my empire simulator

Chapter 1 Empire Simulator

Chapter 1 Empire Simulator

Dajin Jianhe September 13th, [-]th year.

Xishu, Jinguan City.

As the breeze blew by, there was no cloud in Jinguan City at this moment. A black black bird descended from the sky and landed slowly on the purple flag.

On the flag, a big "Shu" is engraved on it.

Looking down from the direction of Xuanniao, square roads run through the entire Jinguan City. There are shops on both sides of the roadside, selling everything from silk cloth to porcelain.

At the entrance of the North City Gate, a carriage slowly entered Jinguan City.

Jiang Xubai opened the curtain of the car, looked at the Jinguan City at this moment, and there seemed to be a big discrepancy with his memory, and sighed softly: "After three years, Shuzhong has changed a lot."

Since entering Liang as a hostage three years ago, Jiang Xubai has never seen the scenery of Sichuan, and when he returns this time, he is already a different soul
Thinking in my heart, an interface appeared in front of my eyes.

【Empire Simulator】

【Country name: Shu】

[Government: princes]

【King: Jiang Siyan】

[Prestige: 30——From:
Base: 0
Jiangmen Tiger Girl (+30);

Shu brocade is famous all over the world (+5);

Princes of Jin State (+10);

Three Dynasties (-15)
Note: Prestige will decay to a certain extent every year. 】

[Mainstream culture: Bashu]

[Compatible Culture: Miao...]

[Incompatible Culture: Kang...]

(Note: There is a chance of rebellion in areas with incompatible cultures.)
[School of Reception Theory: None]

[National Finance: Unknown]

[National Policy: The Policy of Valuable Business—Significantly improve the commercial standard, lower the agricultural standard, and reduce the ability to resist disasters. (Long-term national policy)]

(Note: National policies are divided into short-term national policies and long-term national policies. When national policies are abolished and established too frequently, the country will fall into turmoil)
[National traits:
General Pingnan: Since the time of King Hui of Jin, the Jiang family has been named General Pingnan. According to the steep mountains and rivers of Bashu, they prevent the southern barbarians from invading the territory!
——Able to form arms: Xishu Baiwei Elite Soldiers.

The natural moat in Bashu: Longchuan and Jianmen are natural dangerous and powerful passes, one man guards the pass, and ten thousand men cannot open it!

——Increase the enemy's siege loss; increase the probability of generals unlocking defensive traits.

Cultural integration: It has been more than a hundred years since the establishment of the Shu Kingdom. The politics is upright, the country is peaceful and the people are safe, the nationalities are integrated, and the culture tends to be unified.

——Increase the speed of cultural integration.

"Ping Southwest" strategy: The land in the southwest, where the barbarians are, although there is an act of surrender, they revolted soon after.

——Battle against alien races will receive special bonuses. 】

[National correction: Miao and Yi rebellion - Miao and Yi areas will not have any taxes, and will invade surrounding areas from time to time.

Fiscal Crisis Relief: Over time, the country's finances will improve considerably.

Cultivated land is deserted: the fields are deserted, and the grain output decreases sharply, which may cause a food crisis.

Abandonment of armaments: Three years of no war, only for recuperation, can be put into storage, armaments are lax, and the combat effectiveness of the army declines.

Corruption of the government: Due to the prosperity of business travel, some officials secretly engaged in business, took the opportunity to make huge profits, used money to seek higher powers, and corrupted the government.

The Tiger Girl of Jiangmen: The daughter of Li Yu, the Duke of Liang, and the Queen of Shu, resisted the invasion of Kang, won three battles and beheaded [-] enemy troops in the first battle, and became famous all over the world.

As long as Empress Li was alive, Kang Guo dared not look north. 】

[Army: Unknown]

[Special Building: None]

(Special buildings will get special bonuses and a lot of brilliant points.)
[Achievement: Unknown]

(Glory points and special events are available.)
[Party (interest group): unknown]

[Brilliant points: 0]

【Star: Zhang Yi (Light Up)】


This "simulator" has appeared since Jiang Xubai's crossing.

