Elf, but I'm a nurturer

Chapter 1004 Charizard provokes Pikachu!

After warning Xiaozhi and the others, they saw that Xiaozhi and the others did not act rashly.

Bara nodded with satisfaction, and then started scanning with the glasses specially made by the Flare Team to find Xiaoruan.

Xiaoruan has the ability to become invisible, but this is nowhere to be seen under their specially made glasses.

In just a moment, Barbara had already found Xiaoruan.

The special laser weapon in his hand hit the stalactite where Xiaorou was hiding.

The invisible Xiaoruan was startled and quickly entered the water.

However, his figure has been noticed by the Flare Team, and the other members of the Flare Team are also constantly launching attacks on Xiaoruan in the water.

Although Xiaozhi and the others couldn't see Xiaoruan, they could tell from Team Flare's actions that they were attacking Xiaoruan.

Yurika was a little panicked, especially after seeing Xiaoruan being hit and hitting the rocks on the shore, she couldn't help but step forward to protect Xiaoruan.

But the next second, Dragon King Scorpion's attack came over without hesitation.


Xiaozhi quickly stepped forward and pulled Yurika back directly, thus avoiding Yurika being hit by the attack.

But obviously the Dragon King Scorpion's attack did not stop. After its black pupils locked on Xiaozhi and Yurika in Xiaozhi's arms, the Dragon King Scorpion launched another attack.

"Be careful, Xiaozhi!"


From this angle, Serena and Pikachu could just see the movements of Dragon King Scorpion, so they quickly shouted to Ash.

However, Dragon King Scorpion's attack came too fast. Although Xiaozhi's hand had already touched the Poké Ball, he did not have time to release the Pokémon.


The violent explosion hit and exploded directly on the edge of the pool.

Seeing the smoke rising, Serena, Citron and Pikachu also became anxious.



Pikachu jumped into the air and hit [One Hundred Thousand Volts] directly at the Dragon King Scorpion on the opposite side.

But the members of Team Flare were well prepared. Heiluga, who had been defeated by Lu Ze before, directly detonated [One Hundred Thousand Volts] in the air with [Evil Wave].


Suddenly, Ash's voice of surprise came from the thick smoke, and Serena and Citron also looked over with surprise.

When the smoke dissipated, a strong fire-breathing dragon appeared in front of Xiaozhi, helping Xiaozhi block the attack just now.

Charizard's face was ugly. He turned to Xiao Zhi and squeezed out a smile, then turned to Dragon King Scorpion and breathed [Explosive Flames in Big Characters]!

[Big Character Explosive Flame] hit the Dragon King Scorpion and directly hit the Dragon King Scorpion on the rock behind it, causing huge damage.

Everyone in the Flare Team who saw this scene also reacted and took out the elf balls at the same time.

In an instant, many Pokémon appeared on the field.

Big Wolf Dog, Red Faced Dragon, Cool Leopard, Commander Cleaver, Thunder Beast, Mahuola and a group of Dairubi, Pincer-tailed Scorpions.

"Everyone, it's time to go!"

Now is not the time to reminisce about old times, the most important thing is to get rid of those people first!

"Hmm, little devil's fire-breathing dragon?"

"Why are you here at this time?"

"So powerful, nya."

The trio of Team Rocket hiding in the dark looked at the Charizard below with equally surprised expressions on their faces.

But soon, the battle below began.

Xiaozhi's Charizard took the lead and rushed towards the opposite side.

As soon as Dragon King Scorpion stood up, he was thrown to the ground by the fire-breathing dragon.

Immediately afterwards, the fire-breathing dragon's right hand burned with flames, constantly hitting the Dragon King Scorpion's body.

The commander next to him wanted to rush forward, but the long-tailed fire fox's [Jet Flame] and Roentgen Cat's [100,000 Volts] hit him at the same time.

As a last resort, Commander Pi Zhan had no choice but to give up rescuing the Dragon King Scorpion and dodge the attacks of the long-tailed fire fox and Roentgen cat.

"Buzz bat, ultrasonic wave!"

Xiaozhi also commanded the Buzz Bat to launch an attack, but Bara on the opposite side also commanded Commander Cleaver to use [Metallic Sound] to counter it.

The commander of the King-level Chop Slash was naturally not something that Bing Bat could match, and he quickly fell behind.

[Metal Sound] spread, and even Xiaozhi and the others were affected.

After Bala glanced at the fire-breathing dragon next to her, which was already being stared at by the red-faced dragon and the thunder beast, she gave instructions to the ordinary members next to her.

