Elf, but I'm a nurturer

Chapter 1024 Heading to the Galar Region

"In that case."

Lu Ze glanced at Xiaozhi next to him.

"Come back, Gengar!"

Geng Gui jumped back behind Lu Ze, and plunged into Lu Ze's shadow with a sudden movement.

"Go, Blue Flame Blade Ghost!"

Lu Zeshi sent out the Blue Flame Blade Ghost, and Xiaozhi, who was watching the battle on the stage, instantly became excited.

"Koga Ninja, look carefully, this is Brother Ozawa teaching us how to fight the ice rock monster!"

After Xiaozhi finished speaking, the Koga Ninja on the side also became serious in his eyes, looking at the Blue Flame Blade Demon and the Ice Rock Monster in the field.

Seriously speaking, Cangyan Blade Ghost can be regarded as his "master".

But I just don’t know how the Blue Flame Blade Ghost will face the ice rock monster.

"Ice rock monster, use hail!"

Without any hesitation, De Fu directly commanded his ice rock monster to change the weather.

My ice rock monster has the [Frozen Body] attribute and can recover its physical strength under the [Hail] attribute. In this case, it is natural to change the weather.

Another thing is that the Blue Flame Saber opposite is not an ice Pokémon.

"Hail again!"

Xiaozhi's expression became serious: "Why didn't you let the Cangyan Blade Demon use provocation? Doesn't the Cangyan Blade Demon know how to use this skill?"


Koga Ninja shook his head, how could the Blue Flame Blade Demon not know this skill?

When I was learning the [Provocation] skill, Teacher Cangyan Blade Ghost also taught me.


Koga Ninja had an idea in his mind, but he was not sure and could only look at the field.

The Blue Flame Blade Demon turned his head and glanced at the Koga Ninja, and then used [Great Sunny Day].

If the weather changes, so will I!

When the weather changes, the Blue Flame Blade Ghost also changes the weather.

At such a fast speed, even if Defu had already reacted and commanded his ice rock monster to use [Stone Blade], it was already too late.

The weather has changed to [Bright Sunny Day], and at the same time, the Ice Rock Monster's [Stone Blade] was dodged by the Blue Flame Blade Demon's flexible movement.

"I see, can we still break the hail through weather coverage?"

Xiaozhi became excited, and the next second he quickly lowered his head and looked at the paper in his hand as if he thought of something.

"Just now I was still thinking about what to do if I ran into the Blizzard King. His characteristics are not feasible for provocation. I didn't expect Brother Ozawa to solve it for me in the second game."

Xiaozhi smiled and quickly found the skill he was looking for on the paper.

"You don't know the skill of sunny weather, but asking for rain can also change the weather. It's decided, let's do this when we fight the gym leader!"

Xiaozhi said happily to the Koga Ninja beside him, while Lu Ze below had already commanded his Cang Yan Blade Demon to launch an attack.

"Blue flame blade ghost, regret the sword!"

[Repentance Sword], which can be used in the same way as Koga Ninja's [Iai Slash], is simply the best skill on display in the teaching bureau.

The Cangyan Blade Ghost's swords were flashing with purple flames, and he quickly rushed towards the ice rock monster on the opposite side.

Originally, when the Blue Flame Blade Ghost faced a guy like the Ice Rock Monster with strong physical defense but slow speed, he should just use long-range attack skills to kill the opponent directly.

But who told this to be a teaching bureau?

The Koga Ninja on the stage had his eyes wide open and was watching the movements of the Blue Flame Blade Demon seriously.

After the Cangyan Blade Ghost quickly arrived in front of the ice rock monster, he smashed the [Repentance Sword] in his hand.

But De Fu would not let the Cangyan Blade Ghost succeed so easily.

"Ice rock monster, gyro ball!"

The ice rock monster started to spin, trying to use the powerful rotation force to fly the Cangyan Blade Ghost away.

However, the Cang Yan Blade Ghost was well prepared. While the ice rock monster was spinning, the Cang Yan Blade Ghost approached the ice rock monster and jumped up.


[Repentance Sword] hit, and the powerful attack power directly caused the spinning ice rock monster to stop spinning and lie on the ground.

"I understand!"

Xiaozhi on the stage shouted excitedly when he saw this scene.

He got it!

After the entire body of the ice rock monster rotates, attacks from all sides will be resisted by the power of the rotation, or even sent flying away.

But attacking from above is no problem!

The area where the eye of the tornado is is calm.

Then just attack this point.

Not only can the attack hit, but it can also stop the rotation of the ice rock monster!

"Koga Ninja, did you learn?"


