Elf, but I'm a nurturer

Chapter 1000 Two Heavenly Kings? Kirbymon makes a strong appearance!

"Does it symbolize a bird?"

Elf: symbol bird

Gender: female

Attributes: super power, flight

Features: Magic Defense (will not be harmed by weather, props, characteristics, abnormal conditions, etc.)
  Qualification: Purple

Basic skills: slightly

Inherited skills: slightly

"Metrogross, how are you?"

After Lu Ze took a look at the information about the symbolic bird, he smiled and asked Metagross.


Metagross shook his head slightly and stared at the symbolic bird seriously.

"Then, Bullet Punch followed by Thunder Punch!"

Lu Ze didn't hesitate much. Since Metagross felt that it could solve the symbolic bird without super evolution, let him continue.

Lu Ze believed that Metagross would not let him down.

After the battle here started, the ghost stone there also disappeared again.

There was only one female Super Meow Meow left, no longer as calm as before, looking for traces of Ghost Stone everywhere with an angry look on her face.

The hurt I received before was okay, but [sharing the pain] was really hurtful.

She's a gym-level Pokémon, so why can't she win against Ghoststone, which is only a high-level Pokémon?
  "Super Miaomiao, spiritual field!"

Wu Shi Hua is much calmer than Super Miaomiao.

Since you can't find the Ghost Stone, let's assist the Symbol Bird in fighting first.

Originally, the best assistant should be the male Super Miaomiao, but the male Super Miaomiao was killed first.

"Ghost Stone, hypnotism!"

Seeing the opportunity, Lu Ze directly directed Ghost Stone to use [Hypnosis] to stop Super Miaomiao from releasing [Spiritual Field].

The Metagross over there is currently chasing the symbolic bird, and we can't let the super-powerful Meowth cause trouble at this time.

However, Super Miaomiao also reacted quickly. When Ghost Stone appeared in front of her, she stopped the release of [Spirit Field] without hesitation, and released [Spirit Power] directly.

Ghost was not annoyed when he saw that he had no chance to use [Hypnosis]. He smiled and disappeared.

The next second Metagross appeared in front of Super Miaomiao.

[Mental Strength] Although it hit the front, it did not cause much damage to Metagross.

Instead, Metagross directly hit her in the face with [Comet Fist], just like it had just faced the male Super Mew.

The symbolic bird Metagross that was being chased and beaten on the other side was not there. After Ghost Stone was exchanged by [Swap Site], he immediately turned around and launched an attack on Ghost Stone.

Wu Shihua hesitated for a while, but finally decided not to use [Characteristic Swap]. The symbolic bird didn't really need the [Mischief Heart] trait.

In comparison, the feature [Magic Defense] is quite good.

"Symbol bird, spiritual impact!"

Facing the attack of the symbolic bird, Ghost Stone showed a flash of panic on his face, then stuck out his tongue at the symbolic bird and made a face.

Before the powerful spiritual energy arrived, Ghost Stone directly entered the alien space.

"Symbol bird, watch your back!"

Wu Shihua's attack method against Ghost Stone is relatively clear.

Unfortunately, Ghost Stone's target is not the symbolic bird, but the super-powered Mew on another battlefield far away.

Wu Shihua couldn't control Super Mew, as the situation just now was that Super Mew was stronger than Ghost Stone, and the focus was on the symbolic bird being chased and beaten by the preemptive Metagross.

But after Metagross and Ghoststone exchanged places, Super Miaomiao was in danger.

But Wu Shihua had the same idea as Lu Ze, to kill a weaker and more disgusting guy first!
  So she ignored the super-powered Miaomiao who was in danger, and instead commanded the symbolic bird to attack.

Anyway, after Super Meowth fell, she still had a Pokémon with king-level strength.

You can’t change Pokémon midway, but you can change after Super Meowth falls!
  Thinking of this, Wu Shihua felt cruel, but she didn't expect that the target of Ghost Stone's [Surprise Attack] was Super Miaomiao.

The super-powered Miaomiao, who had been beaten without any ability to parry, completely lost his last bit of physical strength and combat ability after being hit by Ghost Stone's [Surprise Attack].

Wu Shihua's face darkened.

It was put together!
  After Shirley announced that Super Mew Meow had lost the ability to fight, Wu Shihua took Super Mew Meow back into the elf ball, and then threw another elf ball.

"Is it like this?"

Citron looked at the latest Pokémon and his face turned ugly.