"Go capture!"


The red-haired member nodded, and then walked towards Xiaoruan with a ferocious smile on his face.

But the next second, an attack suddenly came, knocking the catcher in the hand of the red-haired member into the water.


Both Ash and the members of Team Flare looked at the sudden appearance of the Rocket trio in surprise.

"It's you!"

Ash was a little surprised, but Musashi started in the next second.

"Since it's you who are asking the question sincerely!"

"We will show mercy and sign up!"

"Although I don't know the value of Xiaoruan!"

"But being chased to this point should be priceless!"

"This green guy is our prey!"

"I will never give it to you!"

Musashi and Kojiro each said one sentence, and after finishing speaking, Miao Miao lifted the little soft boy above his head, who had no ability to move.

The members of Team Flare were stunned for a moment, then tilted their heads slightly: "Oh, what next?"

"Then what!"

When Musashi and Kojiro heard this, they exploded instantly!

After dealing a lot of damage to everyone in the Flare Team, the people in the Flare Team just spread their hands.

"There's really nothing we can do against this kind of person!"

Bara spread her hands, and Musashi and Kojiro became even more excited.

At this time, Xiaozhi also found an opportunity. After throwing the Poké Ball, Koga Ninja rushed towards the Rocket trio.

In just a moment, Koga Ninja rescued Xiaoruan.


The mentality of the Rocket trio was completely shattered, but the Flare team reacted faster.

The Dragon King Scorpion has been killed, and the red-faced dragon and the thunder beast are fighting with the fire-breathing dragon.

However, Commander Kai Zhan and Kuruga were still there, and they directly attacked the Koga Ninja Frog.

The Koga Ninja's dodge was maxed out, and he quickly dodged all the attacks and returned to Xiaozhi's side.

Ash, Serena and Citron also commanded their Pokémon to attack Team Flare's Pokémon.

Team Flare also responded quickly, using [Evil Wave] to resist the attacks of Pikachu and Long-tailed Firefox.

"Xiao Ruan, are you okay?"

After Yurika took the soft thing from Koga Ninja's hand, she worriedly asked the soft thing.

"The softie you are talking about is not an ordinary softie. It is precious to our Team Flare..."

"Okay, stop talking!"

Before an ordinary member on the side could finish speaking, he was interrupted by Barbara.

"Then just tell us~"

Musashi's expression was sarcastic: "If it's not an ordinary softie, what kind of softie is it?"

"We're not nice enough to tell you idiots!"

As Momiji spoke, she waved her hand: "Heiluga sprays flames!"

[Jet Flame] fired, but it did not hit Xiaozhi and the others.

But even so, the explosion caused by [Jet Flame] made Xiaozhi and the others subconsciously avoid it.

"Leave him to us!" Barbara took two steps forward, but Ash, Koga Ninja and Pikachu stood directly in front of Yurika.

"I will definitely protect Xiaoruan!"

Yurika's eyes were firm: "I said I won't let you go!"

"There's really nothing we can do."

Bara spread her hands, and Heiluga and the others took two steps forward.

Upon seeing this, Charizard was about to go over to protect Xiaozhi and the others, but was constantly pestered by the Thunder Beast and Red-faced Dragon.

"Palletizing, is he lost?"

Charizard roared angrily, if he had known he would have come here first without leaving him alone!


When Bara spoke, Commander Pi Zhan and Heiluga immediately made an attack stance.

Xiaoruan's eyes also became firm, and when he was about to summon other Xiaoruans to enter combat mode, a figure suddenly fell from the sky.

"Next time you step on the horse, I will stop you from running away!"

The black Charizard appeared. In the surprised eyes of Team Flare and Ash, they turned their heads and roared at Ash's Charizard.

Seeing this, Xiaoruan didn't hesitate. The moment his body glowed, a large number of Xiaoruan appeared on the rock wall.

In the surprised eyes of Xiaozhi and Charizard, a large number of softies gathered on the softies in Yurika's arms.

With the flash of green light, the dog-like Zygarde's 10% form appeared in front of everyone.

"Is this, combined?"

"Is this considered evolution?"

Xiaozhi and Citron were both at a loss, not understanding what Xiaoruan was going through.

But Team Flare was excited: "So, this is what you saw before?"

Bara nodded and was about to launch an attack when Xiaoruan suddenly stamped her foot.

[Earthquake] was released, directly controlling the shaking rocks and hitting Team Flare's side.

Lu Ze's Charizard looked at Zygarde in dog form with some curiosity.

