Elf, but I'm a nurturer

Chapter 1067 Is there another mythical beast?

Chapter 1067 Is there another mythical beast?

After Chaomeng came on the stage, he came down again and came to Lu Ze's side.

The time is wrong!

After all, the next challenger still needs to defeat Little Red or Little Blue before they can get Mewtwo.

However, Chaomeng did not wait too long, and soon welcomed the last challenger of the day at the last moment when the gym closed.

It's a pity that the strength is okay, but the tactics are completely crushed by Chaomeng.

In the end, he had no choice but to lose the gym battle.

"Not bad, how about you help me guard the gym for two days? Crossbat and Kirbymon need to re-formulate their training plan."

After the gym closed, Lu Ze patted Chaomeng on the shoulder with a smile and said to Chaomeng.

They have completed the last round of training plan, and now they need the next round of training plan.

"By the way, I'll leave the single-headed dragon to you. If there is a suitable opportunity, we can let him come out to fight. He currently has too little combat experience."

"it is good."

After Chaomeng nodded, he took the key to the gym from Lu Ze's hand.

"That, thank you."

After the gym closed, the sweet anchor also came to Lu Ze and said to Lu Ze with a grateful face.

"You're welcome, your explanation is quite good."

Lu Ze waved his hand, smiled at the sweet anchor, and then turned around to leave.

"By the way, remember to come at 8 o'clock tomorrow morning."

"Okay, I'll be there on time!"

The sweet anchor was very excited looking at Lu Ze's back.

Lu Ze's words just now indicate that she will be the one to replace Teacher A as the gym anchor.

Lu Ze waved his hand to the sweet anchor with his back, and then went back to the nursery.

"Well, if you come here to temporarily act as the gym leader, I will go challenge the gym, right?"

After Lu Ze left, Fugui also said to Chaomeng.

But Chaomeng is a mythical beast after all, and Fugui was slightly panicked when he spoke.

But this is something that Master has told him before.

Master said that when he finds someone who can temporarily replace the position of the gym leader, he will let him challenge the gym.

After going through this period of fighting between the gym trainer and the gym leader, he has gained a lot of fighting experience, and it's time to go out.

After all, you can only participate in the Badge Contest if you have obtained eight Gym Badges.

If you want to get a chance to participate in the World Youth Championship, the Badge Competition is a good way.

But now, with the emergence of Mewtwo, a Pokémon that can take his place, he can leave with peace of mind.

So Fugui thought that he should tell him anyway.

"OK, all right."

Chaomeng nodded, not caring about Fugui's words.

What he was thinking about now was how to trick Lu Ze into making him come up with a training plan for his Pokémon.

Crossbat, Kirby, and Charizard can directly train according to the training plan Lu Ze gave him for Crossbat, Kirby, and the others.

As for other Pokémon, it depends on your own efforts.

In terms of combat, Chaomeng can definitely say that Lu Ze is no longer as good as him!

After all, he has been at the top of the Pokémon battle rankings for a long time.

Lu Ze?

Now he doesn't know how many places he has fallen out of!

I'm super dreamy!

He is the strongest Pokémon trainer!

But despite this, Chaomeng still approves of Lu Ze's cultivation of Pokémon!

Should we say that Lu Ze deserves to be a nurturer?

Although he is not as good as him in combat, he is indeed very strong in cultivation!

After Chaomeng felt a little proud, he fell into thinking again.

How can he trick Lu Ze into writing a training plan for him?

If Lu Ze had more than a dozen Pokémon plus his own Pokémon, if he wanted to come out with them all...

Well, conditions in exchange?

Chaomeng was thinking, and Fugui on the side took a look at Chaomeng's appearance, and then left directly.

Although I don’t know what Chaomeng is thinking, I am really excited now that I can challenge the gym.

"Let's start challenging the gym tomorrow. Who should we start with?"

Fugui was walking on the way home, thinking excitedly.

"Let's start with the weaker gym leaders first!"

After Fugui made his decision, he sent a message to his master, Lu Ze.

Wang Quan: Master, I have decided to start challenging gyms. For the first gym, I will choose a dense gym with grass attributes!

Lu Ze: Okay, come on!

Within a moment, Lu Ze's message came back.

