my empire simulator

Chapter 67 Great Shu is Invincible

Chapter 67 Great Shu is Invincible

The news of Gulib's death quickly spread throughout the southwest, and all the countries in the southwest were terrified.

In Shaoliang Mansion, Ding Shaoling looked at the memorial in his hand and showed a satisfied smile.

Kang Guo's tiger and wolf division was destroyed in one battle. He deserves to be the son of Empress Li!
"Hahaha, Great Shu is invincible in the world."

Putting away the report in his hand, looking at the courtier in front of him, Ding Shaoling said slowly: "At this moment, the Shu army is trapped in Kangdu, so we can't just sit idle."

"Request troops immediately, we are bound to give Kang the final blow!"

The courtier was startled for a moment, but then he showed embarrassment behind him, cupped his hands and said: "My lord, there are no soldiers and horses in Shaoliang's mansion."

It turned out that when the Shu army first attacked, in order to show off, they acted like "Kang's army was repelled by us".

Ding Shaoling immediately waved his hand and mobilized his troops to pursue Kang Guo's army.

How many soldiers and horses are there in pursuit?
A whole three thousand troops!

Of course, Ding Shaoling didn't even think about fighting in the first place, but just put on a show, so that he can claim credit and rewards in front of the Shu Kingdom.

In the end, for some reason, the three thousand soldiers and horses ran into Kang's broken army, and instantly turned into a one-sided massacre.

Three thousand soldiers and horses, the whole army was wiped out.

Ding Shaoling also thought of this, sighed, and said: "Please suffer the common people again."

At this time, Kang Guo only breathed a sigh of relief, and the main army was completely annihilated. This is a great opportunity for them to perform. What happened to the poor people?

Father is dead...

Gu Lien couldn't believe it was true.

For a long time, Gu Lien was respectful and afraid of his father, and he couldn't even speak a complete sentence in front of his father.

Perhaps it is because of this that Gu Lien has lived until now?
Now that his father is dead, what should he do?
Gullion had never thought about such a thing.

Before that, the state affairs were controlled by his father, he had never intervened in any state affairs, and he couldn't even call the names of the courtiers.

Now the Shu army is attacking the city, and he is succeeding the king inside the city. I don't know when the city gate will be broken.

Looking at the officials in the audience, Gu Lien suppressed the fear in his heart and said, "Everyone, now that Kangdu is trapped, what's the best way?"

A minister walked out slowly, and said: "Now that the main force of the Kang Kingdom has been destroyed, only Kangdu still has soldiers and horses. I think that there is only one last resort."


This was the word Gu Lien didn't want to hear the last time. His lips moved slightly, but he didn't say anything.

When another courtier saw Gu Lien's appearance, he knew what Gu Lien was thinking, and immediately said: "Now that the defenders are exhausted and the people in the city are panic-stricken, how can we fight? In my opinion, it is better to descend to Shu."

"In this way, the position of Marquis will still be lost, and the people of our country of Kang will be preserved."

Descending to Shu?

With a thought in his heart, although descending to Shu was a bad strategy, it was in line with his intentions, and he didn't need to work hard, and he didn't need to die, and he could still protect the people of Kang.

The officials in the audience began to quarrel, and the two factions were clearly divided. One faction agreed to surrender, and the other decided to fight to the death.

"shut up!"

Gu Libo's voice came into the hall, and all the courtiers who were arguing in the hall quieted down and looked at Gu Libo.

In Kang Guozhong, Gu Libo's reputation is very high, and some ministers even thought of directly assisting Gu Libo to succeed to the throne.

Gu Libo stared at the courtier who advocated subjugation to Shu, and slowly said: "I thought that you are a veteran of the Kang Kingdom, and you must have high opinions. I never thought it would be such a rebellious statement!"

Hearing that, the courtier took a few steps back, not knowing how to defend himself.

"Report to father, you must not surrender at this time!"

"What can Wang Er do?"

Gu Lien looked at his child. Although his face was immature, the heroic spirit between his brows was half that of his father's, and his face gradually softened.


Gu Libo put down his hands and said loudly: "Since you can't hold on, then don't hold on. Gather your forces to break through, retreat to the southwest, and then make plans."


Gu Lien was startled. Breaking through the encirclement might not be successful, so he didn't dare to take the risk.

"Everyone back down, let me think twice..."

With a wave of his hand, everyone quit.

Seeing his father's appearance, it was clear that he wanted to surrender without an excuse, Gu Libo was anxious, and was about to speak when he was invited out of the palace by his attendants.

With a sigh, Gu Libo was about to leave when he saw a general coming forward: "Your Highness, can I take a step to speak?"

This general was the one left behind by the former king. At this time, he still had [-] troops in his hands, which was also where Gu Libo had the confidence to break through.

Gu Libo nodded slightly, and the two walked to a place where no one was around, and the general said, "Your Highness, please lead us to break through!"


Looking at the general in front of him, Gu Libo lowered his voice: "You want to trap me in injustice? My father is still in the city, how can I break out?"

"The end will not dare."

The general said neither humble nor overbearing: "The lord already has the idea of ​​descending to Shu. If you continue to delay, the army in the city will lose heart. I'm afraid they won't be able to hold on. When the Shu army enters the city, Kang will surely perish."

"It's better to take advantage of the present, and I will break through with His Highness, so as to preserve the blood of Kang Guo."

At this time, apart from surrendering, they had no choice but to break through, but now Kang Wang obviously wanted to surrender, and everyone could see that.

What the general said in front of him was exactly what Gu Libo was worried about.

Which is more important than family and country?
Gu Libo already had a plan in his mind, he definitely couldn't let Kang Guo be buried in his hands, he hesitated for a moment, and said, "Break out tonight."

Hearing that, the general was overjoyed: "There are not many Shu troops in Ximen, we can break through from Ximen and go straight to Yao'an."

"Leave it to the general to decide."


As night fell, the troops led by Gu Libo actually succeeded in breaking through the siege, and it was very easy, so easy that it was abnormal.

But at this moment, there was no time to think about it, so he hurried towards Yao An.

Not long after, I heard the neighing of war horses in front of me. Looking up, I saw a solemn cavalry rushing towards under the moonlight.

When they came back to their senses, the iron cavalry had already rushed towards them, straight into the Kanguo queue...


Gu Libo is dead, his prince is dead...

When the news of Gulibo's death came, Gulien fainted on the spot.

The father died the day before, and the prince died the day after, Gu Lien's sky collapsed.

After Yoyo woke up, Gu Lien looked up and saw all the officials kneeling in front of the bed with tears streaming down their faces.

Seeing that Gu Lien woke up, a minister broke down in tears: "The king's Shangshu army sent His Highness's body."


With the support from the left and right, Gu Lien slowly got up, walked to the hall step by step, and saw Gu Libo's body.

Gu Libo died in a miserable state, with more than ten wounds, all on his chest.

Touching Gu Libo's cold hand, Gu Lien's lips trembled and he was speechless for a while.

All the strength in his body seemed to be exhausted, and he was much more decadent. Gu Lien spoke slowly, his voice choked up: "Surrender... Kaesong surrender..."

 I'm sorry, I fell asleep while writing_, I'll make it up quickly in my spare time, I'm really sorry
(End of this chapter)

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