Not only him, but Dr. Buratano also looked unhappy.

Although Xiaozhi and Serena didn't know much about the unspoken rules between gym leaders, they could see something was wrong.

Elf: Slow King

Gender: female

Attributes: water, super energy
  Characteristics: Slow
  Qualification: Red

Basic skills: slightly

Inherited skills: slightly

"Is it another Pokémon with king-level strength?"

Compared to Citron and the others, whose expressions were ugly, Lu Ze smiled after taking a look at King Slow's message.

It's just another Pokémon with king-level strength.

"You're dead. Master Wu Shihua's two most powerful Pokémon are all here. Let's see how you can still laugh!"

After Carly saw Wu Shihua's Slow King also come on stage, she went crazy instantly, like a fanatical believer.

"King Slowpoke, use Yawn on Metagross!"

After King Dude came on the scene, Wu Shihua seemed to become more confident, and directly directed King Dude to launch an attack.

At the same time as Slow King attacked, the symbolic bird also released [Evil Wave] on Metagross.

"Giant Golden Monster, Thunder Fist!"

[Yawn] hit, but Metagross also rushed in front of King Slow.

Taking advantage of the opportunity, he directly punched the King of Slowness away.

At the same time, Lu Ze also took out Metagross' elf ball and put Metagross back into the elf ball before the [Evil Wave] arrived.

"Ghost Stone, Trick Space!"

Lu Ze said and threw the elf ball again.

Ghost Stone appeared and "Jie Jie" smiled, and the place was enveloped in [Magic Space].

Wu Shihua was stunned for a moment. She was originally planning to let King Dai use the [Magic Space]. After all, King Dai was too slow.

But unexpectedly, Ghost Stone actually used [Magic Space] first.

A smile appeared on Wu Shihua's face, but soon the smile froze on her face.

Kirbymon appears!
  The moment Kirbymon appeared, Wu Tokihana noticed it.

Kirbymon is only one step away from master level.

As long as it breaks through, it will be a Pokémon with master-level strength.

"How could you still have such a powerful Pokémon!" Wu Shihua asked Lu Ze a little out of control.

As Lu Ze is an unpredictable person, Wu Shihua cannot see Lu Ze's future.

At the same time, she couldn't see the future of Pokémon Lu Ze.

Although this is not the first time this happened, it is the first time she has lost her composure.    Carly and Shirley both looked at Wu Shihua who had lost her temper in surprise.

"Master Wushihua..."

Carly was puzzled, how could Mr. Wushihua be like this?
  Her two ace Pokémon can definitely defeat each other!
  "But it doesn't matter even so, King Slow, use Yawn!"

Wu Shihua's eyes widened, and she once again commanded King Dude to use [Yawn].

But Ghost Stone's movements are faster, although Slow King's skills are released faster in the [Magic Space].

But Ghost Stone's [Provocation] is increased by one due to the bonus of the [Heart of Mischief] characteristic.

Before King Slow could use [Yawn], he was blocked from using transformation skills by Ghost Stone.

At the same time, Kirbymon also strode towards the symbolic bird.

It stands to reason that Kirby is better at beating Slow King, but Lu Ze has seen the skills of the symbolic bird, and there is a very disgusting skill among the skills of the symbolic bird.

[Speed ​​Swap]: Swap the speed of yourself and your opponent.

If the symbolic bird uses this skill, the [Magic Space] used by Ghost Stone will have all negative effects.

So Lu Ze did not hesitate to let Kirby attack the symbolic bird.

Kirbymon's body was very agile in the [Magic Space], and it pounced directly towards the symbolic bird in the air.

Thunder and lightning flashed in his hand, trying to knock down the symbolic bird directly.

However, Symbol Bird, as the starting Pokémon of Noonday Flower, is naturally not bad in strength.

[Psychic Blade] was released, trying to stop Kirbymon.

However, Kirbymon is very powerful. With one punch, the pink crescent moon attack was broken into pieces and floated down from the air.

Symbol Bird was shocked, and together with Wu Shihua's mental power, he released [Psychic Power] to briefly control Kirby.

With the end of [Mental Strong Thought], Kirbymon couldn't help but fall towards the ground.

The power of the upward thrust is gone, and Kirbymon can't fly.

At the same time, the Slow King over there also used the function of [Magic Space] to launch an attack on Ghost Stone.

Ghoststone released [Latent Surprise Attack] again to avoid King Slow's attack, and then ran behind King Slow.