As the name suggests, Empire Simulator.

At first, Jiang Xubai wanted to find his personal interface, but unfortunately, there was none, only the interface related to the country.

And because he is not the master of the country, he cannot see many things, so it can only be regarded as half a "system" at present.

However, even if it was only half of the "system", it was not a small surprise for him.

The star page refers to the civil servants and generals of the previous life. You can use a certain number of brilliant points to light it up, and then you can summon those civil servants and generals from the previous life.

For example, the person in front of him——Zhang Yi, he had worked so hard to accumulate three years of glory points in exchange for it.

"Since the new policies of the King of Shu, Shu Brocade has been sold to all countries, and it is only now that we have what we see today."

It just so happened that Zhang Yi spoke at this time and said softly, "I came here a few years ago, and it was indeed very different."

Zhang Yi has a handsome face and quick eyes. Because she is dressed in white, she has a refined air, which makes people feel close to her.

This Zhang Yi was from Liang Guo, and was once the domestic slave of Chao Gang, the left general of Liang Guo. Because he was accused of stealing jade, he was hanged from the beam and beaten by his servants. If Jiang Xubai hadn't come in time, Zhang Yi might have been beaten to death.

Jiang Xubai asked with a chuckle: "Mr. Zhang Yi also has opinions on state affairs?"

"Just know a thing or two."

"Then let's talk about it."

Looking at Zhang Yi's humble appearance, Jiang Xubai also wanted to know what Zhang Yi thought of the Shu Kingdom in this world.

Looking at Jiang Xubai, Zhang Yi sat upright and said: "When the king of Shu came to the throne, there have been three generations of chaotic governments. The government treasury was empty and the fields were barren. Sometimes Kang Guo invaded, so there was a hostage son in Liang, who borrowed troops to fight back against Kang Guo's actions. .”

"After defeating the Kingdom of Kang, the King of Shu adopted the policy of emphasizing business and cheap farming, planting mulberry and raising silkworms, and Shu brocade is famous all over the world for this reason."


Seeing Zhang Yi's hesitant to speak, Jiang Xubai signaled him to continue.

"This method can solve the emergency, but it can't be a long-term solution."

Zhang Yi twirled his beard, frowned slightly, and said: "The country is based on the people, and food is the most important thing for the people. If food prices in other countries rise and there is no surplus food in this country, what will the people in Sichuan do? escape..."

Zhang Yi only mentioned one possibility, but Zhang Yi didn't continue, because Jiang Xubai's expression didn't change, and it was obvious that he knew the disadvantages of what Zhang Yi said, and then Zhang Yi realized that he didn't need to continue talking.

So Zhang Yi bowed to Jiang Xubai, and laughed at himself: "Zhang Yi's heart is so clumsy, the young master laughed at him."

"Clumsy heart..."

Jiang Xubai didn't know whether Zhang Yi was laughing at himself or Versailles.

Zhang Yi doesn't talk much, but he is good at speaking. At least Jiang Xubai likes to listen to Zhang Yi's talk on the way, and because he doesn't talk much, it won't make people bored.

"Young master, here we are..."

At this time, the driver's voice came from outside the car.

Jiang Xubai stood up slowly, Zhang Yi got up immediately, and said to Jiang Xubai: "Please, my lord."

With a slight smile, Jiang Xubai got out of the car first, and saw his mansion at a glance.

It was not much different from the place where I lived in Liang Guo back then, but it was much cleaner.

Seeing Jiang Xubai, two guards at the gate immediately opened the gate, and one of them ran into the courtyard, probably to report.

Jiang Xubai turned his head and saw Zhang Yi coming out of the carriage and was about to get off when Jiang Xubai stretched out his hand to Zhang Yi.

Zhang Yi was slightly taken aback, looking at Jiang Xubai, who smiled as before, and said, "I'll help Mr. get out of the car."


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 Magically changed the world view, and the terrain has also been properly modified. By the way, please vote for everyone.

(End of this chapter)

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