Elf, but I'm a nurturer

Chapter 1048 Gym battle, doubts about Mewtwo!

After Zhuge Ziyu informed everyone, the national official website quickly released the first gym owner information.

[The first one is the King of Heaven? 】

[Is the intensity so high? 】

[The Heavenly King will be the gym leader, and I’m looking forward to it. 】

[Grass-type gym leader, it should be easy to fight, right? 】

[No, the King is the gym leader, how can we get through this? 】

[Didn’t you read the announcement? What the announcement says is not that the gym leader will send out Pokémon with similar strength based on the strength of our challengers. 】

[Also, gym leaders are not allowed to change Pokémon. We challengers can change Pokémon at will. 】

[Another one, you can get a badge if you get recognition. 】

[Instructions from the King-level gym leader, how would this be possible in normal times? 】

[It seems that is indeed the case. 】

[I just don’t know how strong other gym leaders are. 】

[The one announced first is probably the strongest. 】

After the information about the grass-type gym leader was announced, there was a lot of discussion on the Internet.

But what they are more looking forward to is the news about the other seven museum owners.

Zhuge Ziyu announces a gym leader every hour.

Amid everyone's expectations, an hour passed quickly.

The second Gym Leader to be announced is the Ground Gym Leader, a muscular man.

[Why is it also a king level? 】

[It’s not like the eight gym leaders are all king-level in strength, right? 】

【How can it be? The King of Heaven is not a cabbage either. 】

Everyone was speculating, but soon after the information about the third gym leader was announced, they fell into silence.

【Don’t you want to play anymore? The third one is also the king? 】

[It’s okay, it’s okay, there is no fixed order of challenges. We should be able to pick at will and start with the weaker ones first. 】

Everyone felt somewhat comforted at this moment, but soon they stopped laughing.

The fourth dragon attribute is specialized in the king, and the fifth fairy type is specialized in the king.

The sixth Tang Yunqin.

[This is good, this is good, the strength should not be as strong as the previous kings of the older generation. 】

[After deciding, let’s attack her first! 】

[As expected, the one who appeared at the end was obviously weaker. 】

[Some are looking forward to the next one. 】

People online who were preparing to challenge the gym instantly relaxed.

After all, Tang Yunqin had not yet reached the level of a king in the previous World Youth Championship.

Even though he already has king-level strength now, he should be weaker than those old kings.

[No, I remember she doesn’t have a mythical beast? 】

[I think you are also crazy. How could she let the divine beast appear in the gym battle? 】

[I have never seen any gym leader send out a divine beast when facing a challenger. 】

[That’s right, isn’t this pure bullying! 】

Immediately afterwards, the seventh gym leader was announced!

[Third place in the individual competition of the World Youth Championship, first place in the team competition, okay, okay, let’s play like this, right? 】

[Okay, the fourth and third place finishers in the individual competition of the World Youth Championship are here. Wait, won’t the first place be here too? 】

[Eighty percent should be. 】

[If it weren’t for the second place and the fact that I wasn’t Chinese, I think the second place would also be counted. 】

[But be thankful, no matter what, even if they are king-level, they should not be able to compare with those veteran kings. 】

[After confirming the first one, choose them to challenge! 】

At eight o'clock in the evening, the last information about Lu Ze from the gym appeared on the official website.

[Sure enough, I knew that Lu Ze, who ranked first in the World Youth Championship, would not be absent either. 】

[Then let’s start with the three younger generations. 】

[There is no way, although you are also very strong, but compared to those older generation of kings, you are a little bit inferior! 】

[Haha, I want to be the first person to successfully challenge the gym! 】

[I want to be the first man to collect eight badges! 】

[Let’s encourage each other and go to Beijing in a flash today! 】

After the information about the eight gym leaders was released, the Internet was completely abuzz.

But there is no doubt that everyone will choose Lu Ze and the three of them as the first targets to challenge.

Who makes them look the youngest.

At the same time, links to the eight gyms are also placed under the official website.

Dragon Kingdom Official: This is the official account of the eight gyms. Challengers can view the gym information on it.

