Elf, but I'm a nurturer

Chapter 1006 The Dream Lover, Xiao Zha 3 and the Yellow-haired Hooligan

"Miss Joy, can it be cured?"

After arriving at the Pokémon Center, Yurika asked Ms. Joy anxiously.

Miss Joy nodded: "It can be cured, but the orchids have been used up. I'm going to pick some orchids later."

After Miss Joy finished speaking, she saw another sick Pokémon coming in, so she apologized to Yurika and the others and ran towards the door.

After Miss Joy left temporarily, Xiaozhi and the others could only take a rest and wait for Miss Joy.

After Yurika took a look at Diggugi who was lying on the bed and was still awake, she took Charizard's hand.

"Charizard, can you accompany me to pick orchids?"

Yurika grabbed Charizard's claws with two small hands, raised her head and said pitifully to Charizard.

Charizard scratched his head, and finally nodded in agreement under Yurika's coquettish attack.

After Yurika looked back at Xiaozhi and the others, she sneaked out with Charizard.

She understood that if her brother knew, her brother would definitely not let her take risks.

But Dig Dig Rabbit did this because he was saving himself.

If you need Xin Zilan, then go find it.

But Yurika wasn't stupid either, and she grabbed Charizard before leaving.

After Yurika and Charizard went out, Charizard immediately hugged Yurika in his arms, flapped his wings and flew towards the sky.

Yurika is too small, and Charizard is afraid that Yurika will fall if she sits on his back alone.

"Awesome Charizard!"

Yurika, who flew into the air, looked at the increasingly smaller scenery underground, and felt better.

However, Yurika did not forget about the business. According to what Miss Joy just said, it should be the mountain in front of her.

Soon Charizard brought Yurika to the mountain.

However, Xin Zilan was not seen on the mountain.

Charizard scratched his head and took Yurika back to the halfway point of the mountain.


Charizard turned his head and glanced at a big tree over there with some confusion.

Always feel like someone is watching you?

After Charizard paid attention, when he was about to leave with Yurika, Xiaozhi and the others caught up with him.

It turns out that just when Yurika and Charizard left Citron, they discovered that Yurika and the others were missing.

But because the fire-breathing dragon is flying in the air, it is faster.

So they had already circled around before Citron and the others came over.

"Why do you have to come alone? How worried I am when you are like this!" Citron couldn't help but ask Yurika immediately after seeing Yurika.

Yurika was really shocked when he suddenly disappeared just now.

But okay.

After Citron shouted to Yurika, he looked at Charizard: "Thank you Charizard."



"But it's because of me that Diguru Bunny became like that, and I also want to make Diguru Bunny recover as soon as possible." Yurika said a little aggrievedly.

Citron was silent for a moment.

"No, Diguru Rabbit also wants to cheer for Yurika who is desperately looking for Xiaoruan. Don't you know, we all cherish Xiaoruan as much as Yurika."

"Xiao Ruan is a friend of all of us."

Citron laughed gently, and the Charizard beside him also looked up at the sky.

Reminds me a bit of that little guy Victini.

I don’t know if he has finished the small round cake that Ozawa left for him.

By the way, when you go back, you must successfully learn Victini's [V Heat Flame] and [Fire Bullet].

"Xitron is right about Yurika, Xiaoruan is a good friend of all of us!"

Xiaozhi also smiled brightly, and said to Yurika: "Find the herbal medicine first, and let Digobunny recover."

"it is good!"

Yurika stood up with renewed energy and agreed.

Charizard also had a smile on his face when he saw Yurika like this.

But the next second, a mechanical hand suddenly appeared and grabbed Pikachu.


Charizard turned around and saw that it was the three people from Team Rocket.

Xiaozhi was also shocked and quickly shouted: "Pikachu!"

Musashi instantly became excited: "Since you asked Pikachu sincerely!"


But unfortunately, before Musashi could finish his words, Charizard destroyed the hot air balloon with a [Jet Flame].

The hot air balloon fell down and landed on a tree branch.

Pikachu ran away, but Musashi refused to accept it and quickly took out the Poke Ball.

"It's unforgivable that you dare to interrupt me!"

"and many more!"

Suddenly, Kojiro interrupted Musashi: "Look, is that guy's Pokémon?"


Musashi was stunned for a moment, and then looked at Charizard seriously.

