my empire simulator

Chapter 22 Zhang·Da Huyou·Yi

Chapter 22 Zhang·Da Huyou·Yi

The country of Yue is known as a barbarian, but it is located in the southernmost part and has the advantages of sea transportation, so the country is very rich.

Compared with Shuzhong, which adores red and respects literati, Yue State respects ghosts and gods more, usually sacrifices with living people, and believes in kingship granted by heaven.

Therefore, on the way Zhang Yi came, you can see temples that are everywhere in the Yue Kingdom, and there must be a statue of a god on every city.

The capital of Yue State is even worse, because it is located at the southernmost tip, so the palace and the southern star are in perfect harmony.

They believed that the gods lived on the southern star, so they built the royal city according to the southern star.

On the way to the audience, Zhang Yi noticed that there were gods and humans engraved on the pillars, and calculated carefully, there were exactly one hundred and eight pillars, facing the one hundred and eight constellations.

"The envoy of Shu will wait a moment."

Following the attendant to the outside of the hall, Zhang Yi stopped, and after saluting to the attendant, the attendant stepped back.

The king of Yue treated him very politely, and arranged to meet him as soon as he arrived in the country of Yue. Could it be that he understood his purpose?
Not long after, he was heard by the King of Yue announcing him into the palace.

After tidying up her appearance, Zhang Yi walked slowly towards the hall.

"Zhang Yi, Special Envoy of the Kingdom of Shu, pays homage to the King of Yue!"

After entering the main hall, Zhang Yi saluted King Yue and said.

"The special envoy has come from afar, and the widow welcomes him from afar."

King Yue's voice was a little sharp, and he was not very old, much younger than Jiang Siyan.

Zhang Yi stood up, and only then did he see King Yue's appearance.

A mustache, short and thick eyebrows, a thin face, a little dark complexion, a crown on his head, and a blue royal robe, sitting in the hall.

"Don't dare."

Zhang Yi smiled slightly, and said: "Zhang Yi has seen a lot of Yue country's customs and customs all the way here, and was attracted by the scenery, and for a while he forgot the pain of traveling and traveling. If it wasn't for the call of the King of Yue, Zhang Yi would have forgotten the purpose of this trip. "

After a long speech, King Yue was a little confused after listening to it for a while.

"I don't know why the special envoy is here?"

Listening to King Yue's words, Zhang Yi twirled his beard and said with a smile: "Make a good alliance with Yue."


Hearing this, King Yue was even more puzzled, looked at Zhang Yi, and said, "Alliance?"

At this time, the courtiers of the Yue Kingdom also looked at Zhang Yi in surprise.

For more than 200 years, Shu State seemed to propose an alliance with Yue State for the first time. How could they not be surprised?

Noticing the reactions of the King of Yue and the ministers of the Yue Kingdom, Zhang Yi smiled even wider and said, "Yes, Shu and Yue form an alliance."

"That's a rare thing."

Zhang Yi's words made the King of Yue couldn't help laughing. The two countries have very little diplomatic relations. This time they want to form an alliance?Really rare.

"The matter of forming an alliance is both expected and reasonable."

Seeing King Yue's appearance, Zhang Yi immediately said, "I wonder if King Yue has ever heard of the legend of Shu Kingdom?"


The King of Yue believed in ghosts and gods very much, and of course he liked to hear myths and legends, so he asked, "What legend?"

Zhang Yi turned her head, looked at the curious eyes of the court ministers, sorted out her words, paced slowly, and said, "It is said that the Queen Mother of Heaven and Earth has a daughter named Zuwa. The Liuling flower in the middle."

"This flower blooms every ten years, only for one hour each time, and the flower will wither."

"So, in order to see this flower, Zuwa has to go to Shuzhong a year in advance every time. I don't know how long this kind of life lasted."

"Until one day, Zuwa fell in love with a scholar in the middle of Sichuan at the first glance, regardless of the difference between man and god, the two came together."

"However, after all, the queen mother found out about this matter, and ordered the divine soldiers to descend to the earth to force the two to separate."

"One day in the sky, one year in the world, in order to wait for Zuwa, the scribe died alone, without seeing Zuwa again."

"The soul of a scribe came to the underworld. Because of his good fortune, the underworld allowed him to reincarnate again, but the scribe refused to be a human being."

"He said, 'I would like to be Liu Linghua, after ten years of wind and rain, just to see her again and smile'."

"Because Zuwa missed the scribes, she sneaked off to the lower realm again, and came to the place where the two met for the first time. She saw an unbloomed rhizome flower..."

"Zuwa, who knew everything, cried day and night, and finally turned into a river, and went eastward with the Liuling flower..."

"Wish to be the river, to meet you again..."

After a story was told, the courtiers of the Yue Kingdom, and even the King of Yue, had tears in their eyes.

Wiping his eyes, the King of Yue said to Zhang Yi: "I didn't expect such a touching story between Shu and Yue. It seems that this king is ignorant."

"My king admired the king of Yue from the beginning, and always wanted to form an alliance with the country of Yue."

Zhang Yi sighed, changed his style of painting, and said: "Shu and Yue have never met each other in battle. They should be friendly neighbors, but Chu constantly provokes them, so it is difficult to form an alliance."

As soon as he heard about the state of Chu, the King of Yue became furious. He slapped the table and said angrily, "Yue Shu is dependent on each other, and he actually provoked it!"

"The intention of Chu State is obvious, to divide the two kingdoms of Shu and Yue."

Zhang Yi bowed to the King of Yue and said, "This time, the Chu State provoked a rebellion in Miaojiang and wanted to take the opportunity to enter Shu! This is the first ring of his plan!"

At this time, King Yue's anger had already been drawn out. Looking at Zhang Yi, King Yue said slowly: "Please rest assured, special envoy, this king will repair a paper of alliance soon, and the alliance between Shu and Yue is unbreakable!"

"This king wants to gather an army, Chen Bing Chu!"

As soon as these words came out, the courtiers were a little flustered, and one of them stood up and said, "Your Majesty, our country is recuperating at this moment, and it is not appropriate to use troops."

As he said that, the man looked sideways at Zhang Yi and said, "The special envoy just wants to use my strength to overcome the country and calm the danger of the country of Shu!"

Zhang Yi cupped his hands at the man and said, "If the land of Shu is taken away by the state of Chu, then the state of Yue will be in danger. Mister, have you ever heard that the lips are dead and the teeth are cold?"


A sentence of cold lips and teeth blocked the man's mouth, and the king of Yue had already made up his mind, he slapped the table, and said loudly: "Order soldiers!"

The Yue State's move was nothing more than Chen Bing's frontier, and had no intention of attacking, but just reminded the Chu State not to move indiscriminately.

After all, the King of Yue is not stupid. The Kingdom of Shu can't spare any troops to help him now, so it's just a show.

After repairing the alliance book, the king of Yue handed the alliance book to Zhang Yi and said: "In the future, I will go to Shu in person to worship Zuwa."

"Shu will definitely welcome you."

Saluting to the King of Shu, Zhang Yi said with a smile: "This time, the foreign minister has to go back to the country first and report to my king."

Looking at Zhang Yi, King Yue nodded heavily, then turned around and ordered people to write Zuwa's deeds in the national history.

This is the case in the Yue Kingdom, which puts myths and legends in the history of the country, which is a respect for the gods.

Of course, he didn't know that the matter about Zuwa was made up by Zhang Yi...

(End of this chapter)

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