After the official announcement of the Dragon Kingdom, the official account of the Fairy Gym was filled with excitement.

[No kidding, the world’s number one Steel King comes to the gym? 】

【Are you not mistaken? brother? 】

[How do we play with this? 】

[Guess whether I can defeat the world's number one Steel King with hard power? 】

[Okay, okay, you are so good at playing, right? 】

Everyone originally just wanted to take a look at the rules of the gym challenge, but their defenses were instantly broken.

[Isn’t it too difficult to get the badge? They also have to defeat their gym trainer before they can challenge the gym leader directly. 】

[I’m sure. Without this rule, a gym leader with king-level strength wouldn’t be able to torture everyone once, right? 】

[Everyone, wake up, either you can challenge the gym or you have the strength to challenge the king-level trainers. This is to wake you up. 】

[But for a genius like me, gym trainers definitely can’t stop me. 】

There is a carnival going on online.

But Lu Ze had a good sleep.

While Lu Ze was sleeping, his gymnasium had been completed.

Time was so tight that even the construction team worked overnight.

Just to keep up with the official website releases.

"It looks pretty good."

Lu Ze took his Pokémon to visit his gym.

Speaking of which, it was also the first time for me to visit my own gym.

After all, it had just been built.

"Mr. Lu Ze, there is a package for you."

"It looks like the badge has arrived."

After Lu Ze smiled at Chaomeng and Dark Chaomeng next to him, he walked outside.



As soon as Lu Ze opened the door, he saw the darkness outside.

"Today I will give you a live broadcast to see how I can get the gym badge first."

"I will be the first anchor on the entire network to get a gym badge!"

As soon as Lu Ze opened the door, a person who looked like an anchor shouted loudly into his mobile phone.

"Okay, since you are so confident, then you can be the first challenger."

Lu Ze smiled and then saw Fugui in the crowd.

Wealthy was squeezed by the crowd and couldn't get through at all.

"Come on, come on, everyone, get in line first." Lu Ze couldn't help but feel a little numb when he looked at the dense crowd, and quickly gave instructions.

"Complete the Gym Challenge in the order in which you queue up, don't mess around."

After Lu Ze finished speaking, the noisy crowd slowly began to line up.

"You can line up in three lines."

Seeing this, Lu Ze couldn't help but smile: "Today is the first day. Originally, I had to pass three people, but now I only need to pass one person to challenge me directly."

"Is it really possible?"

"You have three gym trainers here. I don't need to pass all the challenges to challenge you, right?"

"of course."

Lu Ze smiled, but the person who looked like the anchor at the beginning continued to ask.

"Then can I challenge you directly?"

"Of course not. According to the rules, you also need to challenge a gym trainer and win."

Lu Ze shook his head and waved to Fugui after seeing everyone lined up.

"How could he jump in line?"

The people who had just calmed down started to commotion again after seeing Fugui coming online.

"He is a gym trainer. You guys just squeezed him so he couldn't get in." Lu Ze replied lightly and closed the door.

"The challenge officially starts at eight o'clock. There are still five minutes left. Get ready."

Lu Ze entered the room, explained to Fugui, Chaomeng and Dark Chaomeng before opening the express package.

Sure enough, inside was his gym badge.

"But it will be a little difficult for someone to get you today." Lu Ze looked at a box of about a hundred gym badges and smiled.

Zhuge Ziyu asked Lu Ze to give them a blow.

Moreover, Teacher A, one of the biggest Pokémon battle UP masters at Station B, was specially sent to live broadcast Lu Ze’s gym battle.

Wang Hechuan was originally planned to come, but as a good friend of Mo Qiancheng, Wang Hechuan had already received Mo Qiancheng's invitation first.

So I finally chose Teacher A.

But it seems that Teacher A is not here yet.

Just when Lu Ze thought of this, there was a loud noise outside the door.

"Teacher A is here."

"I'm going. Teacher A is here too. Is he also here to challenge the gym?"

"Maybe they are here to broadcast us live."

"Mom, I'm on TV!"

"Teacher a, fuck me!"

"Next time, definitely next time."

