Elf, but I'm a nurturer

Chapter 1011 The real protagonist Ai Lan appears!

"Xiao Zhi, let's fight!"

In the Pokémon Center, Shota said to Ash with excitement on his face.


Lu Ze held his chin and looked at the two of them with a smile.

Yesterday, they successfully arrived at the Pokémon Center while the sun was setting.

But what I didn't expect was that Shota was also here.

The two were ready to fight as soon as they met, but because it was too late, they agreed to fight after getting up the next day.

No, the two of them couldn't wait to come to the battlefield as soon as they got up the next morning.

After Shota challenged Xiaozhi, the battle between the two began.

"Then, the battle begins!"

As Citron's voice fell, the first Pokémon between the two began to fight.

The Pokémon on Shouta's side is Carapace, which was successfully evolved last time.

"Carapace dragon, dragon breath!"

Shota was the first to attack, commanding the Carapace to take the upper hand.

The Pokémon Xiaozhi sent here was Wrestler.

He jumped into the air, turned over in the air to avoid the attack of [Dragon Breath], and then used [Flying Pressure] on the crustacean.

[Flying Heavy Pressure] successfully hit, but it did not cause much damage to the crustacean.

After Baby Dragon evolved into Carapace Dragon, although its speed was reduced a lot, its double defense was also improved a lot.

Although the Wrestling Eagle is stronger than the Carapace, the [Flying Heavy Pressure] Carapace can still withstand it.

After the Carapaceosaur blocked the Wrestling Eagle Man's attack, [Dragon Breath] was released and directly hit the Wrestling Eagle Man.

The two sides went back and forth. Although Shota's command was very good, after all, the difference in strength was too obvious.

After a short while, the Kung Fu Carapaceosaurus lost its fighting ability under the [flying weight] of the Wrestling Eagle Man.

"Wrestling Hawkman wins, please send your opponent a second Pokémon to play!"

Citron's voice fell, and Shota threw the Poké Ball as if he had been prepared.

A single scabbard with intermediate Pokémon strength appeared on the field.

"Where's the newly captured Pokémon!"

Xiaozhi looked at the single scabbard and smiled happily, and then chose to change Pokémon.

"Leave it to you, Pikachu!"

Lu Ze was stunned for a moment after seeing Pikachu appear.

Okay, your king-level Pikachu fights against a mid-level Pokémon with a single scabbard?

"Pikachu, one hundred thousand volts!"

Pikachu had no intention of acting, and directly released [One Hundred Thousand Volts] and took away the single scabbard.

Hey, not acting this time?

Lu Ze couldn't help but feel happy when he saw this scene, but after all, the Single Scabbard only had the strength of an intermediate Pokémon.

This is not easy to act either.

After Pikachu took away the scabbard, Shota showed no intention of being discouraged. He took back the scabbard and sent out his ace Pokémon!

"Go, Lizard King!"

After the Lizard King appeared, Lu Ze was also a little surprised.

Shota is also very talented!

How long has it been?

He is worthy of being Xiaozhi's early rival, and his talent is indeed high.

After the Lizard King appeared, Ash also replaced Pikachu with his own Koga Ninja.

Koga Ninja appeared, and the two sides started fighting instantly.

The Lizard King used [Seed Machine Gun], but was dispersed by [Water Flying Shuriken].

Then the two sides started fighting at close range.

The two Pokémon are both strong in close combat, but under the training of Iron Claw and Iron Warrior, the current Koga Ninja is even stronger in close combat.

In a short time, the Lizard King who used [Leaf Blade] was forced back.

Shota was not surprised when he saw this. After all, the Koga Ninja Frog's close combat ability was stronger than that of the Lizard King. This was something he had already prepared for before.

In this case.

"Lizard King, Dragon Wave!"

The Lizard King released dragon energy and hit the Koga Ninja.

However, the current Koga Ninja is no longer the former Koga Ninja who was strong in close combat but weak in long-range attacks.

Just look at the iron-clawed lobster.

Although the Iron Claw Lobster's long-range attack capability is not as good as its melee attack, it can still switch to its special attacker when necessary.

Koga Ninja is more outrageous. His ability value distribution should be that special attack is stronger than physical attack.

The best direction is the double sword.

But under Xiaozhi, Koga Ninja is a physical attacker.

