Elf, but I'm a nurturer

Chapter 1074 The origin of the Yakon Splitting Slash

After the Carapaceosaurus was hit by the attack of the two-headed Tyrannosaurus, the scene became quiet.

The crustacean looked at the two-headed tyrannosaurus with vigilant eyes.

The two-headed tyrannosaurus remained unmoved, his eyes still calm.

However, the other head jumped out more. The head that had not participated in the attack just now was looking at the crustacean with a proud look in its eyes.

Sui Yan frowned slightly, thinking about countermeasures.

But Lu Ze did not wait for Sui Yan to think of a good countermeasure.

I'm not a gym leader now, I'm a challenger!

Lu Ze smiled and commanded the two-headed tyrannosaurus to attack again.

"Dragon Wave!"

The two heads released attacks at the same time again, directly sealing off the space where the crustacean could hide.

The Carapace Dragon had no choice but to use [Dragon Breath] to resist.

But [Dragon Breath] couldn't resist the [Dragon Wave] released by two heads at the same time.

After barely resisting for a while, he was hit by [Dragon Wave] and was knocked away.


The crustacean fell heavily to the ground, but Sui Yan had no intention of panicking.

The next second, the crustacean that fell to the ground suddenly turned into a burst of white smoke and disappeared.

Lu Ze was stunned for a moment, and Sui Yan's voice came over at this time.

"Carapace dragon, reverse scale!"

After using the [Substitute], the Carapaceosaurus didn't have much physical strength left.

The last [Reverse Scale]!

Either kill the two-headed tyrannosaurus or fall down yourself!

This is the last chance!

Lu Ze and the two-headed tyrannosaurus were both shocked. They had no idea when the carapace dragon used the [substitute].

At this time, the Carapaceosaurus had already arrived in front of the two-headed tyrannosaurus, carrying powerful dragon energy and directly collided with the two-headed tyrannosaurus.

In just a moment, the four eyes of the two-headed tyrannosaurus also turned scarlet.

Subsequently, violent dragon energy also emerged from the two-headed tyrannosaurus.


Lu Ze was shocked when he saw this scene and quickly stopped the two-headed tyrannosaurus.

However, Lu Ze's voice was a little late in the end.

At the same time that Lu Ze spoke, the attack of the two-headed tyrannosaurus was released.

【Aerial Splitting Slash】!

This time it’s [Aerial Splitting Slash]!

The two-headed tyrannosaurus used [Roar of Time] once in the previous battle.

But whether it is [Roar of Time] or [Aerial Splitting Slash], as the exclusive skills of the divine beasts Dialga and Palkia, the current two-headed tyrannosaurus is too reluctant to use, and Lu Ze is afraid that he will because of it. This causes damage to the body.

Therefore, after using it last time, Lu Ze did not rush the two-headed tyrannosaurus to train this skill.

But I didn't expect that the attack of the Carapaceosaurus just now directly revealed the ferocity of the two-headed Tyrannosaurus.

[Aerial Splitting Slash] was released again.

The purple dragon energy formed the shape of a crescent and hit the crustacean.

Not surprisingly, the Carapaceosaurus immediately lost its ability to fight.

Although the two-headed tyrannosaurus now uses [Aerial Slash], it is not as good as Palkia in terms of size and damage.

But as one of the dragon-type ultimate moves, the damage of [Aerial Slash] is still very terrifying.

At the same time as the carapace dragon fell, the four eyes of the two-headed tyrannosaurus also turned in circles and fell to the ground.

"Twin-headed Tyrannosaurus!"

Lu Ze was a little nervous. He quickly stepped forward and picked up the two-headed tyrannosaurus, and then asked Gengar to take the two-headed tyrannosaurus to the Pokémon recovery center nearby.

However, the two-headed tyrannosaurus also used [Roar of Time] last time, so it shouldn't be a big problem this time.

After this time, I must make a good deal with the two-headed tyrannosaurus when I go back.

At the very least, it’s better not to use [Aerial Slash] and [Roar of Time] before evolving into the three evil dragons.

Although it is a genetic skill, the energy mobilization of this skill is too high, and it is simply not something that the current two-headed tyrannosaurus can bear.

In other words, the two-headed tyrannosaurus in its prime state should be able to withstand it.

After Lu Ze shook his head helplessly, he let the Cangyan Blade Ghost come on stage.

After Sui Yan saw Lu Ze's Blue Flame Blade Demon, he also sent out the red lotus armored knight that evolved from the carbon servant that he had obtained together.

"What skill was that just now?"

After Sui Yan sent out the Red Lotus Armor Cavalry, he also asked Lu Ze curiously.