King Slow also has martial arts abilities, turning around is [Freeze Fist].

But in the next second, King Slow's fist was caught by a big hand.

The power on [Freeze Fist] is released, and the big hand freezes towards the arm.

But flames suddenly burst out from his arms and melted all the ice cubes.

King Dadai was in pain, but he couldn't pull his hand out even though he tried hard.

Kirbymon didn't hesitate, and his right hand [Thunder Fist] suddenly hit Slow King.

With fire in its left hand and lightning in its right, Kirbymon's signature ability, Slow King, is naturally unstoppable.

The stupid king was almost kneeling on the ground after being punched.

On the other side, Ghoststone, who used [Swap Space] to swap himself in the air, smiled at the symbolic bird and then used the [Provocation] skill again.

The symbol bird was furious, but Ghost Stone still entered the different space one step ahead of her.

Ghoststone was also very excited. As the guy with the weakest combat power in the game, he actually tricked the king-level Pokémon many times under Ozawa's command.

That's cool!

After Ghoststone sneaked into the different space, Slow King also used the [Power Gem] on Kirbymon.

The explosion of [Power Gem] made Kirby finally let go of its hand.

King Slow quickly retreated back. If she didn't stay away from the Kirby beast, she would be beaten to death by the Kirby beast.

[Thunder Fist] twice and [Fire Fist] once, which means she has rough skin and thick flesh, otherwise she would have been beaten to death.

But even so, she didn't have much energy left.

Kirbymon's power is really terrifying.

The dull king Furui Mubo could no longer maintain his gaze, looking at the harmless Kirbymon with fear in his eyes.

"King Dudu, sleep!"

Wu Shihua gritted her teeth, just as the time for King Daidai to be [provoked] had passed. Although Wu Shihua was reluctant, she could only let King Daidai use [Sleep] to restore his physical strength.

Otherwise, wait until Ghost Stone hits a [Shadow Ball] to take away Slow King.

As for Kirbymon, let the symbolic bird block it.

Block for one more round, and the [Magic Space] will be over after one round.

"It symbolizes the bird, and the spirit is strong!"

The noon flower floated in the air, and her hair also floated under the influence of super powers.

Powerful mental power boosted the symbolic bird, and exploded with powerful force against Kirbymon.

Kirbymon also took a step back when faced with the full blow of Tokika Tokika, the symbol of Toka, and concentrated all its strength on its fist.

With a sudden stamp of his feet, [[-] horsepower]!
  Release all the power in your body and withstand powerful attacks head-on.


The attack of [Psychic Strength] in the field suddenly exploded.

The smoke dissipated, and Kirby stood there unscathed, still with a naive smile on his face.


"It's too strong!"


Ash shouted excitedly to the Kirby beasts on the field, as if he was meeting a little fan of his idol.

He also has a Kirby beast, but his Kirby beast is flexible, not powerful like Lu Ze.

But even so, Xiaozhi was very shocked and excited when he saw this scene.

"how can that be!"

Wu Shihua was startled, but soon he heard King Daidai snort.

Turning his head to look, he happened to see a ball of energy from King Slow's body entering Ghost Stone's body.

Ghost Stone's body emitted a burst of green light, which was the recovery effect of [Dream Eater].

Wu Shihua was annoyed for a while, how could she forget this ghost!

Taking advantage of the Symbol Bird's attack on Kirby, Ghost Stone also quietly came to the sleeping Slow King.

Without hesitation, [Dream Eater] almost restored Ghost Stone's physical strength.

"Symbol bird, blade of air!"

Now that the duration of [Magic Space] is over, the symbolic bird moves faster.

[Air Blade] hit Ghost Stone, but Ghost Stone just turned his head and smiled at Wu Shihua, and then his figure blurred.

After the space transformation, Kirbymon appeared in front of the sleeping King Slow.

He raised his head and glanced at the [Air Blade] flying over, then raised his hand.


A crisp cracking sound was heard, and the [Air Blade] that symbolized the bird was directly crushed by Kirbymon.

"Compared with the elder sister's head, it's far behind."

Kirbymon murmured and hit [Thunder Fist] again.

[Thunder Fist] hit, and King Dude's eyelids opened for a moment, as if he wanted to wake up leisurely.

Wu Shihua's eyes lit up when she saw this scene, and she quickly commanded the symbolic bird to step forward to block Kirby's attack!
  "Symbol bird, frozen beam!"

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