Are the people all right?"

"It's okay, but the yamen's evil emissary Wei Qing, the policeman Shen Ji and others died in the line of duty... I have received the news that the ninth day of September..." Xu Cheng looked at Fan Zheng with a look of embarrassment when he said this.

Fan Zheng waved his hand, "Shang Gong is not an outsider, and Shang Gong is qualified to know about the affairs of Da Zhou."

Hearing this, Xu Cheng continued to speak, "I have received news that the Cao Gang will deliver a batch of supplies on the ninth day of September and pass by the Qingshan Mansion. The contents inside may involve... treason!"

Fan Zheng glanced at Lord Shang Yang, picked up the teacup with a smile on his face, and took a sip by himself, "Our Majesty is still as smart as before."

There was no smile on Shang Yanggong's face, and the corner of his mouth said sarcastically, "You are extremely clever, but unfortunately, you can't use the right way..."

"Businessman be cautious."

After Fan Zheng finished speaking, he looked at Xu Cheng, "You can do whatever you want, Xu Cheng obeys the order, and today the government appoints you as the emissary to eliminate evil and the same commander.

The entire Qingshan Mansion, the yamen of the four mansions, and all the officials are at your command, including Jae Yin. "

Excitement appeared on Xu Cheng's face. He didn't expect Fan Zheng to trust him so much. He cupped his fists and bowed to his chest, "Xu Cheng thank you, Mr. Fan, for your trust!"

"Go on, use your brain when things happen, and kill people with anger at a single word, that's a reckless man."

Xu Cheng faced Fan Zheng and stepped back respectfully until he left the room.

"Those guys can't help it anymore." Fan Zheng said lightly.

Lord Shang Yang didn't say anything, "I'm already idle, don't tell me these things."

Fan Zheng knew that the man in front of him was still angry about the failure of the emperor and his ministers in Yuanfeng 71, and he didn't expose it. He just continued, "I just don't know if the king of Thailand participated in it."

"I said, I don't want to know. I just want to establish a Confucianism and Taoism academy. The water in the Yongjiang River is clear, but the water in the Nuhe River is turbid. Then I will clean up all the water in the world to see if there is still the saying that the water is turbid and clear." Shang Yang The gentleman got up.

Fan Zheng laughed.

In the past, Emperor Yuanfeng used Yongjiang and Nuhe as examples to argue against this world-famous merchant, but this one is still not convinced.

Xu Cheng withdrew from the building of righteousness, thinking about the panel he saw when he saw Lord Shang Yang. From the perspective of the plot panel, this Lord Shang Yang played a very important role in the Great Zhou. How should he hook up with him?

My own performance just now can only be said to be quite satisfactory, and I have established an image of a motivated young man who can and can do things.

How can I deepen my impression?

These are all thighs.

At this moment, a loud voice came from a distance.

"Chongtian Fengshui Town Yujing, the masters of the world know my name."

In the distance, a flamboyant figure riding a donkey passed by the gate of the yamen in a chic way.

Xu Cheng was speechless at the bottom of his heart, this guy is really a genius, if he doesn't know how to recite poems with the array, this gesture is enough.

reciting poetry

yes!Mr. Shang Yang is a man of culture at first glance, he directly copied him and traveled to another world. If he is not a gentleman, can he be compared to his previous life?

The farewell poem had to be a congratulatory message to Duke Shang Yang for opening a Confucian and Taoist academy.

It's something to think about.

Got it!

Xu Cheng borrowed a pen and paper from the yamen, and pulled Weicheng Nian over, "Brother Nian, come and write me a poem."

His handwriting can only be considered good, and Weicheng Nian's handwriting can be called excellent.

Wei Chengnian originally had a casual attitude, but after Xu Cheng finished singing, his face showed surprise, and he looked at Xu Cheng with burning eyes.

Xu Cheng felt uncomfortable being looked at by him, he had finished writing the poem, put away the huge piece of rice paper, and came to the Zhengqi building again with a hint of pride.

Yu Zaiyin was still looking up at the sky. Xu Cheng stood aside and waited quietly. He already understood Yu Zaiyin's state at the moment, and his dharma body was condensing...

Rank four boss!

After a long time, Yu Zaiyin finally looked at Xu Cheng.

"Commander Yu, please hand over this word to Lord Shang Yang and tell him that since then, all scholars in the world have turned to Confucianism and Taoism."

Yu Zaiyin glanced at it, took the scroll, and nodded slightly.

Seeing this, Xu Cheng didn't bother him to condense his dharma body, and stepped back with his fists clasped.

Looking up at the sky, Wei Chengnian called to the yamen early this morning, saying that Mr. Fan wanted to see him when he left customs, and he ran to the yamen before eight o'clock.

He thought about the attitudes of Fan Zheng and Lord Shang Yang today. They seemed to have known about the rebellion for a long time, and they behaved too plainly.

Is the king's heart so well known?
It shouldn't be, the king of Thailand can become the most favored prince in the past, it is impossible to be so brainless, and the new script "The Rebellion of the Three Kings" that I saw on Shang Yanggong today...

Xu Cheng always felt that the situation in Qingshan Mansion was very delicate, everything seemed to be seen through the fog, and he seemed to understand a little bit, but he didn't seem to see it clearly.

It doesn't matter, since Fan Gong has delegated power, let's save the princess first today.

When he was about to leave the yamen, he saw Xue Mi and other patrols escorting a group of people towards the prison, who were also Xu Cheng's acquaintances.

Li Dan and his son.

Although Li Xiao was impatient, he was not an idiot. I don't know if he was awakened by someone. After Li Dan asked him to leave, he actually returned to Li's residence again.

Seeing Xu Cheng again, Li Dan did not look as decadent as Xu Cheng imagined, but Li Dan's face was relaxed, and Li Xiao's face was full of sorrow.

Xu Cheng and the Li family father and son who were in shackles passed by, but no one spoke.

"Meet Xu Lingshi."

Xu Cheng nodded slightly, took one last look at Li Dan and Li Xiao, turned around and walked outside.

When the princess of Yiyang came to Qingshan Mansion, the Zhengqi Building was the place to meet him, so the residence would naturally not be in the yamen.

The entire Great Zhou was respected by the north, and there was a special Tiangui Pavilion in the north of the city, which was used to entertain royal nobles.

Xu Cheng looked at Bai Lu, the maid in blue who came out to greet him, and took a deep breath, "Xu Cheng, the imperial envoy of the Northern Yamen of the Qingshan Mansion of the Great Zhou Dynasty, please see the princess!"

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  py a book, from the same group.

  Title of the book "Da Qin: This History Is Wrong"

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(End of this chapter)

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