Many times it doesn't work when faced with long-range attacks.

Iron-clawed lobster has a profound understanding of this.

When the two of them were training, Iron Claw Lobster discovered it.

The Koga Ninja who is a physical attacker can still be seen.

But when it comes to long-range attacks, there is nothing exciting.

So for a period of time, Iron Claw Lobster focused on the special agent ability of Koga Ninja and conducted certain training.

Including but not limited to learning skills and sealing combat with physical attack methods.

Koga Ninja was a little uncomfortable with it at first, but it got much better later on.

Until now…


[Dragon Wave] did not hit, and Koga Ninja directly used [Evil Wave] to counter the wave.

The two energies exploded in the air, and black smoke enveloped the field in an instant.

"Xiao Zhi has made a lot of progress too."

Shota sighed after seeing this scene. After all, in the analysis before the battle, Koga Ninja's special attack ability should not be very good.

As a result, now, although the Lizard King did not lose in the wave, he also did not win.

Sure enough, it's not just me who is making progress.

"Lizard King, Flying Leaf Storm!"

However, Shota was not the kind of fool who was just starting out. He took advantage of the smoke and launched a surprise attack.

The emerald green leaves were wrapped in violent grass energy and rushed towards the Koga Ninja Frog.

The [Flying Leaf Storm] like a tornado directly swept in the black smoke and the Koga Ninja.

But at this moment, Lu Ze felt that someone was watching them.

Looking up subconsciously, a familiar figure appeared in the stands above.

"Ai Lan."

A smile appeared on Lu Ze's lips.

This is the real "protagonist".

Lu Ze smiled, and then turned his attention to the battle on the field again.

Koga Ninja was swept up by the tornado-like [Flying Leaf Storm], and then was thrown to the ground hard.

Grass-type skills do relatively heavy damage to Koga Ninja.

After landing, Koga Ninja couldn't help but cough twice.

He also inhaled some of the black smoke just now, and now he feels a little uncomfortable.

"Koga Ninja, can you continue!"


Koga Ninja stood up, and at the same time, Xiaozhi was also bound to Koga Ninja.

A stream of water appeared next to the Koga Ninja, surrounding the Koga Ninja's body, forming a waterspout that wrapped the Koga Ninja.

"Koga Ninja?"

Lu Ze was stunned for a moment. Can he already be bound to evolve just after he evolved?

"Is this the first time Ozawa-nii has seen this form of Koga Ninja?"

Seeing Lu Ze's surprised look, Serena also explained idly.

"We were very surprised when we first saw the form of Koga Ninja, but this form seems to consume Xiaozhi's physical strength, and we don't know why."

Serena looked at Xiaozhi worriedly and said to Lu Ze next to her.

"It seems that Koga Ninja is very strong in this state."

The Koga Ninja Frog and Lizard King collided again in the field.

The Lizard King was knocked away directly.

The outcome is decided!

"Sure enough, it still doesn't work." After Shouta shook his head in disappointment, he took the Lizard King back into the elf ball.

"Have you increased the speed and physical attack? It looks more powerful."

Although this was not the first time Lu Ze saw the bound ninja frog.

After all, there is a Koga Ninja in this world who can bind evolution.

Although his Ninja is the bond evolution feature in the game, it's not like Ash's.

But the two should be similar.

Xiaozhi needs to consume his own physical strength, so it seems that he should be stronger.

Lu Ze tilted his head, and Xiaozhi was already sitting on the ground.

Binding the Ninja Frog did consume a lot of his physical strength.

After Lu Ze thought for a while, as if he suddenly thought of something, he suddenly raised his head and looked at where Ai Lan was just now.

Sure enough, Ai Lan had disappeared.


Lu Ze sighed slightly, still thinking about a battle with Ai Lan's fire-breathing dragon.

Let's see if his Charizard is stronger, or if his Charizard is stronger.

But if it doesn’t work today, it will still happen in the future.

"As expected, I still can't catch up with Xiaozhi."

Shota looked at Xiaozhi and laughed: "However, I still gained a lot of good experience."

"Xiaozhi, are you okay?" Serena asked worriedly.

"It's okay, I'm just a little tired."

"What a critical moment, Koga Ninja."

After turning around and talking to Serena, Ash said to the Koga Ninja.

Shota on the other side also took out his little notebook and walked over, asking Xiaozhi.