"I'll tell you later."

Lu Ze waved his hand, and Sui Yan also understood.

This is not the place to talk.

"Then go ahead!"

The battle between the two begins again.

The Blue Flame Blade Ghost and the Red Lotus Armored Cavalry have known each other since they were young, and naturally they can't forget their old rivals now.

After a while, the battle between the two Pokémon escalated.

In the end, it was the Cangyan Blade Demon who narrowly defeated the Red Lotus Armored Cavalry by virtue of its strong close combat ability.

At the same time, Gengar also returned with the two-headed tyrannosaurus.

The two-headed tyrannosaurus was still in a somewhat sluggish state, and it was obvious that it had not fully recovered.

But yes, it is the exclusive skill of the divine beast after all.


Gengar nodded to Lu Ze with a trademark smirk on his face, and then waved his hand to indicate that there was nothing wrong with the two-headed tyrannosaurus.

"So, Gengar, are you going to play?"


Geng Gui's eyes lit up and he nodded quickly.

He was taught by Giratina and Darkrai!

The strength now is different from before!

When one becomes powerful, one naturally has to show off.

I didn’t have that opportunity before, but now that the opportunity has come, I naturally have to seize it.

Gengar nodded with a happy smile on his face, then said hello to the audience in the live broadcast room, and then came to the field.

Gengar put his hands on his hips, raised his chest and raised his head, still with his trademark evil smile on his face.

"The white Gengar is really handsome."

Sui Yan looked at the Gengar on the field and couldn't help but sigh.

But he didn't hesitate and sent out his Pokémon directly.

Gengar is a Pokémon with king-level strength, and Suiyan naturally sends a Pokémon with king-level strength.

The fire-breathing camel appears!

But there is one thing to say, the rule that gym leaders cannot actively change Pokémon is really a big disadvantage for Team Sunny's Sui Yan.

This rule weakens Sui Yan's combat effectiveness by at least 30%.

But this doesn't matter to Lu Ze.

I, Lu Ze, am the challenger!

With the appearance of the two Pokémon, the battle began immediately.

Gengar was also unceremonious. At the beginning, he hit a series of white [Shadow Balls] towards the fire-breathing camel.

The fire-breathing camel's attack is very powerful, but its speed is much slower, and there is no time to dodge.

However, neither Sui Yan nor the Fire-breathing Camel had the idea of ​​​​escape.

"Fire-breathing camel, fire-breathing!"

The full [Fire Breathing] will directly detonate all the [Shadow Balls] coming towards him in advance, causing the [Shadow Balls] to lose the damage to him.

However, just after the fire-breathing camel used its skill, Gengar disappeared from the field.

Gengar, who has been studying with Giratina and Darkrai for a period of time, has made rapid progress in hiding in shadows, among other things.

You know, Darkrai was okay, Giratina was hiding in Lu Ze's shadow, but even Lu Ze's waveguide power couldn't find it.

Gengar disappeared, and the fire-breathing camels in the field instantly became cautious. Compared with other Pokémon, although Gengar's special attack ability is very strong, his physical attack ability is not weak either.

If Gengar breaks into your face accidentally, he will dare to give you a hard blow.

Sui Yan frowned, and now the rhythm on the court was once again controlled by Lu Ze.

He simply didn't dare to let the fire-breathing camel use [Sunny Day].

In the opening scene, Gengar directly used [Shadow Ball] to force the fire-breathing camel to counterattack.

And now?

Naturally, [Sunny Day] cannot be used.

According to his understanding of Lu Ze, as long as the fire-breathing camel uses [Sunny Day], Gengar will definitely attack the fire-breathing camel.

It's still the kind of attack that can interrupt the release of [Great Sunny Day].

This situation is more troublesome.

The scene became quiet for a moment, and even the audience in the gym became nervous at this time, not daring to watch this scene with anger.

【So nervous. 】

[Is this a sense of oppression? 】

[Friendly reminder, if you are not present, you can breathe in this situation. 】

[Beware of the appearance of Gengar at any time. If I were to go up there, I would definitely be unable to resist a large-scale attack on the ground. 】

Sui Yan was not in a hurry to let his fire-breathing camel use large attacks to lay the ground.

He knew Lu Ze very well. If he dared to let Gengar do this, he must have a way to deal with large-scale attacks.

After a moment of silence in the field, Lu Ze also laughed.

Where did Gengar disappear?

Naturally, he went behind the fire-breathing camel.

At this time, Geng Gui was basically on Sui Yan's face.

However, because of the teachings of Darkrai and Giratina, Gengar at this time did not make Suiyan who was close at hand feel anything wrong.

