Chapter 29 20 years later
Time flies, 20 years in a blink of an eye.

This day happened to be the Sixth Sword Discourse Conference.

"Father, how exactly did you practice this martial art?"

Ouyang Batian, the son Mu Nianci gave birth to Ouyang Ke, is tall, handsome, and extremely romantic. This boy came to Ouyang Ke half to complain and half to ask for advice.

"Father, when you were my age, you were almost number one in the world, why couldn't I even make it into the top ten!" Ouyang Batian felt very depressed.

"Now the quality of Jianghu is much better than I was back then."

In the yard, Ouyang Ke was sweating profusely, practicing martial arts while talking.

Over the years, I don’t know whether it is my own influence or others, the quality of martial artists in the Jianghu has improved a lot. When the second Huashan sword debate was held, the only people in the world who could practice their martial arts to lv6 were Sijue and a very few people back then, lv5 Everyone is chatting about nothing.

But now, there are many lv6 players. This year, the second place in the world is Xiaoyao Sanren who has practiced the mind control technique to lv7.

"Don't complain, if you practice as hard as your father, you will naturally be in the top ten." At this time, Mu Nianci who was wiping Ouyang Ke with a towel came out slowly.

After so many years, Mu Nianci is not as young as before, but he is not old, and has more charm of the years, which is very attractive.

Of course, this is also thanks to the nourishment of Ouyang Ke's dual cultivation skills.

"But haste makes waste!"

Ouyang Batian doesn't think he doesn't work hard, but it's wrong to work too hard, right?

"Uncle said that although my father practiced so hard that few people can match him, he may have the strength to overwhelm the world today, but it is actually because of his talent."

"Since you know, why do you come to me to ask more questions?"

After giving his son a blank look, Ouyang Ke stopped practicing, and asked calmly, "What's the purpose, just tell me!"

"Father, I want to venture into the rivers and lakes." Ouyang Batian said, "Staying in White Camel City all day is almost suffocating."

"Our white camel collar has a radius of thousands of miles, and there are thirteen cities, so there is no city that can accommodate you?" Ouyang Ke felt that his son was not quite like himself.

Over the years, I practiced with peace of mind, but I never thought about going out to play. What is there to play?

Anyway, every year there are beautiful women who make offerings, so there is no need to go out.

"Father, what you say is unreasonable!" Hearing Ouyang Ke's words, Ouyang Batian shouted.

"Don't bark, since you want to go out, go out and see."

Taking a look at Ouyang Batian's attribute panel, he can barely be considered a top-notch player with lv4's Jiuyin internal energy and lv4's toad skill.

As long as you don't kill yourself, it's not a big problem.

"Father, then I'll pack my things and leave tomorrow." Hearing that Ouyang Ke agreed, Ouyang Batian was very happy.

"Come back to me before you leave tomorrow. I have something for you." Ouyang Ke said.

"What baby?"

Ouyang Batian looked forward to it.

"You will know tomorrow, get out!"

He waved his hand to let Ouyang Batian leave, while Ouyang Ke continued to practice martial arts.

"Start the next item." Ouyang Ke looked at the maids around, and upon hearing the order, each of these young maids went to the weapon rack to take out an iron rod, and then greeted Ouyang Ke who was squatting on the spot.

The iron rod pierced the wind, whining and buzzing.

Don't look like they are women, but under the effect of dual cultivation skills, each of them is not weak, and the iron rod has at least three hundred catties of strength.

Bang bang bang.
This is practicing Iron Body Kung Fu.

Standing at the same place, Ouyang Ke endured the blows of these sticks forcibly, his face was calm, without the slightest pain. For the current Ouyang Ke, such attacks could not cause any harm.

The only function is to force experience.

Name: Ouyang Ke
Martial arts: Toad skill [lv11 (6182/10000)]

Dragon Elephant Prajna Kungfu [lv10 (8555/9000), No.13 weight]

Dragon Fist [lv11 (2222/15000)]

Iron body skills [lv10 (6000/12000)]

Gold bell cover [lv7 (500/2500) No.11 level]

Baihong knife method [lv11 (6000/10000)]

Baiju crosses the gap [lv11 (6122/9000)]

Soul-shifting Dafa [lv11 (5001/7000)]

One yang finger [lv9 (3300/5500)]

Luoying Excalibur [lv8 (900/3300)]

Flying dragon and phoenix dance [lv9 (3000/6000)]

Combination of skills: Toad Kung Fu, Dragon Elephant Prajna Kung Fu (97/100)

Iron body skills, golden bell cover (65/100)

Baihong Saber Technique, Luoying Excalibur Palm (80/100)

Iron body skill, iron cloth shirt, iron sand palm, iron head skill, iron crotch skill, iron foot skill, iron leg skill, iron arm skill, these series of iron character skills are combined.