By the way, a mythical beast?

This momentum, this ability to control [earthquake].

It's probably a mythical beast.

But such a weak beast?

Charizard tilted his head and glanced at Zygarde in dog form.

I feel like I can beat him up!

There was a smirk on Charizard's face, but the next second Zygarde in dog form glanced at Yurika, turned around and ran away.

"Kubao, Mahuola, catch up!"

Bala and Momiji yelled, but Xiaozhi also directed the Koga Ninja to intercept them.

Charizard and Koga Ninja were about the same speed, and they stopped Kubao and Mahuola in an instant.

After glancing at Zygarde in his dog form as he left, Charizard curled his lips and launched an attack directly on Cool Leopard and Mahuola.

The opponents in the Charizard Valley are all Charizards, and it has been a long time since they bullied others!

Let me do it now!

"Cool Leopard, Shadow Claw!"

Bara roared, but the claws of Cool Leopard that hit Charizard were directly blocked by Charizard with his hand raised.

"Too weak!"

Charizard suppressed his excitement of wanting to roar, and pressed the [Qi Bomb] directly on Cool Leopard's soft abdomen with his other hand.


The [Qi Bomb] exploded, and Ku Bao flew backwards, instantly losing his ability to fight.

Xiaozhi was also shocked when he saw this scene. Brother Ozawa's Charizard is so powerful!

The battle between Koga Ninja and Mahuola on the other side was also very fierce.

However, the battle on Charizard's side ended too quickly, and Koga Ninja couldn't help but glance at it before being knocked away by Ma Xuanla.

"What a hindrance!"

After Bara finished speaking, Charizard stood directly in front of Xiaozhi.

"Koga Ninja, are you okay?"


Koga Ninja nodded and looked at Xiaozhi. Xiaozhi also understood what Koga Ninja was thinking.

"Come on then!"

Xiaozhi said, and after thinking about the belief of Koga Ninja, Koga Ninja evolved again!

The bound ninja frog appears!

After the bound ninja frog appeared, Ma Xuanla was quickly eliminated.

When Barbara saw this situation, she couldn't help but panic.

Taking another look, the Thunder Beast and Red-faced Dragon over there were also barely fending off the attack of another Fire-breathing Dragon.

In addition, the target no longer knows where to go, so he is ready to retreat immediately.

"Thunder Beast, flash!"

Bara roared, and the Thunder Beast and Red-faced Dragon also breathed a sigh of relief and quickly retreated.

As the white light illuminated the cave, Team Flare quickly retreated.

"Let's make plans again."

Seeing this scene, the Rocket trio also chose to retreat.

After the [Flash] disappeared, only Ash and the others were left.

Lu Ze's fire-breathing dragon looked around to make sure there was no danger, then looked at Xiaozhi and asked curiously.


Where is Ozawa?

"Are you asking Brother Ozawa?"

After Xiaozhi exited the bond state, he curiously asked Charizard.

The Charizard nodded.

Xiaozhi scratched his head: "Well, Brother Ozawa went to Haruka City to challenge the gym."

After Xiaozhi finished speaking, Lu Ze's Charizard turned pale!

"Didn't you guys say that Ozawa and Xiaozhi have always been together!"

Just at this time, Xiaozhi's Charizard came over, and before he could react, his neck was clamped by the Charizard.


Ash's Charizard looked confused: "Yeah, why haven't you seen your trainer?"

"You are riding a horse, and if I trust you next time, I will be a dog!"

Charizard roared, and Xiaozhi couldn't help but laugh when he saw the confused look of his Charizard.

"Charizard, did you send Brother Ozawa's Charizard here?"


Charizard nodded, and then hugged Xiaozhi!

"Look, I just said that I can find Xiaozhi, and the bond between us is very strong!"

Charizard said proudly to Lu Ze's Charizard, but Pikachu on the side snickered.

"Did you see the evolution of Koga Ninja just now?"

"I saw it, what's wrong?"

Charizard looked at Pikachu curiously, wondering why he said that.

"After their bond reached a certain level, Koga Ninja gained a new evolution and was able to communicate with Ash through the bond!"


Charizard was startled and quickly looked at Koga Ninja.

However, Koga Ninja nodded awkwardly, indicating that Pikachu was right.


Charizard roared, turned his head and aimed at Xiaozhi's head with a [Spray Flame]!

"Why can't I!"

Charizard roared, then ignored Ash, whose head was blackened and his face was blank, and looked at Pikachu.

"Hey, you can't do it either?"

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