Elf, but I'm a nurturer

Chapter 1053 True strength!

After just a moment of freeze, Mo Qiancheng understood instantly.

My thoughts were seen through by Chaomeng!

It should be said that he is the number one player in Pokémon battle!

Mo Qiancheng's heart sank. In this case, some conventional or even unconventional tactics would be useless against Chaomeng.

We can only use hard power!

"Cut the commander in pieces and secretly attack the vital points!"

After Mo Qiancheng finished speaking, Commander Pi Zhan rushed towards the three evil dragons again.

After dodging the [Dragon Breath] released by the three evil dragons left and right, he jumped up and slashed towards the three-handed evil dragon in the air.


The three-handed evil dragon's head, which was like his right hand, directly blocked Commander Zhan's attack, and at the same time, the head on the left side also stretched out.

"Fire Fang!"

Chaomeng still stood there without moving. The three evil dragons instantly released a flaming tooth on the left side of their heads and bit down on Commander Cleaver.

Commander Chuizhan was hit by the attacks of three evil dragons in the air. With little space and ability to resist, he immediately lost his balance and fell to the ground.

The three evil dragons took advantage of the victory and pursued him. Before Commander Cleaver had even landed, [Flame Jet] had already hit Commander Cleaver.

Commander Zhanzhan fell to the ground and lost his ability to fight!

"Powerful attack power."

Mo Qiancheng looked at Chaomeng with some admiration in his eyes.

I didn’t expect that you, Chaomeng, are also an excellent trainer!

[Is the first gym badge about to appear? 】

[He seems to be the first challenger to defeat the gym leader with equal strength! 】

[But his badge as the first Pokémon gym leader was taken away by Pokémon? 】

[Can anyone else catch up and get the first gym badge before him? 】

[80% gone. I just went to other live broadcast rooms and took a look. No one has challenged the gym leader yet...]

[Unless a genius comes out of nowhere and directly sweeps a certain gym, if you get to the gym like this, you will be one step ahead of him. 】

[So is it a sure thing that he will get his first gym badge? 】

[No, if Mo Qiancheng can defeat him! 】

Amid the expectations of everyone in the live broadcast room, Mo Qiancheng also released his second Pokémon.

"Go, Emperor Nabo!"

Mo Qiancheng's second Pokémon was the Pokémon hatched from the elf egg that Lu Ze gave him at that time.

Emperor Nabo, who has water and steel elements, has a certain resistance to both fire and dragon elements.

There's nothing better than using this Pokémon to face Mewtwo's three-headed dragons.

But Mewtwo doesn’t just have three dragons and one Pokémon!

"Go, Shock Monster!"

After Chaomeng threw out the elf ball that shocked the monster, there was a trace of satisfaction on his face.

The Pokémon that Lu Ze copied at that time was simply too close to his liking.

Whether it is electric skills, fighting skills, or even ground skills, he is very good at mastering them.

It would be perfect to use it to fight in this situation.

After all, among the three weaknesses of Emperor Nabu are fighting, ground and electric skills.

This is exactly what the Electric Shock Monster is good at.

Mo Qiancheng's face darkened when he saw the electric shock monster appear.

He also watched the battle between the electric shock beast and his apprentice Meng Fanxing.

There is no doubt that Electric Shock Monster is very handy in using both fighting and electric skills.

Emperor Nabo has the weakness of these two attributes.

In this situation, Emperor Nabo is not easy to fight.

Mo Qiancheng was almost annoying Lu Ze to death at this time.

It's all Lu Ze's fault for proposing a rule that prevents gym leaders from changing Pokémon.

If it weren't for this rule, he would have switched to Pokémon a long time ago.

It's really too restrictive for him.

This rule restricted not only him, but also Suiyan and Fugui who were also very angry.

Suiyan was a little better, he didn't need to rely too much on Team Sunny, and his Pokémon were not weak either.

But Fugui is very irritable.

His talent was nothing compared to Sui Yan's. After Suiyan's Sunny Sky team became a success, his Sandstorm team was still in its infancy.

After the Sandstorm Team is split at the completion stage, its individual combat effectiveness will definitely not be as strong as Suiyan's Pokémon team.

He also had a headache at this time. How should he keep the gym badge when facing challengers?

But at this time, it was Mo Qiancheng who had to consider how to escape from the gym badge first.