"The black Charizard seems to be that guy's Pokémon?"

Musashi was a little confused, after all, it had been a long time since he last saw the fire-breathing dragon.

However, the different-colored fire-breathing dragon adds this strength.

It seems true, right?

The two were stunned, but at this time, Xiaozhi asked Citron and Yurika to go find Xinzilan first, and he would stop Team Rocket here.

Citron and Yurika nodded and ran out quickly.

Only Ash, Serena and Charizard were left, looking up at Team Rocket on the tree branch.


No, fight or not!

Charizard roared, the dissatisfaction in his voice startling Meowth.

"It's so scary, meow!"

"Go ahead, Pumpkin Monster!"

"Go ahead, squid!"

Musashi and Kojiro looked at each other and threw their pokeballs at the same time.

But the solution did not surprise them.

In a short time, they were beaten away by Charizard's [Flame Jet] and Pikachu's [One Hundred Thousand Volts].

"What a disgusting feeling!"

Musashi shouted, and a smile appeared on Charizard's face.

On the other side, Yurika and Citron also found a tree with a orchid in bloom.

Yurika stood on Citron's shoulder and reached for Xin Zilan.

However, because Yurika is not tall enough, she is still a little behind.

"Dongdongshu, help me."

The dongdong mouse quickly climbed from Yurika's body to Yurika's head.

Yurika lifted the Dondong Rat up, but the Dondong Rat was not tall enough. Even though the Dondong Rat was added, it was still a little short.

"Come on, we'll be there soon!"

Yurika didn't want to give up and was still working hard to lengthen her body.

It's obviously close.

Xiaoruan, who was hiding on the side, watched this scene with twinkling eyes.

With Dongdongshu's exertion, he still didn't touch Xinzilan. However, this force also caused Yurika to lose her balance, and she almost fell down with Dongdongshu.

Fortunately, in the end, Citron persevered with strong perseverance and core, and stabilized Yulijia and Dongdongshu.

But this time, Xiaoruan was also frightened, and Xiaoruan's eyes suddenly opened wide in fright.

Yulijia did not give up, still holding the dong dong rat and trying hard to reach the Clivia.

"Dong dong rat, do it again!"

Seeing their efforts, Xiaoruan gradually softened his heart.

After a slight movement, the branches of Xinzilan fell down a little.

It was this arc that successfully caught the Dongdong rat.

"Xinzilan is successful!"

After Yurika shouted excitedly, she hurriedly hugged Xinzilan and went back.

"Charizard, let's go!"

Yurika ran out quickly, just in time to see the Charizard wandering over.

After Yurika yelled, Charizard picked up Yurika and flew towards the Pokémon Center.

Charizard is holding Yurika, and Yurika is holding Dongdong Rat.

It's the same as when it came, but the difference is that now Dongdongshu also holds a Xinzilan in his arms.

"Wait for us!"

After Charizard flew away with Yurika in his arms, Xiaozhi and the others behind them were a little confused, and then they quickly shouted to Charizard and the others.

He did have a Fierce Arrow Eagle, but it was a bit difficult for the Fierce Arrow Eagle to carry him.

Moreover, the Arrow Eagle took him away, so what happened to the remaining Serena and Citron.

Ash had no choice but to quickly follow Charizard and run towards the Pokémon Center.

When Xiaozhi and the others ran back to the Pokémon Center, what they saw was a recovered Digger.

"Great, Digger!"

After Citron happily hugged Diguru, Yurika also had a happy smile on her face.

"Now that the Digger Rabbit has recovered, let's continue looking for Xiaorou!" Xiaozhi said happily after seeing the Diggerrabbit recover.

As soon as Xiaozhi finished speaking, the small bag Yurika placed on the counter over there started to move.

Charizard turned his head and glanced, not paying too much attention.

However, Dongdongshu was very concerned about this small bag that often contained him, and he quickly stepped forward to check it out.

But as soon as he opened the small package, Dong Dong Mouse was startled.

"Dela de la!"

After hearing the sound of the rat, Yurika also curiously went up to take a look.

Seeing Dongdongshu pointing at his small bag in panic, Yurika also took a look.


Youlijia was overjoyed to see that there was Xiaoruan huddled up in the little bag, already asleep.

