Elf, but I'm a nurturer

Chapter 1051 The gym is too difficult to challenge!

Victory in Pokémon battles is ultimately determined by strength!

"Iron Palm Warrior, high-five surprise attack!"

The anchor was completely excited at this time, no longer paying attention to the barrages in the live broadcast room, and devoted himself wholeheartedly to this battle!

"Quick defense."

Watching the Iron Warrior block the Iron Palm Warrior's attack, the Gym Leader once again read the challenger first. Both the challengers in the audience and the people in the live broadcast room of the two anchors were a little surprised.

[Should I say that I am worthy of being the officially selected Gym Leader? 】

[My strength is too strong, how can I pass this? 】

[By the way, if the king-level Pokémon is so strong, would it be better for me to go up and fight with the lower-level Pokémon? 】

[Also, the lower the strength, the fewer tricks, and the smaller the effect of reading first. 】

[The lower the strength, the smaller the proportion of trainer ability. Maybe you can actually get a gym badge with this method. 】

Everyone was talking, and the iron warriors in the field immediately launched a counterattack after blocking the iron palm warrior's attack.

The [Spiritual Blade] condensed on the arm and continuously launched slashes at the Iron Palm Warrior.

The iron palm warrior was forced to retreat continuously, and kept using his palms like palms to resist the iron warrior's attacks.

"Iron Palm Warrior, see through and then attack with poison!"

After seizing the opportunity, the anchor directly chose to counterattack.

After the Iron Palm Warrior parried the Iron Warrior's attack, the purple energy in the palm of his right hand gathered and he stabbed directly towards the Iron Warrior.



Just when [Poison Attack] was about to hit, a hole suddenly appeared in the sky.

The hollow released a white energy beam that shot into the sky and hit the Iron Palm warrior directly.

【Predict future】!

[No, who saw the future prediction when it was released? 】

[Before the Iron Palm Warrior uses the high-five surprise attack, there is a small movement when the Iron Palm Warrior first appears. 】

[Good guy, is this the gym leader? 】

[No, how can we successfully challenge a gym leader with such strength! 】

[Predict the Future] After the hit, the iron warrior's body glowed with pink light, and finally condensed into a ball of energy and hit the iron palm warrior directly.

Before the Iron Palm warrior could even stand up, he was hit by a series of attacks until he couldn't even lift his head.

[Moon Power] fell, and [Wave Missile] was also thrown out at the same time.

There was an explosion and black smoke rose.

Lu Ze had the power of a wave guide, so he could clearly see that the Iron Palm warrior in the black smoke had lost his ability to fight.

After a while, the black smoke dissipated, and Lu Ze nodded with satisfaction as he looked at this scene.

Zhuge Ziyu did not lie to himself, the materials he prepared for himself were the best batch.

Unexpectedly, there were so many attacks from the Iron Warrior just now, but there were no scratches on the ground.

Of course, there is also the reason why most of the attacks were endured by the Iron Palm Warrior.

"Come back, Iron Palm Warrior."

After the anchor calmly took back his Iron Palm, he sent out his last remaining Pokémon.

"Go ahead, Super Thundermon."

Super Thundermon appears and its characteristics are activated.

[Intimidation], the iron warrior's physical attack is reduced by one level.


Lu Ze shook his head slightly, feeling a little regretful.

If the Super Thunder Fist has not yet super evolved, the Iron Warrior can use [Characteristic Swap] to get a [Lightning Rod] trait.

But now that the Super Thunder Beast's [Intimidation] characteristic is changed, it would be better not to change it at all.

"Thunder Beast, use discharge."

"Get away!"

Lu Ze's calm command calmed down the iron warrior facing the thunder and lightning storm.

Seeing the right opportunity, the iron warrior jumped up and avoided the thunder and lightning storm that was heading towards him.

With the blessing of super power, the Iron Warrior jumped very high. After dodging the [Discharge] attack, he smashed towards the Super Thunder Beast below along with the [Moon Power] falling from the sky.

The speed of Super Thunder Beast is not slow. When it saw the attack coming, it immediately chose to dodge.

But can you dodge the Iron Warrior's attack if you dodge the [Power of the Moon]?

The Iron Warrior was very fast, and when he landed and missed the Super Thundermon, he rushed towards the Super Thundermon.