Koga Ninja also nodded with excited eyes.


The battle between the Cang Yan Blade Ghost continued. After the [Gyro Ball] was cracked, Defu also showed a look of surprise.

However, Lu Ze once again commanded his Cang Yan Blade Demon to use the [Sword of Regret].


The Regret Sword hit, and the ice rock monster was pushed back a certain distance.

However, the ice rock monster used [Avalanche] the next second.

Xiaozhi and Koga Ninja's hearts tightened, and they stared at the Blue Flame Blade Demon on the field carefully.

However, the Cangyan Blade Ghost didn't panic and avoided the range of [Avalanche] with a sliding shovel.

Although the [Avalanche] released after being hit is very powerful, it is not a sure-hit skill.

It's just that the speed is a little faster, and the range is not very large, so it is not difficult to avoid it.

Now that I’ve told you both ways to deal with it, here’s how to actually resolve the battle.

After Lu Ze nodded at Xiaozhi, he directed the Cangyan Blade Demon to launch an attack.

"Blue flame blade ghost, spray flames!"

Faced with such a large and slow-moving "living target", how can we not use long-range attack skills?

The Blue Flame Blade Ghost used [Spray Flame], although it was blocked by the Ice Rock Monster using [Stone Blade].

But the Blue Flame Blade Ghost has also arrived behind the ice rock monster.

[Big Character Explosive Flame] was released close to the face and directly hit the ice rock monster.

"The ice rock monster has lost its ability to fight!"

As the referee's voice sounded, Defu also changed his Pokémon.

"Go, Blizzard King!"

This Blizzard King is not the Blizzard King that Xiaozhi fought yesterday.

Although it also has the [Snowfall] attribute, yesterday's Blizzard King was only a senior-level player.

But now this Blizzard King is a Pokémon with king-level strength!

"Do you still have the super evolution stone?"

After Lu Ze glanced at Blizzard King's message, he turned to look at De Fu with interest.

After seeing De Fu smiling at him, Lu Ze also laughed.

"Come back, Blue Flame Blade Demon."

Lu Ze took his Blue Flame Blade Ghost back into the elf ball.

Since you choose to use Mega Evolution, then I will join you.

"Go, Lucario!"

Lu Ze threw out the elf ball, and a Lucario appeared on the field.

De Fu can clearly see the Mega Evolution Stone on Lucario's wrist.

"Then, let's begin!"

Defu grabbed the necklace around his neck. The necklace was naturally the keystone of super evolution.

As the colorful light shines, the Blizzard King also evolves into the Super Blizzard King.

Lu Ze was naturally not to be outdone, and the same colored light shone.

Super Lucario appears!

"It's Mega Evolution!"       Ash became excited: "A showdown between Mega Evolutions!"

After the two Pokémon Mega Evolved at the same time, hail fell on the field.

Lu Ze smiled, commanded his Super Lucario to avoid the attack of Super Blizzard King, and then changed the weather.

【Sunny day】!

Although Super Lucario is also restrained by the fire element, the Super Blizzard King of grass and ice elements will definitely not be able to learn it even in Xiaozhi's world.

So Lu Ze let Super Lucario use [Sunny Day] without any hesitation.

[Hail] The [Blizzard] that sweeps under the weather cannot be avoided.

That is to say, in yesterday's battle, Defu did not use this ice-type ultimate move from beginning to end.

After seeing the change in the weather, De Fu also frowned slightly.

The change of weather is very troublesome for him.

"Blizzard King, hail!"

Just when he was about to change the weather again, Super Lucario's [Wave Missile] had also been thrown over.

As a last resort, Defu had no choice but to give up changing the weather first and let Super Blizzard King use the [Wallet] to destroy the [Wave Missile].

[Wave Missile] was blocked, Super Lucario was not surprised.

At this time, he had already rushed towards the Super Blizzard King quickly.

After Blizzard King evolved into Super Blizzard King, his speed was much slower, probably at the same level as Kirbymon.

For opponents of this speed, Super Lucario can be said to be extremely fast.

After circling the Super Blizzard King twice, Super Lucario caught a broken formation that the Super Blizzard King had no time to turn around.


[Comet Fist] hit, and Super Blizzard King was beaten back a few steps.

This series of skills bonus, [Adaptability] bonus, double damage.

The Super Blizzard King hit by this attack almost couldn't hold on.

"Blizzard King, be serious, gavel!"

You have to look carefully, if your Super Blizzard King is careless again, he will really be killed!

Just as Defu opened his mouth, Super Lucario's [Comet Punch] struck again.