Fugui also became excited when he saw the news about his master.

My own Dacheng Sandstorm Team!

It’s finally time to show off your skills again!

After replying to Fugui's message, Lu Ze also thought about Fugui's lineup and found that there were no problems before continuing to consider the training plan for the Pokémon.

First up is the Crossed Bat.

The cross-shaped bat's speed and dodge only need to be maintained now. It is too difficult to improve, so there is no need to focus on it for the time being.

Right now, the most important issue for the Crossed Bat is its attack strength, right?

To be honest, the attack strength of the Crossed Bat is not very high. After all, due to the limitation of the skill pool, the Crossed Bat does not have any powerful skills.

Lu Ze decided to let him go to Rayquaza for a while.

It just so happened that Dark Lugia was also in the capital recently, with Rayquaza.

As for Kirbymon, it's easier to deal with.

Kirby's training is still about strength training and skill proficiency, so basically it doesn't need to change much.

After all, Lu Ze had no intention of making Kirby faster.

At first glance, the body type Kirby was talking about was not the type to be fast.

Instead of compensating for your weaknesses, add to your strengths.

Weaknesses that cannot be made up by oneself can be made up by other means.

Next up is Charizard.

In fact, Charizard is the same as Kirby. The most important thing now is not training, but how to break through to master level strength.

But regarding this, Lu Ze actually didn't have any good ideas.

He also asked Mo Qiancheng and Mr. Wang Yi.

But the answer was the same.

He needs to find a way to break through on his own.

But now Lu Ze obviously can't find a way to break through, so he can only carry out daily training.

Charizard is a hexagonal warrior with no weaknesses. Naturally, his training plan is to improve his attack methods.

For example, the issue of skill proficiency.

Regarding the issue of skill proficiency, although there is no specific standard, there is still a big difference between high and low skill proficiency.

Just like Kirbymon used [Fire Punch] at the beginning, it still needs a little energy to successfully use [Fire Punch].

But now that its skill proficiency is high, Kirbymon can use [Fire Punch] directly on the way to punch the opponent.

This is a very intuitive difference in skill proficiency. Compared with the first three, Iron Claw Lobster, Electric Shock Monster and Scallion Ranger need some changes.

They need to fight more.

Continuous fighting can allow them to break through to the third stage of king-level strength.

After all, this is how Kirby and Charizard came over in the first place.

Although Lu Ze didn't know whether this method was correct or not, it was the only method he could use now.

If it weren't for Lu Ze's identity as the gym leader, Lu Ze would really want to take them to challenge the gym now.

But it's a pity.

In this case, they can only wait in the gym for a suitable challenger to fight.

Xiaolan and Xiaohong can also command them to fight.

It's a pity that I don't know where Zeraora has gone, otherwise it would be better to let Zeraora take the electric shock beast.

In one night, Lu Ze made all the training plans for his Pokémon.

The next step is to make some energy cubes that Rayquaza and Dark Lugia like to eat.

After making it, let Crossbat take the energy cube and go to Rayquaza and the others.

Crossbat also knows Rayquaza and Dark Lugia, and is even relatively familiar with them.

So it's okay for Crossword Bat to go alone.

After settling the matter with the Crossed Bat, Lu Ze came to the nursery with his training plan.

Chaomeng on the other side also opened the gym door and began to accept the challenge.

Fugui embarked on the road to challenge the gym, but Sui Yan ushered in a special challenger!

"Come on, Emperor Yan!"

It's still the mythical beast user with his damaged friend!

Yesterday, after they finished challenging the Eighth Gym, Damyou told the Divine Beast User everything.

After learning Lu Ze's true identity, the beast envoy was relieved.

Sure enough, losing to Lu Ze was not due to him.

Because the other party is too strong.

I just don’t know if that black Pokémon is a mythical beast?

But it doesn’t matter anymore, we have already lost anyway.

After Shanyou explained to him, he asked the Divine Beast User if he wanted to continue challenging the eighth gym, or change to another gym?

Of course, the beast user was not willing to continue chewing this difficult bone, and immediately decided to change a gym to challenge.

So they chose Suiyan's gym.

However, Damyou didn't tell him that the gym leader also owned a divine beast.