The Thunder Beast tried to use [One Hundred Thousand Volts] to resist the Iron Warrior's attacks, but was dodged one by one by the agile Iron Warrior.

The Super Thunder Beast looked at the rapidly approaching Iron Warrior, with a trace of panic flashing in its pupils.

The next second, the [Wave Missile] in the iron warrior's hand pressed against Super Thundermon's face, sending Super Thundermon flying away.

"Strong mind! Catch him."

The iron warrior's eyes glowed pink, and after grabbing the Super Thundermon that hadn't gotten up yet, he threw the Super Thundermon into the air.

At the same time, a space hole opened in the sky again, and a white energy beam was released again, hitting the Super Thunder Beast that was thrown into the air.

"Foretelling the future again?"

The anchor looked in disbelief at the Super Thunder Beast that was knocked down from the sky.

[Isn’t it too tricky to predict future releases? 】

[How can you predict the future if you can’t see when it will be released every time? 】

[It’s not that the anchor is bad, it’s that the gym leader is too perverted. 】

The Super Thunder Beast landed, and Zhongyuan in the live broadcast room also fell silent.

The anchor's strength is not weak, but when faced with the gym's attention, he doesn't even have the power to fight back.

Seeing the Thunder Beast lying on the ground and losing its fighting ability, the anchor also fell into silence.

Lu Ze touched the head of Kodak in his arms and shook his head helplessly.

There was no way, Zhuge Ziyu asked me to give him a blow.

Not to mention that you happened to bump into me, you are still an anchor.

Now if I don’t give you my majesty, who will give it to you?

"The combat intention is too obvious, and it is easy for others to read it first."

As usual, the guidance of the gym leader is still needed.

"The timing is good, but the understanding of Pokémon on both sides is not very good."

The anchor looked up at Lu Ze, but Lu Ze shook his head slightly: "Facing my iron warrior, you should first block it and shoot it down."

"Or just be more decisive and attack first with a surprise attack."

After Lu Ze finished speaking, he turned back to his seat and sat down.

But even if he reacted and used [High Five Surprise Attack] just now, it would be of no use.

Iron warriors can use [Characteristic Swap].

After the characteristic exchange, his Iron Palm Warrior's [Perseverance] characteristic was no longer useful, and a [Burning] debuff was added that halved his attack power.

Not worth the candle.

It can only be said that this kind of Pokémon that relies on the combination of characteristics and carried items will basically be difficult to perform once faced with an opponent's super-type Pokémon that can change characteristics or carried items.

Therefore, Lu Ze has not used any carrying items for his Pokémon in recent times.

Except for the Mega Evolution Stone, of course.

It's pretty cool that you can't be photographed when you mega evolve.

And as long as it is super evolved, neither the characteristics nor the carried super evolution stone will have any impact.

"That's it."

After a moment, the anchor came back to his senses, nodded silently and hugged the Thunder Beast who had regained his energy.

"Let's get some treatment here."

Fugui looked at the anchor, said something, then stood on the field and started the reception again.

The next challenge went quickly. Although occasionally a few people won from Fugui or Dark Chaomeng, they still fell at Lu Ze's feet in the end.

After the day's challenge was over, Dark Mewtwo could hardly suppress the anger in his heart.

He actually lost the most games among the three!

How is this possible?

It’s not why the trainer can’t play in person.

I give them a hand!

The look of Dark Mewtwo made Mewtwo feel a little funny.

Little child.

"Let's go, I'll treat you to a big dinner tonight."

Lu Ze smiled, closed the door, and left with Chaomeng, Dark Chaomeng, and Fugui.

Not a single badge was given out today.

Although in theory, it is still possible to have two, it meets the requirements to be able to send out badges.

But that has to wait until tomorrow. His gym is not suitable for giving out badges today.

Not only him, not a single badge was given out to any of the eight gyms in Shangjing City today.

[Can anyone really succeed in challenging the gym? 】

[There are more than a thousand trainers in the eight gyms, but none of them have succeeded in challenging the challenge. 】

[By the way, is this gym just to play with us? 】

[Is it possible that today is the first day, so it is a bit more difficult, just wait until later. 】

[Let’s see what happens tomorrow. 】

[If the guess is correct, then the first gym badge will appear tomorrow. 】

[I just don’t know which gym’s badge it is. 】

Everyone was talking about it online, but Lu Ze received Zhuge Ziyu's video conference again.

