Elf, but I'm a nurturer

Chapter 1098: Wish Pokémon!

"Something fell on the sea just now, did you see it?"

As soon as Manafei entered the water, she asked a fluttering bird passing by.

"I don't know, I was sleeping just now."

After finishing speaking lightly, he pointed at a sea spiny dragon over there.

"He's been here all along, just ask him."

"Okay, thank you~"

After Manafei thanked her happily, she swam towards the sea thorn dragon that she pointed at just now.

"Something just fell from the sea. Did you see where it fell?"

"I'll take you there."

After Sea Thorn Dragon saw Mana Fei, the cold look on his face disappeared, because he smiled and spoke to Mana Fei.

"Thank you so much, that's very kind of you."

After hearing Manafei's compliment, Sea Spiny Dragon's face turned slightly red and his speed became faster.

"This is it."

After class, Sea Thorn Dragon took Manafei to the place where the thing that just fell from the sea was located.

"Okay, thank you very much~"

Manafei happily waved her hand at the departing Sea Spiny Dragon, thanked her again, and then looked down at the seabed covered with water plants.

Judging from the appearance of the water plants, it seems that something has indeed fallen.

And because those things fell down, there were no Pokémon around.

After Manafei looked around, she pouted and decided to do it herself.

Although he can directly use his abilities to summon some water Pokémon.

But for this little thing, you can do it yourself.

After Manafei moved her hands to push aside the water plants, she saw a five-sided crystal similar to an energy crystal appearing in front of her.

"Well, this should be it, right?"

After Manafei glanced at the five-sided crystal that was about the same size as her body with some confusion, she hugged the five-sided crystal with a smile.


Lu Ze, who was waiting for Manafei on the sea, suddenly said something.

The next second, Manafei jumped out of the sea.

With the appearance of Manafei, Lu Ze and others' eyes were also attracted by the yellow-pink crystal in Manafei's hand.

"This is?"

Everyone looked at the yellow-pink crystal in Manafei's hand with some curiosity, wondering what it was.

"Why don't you take it back first? The sea breeze seems a bit strong."

Everyone gathered around and looked at the yellow-pink Wuling crystal in Manafei's hand.

But they didn't see anything.

It wasn't until Sui Yan said something that everyone decided to give up temporarily and wait until they got back.

"What's wrong, you're frowning?"

On the way back, Sui Yan looked at Lu Ze frowning slightly and asked Lu Ze a little strangely.

"I always feel like that thing looks familiar."

After Lu Ze finished speaking, Sui Yan couldn't help but look at the Wuling crystal in Wang Lingran's arms.

"Have you seen this thing before?"

"No, it's just because I haven't seen it before that I feel a little familiar."

Lu Ze shook his head. He had just forgotten to use his system function to check.

Theoretically speaking, as long as it is an item in the Pokémon world, the system’s detection function can detect it.

It can't be the Z crystal, right?

So big?

Z crystal total?

That's not right.

It just feels like that thing is familiar, but I can't remember where I saw it.

Now because the distance is too far, the system's detection function cannot detect it.

Let’s wait until we get back to the shore.

Unfortunately, it is not the same as the core of Deoxys.

Otherwise, another Deoxys would be a very good thing.

Lu Ze thought about it for a while and felt that he was a little fanciful.

Deoxys is a mythical beast. If you can pick one up, it’s already good. Do you want to get the second one?

Lu Ze laughed and shook his head, and everyone quickly arrived at the beach on the coast.

"Did you find what just fell from the sky?"

But what Lu Ze and the others didn't expect was that as soon as they landed, a group of people gathered around them and asked them questions.

Because they are still in the Dragon Kingdom, they are surrounded by Dragon Kingdom people, so naturally there is no language barrier.

Lu Ze frowned slightly, and then tapped Gengar with his waveguide.

He, Sui Yan, Wang Xingqiu, and Zhuge Ling were riding flying Pokémon, so they arrived before Tang Yunqin, Wang Lingran, and the others behind them.