Pure horizontal training of external skills.

Although the Dragon Elephant Prajna Kung Fu is integrated, this kung fu is based on strength, and the strengthening of the body is only incidental. When the toad kung fu reached lv10, when it was used with all its strength, the reaction force was too strong, and the body still couldn't bear it.

Therefore, Ouyang Ke chose the iron character technique again.

After these skills are fused, the body will be strengthened obviously. At level 8, it is only purely muscular and skeletal, which can resist swords and sticks. After reaching level 9, Ouyang Ke discovered that this skill is from the outside to the inside, without producing Infuriating, but it has an extremely subtle enhancement and transformation of the body.

The skin is like cowhide, the flesh is extremely dull golden, and the bones are jade-colored
These changes made Ouyang Ke very thoughtful, so he persisted, but no matter what kind of skills, after upgrading to lv10, although he could continue to upgrade, the increase in experience slowed down a lot.

It can only be boiled a little bit, but fortunately it has been effective.

"Meet the mayor."

While practicing Iron Body Kung Fu, the maid went outside to summon her subordinates.

This is Ouyang Ke's habit, he handles the affairs of the city while practicing iron body skills.

Over the years, my mother has already handed over all the affairs of White Camel City to herself.

He is busy with chores, even if he finds a good housekeeper, there are still many things that Ouyang Ke needs to do in person.

Looking at the middle-aged butler Zhang Shijie in front of him, Ouyang Ke said with a smile, "Boss Zhang, tell me, what else needs me to decide today."

"City Master, you are invulnerable to swords and guns now, is this kind of cultivation really meaningful?" Looking at Ouyang Ke who was being beaten, Zhang Shijie asked the question that he had always wanted to ask in his heart but didn't say it out of his mouth.

"It works, just slowly."

Ouyang Ke said lightly, "Why, Manager Zhang also wants to try?"

Shaking his head quickly, Zhang Shijie got straight to the point, "My lord, there are five things that need to be decided by you today."

"First, the following have written letters to persuade you to build a country. Now Baituo City governs thirteen cities, with a land of thousands of miles and a population of 50, which is enough to build a country;
Second, Mongolia used troops against the Southern Song Dynasty, and now Guo Jing is asking us for help in Xiangyang City, our attitude;

Third, as the population increases, the city needs to be re-planned, and the management system needs to be reformed. Should it be copied from the Song Dynasty?

Fourth, on the side of the scientific research institute, the newly developed artillery is very powerful. Will the army need to be equipped on a large scale?

Fifth, the 100 show girls this year have already been selected, and the city lord is invited to select them."

"Is this year's show girl beautiful? Director Zhang, if you still use a lot of ugly monsters to fool me this year, be careful that I will hang you up and spank your ass."

Hearing Zhang Shijie's words, Ouyang Ke suddenly spoke.

Zhang Shijie: "Don't worry, the city lord, they are all beauties, but please keep your promise and only choose ten people to fill the harem."

"Don't worry, when do you think I broke the rules these years?" Ouyang Ke laughed.

You are not included in the harem openly, but can be kept outside
Zhang Shijie was full of slander, "City Lord, the business is important."

"Jianguo, yes." Touching his chin, Ouyang Ke said, "Draft the country's title and related matters, and then show me the specific regulations."

"Mongolia used troops against the Southern Song Dynasty. It happened that Ouyang Batian was going out to play. Let him go to Xiangyang to help Guo Jing. The two tigers are fighting each other. It is more beneficial for us to fight each other. But we will not directly participate. As for the Mongolian side I'm going to be angry about it, and I'm going to talk to them."

"Institutional reform, city and township planning, draw up specific regulations for me, I want to see your ideas first."

"Since the research institute's cannon has been developed, it is natural to equip it and set up a special artillery battalion. There is nothing to hesitate about it. It is just to spend some money. Our 20-year savings are not short of that money. What's more, the sword discussion meeting just now Didn't he make a fortune!"

(End of this chapter)

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