"Today is very good. None of you gave away any gym badges."

Zhuge Ziyu looked at the faces of the people on the screen and said with a smile.

"When can gym badges be issued normally?" the dragon gym leader asked first.

"It will be fine tomorrow. Today is just a test of their strength."

"Then can the difficulty be slightly lowered tomorrow?" Lu Ze was a little curious.

Seriously, if the difficulty is not lowered, basically no one will be able to pass his gym.

To put it shamelessly, after the divine beast is taken out, even the kings at the top of the king rankings will not be able to clear his gym easily.

"Of course you can master it by yourself if you pass the difficulty level in your gym tomorrow."

Zhuge Ziyu smiled: "However, there should be some restrictions on the distribution of gym badges. If there are too many, they will not be valuable."

"After all, going to Beijing is just a pilot project. We will open more gyms in the future."

"As the first batch of gymnasiums to be opened in Shangjing, the eight gymnasiums in Shangjing will naturally have to compete at a higher level, so you will have to master the difficulty of passing the level."

"Okay, we understand."

After the eight gymnasiums paid attention and nodded, they probably made a calculation in their minds.

The difficulty of clearing the gym must be lowered.

Furthermore, recognized badges can also be issued.

There is no need to clear the gym to obtain badges.

Everyone closed the video conference and made decisions in their hearts.

Just like Lu Ze, he has decided to let Fugui guard the gym.

Well, Dark Mewtwo is the worst as a gym trainer.

After successfully challenging Dark Mewtwo, Fugui and Mewtwo randomly selected one as the gym leader.

Of course, there is a high probability that he will be rich.

Because during dinner tonight, Chaomeng had already expressed that he would take his patterned Pokémon to challenge other gyms.

He wants to participate in the Badge Tournament as a trainer.

Likewise, he also wants to participate in the King of Heaven Challenge.

Starting from tomorrow, he will challenge one gym after another.

As for the issue of gym trainers on Lu Ze's side.

Then I'll look for other people and see if there's anything suitable.

As for now, there are only two levels, one is Dark Mewtwo and the other is Rich.

After defeating both of them, you can get the Gym Badge.

Although the difficulty has been somewhat reduced, it is only for this period of time.

Wait until this period of time has passed.

In other words, Lu Ze is considering whether to let Deoxys guard the gym as the final boss.

However, compared to Mewtwo, Deoxys, as a trainer, is incomparable in terms of command ability.

"Can I be the gym leader?"

As soon as Lu Ze hung up the video conference, Latios and Latias asked Lu Ze excitedly.

"You two?"

Lu Ze looked at the two of them and touched his chin.

It doesn't seem impossible.

But forget it about gym leaders, they can be used as gym trainers.

Of course, I am not talking about the image of their Pokémon, but the image after they transform into humans.

"Yes, I just saw their comments online. They are quite interesting."

Latias was a little excited. As for Latios?

He probably wants to be more like Mewtwo.

After all, he has always regarded Chaomeng as his goal.

Although Chaomeng has always been stronger than him.

Including the super evolution thing.

Chaomeng himself achieved the ability to Mega Evolve independently, but Latios did not have the determination, so he finally decided to become Lu Ze's Pokémon.

"It's okay, that's fine."

After Lu Ze nodded, the faces of Latios and Latias became obviously happy.


Lu Ze raised his voice and looked at the two of them.

Sure enough, the two of them couldn't help but become nervous.

"It won't work for the gym leader for the time being, but the gym trainer will still be fine."

After Lu Ze finished speaking, Latios and Latias also looked at each other.

The two of them made a decision quickly.

"Okay, then we can start work tomorrow, right?"

"of course."

After Lu Ze smiled, he felt relieved.

Just now, I was thinking of finding a few strong gym trainers somewhere, and now I have them delivered to my door.

really not bad.

After Lu Ze made his decision this time, many people on the Internet became excited because it was too difficult to go to the eight gyms in Beijing.

Whether you want to go to the Badge Contest or not, these eight gyms have become places you want to see!

(End of this chapter)

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