Chaomeng was coming fiercely, and he had to get the gym badge today.

"Emperor Nabo, surf!"

After only a moment of irritation, Mo Qiancheng commanded his own Emperor Nabo to launch an attack.


When Chaomeng's voice fell, a wild smile appeared on the Electric Shock Monster's face, and then his big paw landed heavily on the ground.

The fluctuations generated by [Earthquake] directly destroyed [Surfing].

But what surprised Mo Qiancheng now was not this, but the way the electric monster was shocked.

Why does this Electric Shock Monster look so similar to Lu Ze’s Electric Shock Monster?

Mo Qiancheng was a little strange. Whether it was skills, various performances, or even the crazy smile on his face, they were exactly the same.

Even twins can't do this, right?

It was not like he had never seen Lu Ze's and Sui Yan's Charizards before. Although the two Charizards were from the same mother, they were even twins.

Even though the twins have the same color, the appearance of the two fire-breathing dragons is easy to distinguish.

But what about the electric shock beast in Chaomeng's hands now?

If it weren't for the patterns on his body, he would have even doubted whether Chaomeng brought Lu Ze's Pokémon to challenge the gym.

It's so similar, it can even be said to be exactly the same.

"Emperor Napoleon, water jets!"

When he saw the electric shock beast rushing over, he came to his senses and is still fighting.

He quickly directed Emperor Nabo to use the preemptive skill to try to block the impact of the electric monster.

However, the Electric Shock Monster just waved his hand and scattered the water jets that were sprayed towards him.

"Thunder Fist!"

After the electric shock monster rushed in front of Emperor Nabo, its fist with thunder in its hand was already raised.


With just one punch, the emperor's wave was knocked away.

"Emperor Nabob, earthquake!"

Emperor Nabo quickly stood up and looked at the charging electric monster Mo Qiancheng and quickly gave instructions.

Emperor Nabo stomped his foot heavily on the ground, and the earthquake wave spread out, but it was offset by the electric shock beast also using earthquake.

The two seismic waves collided with each other and then dissipated simultaneously.

"One more time, Thunder Fist."

Chaomeng's calm commanding voice came into the mind of Electric Shock Monster, and Electric Shock Monster raised his fist again.

"Steel Wings!"

Mo Qiancheng also shouted, and Emperor Nabo's wings instantly turned into metallic color, directly blocking the fist of the electric monster.

"Cannon light cannon!" After blocking the attack of the electric monster, Mo Qiancheng also found an opportunity and commanded Emperor Nabo to launch a counterattack.

The Emperor Nabo's [Cannon Light Cannon] directly knocked the electric monster flying backwards.

The electric monster was hit by this powerful force and rolled twice on the ground before suddenly bouncing up.

Looking at the resolute-looking Emperor Nabo in front of him, the Electric Shock Monster once again showed a wild smile on his face.

I'm getting a little excited.

"Electricize the monster, and the lightning flashes."

Chaomeng's expression showed no change, but he once again commanded the electric monster to attack.

The electric monster was so fast that it rushed directly towards Emperor Nabo.

However, Emperor Nabo's body was covered with a layer of water, and he also rushed towards the electric monster.


The two Pokémon collided with each other, and the electric monster was knocked away in the next second.

[Voltage rush]!

The concussive force of the wave rush directly knocked the electric monster away.

"One hundred thousand volts."

Chaomeng spoke again, but at this time, he was also slightly excited like the electric monster.

"This is your true fighting strength, isn't it?"

Chaomeng looked up at Mo Qiancheng and said excitedly.

The battle just now was like dealing with those challengers, without using all the strength, and there was even a sense of teasing a child in it.

But now, Mo Qiancheng is getting serious.

Mo Qiancheng raised his head with calm eyes and looked at Chaomeng on the challenger's seat.

He is in fighting mode.

Gujing Mubo's eyes glanced at Mewtwo, and the next second he directed Emperor Nabo to launch another attack.

"Emperor Napoleon, hot water!"

"Dodge, then cross-slash!"

After seeing Mo Qiancheng's reaction, Chaomeng also commanded the electric monster to attack again.

The Electric Monster moved forward in a Z-shape, constantly dodging the [hot water] sprayed by Emperor Nabo.

However, Emperor Nabo, like Mo Qiancheng, looked at the charging electric monster with no change on his face.

"Abyss Thrust!"