The thing just now was in Wang Lingran's hands, and there was still enough time.

"If that thing falls into the ocean, it's like finding a needle in a haystack. How can we find it?"

Lu Ze spread his hands, and after looking at each other and Sui Yan, they agreed on their words.

"Yes, I just searched for it in the sea for a long time, but I didn't see it."

Sui Yan also looked unhappy. After saying that, he turned to look at Lu Ze: "I told you that it would be impossible to find that thing if you throw it into the sea, but you still have to go there."

"Look, I wasted some time, now it's okay."

After Sui Yan said angrily to Lu Ze, he turned and left.

"What do you mean I wasted my time? Please explain it clearly." Lu Ze was also angry, and he chased after him and quarreled with Sui Yan.


Wang Xingqiu was stunned for a moment, and when he was about to step forward to persuade the two of them, he was pulled back by Zhuge Ling on the side.

Zhuge Ling looked at the two people who were arguing and walking away, and he couldn't help but reveal a smile in his eyes.

"Let the two of them quarrel. If they have a quarrel, they will be fine."

Zhuge Ling said calmly: "Let's continue to play our game. It's none of our business anyway."

After Zhuge Ling finished speaking, Wang Xingqiu hesitated for a moment and finally chose to listen to Zhuge Ling.

Although I don’t know why they do this, why do they say this? But he believed that they must have their reasons for doing so.

"Not found."

"It's a pity, I thought it was some kind of treasure."

After everyone watching the excitement saw this scene, they waved their hands and left in disappointment.

But although most people left, there were still a small number of people standing there, watching them secretly.

After all, they had seen clearly just now that there were many people going out, but now only the four of them were back.

Maybe the remaining few people have been found?

Everyone has a kind of curiosity, especially for things falling from the sky.

After all, whether it's a meteorite or something else, whatever falls from the sky is a good thing.

Zhuge Ling naturally noticed this scene and frowned slightly.

Lu Ze and Sui Yan left, but they probably had a plan and a way to deal with it, so they left.

All I have to do now is wait here.

Zhuge Ling's idea was correct. After a while, Tang Yunqin, Wu Mengxin and the others appeared on the sea.

Zhuge Ling narrowed his eyes slightly and looked at Wang Lingran behind Tang Yunqin. Sure enough, the yellow-pink crystal in Wang Lingran's hand had disappeared.

Zhuge Ling breathed a sigh of relief and took two steps forward to meet Tang Yunqin and the others.

"elder brother…"

"Don't say anything, don't ask anything, we didn't find anything."

Wang Lingran spoke in confusion, but as soon as he spoke, he was interrupted by Zhuge Ling, who whispered to them.

Although Wang Lingran is young, she is not the kind of brainless person.

After being reminded by Zhuge Ling, both Wang Lingran and Tang Yunqin, Wu Mengxin nodded slightly to show that they understood.

To be honest, they were also shocked when Lu Ze's Gengar suddenly appeared, took the yellow-pink crystal from Wang Lingran's hand and disappeared.

That is to say, the color of Lu Ze's Gengar is uniquely white, so they didn't react too much.

Otherwise, Tang Yunqin would have already directed Menas to attack.

"Kids, what did you just find?"

Sure enough, just when Tang Yunqin and the others had just landed, the few people who had not left just now came up again and asked Wang Lingran, the youngest.

"I found nothing. The sea is too big."

Wang Lingran would lower her head and pretend to be aggrieved.

Zhuge Ling held back his smile.

It seemed that Wang Lingran had a better head than her brother.

When those people just saw this, they had no choice but to leave.

After all, none of the children asked anything, and I didn't see them taking anything.

Maybe it really wasn't found.

After all, the sea is really big. How can things that fall into the sea be found so easily?

They can only comfort themselves in this way.

On the other side, not long after Lu Ze and Sui Yan returned to the hotel, Geng Gui appeared in Lu Ze's shadow.

As Gengar appeared and took out the yellow-pink crystal from his stomach, Lu Ze used the system's detection function without hesitation.

