I can see the script of life

Chapter 93 My Throat Is Hoarse

Chapter 93 My Throat Is Hoarse
Equality King: Sister, the little princess has been poisoned.

King Chu Jiang: What symptoms?
Xu Cheng helped the little princess, opened his eyes and mouth to look, and then quickly replied.

The underworld brand mobile phone is awesome, everyone is trapped in the magic circle, and they can still contact Xu Xin, which is really awesome.

King Equality: The tongue coating is yellow, and the rest of the body has no symptoms. She has been complaining of stomach pains, and the purpose of this poison should be to make the little princess lose her fertility.

King Chujiang: What about him?Look where it hurts.

Hesitation appeared on Xu Cheng's face, looking at the princess' stomach, is this okay?

No matter, just take a look, saving people is the most important thing.

Untied the cumbersome clothes of the little princess, and lifted up the light purple dress.

Bullying Shuang Saixue's abdomen was piled up with layers of clothes, and Xiaohe's sharp corners were only exposed, tightly wrapped in a light purple bellyband.

Xu Cheng swallowed his saliva involuntarily.

This little princess built a building for the airport at a young age. As expected of a princess, she is well-nourished.

She was about to tell Xu Xin that her abdomen was fine, and when she was about to dress the little princess, a black line flowed slowly across the little princess' belly button!

Equality King: There is a black line on the abdomen.

Xu Xin, who was far away in Yunzhou, frowned slightly. Ji Xinjue was running at an unprecedented speed. She was so talented that she had almost cultivated the two stunts of Jixin and Jishenjue to the peak of her current cultivation. She almost had a photographic memory. Ability.

After a moment, she opened her eyes.

King Chujiang: It's Qi Guichong, you have no strength, and you are a bit troublesome.

Xu Cheng waited anxiously, is there anything Xu Xin can do.

The tattoo became hot for a while, and a pitch-black pill appeared.

King Chu Jiang: Use this thing, put it in Jiang Yuewei's mouth, don't let her swallow it, and fish out Qi ghost insects.

Xu Cheng dubiously opened the little princess's mouth, and gently pinched it with two fingers. Soon, he saw that the black line that was hovering below the navel was slowly upwards, and it was already above the navel.

It's really useful!

The hot air in the little princess's mouth gradually condensed a layer of moisture on Xu Cheng's fingers, and what's more terrible, because the little princess moved her tongue while muttering.

As if sensing a foreign object, the small tongue slowly wrapped around Xu Cheng's fingers.

Rusty but exciting…

Fortunately, this 'torture' didn't last long, Xu Cheng had already seen the black line appear on the little princess' snow-white neck.

He pinched the little princess's cheek, pinched the pill with two fingers, freed up one finger to press the little princess's twitching tongue, and waited patiently for the ghost Qi to take the bait.

Qi Guichong finally came up, but as if sensing the danger, he quickly shrank back inside.

It was too late, but it was fast, Xu Cheng popped out the black pill with one finger, quickly inserted two fingers, and squeezed out a black slug-like thing.

At that moment, Xu Cheng felt that his speed was too fast, as if he hit something...

This thing seemed to be unable to see the air. After being exposed to the air, it stopped moving after only two breaths.


[Strange thing]: Qi ghost worms, there are worms in Qishan, ordinary ghost-eating aura, once it enters the flesh and blood body, it will eat human essence and blood, sleep all year round, wake up and give birth, once the host becomes pregnant, it will give birth to Qi ghost larvae.

Maybe because of the death of Qi Guichong, this thing has become a [Wonderful Object], and I wanted to go through the script of this thing to see who is going to kill the little princess.

I didn't expect this thing to die so quickly, if I didn't pay attention, it died.

He casually put away Qi Guichong's body, and saw the disheveled little princess beside him, hurriedly getting dressed for him.

As soon as the belt was fastened, the little princess coughed.

The pink eyelids blinked slightly, and then saw Xu Cheng, "Xu Cheng?"

Xu Cheng hastily backed away slightly, and then said, "I would like to report to the princess, someone poisoned you. In order to detoxify the princess, I have offended you a lot. I ask the princess to forgive me."