However, Super Blizzard King's reaction was much faster this time. He turned around and collided with [Comet Fist] with [Mallet].

Super Lucario didn't try to wrestle. When they collided, they jumped back to widen the distance again.

"We are flexible players and try to avoid head-on confrontation with our opponents!"

Koga Ninja was startled and looked at Super Lucario below.

Why did Super Lucario's voice ring in his mind?

However, Koga Ninja didn't think much about it and watched Super Lucario once again distance himself and use [Wave Missile] continuously.

Koga Ninja is also perfecting his own fighting style!

Super Lucario's constant attacks made Super Blizzard King a little tired of dealing with it.

Even though I tried my best to resist, I was still hit by the attacks continuously.

"Give him one final fire kick!"

After Super Blizzard King stumbled, Lu Ze also commanded his Super Lucario to launch the final attack.

Super Lucario jumped into the air, with flames burning on his legs, and kicked Super Blizzard King like a stream of light.

Super Lucario landed with his back facing Super Blizzard King.


Super Blizzard King fell to the ground and degenerated into the form of Blizzard King.

"Congratulations on your victory."

After Defu took back his Blizzard King's elf ball, he stepped forward and said to Lu Ze.

"This is the iceberg badge of success in challenging gyms."

After De Fu handed the badge to Lu Ze, Lu Ze put the badge in the box.

Now all eight badges have been collected!

"That's great. Brother Ozawa also won eight gym badges."

Xiaozhi looked at the eight badges in Lu Ze's badge box with some envy and sighed, then looked at De Fu with burning eyes.

"Hahaha, well, you also want to challenge the gym, right? Then let's wait until my Pokémon recovers."

After a while, Lu Ze and Xiaozhi exchanged positions.

Lu Ze went to the stands and watched the game with Citron, Serena, Shota and Yurika.

The game between Xiaozhi and Defu soon started.

In the first battle, Defu sent out the degraded ice treasure of the ice rock monster.

This is the rule of Defu, which increases the intensity according to the strength of the challenger.

Obviously he felt that Xiaozhi was a little weak.

But soon, Bingbao was defeated by Xiaozhi.

His second Pokémon was then quickly defeated.

Now Defu had to send out his own Blizzard King.

The Blizzard King who is capable of super evolution and has king-level strength.

And on Xiaozhi's side is naturally the Koga Ninja.

After the Super Blizzard King evolved, Ash's Koga Ninja also evolved into its final form.

Ash's version of Koga Ninja with a water shuriken on his back!

Koga Ninja learned Lu Ze's fighting style and used the [Rain-seeking] skill at the beginning of the battle to eliminate the influence of the weather on him.

Then he kept probing and attacking, not going head-to-head with the Super Blizzard King.

In the end, with his strong strength, Ash's version of Koga Ninja also successfully defeated Super Blizzard King and won the gym battle.

"Congratulations on winning the gym."

After Defu handed the Iceberg Badge to Xiaozhi, he looked at the two of them with a smile.

"We have collected all the gym badges, so what, the next step is the Carlos Alliance."

Defu looked at Xiaozhi and Lu Ze and said, "I understand how much you who love Pokémon deeply trust Pokémon."

Defu looked at Xiaozhi and Lu Ze.

Whether it's Lu Ze's super evolution or Xiaozhi's Pokémon changing form.

It can't be done if the Pokémon doesn't have enough trust with the trainer!

"Well, I like you two very much and I hope you can go further!"

"it is good!"

"I will!"

Xiaozhi and Lu Ze nodded and left.

"Where are you going next? Are you going back to Miare City directly?" Shota asked curiously.

"I'm going to bring Nian Meilong back."

Xiaozhi glanced at Pikachu next to him and said excitedly.

"Brother Ozawa, where are you?"

Shota turned to look at Lu Ze and asked.

"Me, I want to go to the Galar region."

Lu Ze had an unhappy expression on his face: "Someone needs to be educated."

After saying that, Lu Ze touched Xiaozhi's head: "A guy who is more difficult to educate than Xiaozhi."

"In that case, let's meet in Miare City."

After Shota nodded, he also waved his hands towards Xiaozhi and the others.

He is going for special training, and he will definitely defeat Xiaozhi, who he longs for, at the league conference!

"Then, see you in Miare City."

Lu Ze nodded, and after speaking to Xiaozhi, he sent out his fire-breathing dragon.

"Charizard, let's go."

"Goodbye, Brother Ozawa!"


After waving goodbye to Xiaozhi and the others, Lu Ze looked in the direction of Galar.

"If nothing else, let me break your kid's ideas back to you first!"

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