Listening to Xiaozhi and his brother next to him, they were discussing where to find Xiaoruan.

Looking at Xiaoruan who was sleeping peacefully in front of him.

A happy smile also appeared on Yurika's face.


Suddenly, Xiaoruan turned around and looked at Yulijia with a blank expression.

Yulijia also became excited and hugged Xiaoruan in her arms.

"Ah, little soft!"

Yurika excitedly hugged Xiaoruan and spun around in circles. Xiaozhi and the others were also a little surprised.

But Xiaozhi soon realized: "Maybe Xiaoruan is also looking for Yurika."

"Xiao Ruan, you will still travel with us, right?"

Seeing the tears in Yurika's eyes, Xiaoruan nodded firmly.

"That's great, Xiaoruan~"

"We agreed that we will always be together!"

Yurika happily hugged Xiaoruan and spun around in circles, and the Charizard beside her also had an aunty smile on her face.

Now that Xiao Ruan has been found, everyone is quickly preparing to set off.

There is no remote communication equipment here, and you have to go to Yingxue City to contact Lu Ze.

Everyone laughed and laughed along the way, and the pace of progress was not slow.

Soon they arrived in a sea of ​​flowers.

Xiaozhi also decided to take a rest here.

"Charizard, do you want some tea?"

Citron was about to make tea. Because he had seen Charizard sitting there drinking with a cup of tea many times, he asked Charizard specifically.


Of course, thank you very much!

After Charizard nodded in agreement, Citron started making tea.

But before the tea was brewed, I heard the screams of the buzzing bats that had just entered the forest.

Upon hearing this, Xiaozhi quickly collected all his Pokémon and ran towards the direction where the buzzing sound came from just now.

After Xiaozhi and the others arrived, they saw the buzz bat lying on the ground in a [poisoned] state.

There is also the back figure of Dou Li Mushroom who has turned around and left.

"Is it the Dou Li Mushroom?"

Xiaozhi felt a little strange, but the top priority was to remove the [poisoned] state of the buzz bat first.

"The antidote has been used up, and there is no Taotao Guo..." Citron said in a panic.

"What should I do?"

After Xiaozhi murmured, he was ready to carry Buzzbat back to the Pokémon Center just now.

But as soon as Xiaozhi picked up the buzz bat, a flower leaf fell from the sky.

Seeing the buzzing bat like this, Huayedi also quickly used [Aromatherapy].

Under the influence of [Aromatherapy], the [Poisoned] state of the buzzing bat was soon relieved.

After the buzzing bat recovered, it happily circled around Huayedi.

"This is the season when the flower leaves are blown away by the wind."

As soon as Citron finished speaking, a gust of wind blew Huayedi into the air.

Seeing this scene, Buzzbat immediately panicked and hurriedly chased after Huayedi to catch her.

Seeing the gentle smile on Huayedi's face, Humbat also smiled happily.

Without hurrying down, the buzzing bat started to hover in the air with Huayedi.

However, the appearance of the buzzing bat with a flowery leaf base was also noticed by the Dou Li Mushroom below.

Seeing the lover of his dreams being carried away by a little brat that he had just defeated, he couldn't help it.

He quickly stepped forward and was about to attack the buzzing bat when he saw a gust of wind blowing by, and the flower leaves on the buzzing bat also fell from the sky.

Seeing this scene, Dou Ligu quickly stepped forward to Huayedi, and then took out the flowers he had prepared.

After Huayedi saw the flowers, she also showed a happy smile on her face.

Seeing Huayedi's smile, Dou Ligu felt even more excited.

Buzz Bat also rushed down, and after giving Buzz Bat a disgusted look, Dou Li Mushroom prepared to leave with Huayedi.

But Huayidi didn't want to leave with him.

Seeing this, Dou Li Mushroom was a little angry, or felt that he had lost face, so he grabbed Huayedi and prepared to leave.

But how could Buzzbat see the lover of his dreams being taken away by a hooligan?

With one sprint, the buzzing bat stopped the Dou Li Mushroom.

The giant needle wasp next to Dou Li Mushroom was about to take action, but was stopped by Dou Li Mushroom.

It's enough for me to beat this little brat!

After Dou Li Mushroom said something very pretentious, he placed the flower stem on the branch next to him with a worthless smile.

Then, a one-on-one battle between the two Pokémon begins!

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