Well, he didn't ask either.

He just asked about Lu Ze's situation yesterday.

He only asked this after he told Lu Ze his true identity.

There is nothing else.

I really don’t blame myself for this. He is no longer on guard against the beast user. He can know whatever he wants.

In the end, he still didn't check anything and directly chose to challenge the gym.

I don’t even look at the gym leader information on the gym’s official website!

Of course, there is no information about the mythical beasts in the gym information on the official gym website.

"Emperor Yan."

Sui Yan couldn't help but smile as he looked at Emperor Yan who appeared in the field.

I still vaguely remember Mo Qiancheng's tone yesterday when he said he wanted to avenge them.

"In that case."

Sui Yan smiled and threw a luxurious ball.

The beast envoy was not aware of the seriousness of the problem at this time, and still looked at Sui Yan with a proud look on his face and smiled.

Thinking of the expressions of the previous gym leaders after seeing him, Emperor Yan, appear, he felt so happy!

Although he lost to Lu Zeba later, for this gym leader who can use ordinary Pokémon to defeat mythical beasts, he can only say that the enemy is too powerful!

And now, after crossing Lu Ze, I am still the destined son!

Seeing the proud smile on the face of the divine beast on the stage, the bad friend couldn't help but hold his forehead.

"I think it's better to tell him the true face of this world."

Seeing the ridicule in the barrage in his live broadcast room, the bad friend couldn't help but speak.

[No, what's the point of telling him? 】

[I just like his arrogant look. You told him, how can I still see him like this? 】

[That’s right, don’t tell him, I’ll give you ten more rockets! 】

"It was because of your ten rockets yesterday that I chose not to tell him. Are you still going to do this today?"

The bad friend looked at the barrage with a look of helplessness on his face: "Am I the kind of person who can betray my friends for money?"

【Thirty! 】

"Okay, deal!"

The friend's face instantly lit up with joy, and he quickly nodded in agreement.

Watching the rockets rising up one by one on the screen, a chrysanthemum-like smile bloomed on Sanyou's face.

"Let's talk about it first. It's still the same as yesterday. I won't tell him, but I won't stop him from checking it out for himself."

[Of course, as long as you don’t take the initiative to tell him. 】

[Boss, are you still missing some pendants on your thighs? 】

[Boss, do you like to see me ignorant of the heights of the world? I can do it too! 】

After receiving the reward from Rocket, the bad friend no longer paid attention to the barrage in the live broadcast room, but looked up at the field.

In the field, Sui Yan threw his elf ball, and Reshiram appeared in the field the next second.

The moment the divine beast user saw Reshiram appear, his eyes suddenly widened.

If yesterday's Dark Mewtwo was just an unseen Pokémon.

Then he knew Reshiram today!

Reshiram, the Dragon of Truth, was the mythical beast of the Han Dynasty who helped Liu Bang establish the empire of famous Chinese clans. How could he not recognize it?

what's the situation!

Why does this gym leader also have a mythical beast?

The beast user quickly looked at his friend in the audience, but he saw his friend looking at him with a blank expression.

Think about it, he doesn’t know, right?

After the divine beast user explained his lost friend in his heart, he looked at Reshiram opposite the Emperor Yan in the field.

This gym leader also has a mythical beast in his hands?

Then other gym leaders don't have divine beasts in their hands, but they haven't taken them out, right?

No, am I out of touch?

Why are all the mythical beasts gone in just three years?

One per person?

The beast envoy was puzzled and looked up at Sui Yan.

But Sui Yan just smiled and made a gesture of invitation to him.

"Emperor Yan, great speed!"

Seeing this, the Divine Beast Envoy could only suppress the doubts in his heart and command Yan Emperor to launch an attack.

However, the ending was not surprising, and Emperor Yan was defeated by Reshiram in the end.

Naturally, he didn't get Sui Yan's gym badge.

"Do all gym leaders have mythical beasts?"

The beast user asked his injured friend as soon as he came off the stage.

"Of course not!"

The bad friend’s answer was decisive!

There are only three people with divine beasts.

But he didn't say this.

After all, you still have to do what you promised.

"I don't believe it, the last gym!"

(End of this chapter)

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