"What should I do to become what I was just now?"

"I don't know either. It just turned dark."

Xiaozhi also scratched his head, not sure what to say.

"Let's go to the Pokémon Center for treatment first."

In the end, Serena intervened and interrupted the conversation between the two.

But Shota obviously didn't give up. After handing his Pokémon to Miss Joy, he continued to ask questions.

But obviously Xiaozhi didn't know what was going on.

All he knew was that he and Koga Ninja suddenly became like this.

Although Pikachu somewhat guessed what was going on.

But he couldn't speak.

In this way, the time soon came to night.

After a day of special training, they still chose to rest one night at the Pokémon Center before continuing.

It was late at night, and soon it was early morning the next day.


While everyone was still sleeping, a mechanical hand suddenly broke the window, reached in and took Pikachu away.

The sudden change woke everyone up, especially Xiaozhi. After seeing Pikachu being taken away, he immediately chased him out.

Lu Ze was still a little confused. Although he was awakened, he was obviously not awake yet. He just heard Team Rocket's self-acceptance.

After the lines were over, Team Rocket was ready to leave.

Xiaozhi also quickly jumped out of the window they broke.

"Brother, second floor!"

Lu Ze opened his eyes suddenly, but Xiaozhi had already jumped down.

"Okay, you're a newbie."

Listening to Xiaozhi's shouting from below, Lu Ze also touched his nose in embarrassment.


After seeing Xiaozhi jump out, Serena Citron and Yurika also rushed out quickly.

However, the three of them walked out of the door honestly.

After all, the three of them don't have the physique of a super newbie.


Listening to the noise outside, the lazy Lu Ze lay on the bed again.

After all, Xiaozhi and Team Rocket.

You know everything.

"Dong dong?"

But just as Lu Ze lay down, he heard the sound of a rat next to him.


Lu Ze opened his eyes and stared at Dongdongshu and Xiaoruan on the bed.

Turn around and look again.

"Nah, don't you guys bring elf balls?"

Lu Ze collapsed.

Whether it's Ash's Poké Ball or Serena's, Citron's Poké Ball is there quietly.

The only three Pokémon outside the Poké Ball.

Two of them had no fighting ability, and one was even captured.


Lu Ze also didn't have Xiaozhi's super rookie physique, so he had no choice but to send out a fire-breathing dragon.

"Evil wave!"

Musashi's excited voice came from outside. Apparently after seeing that Ash and the others didn't bring their Poké Balls, he launched an attack directly on Ash and the others.


There was an explosion, and the fire-breathing dragon rushed out instantly, and Lu Ze also ran to the window.

Fortunately, Xiaozhi and the others are fine.

After seeing that Xiaozhi and the others were fine, Lu Ze felt relieved and noticed the fire-breathing dragon in the sky.

But it's not his own Charizard, but an orange-red Charizard.

"This is…"

Lu Ze turned his eyes and saw Ai Lan's figure.

Charizard landed next to Ai Lan, and Musashi and Kojiro also yelled at Ai Lan.

"who are you!"

"Please stop meddling in our affairs!"

"Charizard, Dragon Claw!"

However, Ai Lan ignored them and directly commanded the fire-breathing dragon to use [Dragon Claw] to cut off the robot hand.

Lu Ze's Charizard stared at Ai Lan's Charizard with some curiosity.


Very good!

"Pikachu, one hundred thousand volts!"

After Pikachu was rescued, Xiaozhi also directed Pikachu to attack.

After Pikachu changed his position in the air, he released [One Hundred Thousand Volts].

Ai Lan's pupils shrank, could he still play like this in the air?

This Pikachu!

Only then did Lu Ze's fire-breathing dragon react.

I came here to help Xiaozhi.

Forget it, let’s increase our presence.

After Lu Ze's Charizard used [Flame Jet] to hit at the same time, Team Rocket turned into stars.

"What a disgusting feeling!"

"Charizard, catch Pikachu!"

Ai Lan reacted quickly and directed Charizard to catch Pikachu.

But Ai Lan's eyes were fixed on the black fire-breathing dragon in the sky.

"What a powerful fire-breathing dragon!"

Ai Lan's eyes were also covered with fighting intent.

This is the instinct of a fire-breathing dragon trainer!

When I see someone else's Charizard, I always want to have a fight!

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