'Cough cough', the little princess coughed twice, and then said in a hoarse voice, "I had a stomachache just now, you said it was poisoned?"

As if frightened by his hoarse voice, the little princess covered her neck, "You said you have detoxified, why does my throat hurt?"

It's over, the pestle is deep, and the voice is hoarse...

Xu Cheng's face remained unchanged, and he said calmly, "Special means, to detoxify the sequelae."

"Oh." The little princess who was in crisis seemed to be extraordinarily fragile, and she didn't put on airs, "Where's Bailu?"

Xu Cheng explained, "This sedan chair is a feng shui circle set up by those who harmed the princess..."

Before Xu Cheng could finish speaking, the princess closed her eyes for a moment, then opened her eyes, and picked up the silk quilt beside her in a slump, "This is a sixth-grade magic circle, but it can only trap people."

Xu Cheng glanced at the little princess in surprise, and remembered that he was talented in the three-star formation, "Yes, the princess has a good eye. This magic circle can only trap people, so we can wait with peace of mind."


The little princess seemed to have a sore throat, and after uttering the word 'um' lightly, she stopped talking.

Her eyes were a little dazed. Although she lost consciousness because of the pain just now, she vaguely remembered that there was a long, straight and hard thing sticking into her throat, and she even licked it out of curiosity.

The taste is forgotten.

At this moment, the girl's shyness made the little princess ruddy.

A loud voice sounded.

Then the shallow mist in the sedan chair began to dissipate, and disappeared without a trace within a few breaths.

Without waiting for Xu Cheng to lift the car curtain, the car curtain was lifted, revealing Bai Lu's anxious face.

Seeing that Princess Yiyang is fine, a look of joy appeared on her face, "Forgive me, Princess, we have put Princess Yi in deep danger, and I deserve death."

Then he looked at Xu Cheng, with two strong guards behind him, "This man wants to harm the Princess, Commander Liu, take him down!"

"It's not him." Seeing that Commander Liu was about to capture Xu Cheng, the little princess hurriedly stopped her, but she looked at Xu Cheng a little dodgyly. She vaguely remembered Xu Cheng's act of taking off her clothes.

Bai Lu backed away slightly, and Xu Cheng heaved a sigh of relief.

"Let's go down." The little princess said hoarsely.

Although the magic circle on the sedan chair had been damaged, it had caused a psychological shadow on the little princess just now, and now he wanted to get off the sedan chair regardless of the heavy rain outside.

Bai Lu hurriedly supported the little princess, and helped her slowly get off the sedan chair.

One of the two powerful guards followed the two women, and the other walked towards the periphery, as if preparing to find the perpetrator.

Xu Cheng watched him leave, but he knew in his heart that it was absolutely impossible for the people behind him to leave behind such deliberate plans.

But what puzzled him was why the man didn't want the little princess to give birth to a child?
He looked at the back of the little princess, maybe he had to ask the little princess himself.

Because the little princess was frightened, everyone abandoned their sedan chairs and stood in the rain. Fortunately, there was an abandoned old courtyard not far away. Eight porters had already lit a fire in it, and the little princess sat by the side to warm up the fire under Bai Lu's service.

Xu Cheng stepped forward, looked at the flickering pretty face behind the flames, and knew that the little princess probably had someone to suspect.

"Xu Lingshi, you said yesterday that someone wanted to kill the princess, please explain."

Bai Lu gave the little princess a white round pill, then stood up to block Xu Cheng's sight, and asked in a sharp tone.

Xu Cheng pondered for a moment, then spoke slowly.

"I don't know how to explain it, but princess, don't you think it's weird? Why did you come to Qingshan Mansion, and no one in the yamen received the news in advance?"

Bai Lu frowned. When she came, all the officials in Qingshan Mansion's yamen had no mistakes in etiquette and rules. She didn't know that those people only knew the news of the county chief's arrival at the last minute.

At this moment, the little princess suddenly said that the elixir she swallowed just now seemed to have the function of healing the throat, her speech was no longer hoarse, and became clear and moving again, "You go out first, Xu Cheng and I have a few words alone .”

(End of this chapter)

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