Chapter 65 Encountering Fu (Part [-])
Kang Guo's army marched to Linghong Road...

This place is more rugged, and the vegetation is lush, Gulib squeezed the reins and accelerated the marching speed.

It wasn't that he wanted to quickly pass through this dangerous path, but that he wanted to quickly catch up with the main force of the Shu army. In Gu Libu's eyes, the Shu army at this time was already a meal on his plate.

Think about the humiliation of those three years ago. Young Master Bai's humiliation to himself before the battle will soon be repaid. Gu Libu can't wait to see the Shu army now.

Kang Guo's iron hooves rushed forward, followed by infantry, including the Six Miao Army.

When the rest of the pawns were tired, only the Six Miao Army did not show any signs of fatigue. They were originally elite, and they were still in a state of light clothing, so they were naturally much more relaxed than the rest of the pawns.

It was getting late, the road was very rough, and there was no moonlight to guide the way, so Kang's army could only light torches.

Chen Yi'an clenched the weapon in one hand, watching the army of Kang Guo who was about to pass by Linghong Road, and held Ming Di in the other hand.

He is waiting, in order to prevent the Kang army from retreating to Kangdu, the Kang army must continue to penetrate.

"call out--"

The sharp voice resounded in the night, it was very piercing.

Gulib, who was marching, heard it, and before he had time to react, he heard the sound of breaking the air coming from the rear, left and right sides respectively.

It was the sound of arrows piercing the air. Along with the screams of Kang Guo soldiers, Gulib suddenly woke up.

It's an ambush—there is an ambush on Linghong Road!
The screams of the soldiers mixed with the neighing of the horses. Gulib pulled the reins and shouted loudly: "Ambush! Put out the torches!"

There was no time to think now, the army was ambushed, and Gulib wanted to pass through the Linghong Road as soon as possible.

While speaking, there was only a sound of "噗——" and his horse was hit by an arrow in his crotch. Even though Gulib tightened the reins, the horse still fell down. Fortunately, Gulib was not injured.

"My lord! Ride my war horse! Go!"

A soldier came to Gulib, but Gulib didn't have time to say anything, and immediately got on the horse.

There was another "poof", and the horse under him was hit by an arrow again. Under the pain, the horse threw Gulib out of his body, causing him to fall to the ground.

The soldiers hurriedly helped up the disgraced Gulib, and then heard the shouts of killing coming from both sides of the road...

It's the Shu Army——

After all, Gulib saw the Shu army, but it was different from what he expected...


Chen Yi'an was different from Wei Zhang, he was not good at fighting in battle, so instead of following the army to charge, he stood behind and observed.

Seeing the Shu army fighting with the Kang army, Chen Yi'an nodded slightly.

Facing the army of Kang State, the Shu army was very brave, but the soldiers of Kang State who rushed to fight gradually collapsed, and only the Six Miao Army was able to hold on.

However, the Six Miao Army was less than [-], and without armor protection, it could only stabilize for a while. As time went by, the Six Miao Army also showed signs of defeat.

Zhang Geng fought hard, the Shu army was completely different from the previous ones, in retrospect, they won really smoothly.

Is this an ambush set up by the Shu army on purpose to retreat?

On the battlefield, distraction is a big taboo, Zhang Geng was suddenly shocked by a huge force and took a few steps back.

Looking up, I saw a soldier with a big arm and a round waist standing in front of him. The soldier from the Kingdom of Shu raised his spear and stabbed Zhang Geng in the face.

Zhang Geng dodged quickly, a tingling pain came from his cheek, and the warmth flowed down from his cheek. Regardless of the injury, the soldier held his spear tightly and attacked again, Zhang Geng immediately blocked it with his spear.

The sound of weapons colliding made Zhang Geng's arms go numb, and he couldn't hold the weapon in his hand for a while.

The soldier shook his hands, picked up the tip of his gun, and Zhang Geng's weapon came out of his hand.

Immediately afterwards, the spear pierced straight into Zhang Geng's chest.

The Six Miao Army has no armor and only fears the gods, but in the face of death, the gods don't seem to be effective...

Zhang Geng only felt a pain in his chest, and a huge force flew him up, and then fell to the ground in the distance.

The temperature of the whole body flowed out along with the blood from his chest. He grinned and blood flowed from the corner of his mouth. Zhang Geng looked at the battlefield with his eyes.

One after another, Kang soldiers fell down, unable to get up again.

I thought that I had the blessing of the gods, and I would not be afraid of death, nor would I suffer from pain.

But when death was really approaching, Zhang Geng found that he was really scared, and...

……it hurts……

With hazy eyes, Zhang Geng thought to himself.

If God really exists, can I not suffer from these pains?

Perhaps it was an illusion, but Zhang Geng gradually felt the pain in his chest fade away, and a tingling feeling spread all over his body.

Vaguely, he seemed to see Tiantian Mountain and the god, although it was only a vague shadow...

One Six Miao Army died, but more than one Six Miao Army died...

The armies of the two sides fought hard, and the Shu army had the upper hand. Although the Kang army was in disarray, their nearly [-] troops could not be completely defeated in this battle.

Chen Yi'an also left an exit, which was to allow Kang's army to break through the siege.

Seeing the heavy losses of the Kang army and seeing the loopholes of the Shu army, Gu Libu had no intention of fighting to the death, and only wanted to break through as soon as possible.

"Kill it out!"

Saying that, Gu Libu took the lead, beheaded a Shu soldier with his sword, and headed towards Nanning.

Under Chen Yi'an's gaze, the Nakang army successfully broke through and rushed towards Nanning.


Looking at the direction of Kang Guo's army, Chen Yi'an smiled knowingly.

As the general expected, even if the army of the Kang Kingdom went to Yangcheng, the main force of the Shu army, led by Wei Zhang, was in Yangcheng.

No matter whether the remnants of the Kang Kingdom went to Yangcheng or Nanning, there were Shu troops waiting in ambush.

Looking back at Linghong Road, the Kang army still had some infantry who failed to break through. At this time, these people knew that there was no hope of breaking through, so they could only surrender.

Only then did Chen Yi'an slowly walk into Linghong Road, looking at the surrendering army below, he was slightly taken aback.

There are six Miao troops among the captives?
The service of the Six Miao Army is so special that they can be recognized at a glance.

The so-called Six Miao Army is a large army that was practiced in the Kang Kingdom and prayed for the protection of the gods. It is well known by all countries because it never wears armor.

After being stationed in Xucheng for many years, it was the first time for Chen Yi'an to see the Six Miao Army who surrendered. There were about 1000 people, which is not a small number.

Although he had doubts in his heart, Chen Yi'an did not take the initiative to ask, because asking under such circumstances would inevitably be regarded as ridiculing.

He only needs to appease this group of people, don't make troubles, don't ask for merit, but ask for nothing.

It was just that one of the six Miao soldiers took the initiative to mention it and said, "We are very loyal..."

"The one who is loyal to the gods is not Kang Guo..."

Chen Yi'an nodded slightly, and asked the soldiers to hold down the captive for the time being.

I was relieved, I didn't live up to the general's trust...

 I have time tomorrow, and the plan is like this. I will write two chapters first, and then draw a map.

(End of this chapter)

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