After seeing the electric shock beast rushing in front of him, Mo Qiancheng commanded Emperor Nabo to launch an attack.

Emperor Nabo took a slight step back, and then his arm turned into black light and headed directly towards the empty electric shock monster.

He punched the Electric Shock Monster in the chest with the Heart-Taking Fist, causing the Electric Shock Monster to take two steps back.


Mewtwo's brows frowned slightly unconsciously.

The Electric Shock Monster looked at Emperor Nabo who was rushing over to launch another attack, and a violent current surged out from his body.

The electric current hit, but in the next second, an iceberg the size of an ink disk fell from the sky and hit the electric monster's head directly.

The two Pokémon were injured and half-knelt on the ground.

They are also at the end of their strength, it depends on whose willpower is stronger.

"Electric Shock Monster, stand up!"

Chaomeng's cold voice sounded, and the electric monster also forced himself to stand up.

"One hundred thousand volts!"

As Chaomeng's voice appeared in the mind of the Electric Shock Monster, the Electric Shock Monster also condensed thunder and lightning.

At the same time, Emperor Nabo didn't know where the strength came from, and his body was instantly covered with water.

The moment [One Hundred Thousand Volts] was released, Emperor Nabo, who was surrounded by water, suddenly collided with the electric monster.


There was a muffled sound, and the two Pokémon fell backwards at the same time.

"Both Pokémon lose the ability to fight at the same time. The gym leader and challenger replace the next Pokémon."

After a while, Meng Fanxing, who acted as the referee, stepped forward to check the status of the two Pokémon and then made a decision.

[Good boy, you are so strong! 】

[You won’t really let this Pokémon get our gym badges before us humans, right? 】

[Looking at it from the looks of it, it seems really possible. 】

[The gym leader only has one Pokémon left, but this challenger still has two Pokémon left. 】

[The situation feels difficult. 】

After seeing two Pokémon lose their fighting ability at the same time, the audience in Wang Hechuan's broadcast room also cried out.

"Don't worry, you have to trust Mo Qiancheng."

At this time, Wang Hechuan, who had watched the barrage, sounded a gentle voice.

"Think about how many times Mo Qiancheng turned the tide in the World Championship, using his last Pokémon to penetrate two or even three Pokémon on the other side."

"It's just a Pokémon. Can it be more powerful than us humans in terms of command?"

Wang Hechuan didn't know that Mewtwo was a supernatural beast with super powers, and naturally he didn't know that Mewtwo was the top ranked player in the Pokémon battle game that he hated.

So at this time, he was as confident in Mo Qiancheng as he had been before.

[Yes, that’s it. 】

[King Mo Tian, ​​kill him! You are the world's number one Steel King. 】

[We believe in you, the time has come to preserve the last dignity of our humanity. 】

After listening to Wang Hechuan's words, the audience in the live broadcast room also fell into a state of excitement.

They believed in Mo Qiancheng and believed in him, the world's number one steel king.

Just as Wang Hechuan believed in Mo Qiancheng, they also believed in Mo Qiancheng.

"You have to be careful with this next Pokémon."

Chaomeng smiled and glanced at Mo Qiancheng. At this time, Lu Ze's warning to him had long been forgotten.

He was completely excited, he was going to win this game.

And be the first Pokémon to earn a gym badge!

He is also the first trainer to obtain a gym badge!

"Wait and see."

A slight smile appeared at the corner of Mo Qiancheng's mouth. After responding to Chaomeng, he saw Chaomeng throw a familiar elf ball.

Heavy ball!

Mo Qiancheng's heart sank slightly as he thought of Lu Ze.

"No way."

Mo Qiancheng murmured, and the next second a huge Kirby appeared on the field.

Kirby is still like the previous Pokémon, carrying strange patterns on its body.

But that figure and appearance made Mo Qiancheng see a hint of familiarity.

The corners of Chaomeng's mouth raised slightly. This heavy ball was after his patterned Kirby showed a slightly envious look on his face after seeing Lu Ze's Kirby's Poké Ball.

After that, Chaomeng asked Lu Ze for one.

After replacing a Poké Ball with Pattern Kirby, Pattern Kirby became visibly excited.

"In that case, the decision is yours!"

After Mo Qiancheng saw the opponent's patterned Kirby, he could only temporarily suppress his doubts and release his own Pokémon!

(End of this chapter)

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