Teacher A who heard this voice blushed even though he was on live broadcast.

After hurriedly waving his hands, he was ready to knock on the door.

"Teacher A is here."

Just when Teacher A was about to knock on the door, Lu Ze had already opened the door.

"Well, hello, I'm officially sent to the gym for you to live broadcast." Teacher A held up his mobile phone and said to Lu Ze very politely while conducting the live broadcast.

"Teacher A, don't be like this. I grew up watching your live broadcasts." Lu Ze smiled and quickly grabbed Teacher A's arm.

"Teacher A, we also grew up watching your live broadcast!"

Lu Ze's words made the people in Teacher A's live broadcast room instantly excited.

Even Teacher A himself was a bit dumbfounded.

"Just call me Ozawa. Come in first. A place has been prepared for you."

After Lu Ze finished speaking, he turned to look at the people at the door: "How is it? Are you ready?"


Everyone shouted, and then Lu Ze asked the first person who had been sent into the three teams to prepare for the challenge.

And the anchor just now was ranked first because Lu Ze specifically clicked on it.

"Okay, since you are the first, you can choose an opponent, and this opponent will be your team's opponent in the future."

After Lu Ze smiled, Fugui, Chaomeng and Dark Chaomeng stepped forward at the same time.

At the same time, Teacher A’s camera was also focused on them.

From a very good shooting position, he could clearly capture two groups of people.

"What's going on with the two of them?"

Not only Teacher A's live broadcast room, but also several challengers on the scene also curiously asked Chaomeng and Dark Chaomeng.

"They are also my gym trainers. If you defeat them, you can challenge me."

Lu Ze spoke calmly, but someone still asked: "They two seem to be Pokémon, right?"

Lu Ze was also stunned for a moment when he heard someone ask this.

Turn around and look at Mewtwo and Dark Mewtwo.

Sure enough, Chaomeng's eyes showed a hint of displeasure.

But Lu Ze was a little curious.

It seems that Mewtwo and Dark Mewtwo have not appeared in front of the world yet, right?

Forget it, I forgot about it, that’s it.

"It doesn't matter whether they are Pokémon or humans, you just need to know that if you defeat him, you can challenge me!"

After Lu Ze finished speaking, he returned to sit on a cradle nearby and looked at them quietly.

"In that case, I challenge you."

The challenger who had just questioned that Chaomeng was not a human being heard what Lu Ze said, and immediately chose to challenge Chaomeng with a look of joy on his face.


Mewtwo nodded, his eyes flashing.

I'm afraid you won't choose me!

"In that case, I will choose the black Pokémon next to me." Another challenger also said at this time.

"Then I can only challenge the only human being." The anchor smiled and chose Fugui as his opponent.

Lu Ze sat on the cradle and looked at this scene with amusement.

Others, whether they were challengers or spectators, crowded into the venue at any time, filling up the entire auditorium.

Just now, Geely Egg has issued them number plates representing the order of the challenge.

Then they only need to follow the red code sign to challenge.

It's not the same thing to gather outside, let's come in and watch the battle.

But even so, after all the auditoriums were occupied, there were still a bunch of people outside.

Although they couldn't clearly see what was going on inside the venue, both Teacher A and another anchor were broadcasting live.

They can watch the live broadcast directly.

The effect is the same.

"Then! The battle begins!"

"The challenge rules are three versus three. The gym leader cannot change Pokémon. If all Pokémon on one side lose the ability to fight, the battle ends."

After Lu Ze announced the rules, the challengers took out their elf balls one after another.

Mewtwo watched his challenger throw the Poké Ball, and after releasing his Pokémon, he also threw the Poké Ball.

From the position he was in charge of, he could clearly see the battle between the three venues.

I have to say that these challengers are quite capable.

The first person the anchor appeared on was a Pokémon with king-level strength.

But it was only just a short time before he broke through to the Heavenly King level.

The remaining two challengers are also veteran-level Pokémon.

Mewtwo curled his lips slightly and threw the dark ball, and a Zoroark with patterns on his body appeared on the field!

(End of this chapter)

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