That is the venue issue.

Although in Pokémon battle, even if the Pokémon leaves the field, it will not be judged as a loss.

But it still can’t be too far away from the venue or for too long.

Lu Ze opened the waveguide and felt a smile on his face after feeling Geng Gui's movements.

Sui Yan, who was staring closely at Lu Ze, felt nervous when he saw the smile on Lu Ze's face.

"Fire-breathing camel!"

The moment Sui Yan opened his mouth, Geng Gui had already appeared.

Together with the super-large [Shadow Ball] rolled out of his hand.

By the way, Gengar learned this skill from Chaomeng.

The large white [Shadow Ball] blocked Sui Yan's sight.

Although the fire-breathing camel heard Sui Yan's prompt, Gengar's [Shadow Ball] was smashed down directly.


Before the fire-breathing camel had time to react, huge energy burst out.

The fire-breathing camel's body was instantly blown away by the huge energy.

However, there were no potholes on the ground.

This is the venue material used by Great Britain when it hosted the World Youth Championship.

With materials that can barely withstand even the attacks of divine beasts, Gengar doesn't have the strength to break through yet.

"To be fair, in this case, it would be best to just appear on the face of the fire-breathing camel to hypnotize him."

In Lu Ze's shadow, Giratina shook his head slightly when he saw this scene.

"There is absolutely no point in wasting so much time to create a shadow ball with huge energy."

"Indeed, you can't kill the opponent instantly."

Darkrai also nodded: "We still have to beat and beat."

"Well, our ghost-type Pokémon don't need to be so pretentious and showy."

After Giratina nodded, he suddenly seemed to have thought of something and turned to look at Darkrai.

"Speaking of which, you are an evil guy. Why are you pretending to be a ghost?"

Darkrai's face darkened, and my sister said that I was a ghost type.

During the scene, Lu Ze was unaware of the conversation between Giratina and Darkrai in the shadows.

At this time, he was watching Gengar's performance on the field.

Gengar floated into the air, and after the huge [Shadow Ball] smashed down, Gengar seized the opportunity to use [Trick] to strengthen himself.

Then, [Evil Wave] was released and hit the fire-breathing camel who had just stood up.

The fire-breathing camel had no time to resist and was hit by Gengar's attack again.

The fire-breathing camel's physical strength is relatively strong, and Gengar has not lost its fighting ability after two attacks.

However, Gengar's attack was not over yet.

[Shadow Balls] were released one after another, hitting the fire-breathing camel who had almost no ability to resist.

After the third [Shadow Ball] hit, the fire-breathing camel also lost its fighting ability.

Sui Yan put his fire-breathing camel back into the elf ball with a look of helplessness.

This is really Lu Ze's style.

The rhythm of the battle was controlled throughout the whole process, without giving him the slightest chance to resist.

After Sui Yan shook his head helplessly, he threw his Sunny Badge to Lu Ze.

Geng Gui jumped up, intercepted the Sunny Badge in the air, and then trotted to Lu Ze. Like a bastard, he handed the Sunny Badge to Lu Ze.


Lu Ze smiled, glanced at Sui Yan proudly, and then turned off the live broadcast.

"There seems to be no challenger next. Let's talk about that skill just now."

After Sui Yan brought Lu Ze to the sidelines, he touched the head of the two-headed tyrannosaurus and said.

But as soon as Sui Yan finished speaking, the other head of the two-headed tyrannosaurus that had not been touched directly opened its mouth and bit Sui Yan.


Sui Yan was stunned for a moment, but Lu Ze explained with a smile.

"Be fair between the two of them."

"oh oh."

Sui Yan didn't know whether to laugh or cry. After nodding, he stretched out his other hand and touched the other head.

After seeing both heads squinting and showing happy expressions, Lu Ze opened his mouth to explain.

"Does Palkia know?"

"Well, the God of Space among the two gods of time and space, does that skill just now have something to do with him?"


Lu Ze nodded: "Didn't I get affected by the energy of time and space because of the battle between Palkia and Dialga before, and ended up in a different world?"

"He was also affected in the backpack."

Lu Ze said, pointing to the two-headed tyrannosaurus next to him.

In fact, Lu Ze felt that it was not just the time and space energy of Palkiya and Dialga that was affected.

There should also be the influence of the Dragon Tablet that is also in the backpack.

Therefore, after the space-time energy generated by the energy of these two skills affects the elf egg, their skills will be engraved in the genetic skills of the single-headed dragon.

"So what you're saying is that what he just used was Palkia's exclusive skill, Archon Slash?"

(End of this chapter)

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