my empire simulator

Chapter 52 Kang Guo and Shao Liang...

Chapter 52 Kang Guo and Shao Liang...

【Country name: Kang】

[Government: Barbarian Union]

[Monarch: Gulib

Internal Affairs: 3——From: Chaos in the court.

Diplomacy: 2 - From: Insult vassals.

Military: 2——From: Defeat Shu.

Traits: Corrupt, incompetent, brutal.

Corruption: In order to satisfy one's own desires, the country is plunged into corruption and chaos.

Incompetent: Due to a certain battle, this person suffered from an unspeakable hidden disease.

Cruelty: cruel and bloodthirsty, tyrannical and innocent]

[Heir: Gu Lien
Internal Affairs: 2 - From: Cowardly as a Mouse
Diplomacy: 2 - From: Timid as a Mouse
Military: 2 - From: Timid as a Mouse
Traits: Timid as a mouse

Timid as a mouse: Due to the shadow of childhood, the successor is very timid and can't bear to be frightened. 】

[Queen: E Shi Xilan
Interior: 4
Diplomacy: 4
Military: 4
Traits: Mercy.

Benevolence: benevolent and generous, loved by others. 】

[Prestige: 20——From:
Base: 0
Great Southwest Country (+30);

Unify Southwest (+10);

Defeated Shu (-10);

Killing the father and seizing the throne (-10)]

【Mainstream Culture: Kang】

[Compatibility culture: Myanmar...]

[Incompatible culture: Miao...]

[School of Reception Theory: None]

[Corruption Degree: 5.06]

[National policy: Squeeze the bones and suck the marrow-squeeze the strength of the healthy people, maximize the short-term increase in the country's fiscal revenue, and seriously damage the country's potential.

Gain country modifiers, people's strength is weak;
Gain country modifier: People Fleeing. 】

[Administrative efficiency: 0.5
National corruption -50%]

[National traits:
Unify the Southwest: The chaos in the Southwest has been settled. Our Kang people have settled here since more than a thousand years ago. In order to deal with the crisis, we should unite as one!
——Cultural integration speed increased.

Remnants of Tianshan: We were once the descendants of the legendary gods, and the gods will bestow courage on us!
——Enhance the cohesion of the military during wartime.

Tortoise shell method: Thousands of years ago, our country predicted future generations through divination.

—— Add one national policy that can be used.

Northward Raiders: The land of Kang country is only guarded by the people of Kang country. Tell the northern Shu thieves that the land here is ours!

——The Six Miao Army can be formed. 】

[National correction: people's power is withered - the people's power here has been squeezed too deeply, the people are in dire straits, and the country is in chaos.

People fleeing abroad: Because of the heavy taxation in the country, the people are overwhelmed, leading to a large number of people fleeing abroad,
Defeat the Shu Kingdom: The war with the Shu Kingdom has seriously damaged our vitality and greatly reduced our country's prestige.

Chaos in the Southwest: Since the defeat of the Shu Kingdom, the countries in the Southwest no longer obey our country, and there is a faint tendency to overthrow our country.

Integrate the Southwest: Today, I, the Empress of God, descends here to unify the chaos in the Southwest!

Tradition of killing patricides: The tradition of killing regicides in Kang country is deeply rooted. In five years, four generations of kings have been changed, and the country's orders have been changed from day to day.

Six Miao Army: A group of unarmored, blessed by the gods, a unit with firm beliefs.

Northbound Raiders: We should always be vigilant against the Shu Kingdom in the north, they are our biggest enemy...]

[Parties: Royal Party; Local Gentlemen; Reform Party.

King's Party: Centered on the power of the monarch, there is only the monarch, not the country.

Representative: unknown

Local gentry: It is intended to protect the interests of the local gentry, belongs to the conservative faction, and resists any national policy that weakens the power of the gentry.

Representative: unknown

The Reform Party aims to reform the chaotic country, make Kang country stand in the southwest again, and unify the southwest.

Representative: unknown. 】

[Diplomatic reputation: 50%
Barbarian Blood: -20%
Regicide Tradition: -10%
Bone Sucking Marrow: -10%
Defeat Shu Kingdom: -10%]

【Old Enemy: Shu Kingdom】

【Covenant: Meng Mao】

[Subsequent country: Shao country...]

[The country at war: Shaoliang country. 】

Looking at the country interface of Kang Guo, it seems that only the chaos in this country can be seen.

Compared with him, the Kingdom of Shu is considered a paradise on earth.

In fact, this country has only started to be in chaos in the past few years, especially after being defeated by Shu, the decline of this country is even more obvious.

The key lies in Kang's regicide tradition. Many kings of the country did not die well.

There are some kings who have made achievements, such as the father of the current emperor. At that time, his father saved up little by little the family fortune of attacking Shu.