Item: Jirachi's Guardian Crystal

Function: Protect sleeping Jirachi from harm.


Lu Ze was shocked. This yellow-pink crystal turned out to be Jirachi's guardian crystal?

So here...

Lu Ze could feel the waveguide atmosphere from this crystal.

This means that there are living things in this crystal.

A living creature in Jirachi's Guardian Crystal!

It can't be Magikarp.

That must be Jirachi!

Although he was a little disgusted with Jirachi's wish-making ability because of the movie version, Lu Ze couldn't help but feel excited when Jirachi actually appeared in front of him.

In Jirachi in the theatrical version, a monster appears because the wisher's wish exceeds his own ability.

After all, Jirachi is a fantasy beast, but the target of the wish is a real divine beast.

Moreover, Groudon is considered powerful among mythical beasts.

Under such circumstances, how could Jirachi be able to fulfill his wish perfectly?

However, if his wish is within Jirachi's tolerance, will his wish be perfectly realized?

However, it is also said that Jirachi used the ability of [teleportation] to realize his wish.

However, Lu Ze didn't quite believe this statement.

After all, that fake Groudon can't use [Teleportation].

Lu Ze was a little excited, but he calmed down the next second.

Jirachi sleeps for thousands of years at a time, only to wake up for seven days.

Who knows how long Jirachi slept and when he woke up?

If you just fell asleep...

Then stop daydreaming.

"How's it going? Do you see what this is? Is it a meteorite? Or what?"

Seeing Lu Ze's sudden expression of joy and then his silence, Sui Yan couldn't help but ask.


Lu Ze shook his head. He had nothing to hide from Sui Yan.

"This is a Pokémon. I wonder if you have heard of it."

"What Pokémon?"

Sui Yan was a little curious: "What Pokémon have I not heard of?"

He could say once and for all that as long as they were not Pokémon that had never appeared before, such as Pokémon such as Blue Flame Blade Demon and Red Lotus Armor Rider, he had basically heard of them.

After all, he was once a top student.

"The wish Pokémon, Jirachi!"


Sui Yan was startled, and then suddenly jumped up from the stool.

"How is it possible? You said this is Jirachi?"


Lu Ze nodded, then glanced at Sui Yan strangely: "What? Have you ever heard of this Pokémon?"

"In 2006 BC, someone once obtained Jirachi's ability and used three wishes to destroy the Third Dynasty of Ur and establish the Kingdom of Babylon."

After Sui Yan finished speaking, his eyes were full of excitement.

"Jirachi has appeared more than once, but there are only sporadic records of other times, and there are no major incidents."

"I didn't expect that he would appear in front of us this time!"

Sui Yan was a little excited, but Lu Ze had a look of helplessness: "Jirachi wakes up once every thousand years, for seven days at a time. He is asleep now. Who knows when he will wake up."

"I advise you not to have these daydreams." Lu Ze said, patted Sui Yan on the shoulder, and handed Jirachi to Gengar again.


Sui Yan was stunned for a moment, then immediately took out his phone and started checking.

Sure enough, every time Jirachi's appearance is recorded, the interval is one thousand years.

However, in the past two thousand years, there is no record of Jirachi appearing.

Sui Yan frowned slightly. He didn't even find out the specific month or date of Jirachi's appearance.

But yes, after all, if you really follow the rule of waking up once every thousand years and staying awake for seven days at a time as Lu Ze said.

It is normal that Jirachi is not recorded.

Sui Yan shook his head helplessly: "Now I finally understand what it means to have a treasure mountain without being able to get in."

"Relax, wouldn't it be better to get what you want with your own efforts and strength?"

"I want to be rich."

Sui Yan glanced at Lu Ze faintly: "Do you understand what it means to get rich suddenly?"

"It's the kind of thing where you don't have to do anything, don't have to work hard, and you suddenly have a lot of money."

"This is called getting rich suddenly!"

Seeing Sui Yan's serious look, Lu Ze was also happy: "Okay, then you can go about your dream of getting rich. I'm going out to play."

(End of this chapter)

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