When his father was hunting, Gulib shot a cold arrow and killed his father. Afterwards, the personal guards quickly controlled the ministers, and Kang Guo completed the handover of power.

Then Kang State began to fall into a slump. First, it fought against the united countries, and then fought against Shu State, and then returned in a big defeat, almost losing all its family fortune.

After understanding, Jiang Xubai also learned that Gulib sleeps with his eyes open, and once his son covered him with a quilt, he killed his son with a knife.

This is much more ruthless than Cao Cao...

He was suffering from a hidden illness, and he was able to kill his son cruelly. Based on this alone, he could be called a cruel person.

It is also because of Gulib's suspicion and caution that he has survived until now.

As for Kang Guo so far, it can only be described as the end of a crossbow.

Jiang Xubai guessed that the reason why he was in such a hurry to attack Shaoliang was that he was worried that his weakness would be seen, and he warned the southwestern countries in the name of teaching Shaoliang a lesson.

His warning seemed to have no effect.

Shaoliang couldn't attack for a long time, which also greatly worn down Kang Guo's patience.

Shaoliang is in the southwest, and it is barely considered a relatively powerful country, otherwise it would not be able to withstand the attack of Kang State, which also gave the State of Shu time to rescue.

Thinking about it, Jiang Xubai opened the national interface of Shaoliang Kingdom.

【Country name: Shaoliang】

[Monarch: Ding Shaoling

Interior: 4
Diplomacy: 4
Military: 4
Traits: Follow the wind

See the wind and steer the rudder: when the wind blows, you will fall, and only seek profit. 】

[Heir: Ding Zuo

Interior: 3 - From: Capricious
Diplomacy: 3 - From: Capricious
Military: 2 - From: Surrender Claims
Traits: Capricious

Capricious: ups and downs, capricious. 】

[Queen: Zuo Yu
Internal Affairs: 3 - Corruption

Diplomacy: 4
Military: 4
Trait: Corruption

Corruption: In order to satisfy their own desires, they will not hesitate to plunge the country into chaos. 】

[Prestige: 5——From:
Base: 0
Kingdom of the Southwest (+15);

Shaoliang Mansion (+5);

Defeated Shu (-10);

Surrender to Shu (-5)]

【Mainstream Culture: Kang】

[Compatibility culture: Myanmar...]

[Incompatible culture: Miao...]

[Corruption Degree: 3.22]

[National Policy: Alliance Shu Yuankang...]

[Administrative efficiency: 0.7
National corruption -30%]

[National traits:
Southwest Allies: The chaos in the Southwest has been settled. Our Kang people have settled here since more than a thousand years ago. In order to deal with the crisis, we should unite as one!
——Cultural integration speed increased.

Shaoliang Mansion: Shaoliang has only been established for a hundred years, but it has a pivotal position in the southwest, and the countries in the southwest dare not underestimate it.

—— Prestige increases every year. 】

[National revision: Shaoliang Mansion: Shaoliang is a country in the southwest, and its status is very important!
Defeat the Shu Kingdom: The war with the Shu Kingdom has seriously damaged our vitality and greatly reduced our country's prestige.

Surrender to the Kingdom of Shu: The Kingdom of Shu is one of the most powerful countries in the world. Attaching to the Kingdom of Shu can keep Shaoliang worry-free! 】

[Party: Royal Party; Local Gentlemen; Central Shu Party
King's Party: Centered on the power of the monarch, there is only the monarch, not the country.

Representative: Ding Yifeng...

Local gentry: It is intended to protect the interests of the local gentry, belongs to the conservative faction, and resists any national policy that weakens the power of the gentry.

Representative: Zhang Wen...

The Shuzhong Party: It is intended to make Shaoliang fully dependent on the Shu Kingdom...

Representative: Zhuang Yan...]

[Diplomatic reputation: 70%
Barbarian Blood: -20%
Defeat Shu Kingdom: -10%]

【Old Enemy: Kang Guo】

[covenant: none]

[vassal country: none]

[Suzerainty: Shu Kingdom. (independent tendency 60%)]

[The country at war: Kang Guo. 】

Kang Guo has four national characteristics, while Shaoliang has only two. From this point of view, the gap between the two sides is quite obvious.

It's just that Shaoliang wasn't that chaotic.

Among the many southwestern countries, most of them have only one national idea, which is the [Southwest Allies]. Shaoliang has one more [Shaoliang Mansion] than them, which is considered outstanding.

However, why is this independence tendency 60.00%?

It seems that although Shaoliang surrendered to the Shu Kingdom, he was still a little dishonest in his heart, and this time he had to take the opportunity to beat them...

Jiang Xubai knew very well that although the southwest countries were relatively weak, they must not be underestimated.

Especially Kang Guo, whose basic national strength is still there, if Shaoliang is destroyed, maybe it can really be stabilized...

(End of this chapter)

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